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drw1mjw2 10-17-2011 05:52 AM

Had carpeting in the kitchen when we moved in. I hate carpet in the kitchen and the bathrooms. When hubby came home from a trip I had the carpet ripped up, subfloor layed and a good share of the tile down. Had three old apple trees in the side yard that had out lived their usefulness. Every time he left I cut one down. He finally noticed a few months after the last one was gone. As you may have guessed he is not around much so I do most of the repairs by myself.

puck116 10-17-2011 05:53 AM

Just finished helping DH erect a vinyl fence.

Every year I help close the inground pool. Guess who has to put their hands into the cold water to close the pipes after they are blown out? I have convinced DH to close right after Labor Day, so not as cold. That only took 22 yrs.

Two weeks ago I erected 4 storage units for my quilting items. Got tired of waiting. I can screw in a screw as well as he can.

SuzyQ 10-17-2011 05:54 AM

I HATE doing building projects with my hubby. For one thing, he's a perfectionist and I have terrible astigmatism in my eyes so I just cannot see something level ... so no, I cannot see that whatever isn't straight! Also it has taken me years to convince him of the fact that there is no way I can hold something still when he (who is much stronger than me) pounds on the other end ... ain't gonna happen LOL.


Caswews 10-17-2011 06:09 AM

we work on many things together, but when he gets snappy or bossy I just walk inside without saying a word. He comes in later and apologizes to me. Enough said !LOL

mhansen6 10-17-2011 06:43 AM

As little as possible. It is better for our marriage.

auniqueview 10-17-2011 06:48 AM

Originally Posted by nance-ell
My DH isn't a handyman, so I can't "help" him build something tangible, but together we build a home, a life, a happy marriage. I couldn't do it without him! :-)

Same here. I stay away from my dh anytime he picks up a tool. We stock a lot of bandaids. I am going to hire the guy next door to hang a new ceiling fan for me, lol.

zig56gie 10-17-2011 06:49 AM

how the heck do you post a question on this site? I am a quilter, not a computer genius.....

catray 10-17-2011 07:25 AM

My husband and I have been together over thirty some years. I don't ask him to help me but he will ask me for help. He has always been supervisor in his job and even owned a construction company. If I ask him to help on a projet he takes over and does it his way. Learned eventually not to ask because of the fustration involved. If I need something I just forget about it and go on.

grannypat7925 10-17-2011 07:36 AM

I am not able to do much these days becuz of a bum shoulder but DH is so helpful and does such a good job, I cannot complain. Don't know what I would do without him!

Baloonatic 10-17-2011 07:42 AM

I'm the builder so my DH helps ME. But so many times its just. not. worth. it! He insists on telling me how to do it...but his ideas are non-code-acceptable, and then he takes huge offense when I let him know. Just an excuse for him to sneak off and watch Nascar!

kuseta 10-17-2011 07:48 AM

My husband and I built a wall unit before we were married for his apartment that became our apartment. I didn't do much but help hold things as he cut and glued/nailed them together. I think that was the only project that went well when we worked together. as others have said, men and women think differently and he definitely has his idea of how things are and my ideas are not the right ones.

I don't help him any more and our son is not usually happy about helping either, even though he does learn things.

lenette 10-17-2011 07:58 AM

I always enjoyed working on projects with my husband when we were younger. Absolutely only thing we should never have been allowed to do together was put up wallpaper. Only thing we ever fought about. I would always end up saying "just do what I say, and you will understand later". And he did.

mjsylvstr 10-17-2011 08:03 AM

Years ago, my husband was putting a new roof on the first level room when he went into a terrible asthma attack.

Son was about 9 or 10 at the time so he and I climbed out onto the roof and finished it....it was scary but had to be done.

and let me tell you....all those calluses I got doing the hammering, nailing, etc.....were worth every bang of the mallet.

CAS49OR 10-17-2011 10:22 AM

I've worked with DH remodeling the last three houses. It was NOT fun, he tends to want to sit and think about all the worse case scenarios. I just want to "Do IT!"

Sometimes I would do it his way, then do it the "right way" which was mine, and resist saying "I told you so!"

He has now learned to listen to my ideas, and just "Do it"!

BellaBoo 10-17-2011 10:50 AM

Unless DH needs my help with something I don't want to be involved when he's building anything. His shop is just as boring to me as my sewing room is to him. LOL

Sassylass 10-17-2011 12:08 PM

My dh is a carpenter and we do work well together...some of the jobs we have done is a huge addition to a cottage, a double car garage, many decks which we love to do..plus the addtion here at home and our double car garage/shop.
He also made me my sewing table,cutting table, irioning board cover and my stand for my rulers ...oh and my thread holder too!!

Chasing Hawk 10-17-2011 12:27 PM

I help out with his projects all the time. He helps pick out colors for my projects. He has an excellent eye for colors and patterns.

We have built fences together, sheds all kinds of stuff. Sure beats sitting in the house all day in front of the computer.

Annie68 10-17-2011 12:32 PM

Originally Posted by orangeroom
Today I'm assisting DH with building nesting boxes. What have you helped your DH do? Do you find it interesting or as fun as I do?

No!!! no fun at all. I helped with building a two car garage and a bedroom on the second floor. Found the work extremely difficult and the dh too exacting as I was too slow. That was all many years ago but I never helped again.

May in Jersey 10-17-2011 01:43 PM

My Dh likes to make wood cabinets, shelves, etc. for our home. I have to make sure I keep an eye on the construction process because after we've agreed upon a design or size he tends to make changes that are very nice but they make the item unusable for our needs. If we only have room for a cabinet no wider than 24", making it 26 or 28" wide makes it too big for the space so we can't use it.

Years ago I used to do all the painting and wallpapering. Now I choose the colors and he paints the walls.

MargeD 10-17-2011 01:49 PM

Working with my hubby on anything is not fun. In our first house he decided we should finish off the basement, which I had no problem with, however, in mid Nov. in NH it was very, very cold, so I didn't wander down very often. There was indeed a tremor in the force when he had been working on putting a wall up, I came downstairs and told him his wall was crooked. He argued, of course, but I was right, and he was ticked off. I did help with putting up the walls after that as well as nailing in all the dry wall and every sheet of paneling in that room (we're talking 70's here folks). We did finish it together and it wasn't bad. Second house, same thing, finish off the basement, all went well until we started to paint the walls, he hurt himself and left me with 2 toddlers putting paint sticks in the paint and dribbling it on the floor (fortunately it was covered with newspaper), but I told him to take the kids and I finished it myself. Toddlers and paint - a recipe for pandemonium. I can only work with him in small stages now, not like it used to be.

Maybe1day 10-17-2011 03:21 PM

My husband and I are building our house together. Challenging would be the way I describe it :lol:


hensandhollyhocks 10-17-2011 03:27 PM

Good Idea!

Originally Posted by Kitsie
Seeing as I live alone and have my hens, I saved a lot of money, time and energy not having to argue with anyone by buying covered kitty litter boxes and mounting them on shelves in the hen house! They're happy, I'm happy!

dljennings 10-17-2011 03:29 PM

Originally Posted by Mitch's mom
My DH is self-employed as a carpenter. If I have to help him with something {{{{shiver}}}} I know he is going to complain about what I'm doing and I am going to tell him he isn't paying me 20.00 an hour like he pays his guys and he is getting what he paid for. We don't work well together. At. All.

dh & i are working on restoring our 1738 house... there is a lot of "quiet" when we work together... all you can hear is me grinding my teeth... lol

janetter 10-17-2011 03:41 PM

WOW where do I start? After 31 years together we have done so much together. Resided our home, put in new windows, cut and covered kitchen counters done tile work, gardening, built a koi pond and deck, done house wiring and I often help with our RV repairs. He is certainly a "doer" and would be lost if anything ever happen to him. Oh yeah our most recent project was clearing over an acre of property for our daughters horse. That folks, left alot to be desired!!!!!! LOL

KS quilter 10-17-2011 03:45 PM

I've helped with a lot of things, but the most recent..
building a storage shed, for mowers, etc. He bult the first
wall on the floor. Have you ever tried standing up a WALL??
We had one side tied to a garage, and the other to a pickup
and we lifted until we both almost lost it. I tell him,, "I'm not the best help...but I'm the cheapest"

KS quilter 10-17-2011 03:46 PM

I've helped with a lot of things, but the most recent..
building a storage shed, for mowers, etc. He built the first
wall on the floor. Have you ever tried standing up a WALL??
We had one side tied to a garage, and the other to a pickup
and we lifted until we both almost lost it. I tell him,, "I'm not the best help...but I'm the cheapest"

makeitsew 10-17-2011 03:54 PM

When we farmed in Iowa,my job was to give shots to all the baby pigs,dock their tails(to prevent tail biting) and occasionally drive the tractor hauling a wagon with corn or oats in it.

ButtermilkMama 10-17-2011 03:55 PM

I have helped him remodel our kitchen, tile kitchen, bathroom and laundry room. Farmed together many yrs, milking cows,harvesting crops, repair machinery, you name it we have built it, repaired it, painted it, etc. Love him!!!!

redrider 10-17-2011 04:51 PM

My DH and I built our log home together and didn't kill each other!! Amazing! LOL He is very handy and I am one lucky woman! He fixes my car, keeps my motorcycle running in top shape, and does a lot of maintenance stuff himself.

galvestonangel 10-17-2011 05:58 PM

Many years ago we put tile on a tub surround, we stood in the tub together laughing because it took us about 3 times as long as was estimated. We have things like that done now.

I did do the bookkeeping for his business, but we don't do well on that either. He doesn't like to be told things that he needs to do, like give me invoice, tell me the amount of the check you wrote. I called it slavery. We have now retired and I swear he is getting grumpier by the day.

BarbaraSue 10-17-2011 06:52 PM

my DH and I built a garage for our first house years ago. I loved the sense of accomplishments, but my DH would get neighbor men to come over "just for one thing" and just about finish the job.
We helped build our house we live in now. But we did small jobs together, and some things alone!

AnnR 10-17-2011 07:07 PM

My husband and I have always worked together on our house projects...We reroofed our house in Texas, wallpapered, refinished floors, installed kitchen cabinets in our house in New York, laid laminate flooring, installed a hardwood kitchen counter etc. here in our house in York. I take the lead in artistic projects, and he is boss of the more utilitarian jobs. We have enjoyed working together for 47 years.

madamekelly 10-17-2011 07:58 PM

My DH and I have an agreement. He does his projects, and I do mine. As long as we stick to the agreement, we will be together for ever! He insists on doing things his way, and I want to do them my way.

trisha 10-17-2011 08:19 PM

We make a great team, I wash the clothes, he gets them dirty, I cook the food, he eats it, I clean the house, he messes it up, I have open heart surgery, he is by my side praying every minute. True love after 45 years.

VernaL 10-17-2011 09:35 PM

We bought a "fixer-upper" about 25 yrs. ago. It was pretty bad, but my husband and I really enjoy working together. He is 70+ and I am a little under 70. Right now, we are repainting the outside of our house. It takes a little longer to get things done, but we have torn down and put up fences, but in new walls, etc. We do cement/brick work together. But, I don't like heights, so he did the roof himself. Last year, we tore my bathroom out to the studs and put in everything new. We work together pretty well. If he gets too bossy, I yell and go in the house. He usually tells me he is sorry and we go back to working on our project together again.

Little Sue 4.9 10-18-2011 02:10 AM

My DH and I do just about everything together ( even after 46 plus years) Right now we are restoring Dorothy to her original condition. Dorothy is a 1911 Singer Treasle sewing machine model 66. Her cabinet is comin up great and then the bae is next.Having a hard time locating the belts as my computer runs slow and then gets to acting up. But Dorothy is our pride and joy as we work on it together.

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