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Kathy-Pgh 12-09-2010 06:14 AM

thanks for posting this thread. I have been doing this for years and as I cut back each year, the holiday season gets so much more special.

Merry Christmas

renee765 12-09-2010 06:16 AM

I have begun to realize that as I get older, time is going so much faster. It used to be that I'd put away all the Christmas decorations, and it would be a whole year before I saw them again, and I'd have forgotten some of them and putting them out made it such a special time of year.

Now that I'm (ahem) a senior citizen, I realize that it seems like only yesterday that I put away the Christmas decorations and here I am going to put them out again already? It just doesn't feel 'special' any more.

When I was a 'career woman' and could afford expensive things for my family, I was always in such a tizzy trying to get the right things, and feeling like it was never enough, and feeling responsible for everyone's happiness.

Now that I'm on a limited income, I've been making all of the gifts (except for the two little grandsons) and have felt very satisfied with this. There is no longer any question of 'is this enough?" because this is all I can do. It really takes the pressure off!

Abby'smom 12-09-2010 06:24 AM

Retirement has taught me to go at my own pace -- still time till the holidays to do what you want to do

sandpat 12-09-2010 06:30 AM

I'll start by saying that I LOVE Christmas- always have...but....times change, people change, our lives change. I think that people see the Norman Rockwell pics and thing "Wow...Christmas is supposed to be like THAT". Well, no, its not. Christmas is not about gifts..not about lights...not about decorations or cookies and candy or well, things. Christmas should be about family. As time rolls on and our families change (older members passing away and new members joining in one way or another)...enjoy each one. You really need to do no less than tell each one that you love them. Really you need to do no more than that either. All the rest is just frosting. Merry Christmas!

owie 12-09-2010 06:48 AM

Amen. As much as I like Norman Rockwell it is not all about that. Family and friends make my holidays. Just a hug, I love you and talking to me are sufficient. I am at the age of, "If I want it or need it I already have it."

drdolly 12-09-2010 06:59 AM

I just love Christmas, not for the gift giving but the decorations. Each year I just love to go for a ride to see them. Last year my 3 daughters surprised both my DH and me. They adopt a family and buy gifts to give. Last year we went shopping for the family had a nice lunch and later received a Thank-You indirectly as it had to be relayed from the family

Psychomomquilter 12-09-2010 07:02 AM

*Twas the month before Christmas*
*When all through our land,*
*Not a Christian was praying*
*Nor taking a stand.*
*See the PC Police had taken away,*
*The reason for Christmas - no one could say.*
*The children were told by their schools not to sing,*
*About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.*
*It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say*
* December 25th is just a ' Holiday '.*
*Yet the shoppers were ready with
cash, checks and credit*
*Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it!*
*CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-pod*
*Something was changing, something quite odd! *
*Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa*
*In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda.*
*As Targets were hanging their trees upside down*
* At Lowe's the word Christmas - was no where to be found.*
*At K-Mart and Staples and Penny's and Sears*
*You won't hear the word Christmas;
it won't touch your ears.*
*Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty*
*Are words that were used to intimidate me.*
*Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Sharpton,
Wolf Blitzen*
*On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, on Clinton !*
*At the top of the Senate, there arose such a clatter*
*To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter.*
*And we spoke not a word,
as they took away our faith*
* Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace*
*The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged
and discarded*
*The reason for the season,
stopped before it started.*
*So as you celebrate 'Winter Break'
under your 'Dream Tree'*
*Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me.*
*Choose your words carefully, choose what you say*
not Happy Holiday !*
Please, all Christians join together and
wish everyone you meet during the holidays a
Christ is The Reason for the Christ-mas Season!

bearisgray 12-09-2010 07:05 AM

I copied and pasted that - just in case it got taken away from us.

Actually, there have been winter "holiday" celebrations before Jesus/Christ was born.

No matter what one chooses to celebrate - or not, for that matter - I think it is important to get back to the "reason" for the celebration.

joan_quilts 12-09-2010 07:13 AM

This year, I put up my tree and my favorite decorations, you know, knick knack stuff. It didn't take me long to put up, so it won't take long to take down! LOL

Money is tight. I am giving gifts to my 3 sons and dil and the grandbaby and dh. Nobody is getting alot. I would say we spent less than $50 on each. That is what we are able to do. My bills have to be paid first.

I will do up a nice dinner, bake cookies and listen to Christmas carols. I decided to order most of the stuff off the internet this year because the "temptation" to get sucked into buying MORE MORE MORE is at the mall! LOL

I have a friend who is close to foreclosure, but, she is buying for Christmas! Her transmission is going out of her van, bills aren't paid, but hey, Christmas means the "high of the buy". NO THANKS!

So, this year I am so much more relaxed. I don't feel the pressure to buy, give, etc. I am only doing what I want to do, in my price range.

angieh1964 12-09-2010 07:28 AM

christmas always reminds me of a saying i heard a long time ago working in retail. after 20+ years of retail christmass it kind of made me a scrooge
definition of christmas: spending money we dont really have to buy stuff they really dont need for people we really dont like!
one of my fav christmas shows is the little house christmas the girls where so happy when all they got was a tin cup 1 piece of candy and orange and red mittens from ma what happened to those christmass?

Connie Merritt 12-09-2010 07:32 AM

Sometimes, we MUST say "thats enough". This year very little decorations will be placed. My fiance recently was here on a visit and then was quickly taken to hospital, air lifted to bigger hospital had triple bypass and is here recup. Now, we are about snowed in. How little the projects and decorations seem when all you are focused on is helping a loved one recup. This is a Christmas to make all of us remember "What if", then be thankful for "What you have". (Oh yes, my fiance is 74 and I am 72). See the hills and valleys and keep moving.

Merry Christmas to each one of you and your families. My prayers for peace and happiness to each of us is on its way to the heavens.

rannyof3 12-09-2010 07:50 AM

i'M NOT doing anything this year. Put my small tree (lighted) outside and a few (of many) snowmen around my house, but still recovering from hip replacement surgery and really can't pack all my stuff in from storage. I'm busy making leisure pants for all kids and grand kids and haven't even baked yet. I'm such a "holiday person", but just not going to be that person this year....

lillybeck 12-09-2010 07:55 AM

I agree. I have yet to put up any decorations. I was already supposed to be in NC for the Christmas holiday but things keep holding me up. My som and I are doing a family tree for the rest of the kids and I have not even got that done for Christmas let alone anything else. I had to take the dogs to the vet. get ma months worth of SS lessons ready for the sub, make sure there was food in the house for hubby, finish a few projects that swhould have been done a couple of months ago and still have not done the Christmas projects. Oh well they tell me in NC that I am all the gift they needd, Sure hope they mean it. lol

bearisgray 12-09-2010 07:55 AM

Originally Posted by rannyof3
i'M NOT doing anything this year. Put my small tree (lighted) outside and a few (of many) snowmen around my house, but still recovering from hip replacement surgery and really can't pack all my stuff in from storage. I'm busy making leisure pants for all kids and grand kids and haven't even baked yet. I'm such a "holiday person", but just not going to be that person this year....

I am reasonably sure that the earth will still be spinning on its axis and still rotating around our sun.

owie 12-09-2010 07:57 AM

DH and I just finished decorating our tree and putting decorations on the mantel. Each grandchild has a stocking hung on the mantel which will probalby not have anything put in them. Each child, child in law and grand child will get $50.00 and that's it. DH retired this year and with me only working parttime we have downsized considerably. And this is all we can physically do without overextending our health. We love the get togethers and little things we do for each other all year long.

scrappylouisa 12-09-2010 07:58 AM

I used to be that person stressing until the last second....hoping that everything was just right. I made handmade gifts and homemade goodie for everyone of our families and friends.

After a while I noticed that some people didn't appreciate our gifts. To quote one person...."It's too bad they are so poor they can't give us gifts to equal our store bought gifts." My husband was furious when he overheard that comment. After we went home from the "Society Gathering" he told me that never again should I waste my talent and time on a bunch of people who didn't appreciate it. So, several people were removed from the list.

So now instead of giving to those people that didn't appreciate our gifts....we choose ornaments off Dream Trees and get gifts for the children who might not have a gift under the tree for Christmas.

It was the same with Christmas cards......each year we would send at least 75 cards......and receive cards from the same 25-30 people. So we decided that if we hadn't received a card for 2 years from somebody....off the list they went. Now we send 25-30 cards and receive 25-30 cards back.

The Christmas season is hard for me this year....my Dad passed away in June. I always made special goodies and bought him favorite candies for Christmas. I know I have to continue on with the holiday....but it is hard!

lillybeck 12-09-2010 08:02 AM

Originally Posted by Melinda in Tulsa
I guess I'm the real scrouge in the bunch. I do not enjoy Christmas, in fact I hardily dislike it. 20 years ago I suffered a devastating loss on Christmas Day. Ever since then, I just can not get into Christmas. Early Dec each year I sink into a depression that I just can not pull myself out of until after the holidays. My wonderful DH understands this and humors me and supports me thru this time.

My children (all grown) just do not understand. I only give gifts to the grandchildren (now I have 2 of them) and I resent the time and money spent there as it is NOT appreciated. I don't decorate, or do anything extra. Sorry to be a party pooper friends. I have finally realized that this sadness will never go away, since it has been 20 years and shows no sign of abating.

But I cheer all of you on that enjoy this time of year!
:thumbup: Have a very Merry and enjoyable Christmas!

even though you had a great loss 20 years ago the reason for our Christmas season is still ever present. Jesus is still here and will help you through that depression and heldp you enjoy thiks timee again. I dreaded Easter for a few years and there are still painful memories of a precious baby daughter going home to be with Jesus but I always know that Christ died on the cross for me and I will see her again. I now enjow even that holiday and it is my favorite of all. PM me if you just want to talk. I will be out of town for a few weeks starting next week but I will check back every few days.

sewmuchmore 12-09-2010 08:06 AM

I have not even put up a Christmas tree. But that is ok Christmas is in the heart. I have learn that things are just that things, after a while you want remeber them. Family and freinds and people who comes into your life you will always remember good or bad. So enjoy to day and let tomorrow take care of itself.
God bless and Merry Christmas to all!!!

jbj137 12-09-2010 08:13 AM

I only have wreaths on the doors
and a Christmas table cloth on the table
since my back problem flared up in October.


catmcclure 12-09-2010 08:35 AM

Originally Posted by Rebecca VLQ
Apparantly the pulling names thing has ended this year, so I dunno what that means...give to everybody? Give to nobody? :lol: I'm not worried, but it goes to show many people get caught up in the "need" to participate in the holiday.

Might get MIL to have all the women bring a gift wrapped in pink with their name on the package - ditto, but blue for the men. Then, under the tree, give a woman's gift to a woman, man's to a man - only rule is that nobody gets the gift they brought.

skydiver70 12-09-2010 08:41 AM

Being almost 71, I think I have earned a free day. I haven't decorated at all. No baking either.

I would much rather try to make little gifts for the children at church, the elderly in the nursing home, visiting someone who is unable to get out.

I made some of the tissue holders for some assisted living residents and they were thrilled to death. Gave the man socks.

Made different candy cane treats for the children.

Merry Christmas to all!!!

I would rather give than receive if I have something to make items with.

Just thank God I am still healthy enough to do some of these things.

Psychomomquilter 12-09-2010 08:57 AM

Like skydiver said, make the gifts to those children, the people in nursing homes, even your next door neighbor, that cake & cookies sounds great. Evewn a mom that just had a baby would be grateful for that baby quilt!

we don't have to be scrooges in this season, if we just give to those who are in need, Isn't that what Jesus said? I was hungry and you fed me, Thirsty and you gave me drink, sick and you came to see me, in prison you visited me?

So why can't we do just that little bit of kindness and share Gods love like that instead of being concerned of what to get our family this year.

guess I better write this ; Matthew 25;35- if you need reference. His command for us to do, so why not?

Cuilteanna 12-09-2010 09:49 AM

I'm not a big fan of Christmas (not the least bit religious), but for my dh I have to do some decorating since every time I suggest skipping it he protests. He's not willing to do it himself though!! I put up a small pre-decorated tree and a few other bits and that's enough to keep him happy. Homemade gifts for a few family members, cash to the nieces and nephews because it's what they prefer, and those (expletives deleted) cards and I'm done.

I wish I were brave enough to do like my brother and sister-in-law who just refuse to send cards! I don't really mind sending to the elderly aunties, but don't see the point in sending cards to people I see on a regular basis anyway.

JAGSD 12-09-2010 12:17 PM

Originally Posted by sandpat
I'll start by saying that I LOVE Christmas- always have...but....times change, people change, our lives change. I think that people see the Norman Rockwell pics and thing "Wow...Christmas is supposed to be like THAT". Well, no, its not. Christmas is not about gifts..not about lights...not about decorations or cookies and candy or well, things. Christmas should be about family. As time rolls on and our families change (older members passing away and new members joining in one way or another)...enjoy each one. You really need to do no less than tell each one that you love them. Really you need to do no more than that either. All the rest is just frosting. Merry Christmas!

My feelings Exactly!!
This is also why I have chose to no longer "hold" or "host" the Christmas Eve get together present unwrapping mania. I have informed my boys and hubby if we have the "Big Family" (35 or more normally) Christmas Eve No Gifts Allowed! Bah Hum Bug, well maybe, but the family is what I want not the gifts or the stress and craziness that it can and at some point usually happens. I love Christmas and Jesus the Reason for the Season not the Materialism.

pad's 12-09-2010 01:27 PM

Originally Posted by Melinda in Tulsa
I guess I'm the real scrouge in the bunch. I do not enjoy Christmas, in fact I hardily dislike it. 20 years ago I suffered a devastating loss on Christmas Day. Ever since then, I just can not get into Christmas. Early Dec each year I sink into a depression that I just can not pull myself out of until after the holidays. My wonderful DH understands this and humors me and supports me thru this time.

My children (all grown) just do not understand. I only give gifts to the grandchildren (now I have 2 of them) and I resent the time and money spent there as it is NOT appreciated. I don't decorate, or do anything extra. Sorry to be a party pooper friends. I have finally realized that this sadness will never go away, since it has been 20 years and shows no sign of abating.

But I cheer all of you on that enjoy this time of year!
:thumbup: Have a very Merry and enjoyable Christmas!

sending you a big hug, just because...

brushandthimble 12-09-2010 01:28 PM

What bake cookies from scratch? Put away my no seaonal decorations, clean them first, and do a spring cleaning to put out the Christmas decorations all over the house inside and out? Yep did it all when the kids were little and I didn't work 48 plus hours a week outside the house.
Now, a small tree, and I had the space like my MIL did I would put it away all decorated just like she did:)
Don't know when was the last time I had time to put out(and put away my Santa collection).

karenchi 12-09-2010 01:32 PM

Yes, I have cut back since kids are married now. Christmas at our house, no tree, but why. Kids don't visit much with there busy lives....As long as we are together, that's all that matters

pab 12-09-2010 03:02 PM

Oh! You are such a gem and have given many of us the reason for the season. Thanks...........pab

oma66 12-09-2010 03:32 PM

I am so saddened by some of the comments I just read and delighted with others.

Christmas is about our Savior. He is the only "gift" any of us shall ever need. For those who do not believe, I respect your stand and pray that even though you are not religious, you find joy in the season; because you are precious, you are treasured, you are loved.

No matter what tragedy anyone had had in thiei lives, it should NEVER overshadow God's gift to us. We loss a son when he was just 25, we loss a grandchild and great grandchild, but those losses have nothing to do with the celebration of the birth of Christ.

Oh, how I pray that those of you that are sad, those with tragedies in the past, find the reason for the season and can celebrate again with loved one. I am sure they miss you being a part of their celebrations.

For those who want to simplify the season, keeping it less complicated, I applaud you - a celebration need not be so intense that you can not enjoy it - I do what I can and if something does not get done - who will know but me - and I never get frustrated over what did not get done, but just happy that I got the most important things done. As some of you stated, it is NOT about getting and giving gifts, but a celebration of the PERFECT GIFT...THAT IS ALL THAT IT SHOULD BE ABOUT.

I so enjoy this board and all of you ladies and gents and the wonderful work you do and the sharing of your work with others, so unselfishly and in such a beautiful way through giving to those in need. You are giving gifts all year long to very special people in a very special way. It makes me emotional just thinking about how beautiful your spirits of giving are.

In His precious love, I can say I love you all in sincerity.

MadQuilter 12-09-2010 03:40 PM

Originally Posted by bearisgray
Some of you are writing to say how overwhelmed you are with holiday preparations.

At the risk of sounding like a Grinch or a Scrooge - how many of these preparations are REALLY necessary?

If the cookies don't get baked - will it really matter? Leftover Christmas cookies are kind of depressing in February.

If the candy doesn't get made - will it really matter? Most of us get enough sugar in our diets as it is.

Are you spending more money than you can afford to?

Are you giving/exchanging gifts with people you are not particularly fond of?

Are you neglecting your own health and well-being "trying to get everything done"?

This is a perfect time to cut back - if you want or need to - one can always blame "the current economy" if one doesn't have the gumption to say "I don't want to any more."

I have total admiration for those that can and do all the activities associated with the holidays.

I'm one of those that "hanging on to sanity" during this time of the year is a major accomplishment, so I've learned that for myself - not raining on other people's parades is about as good as it's going to get.

None of the aforementioned atrocities are a problem at the Madhouse. So I can honestly say that hanging on to sanity will not be a problem (at least where Christmas is concerned) teehehe

Rann 12-09-2010 04:08 PM

I've tried for years to get my family to buy ourselves individually something we really want but won't buy. That way we are sure to love out gifts.

I also suggested that we donate to charity instead of buying gifts.

Bubblegum0077 12-09-2010 04:25 PM

Well, I, for one, am not going crazy during the Christmas holiday spending money or baking like mad. First, money is precious and not enough of it so I am not spending mine on junk gifts or for people I don't like or know. The schools have hit us up with picture day, fund raisers, bazarrs, food drives and now holiday parties which almost seem back to back since school started. Am I right about this? I don't want to rain on anyones parade, but for heaven's sake, isn't there enough to do without all the school activities to add to it? My kids and grandchildren get stuff throughout the year so I don't see an issue if there isn't something under the tree. I think too many people forget the reason for the season.....has anyone even mentioned our Savior Jesus Christ? I am not getting all religious, but how about spending a peaceful and joyful holiday without the pressure of spending our last dime on giftgiving. Everyone bring a dish and enjoy each other's company instead. Makes sense to me and the dishes won't pile up in the sink either, nor will the host be pressured to cooking over a hot stove all day. Before you know it, the day is over and the stores are breaking out the chocolates for Valentines Day and swimsuits are just around the corner. Best way to get thru the season is to think rationally and spend wisely.

Wishing everyone a happy holiday and that you all stay safe and warm. Seasons Greetings.

Aussie Quilter 12-09-2010 05:08 PM

I can understand what you are going through Melinda, the same thing happens to me. My mum died just before Xmas when I was 12 - a lot longer than 20 ago years too - and I still get depressed every early December. Xmas has never been the same since, although I did set traditions of our own after I married.

The only decorating I'll do this year (and have done for the last 15 years) is to hang the wreath on the front door - *if* I can find it. Gave DS2 and DIL all my Xmas decorations last year - all 46 years of them. I can't see the point in putting the tree etc up just for me, the cat, and budgie; and I hate taking it down and packing it all away.

Gave up making the Xmas Biscuits when it became too much for my back having to stand and cut them out.

Grandkids get gift cards, as does DS1 and his wife. DS2 has a standing order for the new Bryce Courtney Book, and DIL for the new Danielle Steel book. Sister gets a gift card, and her partner a book on American Indians. End of Xmas shopping - apart from Secret Santa shopping.

If it wasn't for DS2 and his family, and my sister, Xmas would be cancelled in this house for lack of interest.

Marge L. 12-09-2010 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by Melinda in Tulsa
I guess I'm the real scrouge in the bunch. I do not enjoy Christmas, in fact I hardily dislike it. 20 years ago I suffered a devastating loss on Christmas Day. Ever since then, I just can not get into Christmas. Early Dec each year I sink into a depression that I just can not pull myself out of until after the holidays. My wonderful DH understands this and humors me and supports me thru this time.

My children (all grown) just do not understand. I only give gifts to the grandchildren (now I have 2 of them) and I resent the time and money spent there as it is NOT appreciated. I don't decorate, or do anything extra. Sorry to be a party pooper friends. I have finally realized that this sadness will never go away, since it has been 20 years and shows no sign of abating.

But I cheer all of you on that enjoy this time of year!
:thumbup: Have a very Merry and enjoyable Christmas!

To me, Christmas is my saddest time of the year. We lost a son just a week before Christmas and even though it has been many years since, I simply can't overcome that lost feeling. I decorate very little and since my husband is no longer living either, cooking is not a requirement. The rest of the children and their families all live some distance away. Gifts are only for the grand children still in school. I will probably be by myself this year but I really don't mind. I have my quilting to keep me warm and occupied. I may sound bitter but I REALLY wish everyone a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and may God bless you all. Marge

Gabrielle's Mimi 12-09-2010 05:48 PM

To Melinda in Tulsa, I am SO sorry about your loss and sadness, even 20 years later. I breaks my heart to think that you suffer so much. At the risk of offending you, may I please suggest that you see your doctor and try a prescription for antidepressants? I am not pushing pills, but I also hate to think of anyone suffering like this, not to mention the loved ones around you who must also be so sad because they can't help you. In this day and age there is medical help. Even if you only decide to take meds during the month of December that may help you get over the difficult month. Don't be too "proud" to talk to your doctor. 20 years is too long for this to go on. Good luck.

galvestonangel 12-09-2010 06:11 PM

I am retired, and old enough to realize that the things that cause us the most stress usually aren't that important. I have told my children to adopt a family instead of giving us a present. I try to give each of my 3 children a small gift, money to the older GK, and presents for the youngest 3, 2 of which still believe.

Unfortunately tragedy doesn't care if it is a holiday, it happens anyway. They are bad at any time but it does seem like around the holidays, when you are supposed to be in a jolly mood, it magnifies it. That is when we miss family the most. I know they are watching but I miss the hugs.

My idea of the perfect Christmas is to give to the ones that have nothing, visit with my children and grandchildren, dinner at someone elses house, go to mass, and relax.

madamekelly 12-09-2010 06:29 PM

Originally Posted by Melinda in Tulsa
I guess I'm the real scrouge in the bunch. I do not enjoy Christmas, in fact I hardily dislike it. 20 years ago I suffered a devastating loss on Christmas Day. Ever since then, I just can not get into Christmas. Early Dec each year I sink into a depression that I just can not pull myself out of until after the holidays. My wonderful DH understands this and humors me and supports me thru this time.

My children (all grown) just do not understand. I only give gifts to the grandchildren (now I have 2 of them) and I resent the time and money spent there as it is NOT appreciated. I don't decorate, or do anything extra. Sorry to be a party pooper friends. I have finally realized that this sadness will never go away, since it has been 20 years and shows no sign of abating.

But I cheer all of you on that enjoy this time of year!
:thumbup: Have a very Merry and enjoyable Christmas!

Melinda, I understand devastating loss. I am a widow. I just try to remember that my husband was happiest when I was happy. The person you lost would probably love to know you honor their memory, but to suffer each and every year, is penance, not celebration of their life. Have good Christmas in their memory. We care......{HUG}

Margie 12-09-2010 06:43 PM

I love Christmas! I decorate what I feel like decorating, bake what I enjoy,make gifts for those I have time and try to remember that "Jesus is the reason for the season". No one should dictate what others should or should not do for the season.

argranny 12-09-2010 07:41 PM

sometimes it's hard to be in the christmas spirit, I loss my daughter 2 1/2 years ago and she loved christmas went all out for it. I didn't want to do holidays again but my grandkids said that wasn't fair to them. I don't spent what I don't have, but always tryed to make it fun. so I didn't give up christmas, now I have 2 greatgrandkids and they are here this year and the smiles on their faces makes it all worth while. it doesn't make the pain go away but helps me to bear it. God bless you and hope you have a good day.

IBQUILTIN 12-09-2010 07:47 PM

We are facing a real true life crisis this Holiday season. Sooooooooooo, no decorations going up, no sitting at the sewing machine for hours on end, no cards getting mailed, just sending love to all when I email or talk by phone. If we make it through December, we will have had the Christmas miracle of our lives. What more could one ask for?

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