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chairjogger 11-29-2009 10:08 PM

You all have had wonderful memories added. I go to an "antique/flea market" I call it a "flea market" because.. they have my toys in it?? I know , I know.. the 50 year rule.. but .. I don't feel like the 50 years have gone by. It all seems like yesterday !!!

I have my grandmother's porceline doll with leather body. That is the antique I expect.. grin !!

The second Santa Clause has all the "antique" toys like: sock em Robots, ect.. I watched it today.. Those are NEw toys.. lol

OK.. off soap box.
Sister's Sherly Temple doll with the original petticoat.. that is how you have to say it too.. "My Sherly Temple Doll with the Original petticoat" and plastic on her head !! My sis was a bit of an odd child.. grin..

1960 Christmas I DID see Santa put my Chatty Cathy under the tree. No one can tell me differant to this day !

barbsbus 11-29-2009 10:15 PM

Do you remember Poor Pitaful Pearl. She used to sit on the shelf with Shirley Temple dolls. She was missing a front tooth. I remember one of best friends had an accident and lost one of her front teeth and she had a round face just like pitaful Pearl. I bought one for her. At first she didn't know what to say and then said she really loved her expecially when she saw how much I paid for her. LOL.

amma 11-29-2009 10:31 PM

We called the balls on a string "clackers"
Scooters had wheels on the bottom of the board and a long pipe in front with handle bars
Jem dolls...my DD#1 wanted one, dad got it for her...so we kept telling her she had been such a good girl, and that Santa was sure to bring her one. Dad's apt was robbed early afternoon on Christmas eve...I frantically called every store and as that was the first year they were out, there was not one to be had in Portland/Vancouver area...I even had police friends checking stores while they were out and about, for me... We ended up wrapping up a note from Santa...explaining that Santa and the elves tried really hard, but could not make enough dolls for all of the good little girls who wanted them..she would be getting her's and Santa would make a special trip to deliver it to her as soon as they made some more of them... She proudly showed her note to EVERYONE!!!
Grama had her tinsel tree and color wheel until she couldn't find another color wheel anymore lol and then she complained that artificial trees didn't look real LMBO

mrsjdt 11-29-2009 11:53 PM

Oh my---Tiny Tears, and the Toni Doll.....don't forget Betsy Wetsy. Chutes and Ladders, Jacks, sidewalk chalk...Tonka toys!!!!!!!! In the 70's there was Baby Boy Tender Love (anatomically correct :oops: ) my daughter had one. Those were the days when kids knew how to play[b]. :wink: :-) :-P :thumbup:

Lisa_wanna_b_quilter 11-30-2009 04:22 AM

Originally Posted by chairjogger
You all have had wonderful memories added. I go to an "antique/flea market" I call it a "flea market" because.. they have my toys in it?? I know , I know.. the 50 year rule.. but .. I don't feel like the 50 years have gone by. It all seems like yesterday !!!

Chairjogger -- my Mamaw used to say, "Pffft! That aint no antique! I bought that new!!"

mjsylvstr 11-30-2009 04:28 AM

Good morning, everyone.......I was just reading all the latest and when one mentioned the revolving Christmas tree, it brought back memories of my childhood tree for a few years.

My dad would get a large, live tree and a friend would spray paint it silver..........imagine that ....
a live silver tree..anyway my mother then decorated it with all blue lights (yes, at that time, they were the big bulbs) and all shiny blue balls. I don't remember but I doubt that we had tinsel on the silver tree but very possibly, we did.

Hadn't thought about our silver trees in quite some time........thanks for the memories......

I love Christmas and love doing the decorating but since we are now snowbirds and are on our way to Florida either right before the holiday or the day after Christmas...I do a lot less than usual.......
but it is still the merriest of seasons.......


Quilt Mom 11-30-2009 09:44 AM

Toys - let's see - these may have been in other posts, as I have not read all:

pogo stick
skates (my brother stole one to make a skate board when thos came out.)
a bike - my prize possession!
a Betsy Wetsy doll
a tiny china tea set

I still have my brother's teddy - only 6" high, and well-loved. Restuffed two or three times as he was passed down through the family.

When I asked for things like the easy-bake oven - all the rage at one point - my mother taught me how to cook, or sew, or whatever equivalent adult activity. I thought I was so privileged to be able to use the real thing rather than the toys! (Little did I realize then the training she was giving me.)

What a trip down memory lane :D

amma 11-30-2009 01:01 PM

I got to thinking about a stuffed bear that my youngest brother had. It went with him everywhere and he slept with it every night. It landed in a toy box when he got older and was played with by children when they would come to visit. Mom was moving and was getting rid of these toys, I seen the little guy and pulled him out and took him home. When DB retired from the military I gave it to him as a "House Warming" gift. He could not believe that I had saved his bear!!! It is the only toy that he has from his childhood, I am so glad that I saved it for him.

Sandy1951 11-30-2009 01:22 PM

Originally Posted by barbsbus
Back in 1956 I was just out of high school and working for the Emporium at the Stanford Shopping center in Palo Alto, CA. I was a salesperson and worked my way up to being the manager of the doll department, mainly because my man boss did not want to mess with the dolls and stuffed animals. Anyway one day a very pretty lady came into my doll department and was looking at the dolls. She asked me to see the manager and I told her I was the manager of the doll department, did she want me or my boss, was the manager of the total toy department She said she would like to speak with me in private. So I took her into the back storeroom where I had the restock for my department. She said that she was associated with the company that made the Shirley Temple doll and she noticed I had several of the dolls on display behind the glass doll case. I said I did and thought the dolls were really cute but sometimes their eyes crossed. She laughed and said to make them look better it was helpful if I always cocked their heads at a little turn to the left. So I thanked her and we went back out to where the dolls were displayed and I rearranged them so they were not crossed eyed anymore.
She winked at me and said thank you. Then she picked out about $ 200 worth of toys and gave me her charge card. I had to call in her charge since it was over $ 50 and it had the name Shirley Black. I could see some of the customers were watching us and whispering as I talked with her. After she left one of the older women who was a salesclerk in the other part of the toy department came running over to me all excited and asked me if I knew who I had been talking to. I said she was from the company that made the Shirley Temple dolls and her name was Shirley Black. My friend says, "you were talking to Shirley Temple Black" I almost died. Anyway she used to call the store to order toys for gifts and always asked to talk to the manager of the doll department and then she always had orders well over $100 and I was paid a small salary and got a commission over a $2000 sales for the month so thanks to her I had some bonus paychecks.

I remember having the Shirley Temple paper dolls and watched the movies she was in. She was my heroine.


What a wonderful story! I'm so glad you shared it. I had the Shirley Temple paper dolls along with the doll and also watched the movies. She was certainly very popular, wasn't she? The movies she made as a teenager didn't do as well. The theory was that people didn't want to see her growing up; they loved her so much as a little girl that they couldn't deal with her growing older and having boyfriends, etc.

Baren*eh*ked_canadian 11-30-2009 02:05 PM

Originally Posted by amma
Jem dolls...my DD#1 wanted one, dad got it for her...so we kept telling her she had been such a good girl, and that Santa was sure to bring her one. Dad's apt was robbed early afternoon on Christmas eve...I frantically called every store and as that was the first year they were out, there was not one to be had in Portland/Vancouver area...I even had police friends checking stores while they were out and about, for me... We ended up wrapping up a note from Santa...explaining that Santa and the elves tried really hard, but could not make enough dolls for all of the good little girls who wanted them..she would be getting her's and Santa would make a special trip to deliver it to her as soon as they made some more of them... She proudly showed her note to EVERYONE!!!

That made me cry...

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