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katcox 10-29-2011 08:53 AM

I was in 4-H I learned alot there, somethings my mom didn't have to teach me, plus it was always fun.that was back in N. Dak. I have a neice here in Thurston County that was in 4-H in the country were they learned about horses and such. Always participated in the fairs, What an education they can't get any where else.
They are taking to many of the good things away with there budget cuts. taking HomeEc out of High school is another biggy that just burns my buns.

booklady 10-29-2011 08:53 AM

Best thing that ever happened to me. Not necessarily the projects, but the comraderie and the leadership training. Started at age 8 and went all the way to being an International 4-H rep to the United Kingdom. Again, best thing for me!!!

Earleen 10-29-2011 09:16 AM

I started in 4-H in the 4th. grade continued on through it all, won 2 trips, one for making custard and the other to National Confrence in Il. Went on to have a group in my home for years also. Good times at state confrences. Many friends.

oksewglad 10-29-2011 11:42 AM

I have always said that 4-H is a talented and gifted (TAG) organization and that EVERYONE has talents and gifts!

Yes QuiltE as I was reading posts I was thinking "Learning By Doing". Every project I do today, I think--what needs to be done to make this better? Happy day when things work out just right.

mim 10-29-2011 11:58 AM

4H started in our town when I was 9 my brother 8 and sis was 12

Can you imagine my poor family having to eat 9 batches of corn bread, biscuits and whatever else we were learning to cook?? The requirements were to do each recipe 3 times and analyze the results. Record keeping was important -- and I think it helped me to plan in a lot of things I do today.

Assemble all the things I will need for a project. How many times have I had to stop and get something I forgot :-D

Alice Woodhull 10-29-2011 12:00 PM

"And my World" has been added to the pledge for the last several years.

grandma nurse 10-29-2011 12:03 PM

I was in 4-H for 10 years and loved every minute of it. I did sewing and foods. Also important was learning the proper way to conduct a meeting. We all knew what I leaders meant when they talked about Roberts Rule of Order. It was surprising to me how important these lessons helped me later in life. They also started an electricity program for girls and I learned how to make a trouble light and extention cord. I didn't do any animal projects, but my sons were in 4-H and learned more then I cared to about the animals along with them. I don't think I will ever forget backcombing a steers tail hair and spraying it with Aqua Net until it was stiff.

gardnergal970 10-29-2011 12:04 PM

Originally Posted by Charming
I feel like i am in lala land at the moment :-( what is 4-H??????????

It's an organization sponsored buy the state county extension agency for young people from about 9-18 where they enroll in projects to display at the county fair. The 4 "H's" stand for head, heart, health, and home. The projects used to be more about agriculture and homemaking but now it can be almost anything from woodworking, model building...you name it. I don't think it ever was very developed in larger towns and cities.

PatQuilts 10-29-2011 12:11 PM

Where do I start! I was in 4th or 5th grade when I joined a new club formed in my small town. Was also in Girl Scouts but it was 4-H that really made the difference in my life. I continued as a member right through college as my university as 4-H Club.

My first trip to another country (Canada) was part of a 4-H exchange. I was fortunate to be selected to attend the national conference in Chicago as a teen and saw my first ballet, major art and natural history museums, and a pops concert conducted by the legendary Arthur Fiedler.

I participated in the cooking and sewing classes--later taught classes as a teen leader. This confirmed my desire to teach home economics.

Most important was the self-confidence and leadership skills I developed. I was a quiet kid who was never part of the "in crowd." 4-H helped me believe in myself and find my own path in life. It was one of the reasons I was able to get scholarships that made college possible.

I will be forever indebted to the 4-H leaders and those in Cooperative Extension who are so essential to the programs. The day in 4th grade I signed up for 4-H was a huge turning point in my life.

Quiltbeagle 10-29-2011 12:49 PM

I didn't learn how to quilt until I was almost 30 (and still don't know how to sew clothing). I was in the Equine 4-H and traveled to horse shows all over the state of Florida until I turned the dreaded age of 18 and had to leave the club. It's a great program and really taught me responsibility and some great horsemanship. I hope they don't shut it down.

clsurz 10-29-2011 01:34 PM

No such monster where I grew up some 50+ years ago.

SpotMurphy 10-29-2011 01:38 PM

I joined 4H when my oldest daughter was 9. There weren't any Girl Scout troops with room for the new kid. I met wonderful people at the training lessons for the leaders. It's the only place I ever learned to cook. It was the only place in my daughters' life where a deadline was a deadline. I grew up in a city. I was amazed to learn there were two days of horse shows at our county fair. I just hope my daughters and the other kids in our club enjoyed it as much as I did.

Kareen Englund 10-29-2011 01:41 PM

I am very gratful to 4-H for many reasons. I started when I was 9. In that club the leader did all the sewing projects, so I didn't learn very much. The next year I went to a different club, and that was much better.We were shown how to do things and then it was up to us to go home and do the projects ourselves.. I am so glad my mother was a wonderful teacher too. When it came time to enter in the dress reveue or the county fair, I would get seconds and many of the other kids got first. At the time, I thought I was doing pretty darn good to compete against mother's that had been sewing many years, and I got a second. As a result, I am still sewing today and the others can't even sew a button on. My brother got a calf at age nine and raised it and and kept increasing, so by the time he was no longer in 4-H, he had a very nice herd of cattle. Thanks everyone for the memories. Kareen

pinecone 10-29-2011 01:47 PM

Originally Posted by MamaBear61
... Leaders are volunteers who provide members with knowledge on many different topics (sewing, cooking, gardening, animal management, crop management, etc., etc., etc.,)

I learned some of the "etc" First I did knitting, then sewing and then basket weaving and on to copper enamel jewelry making. If my sewing teacher could see what I do now. She and I became good friends after I had my first child, she even knitted a baby sweater.

When I married and moved off, I became a Girl Scout Leader for 10 years. Some have even friended me on Face Book! So wonderful to see them grow as adults.


twilight 10-29-2011 02:03 PM

I too started in 4-H My Mother was the leader. She taught me the best of sewing and I have reaped her rewards. She always said she was proud of me the way I handled myself after marriage and with my sewing and meeting people, who sometimes were not too polite about things. I miss my Mother, she passed in June 2006. I know shes happy with me keeping up the sewing. Now I have a Great Nephew to make little things for, Just finished a quilt for brother and sister-in-law.

It's a pleasure to read all of everyones comments and lots of helpful things on this board. Barbara Adams twilight

sewlisa 10-29-2011 02:27 PM

I switched from Girl Scouts to 4H when I was 13 and have never looked back. LOL. I learned to sew, garden, raise chickens and rabbits, all kinds of things. Now as a homeschooler 4H is even more valuable. My girls are both in 4H and one or the other of them always has a project selected to go to State Fair every summer. I also judge clothing at the Jr fair level. Can't say enough good things about 4H! :D

LindaKayCat 10-29-2011 04:02 PM

I was in 4-H from 9 until 17. It was wonderful for me. I learned to sew, cook and do wood working projects. It was great. We put on demonstrations at the county fair and sometimes even the state fair, did good deeds for those in needs....I could go on and on about the things we did and the things I learned! It doesn't seem the same these days.


MS quilter 10-29-2011 04:09 PM

My all-time fave club! I learned sooooo many life skills and had so much fun and made a lot of really special memories. I am sorry that everyone does not get to experience it.

sammy89 10-29-2011 05:21 PM

I have a stupid probably ? what is 4 - H I am german so please understand

Ninepatchpatty 10-29-2011 05:24 PM

Yes, I was in 4-H, it was something we did as a family and with the families in the area. I did lots of things from sewing, to showing a (cow actually) a heifer, a hog, and raised chickens. Our group won several awards at the state level for community projects. I visit the 4-H building at the state fair and can not believe the wonderful things they do. Yes, I have heard that funding has been cut, that is a shame. But there are so few young families in the rural areas it is hard to have a group. Ninepatch

mountain deb 10-29-2011 05:28 PM

Did sewing, crafts, canning, raising chickens, etc. Made it up to 4-H Allstars. Loved the competitions, fairs and camp.

VernaL 10-29-2011 06:25 PM

Oh my gosh. I lived in a small town and then moved to our family farm when grandfather couldn't take care of it any more. Everything I know about sewing, I learned in 4-H. It was a wonderful program. I sewed, canned, cooked and redecorated my bedroom through 4-H. I took sewing in school and did a little in Girl Scouts, but 4-H taught sewing in a practical way. I hated making bound buttonholes, but have since had to do some. Clothes didn't have to look perfect on the inside as long as the item was well made, fit correctly and was beautiful on the outside. I used to win ribbons at our local fair. I juct can't say enough good things about 4-H. I'm sorry it is in danger of budget cuts.

kolacequeen 10-29-2011 06:40 PM

I loved the 4-H meetings and especially liked the cooking. My mother had to finish my sewing projects because I hated that part of it. Now I have my own sewing business and love to quilt. Go figure.

bakermom 10-29-2011 06:40 PM

Originally Posted by sammy89
I have a stupid probably ? what is 4 - H I am german so please understand


Cybrarian 10-29-2011 06:46 PM

Yep, sewing, cooking, knitting & gardening. Grew up on a farm so I did all that, but you often listen better to other adults so was taught by my mom, Grandma,leaders, neighbors and all the church ladies. So many valuable lessons and wonderful memories.

FroggyinTexas 10-29-2011 06:50 PM

Originally Posted by MamaBear61

Originally Posted by Charming
I feel like i am in lala land at the moment :-( what is 4-H??????????

It is a program that is provided in many areas to provide young people (ages 10-21) with life skills, similiar in many ways to Home-Ec and Technology classes offered at schools. Leaders are volunteers who provide members with knowledge on many different topics (sewing, cooking, gardening, animal management, crop management, etc., etc., etc.,)
The club's motto is;
I pledge my Head to clearer thinking,
My Heart to greater loyalty,
My Hands to larger service,
And my Health to better living,
for my Club, my Community and my Country
4-H (Head, Heart, Health and Hands)

I remember saying that pledge at each meeting. Our area of Texas didn't have as active a 4-H program as more agricultural areas did, but we did sew and garden some. We had a neat group of girls. froggyintexas

sammy89 10-29-2011 07:02 PM

thank you bakermom now I know wish I knew when my kids where growing up there was such thing

Diana J 10-29-2011 07:33 PM

My entire family (9 kids) were all in 4-H from the first day we were old enough. I learned my sewing and almost any craft you could think of gardening, was in Jr. leaders, ect. Was so glad Mom put us all in there. We learned alot about meeting, working consesion stands ect. I could go on forever about 4-H.

Diana J 10-29-2011 07:36 PM

are your kids to old????

oksewglad 10-29-2011 07:43 PM

I feel like a 4-Her tonight making those last minute touches on projects the night before Entry Day at the County Fair. For a 4-H fundraiser starting tomorrow I have to have finished
1. Silent Auction items picked up--check
2. Silent Auction Bid sheets Printed--check
3. Button on Needle case--check
4. Bindings on 3 little quilts to HS--
5. Final coat of black paint on wooden bench--
6. Festive trim for candle holder wire hangers--

Better get these done, good night here!

cloverbud 10-29-2011 08:46 PM

I have read every reply to this question, because 4-H is and has always been very important to me. I am so glad to read that is has been vital in so many of yours as well. I am a recently retired County Extension 4-H Agent. In our state 4-H is conducted in the 4th-12th grade (9-19 year olds). In some counties the 4-H cloverbuds program is offered for younger youth.

The 4-H program is conducted out of the land-grant university in every state. 4-H is supposed to be available also on every U.S. military base around the world.

As a 4-H Agent, my goal was for the youth to gain knowledge, develop life skills and become strong leaders and citizens. To help me accomplish this, a variety of projects areas were utilized such as outdoor skills, aerospace, animal science, nutrition, computers, forestry, public speaking, community service, etc. Using their interest I would try to provide activities, workshops, educational programs, trips, etc. for them to learn and develop those skills and gain leadership.

The best part of being a 4-H'er is developing friendships, working with your family, gaining confidence, being given leadership opportunities and having fun.

"Learn by doing" is the 4-H club slogan.
"Make the Best Better" is the 4-H motto.
The four H's stand for Head, Heart, Hands and Health

4-H Pledge
I pledge my head to clear thinking,
my heart to greater loyalty,
my hands to larger service and
my health to better living,
for my club,my community, my country and my world.

Now that I am retired . . . I am a 4-H volunteer! My daughter has 120 4-H members in her club and I helped her conduct several workshops last week.

fred liniger 10-29-2011 08:48 PM

Great job mamabear

lgmdonna 10-29-2011 09:26 PM

I don't remember 4h being offered at my schools when I was growing up. However my kids are all involved. My oldest started in 4th grade in GA and then we moved to SC. We found the 4H BaaRamEweths Lamb club and were hooked. We have showed lambs since 2005 and my oldest is graduating hs this year. 4H led her into FFA in high school. My other 3 kids fell in line behind her. We have tried the Swine project but no one liked it. We have raised and shown 4 flocks of chickens, took a 1 year break but I have talked the 2 younger girls into doing it again next year. My kids have done presentation projects and found that they either liked or DISLIKED public speaking. My #3 dd , who is mildly mentally challenged, competed at the state level in presentation/ public speaking and received a red ribbon! Now that my oldest is graduating we see our sheep projects fading. However, my 2 younger girls are asking about showing dairy goats. There is no dairy goat club so what does Mom do? Why, I ask our local goat soap maker if she would be interested in co-sponsoring a new club with me. = ) My kids have also taken jelly making class and bee keeping. My son was in Livestock Judging for 1 year. My oldest dd went to national competition in Louisville,KY with the 4H Skill a thon team. All of my girls have been in GS and all (3) have dropped out. My son has lost interest in all things animals and ramped up in sports, band and boy scouts. My kids are 17, 14, 12 ,9 & 18 mo. I don't see us getting out of 4h anytime soon.

VernaL 10-29-2011 09:39 PM

Oh. When I mentioned 4-H earlier, I forgot to tell you the best part. I was in a Jr. Leadership program and even though I never raised livestock, I went to a hog judging class as part of the program. About 30 years later, a man I had just met and I went to the County Fair on our first date. He wanted to see the animals and they were judging hogs. I told him which one was going to win and IT DID! He was so impressed that he said that is why he married me! So I have 4-H to thank for a wonderful husband. We've been married 28 years and I make a lot of his sports shirts. He loves them.

desertrose 10-30-2011 02:24 AM

I was in 4-H and loved it. I already knew how to do the things our club focused on but the association with the three woman who were our leaders left a very profound mark on my life. A girl friend that I brought in to our club and I still talk about the wonderful things we learned from these women and all the fun things we did.

RugosaB 10-30-2011 05:20 AM

My mom was a leader, and when I was old enough to join, I did. It was mostly sewing.
Then, a woman started the first 'dog' club, and with our Sheltie, I won at the county level, and got to show at the stae fair.
I got so much from that program.
So then, I became a leader for a dog club because of my daughter, and she won at the state level. She already knew how to sew, and I credit those years in helping her to develop into the great young woman she is today.

I really enjoyed my sewing time in 4H, but I was not, and am still not, really into my sewing being judged

Anna O 10-30-2011 06:49 AM

4-H got me started!

Lioness3xs 10-30-2011 06:52 AM

At the time I didn't want anything to do with it. Now I wish I had joined. I was so shy back then that now I think it would've helped me overcome alot of that. I see what the kids are doing with it now and I think it's a great organization.

blessingscounted 10-30-2011 11:31 AM

I loved 4-H - grew up in rural northern WY and it was a big deal
there. I took sewing and leathercraft. Wonderful organization and truly learned to work with others and know that all the adults were there to help. I smiled at the comment several pages back about some other parent scolding us, yep, better not happen. LOL

4-H also taught me that not everyone plays by the rules when an unexpected visit to my best friend revealed her mother sewing her 4-H blouse with set-in sleeves. I was so upset until my wonderful Mom told me that I could out-sew even her mom. At the county fair my blouse won a purple ribbon and her blouse took red!! Great life lesson. Plus - 4-H had all the best looking boys! :-)

MissTreated 10-30-2011 11:34 AM

I was in 2 different 4-H programs. One was sewing and the other, horses. I learned so much with the horse group, it was a great way for young people to network with other like-minded kids. The adults who were the leaders were very knowledgeable and were truly caring adults. If 4-H is anything now, like it was then, I think it ROCKS!

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