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-   -   To blog or not to blog?? (Can't believe I said that - blushing) (https://www.quiltingboard.com/general-chit-chat-non-quilting-talk-f7/blog-not-blog-cant-believe-i-said-blushing-t281526.html)

Vicki1212 08-22-2016 12:09 AM

To blog or not to blog?? (Can't believe I said that - blushing)
I love quilting, I love photography and I love writing. So for a while, my heart has been nudging me to start a blog to share my love of fabric and creating, but also to share thoughts on a more personal level. The thought excites me but terrifies me at the same time. Creating something I love, whether it's a quilt, a photograph, or even a poem, makes me happy and I crave to share this happiness and maybe inspire a likeminded soul or two. Then I hear the gremlin of negative thoughts whispering in my ear '...what if you're borrrrring?.....a blog is a HUGE responsiblity to maintain.....do you even know what readers want?....there are SO many out there already!'

So dear Quilting Board readers and posters, I have immense admiration for the knowledge, kindness and friendship of the members on this board and I would like to ask you....

What makes you read a blog and keep going back for more? Photos, humour, information, stories from the heart? And what makes you stop reading midway and clicking on the exit button? Writing style, too personal, depressing content, content too varied?

I would love to hear your thoughts!:o

Tartan 08-22-2016 03:14 AM

A blog is a huge responsibility but if it is something you think you will enjoy, go for it. One of my favourite bloggers is Bonnie Hunter. She blogs everyday with photos with short paragraphs about quilting and travel. I do not read blogs with cursive writing because they are too hard to read. Do not over share about your personal life due to privacy issues. Good Luck!

ManiacQuilter2 08-22-2016 04:35 AM

I usually end up at someone's blog when I see a quilt I am interested in making. I would assume it takes a huge amount of time. I agree witth Tartan, take a look at Bonnie Hunter site. I sent her a question and I was surprised that she replied back so quickly!

willferg 08-22-2016 05:56 AM

I think you should go for it. There is no pressure – you don't get fired if you don't blog often enough! I follow blogs that are updated almost daily and some maybe quarterly, and I'm fine with that. Readers can subscribe to your blog and get notified when you update it. I have a long list of blogs I read, and I usually check in once a week.

I have a blog of my own, and I update it when I complete a quilt and want to write about it. I see that most bloggers go through phases of being gone from their blog because they are busy in real life, and I think that's as it should be. I don't feel like they owe me regular updates; it's free reading, after all.

You can get introduced to a lot of bloggers at this site (and could sign up for it to have readers directed to your blog, if you want…):


Geri B 08-22-2016 06:14 AM

I do not "blog", nor do I follow any "blogger" . If, by accident while searching for something, it appears on a blog...I glean the info I was looking for, if it's worth it, glance at the "I did this" , "this is my..." And move on.....in my mind most are just someone's attempt at "5 minutes of fame"........

tessagin 08-22-2016 06:23 AM

I have 'blogged' a few times. You don't always need a personal blog site. There are no rules. Some are interesting some not so. Doesn't have anything to do with "5 minutes of fame'. It can just be something of note or a fabulous tip or trick. I have come across many interesting subjects. I abhor political, religious or "put down" blogs. I like the more uplifting and funny of everyday lives and those who show you how to make "lemonade".

dunster 08-22-2016 06:26 AM

I think there are several types of blogs. Some are designed to reach a particular audience and enhance careers (e.g. Bonnie Hunter, most longarmers); some are designed to make money from the ads; and some are more like journals without the intent of generating financial gain. Decide what you want from your blog, and then proceed. You can always quit if you don't like it. If you intend to put in information that is very personal, you should consider putting restrictions on who can read your blog.

Doggramma 08-22-2016 09:00 AM

I follow a number of bloggers. They're great places to get new ideas and fun tips. I really love ones that have some personal info about the blogger (such as what's going on with them or their kids). I agree with TESSAGIN about no religion or politics, and keeping things upbeat. Personally I'm totally turned off about a few bloggers right now with their going on and on about some political things. I also like when there's a block of the month or something fun to make me want to keep checking the blog for updates.

MaryKatherine 08-22-2016 04:30 PM

I blog for a number of reasons. Some days one is more important than another.
1. I want to share and hubby can only smile for so long.
2. I need to go over what I'm doing, steps etc and where to go next. Writing it down helps me organize my thoughts.
3. I include photo because I can look at THEM objectively more than I can the piece I'm working on. (If that makes sense)
4. I get my thoughts in order to be able to share and teach techniques.
5. I don't feel my days is complete without analyzing my progress.
6. I blog for ME. It/s a diary!

I don't solicit adds even though they promise a kickback. I feel that's a bit underhanded when people just want to see what you're doing today. It's so hard to find sights without really annoying pop ups!
Hope that gives you some incite about why I blog. Other people may have different reasons.
I just like to feel connected to other artists.

marietta 08-23-2016 01:08 AM

The blogs I read are because of (not necessarily in order)
Instructions/directions on projects, quilting, sewing, crafting, etc
Especially tuts that I can download the pattern/directions
Sharing short stories, a few pics about personal life, adventures, trips etc (not to wordy tho)

The blogs I avoid, shy away from, exit quickly :
Ones that have so many ads/pop ups it takes forever for the page to load, they are to distracting anyway
Long paragraphs
Too much personal info, or 24 different pics of Suzys new dress,
Non specific directions/instructions...."..I just eyeballed it here, feel free..."

Those are just a few of the reasons I do and don't read/follow blogs....
I agree with dunster and MaryKatherine
I blogged for about a year awhile back, had several followers, It was fun, learned alot about myself, enjoyed it
Then, for me, Life got in the way, daughters weddings, family, the grands started coming along, etc....
Vivki1212, I say Go For It!! Try in on, see how it fits, Have fun from it, Learn, Experience
My only suggestion would be...Remember who you started this for in the first place..You
Good Luck and Blessings

paoberle 08-23-2016 03:40 AM

Do a blog if you want to. You can always stop if it's not successful or if you're not enjoying it. Write about what interests you. Write when you want to or when you have something to say. Nothing says you have to write daily. Give yourself some time. You'll get better as you go along and will be able to tell by the responses when you write about things your readers are interested in. Most of all, have fun with it. Good luck!

Geri B 08-23-2016 05:00 AM

Sharing info, personal or otherwise, with total strangers, sight unseen, is scary to me.... Had a "diary" in high school...as did many of my school friends...burned it after graduation......can't destroy a blog...out there forever......if I'm doing something different, I have a notebook for reference......pics w/ phone....just my way.....

ctrysass2012 08-23-2016 07:56 PM

Another 1 to check out is Jo's Country Junction. She covers many topics. Daily life of farm wife, child care, quilter, recipes, house remodel. It's interesting & familiar.

tlpa 08-24-2016 07:52 AM

I don't subscribe to any blogs, as I don't really have the time to do everything already on my plate. The blogs I come across while I'm surfing usually have to do with some project I am currently doing.....like refinishing hardwood floors, or re-doing a bathroom, or see a quilt I like. What makes me stay on the blog is pictures of before/after, progress along the way, tips on what worked or what to avoid, instructions with pictures. Humor is nice, with a positive, not negative vibe. I leave a blog quickly if it has pop-ups, or doesn't have the above.

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