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-   -   Cash payments in stores - Too Old Fashioned??? (https://www.quiltingboard.com/general-chit-chat-non-quilting-talk-f7/cash-payments-stores-too-old-fashioned-t136316.html)

Yooper32 07-10-2011 11:02 AM

Nowadays, they don't know how to count back your change. When I worked in retail, if the power went out and stayed out for a while we had registers that could operate manually but the young checkers were at a total loss, had no idea what to do or how to do it.

nanac 07-10-2011 11:33 AM

I mainly use my debit card, because I get "points" for my purchases. However, when I do pay cash, there have been several instances where I have had to correct the cashier. I once tried to give back $10, but the cashier was insistent that she had given me the correct change. Bet she wishes she had listened to me, when her drawer came up short.

dixiebelle162002 07-10-2011 11:37 AM

I use cash for most of my purchases too and no I don't think that is too old fashioned!!! :D :D

ragqueen03 07-10-2011 11:41 AM

Originally Posted by 0tis
I am a cash kind of gal - then I don't owe anyone at the end of the month - but I'm not sure about debit cards - I have never used one - I would be frantically writing it down in my checkbook - I see people all the time using them and they stuff the receipt away - I wonder if they remember to record it. We were taught in school how to write a check and balance our checking acct - I think that is a lost art too.

I work in a bank and balancing a checkbook is definitely a lost art! People will come in and say they are out of balance and when we asked them did they balance their checkbook last month - they get that deer in the headlight look and say well i just went with total last month and it was close! another thing about their checking account - heaven forbid that they know their account number or use a deposit slip. and they wonder why it takes longer for us to wait on them - duh if we didn't have to look up your account number and then fill out your deposit slip for you it would be a lot easier for both of us!one last thing i gotta vent about - count your money BEFORE you leave, we are only human and yes we can make a mistake but if you leave and go to the grocery store and the mall and then call and say we shorted you it's kinda hard to prove it was our error especially when we balanced our drawer. there i vented and i feel a lot better - ready to tackle tomorrow!!!!!

jaciqltznok 07-10-2011 11:49 AM

Originally Posted by emsgranny
I don't quite understand it - It seems that paying cash for a purchase has become a thing of the past.

Clerks at the various stores look at you like you are just plain crazy if you pay with cash!!! Some of the young ones get that deer in the headlight look even. :lol:

It is so frustrating to me - it seems that most stores do not educate their employees on how to count change back to a customer - I for one miss that!!!! If it wasnt for the registers telling them how much change to give, some of them would be lost. Then they can't count the amount to you - they just hand it back or say 3.26 is your change (thats what the register says anyway) and they just dump it on counter or in your hand. I have made it a point to count it when I receive it because some don't even give the correct change when told how much to give you.

Call me old fashioned but when we were growing up, we didn't and couldn't use calculators in class. This mean't we had to think for ourselves and do math in our heads. Counting out change was routine and showed respect to the customers. I learned early on (started work at concession stand at the pool while I was in 8th grade). My husband helped in concession stand last night with our grand daughters softball team. They were 8 and 9 year olds and he was trying to teach them how to do the math in order to give change-not an easy task. Just saying. I am not bashing my grand daughter by any means - in many ways she is smarter for her young age than I was or can be on some subjects!!!

I have heard it said trends go full circle - like the 70's clothes are coming back in style and even some of the songs are being remade. Do you think the "cash" concept
will ever return???

I doubt it- but whenever I can I will continue to pay cash for my purchases. I dont like signing those electronic pads - where does my signature go??? Where do all my pin numbers go???? I guess I should ask my grand daughter - she would probably know this :lol:

Thanks for listening..I feel better now...will be off to the store soon with cash in hand!!!! cheryl

YES...cash will soon be king...this country is in too much trouble financially and before you know it, if you don't have cash you won't be able to shop...as it is, many stores are now charging you more for those purchases were you use a debit card, and even MORE if you use a CC....this is all going to go up when banks are cut off from Govt. funds and have to support themselves!

decky 07-10-2011 12:03 PM

I have told some young cashiers what I need in change and they give it to me. I wonder if I would tell them an incorrect amount if they would still give it to me. They probably would. My oldest son learned to do the new "new" math when he was in grade school. He can give you figures faster than you can do it on a calculator.

JulieR 07-10-2011 12:15 PM

I'm hearing so much disdain for these kids, but I have to wonder, how do you think they would respond to all the threads here bemoaning the fact that nobody could find the QB because an email didn't come that day?

The daily digest email is to them what a calculator is to you - an obstacle to learning how to do something that, in your respective times, is critical to navigating basic social expectations and in most cases, to holding a job.

I don't mean to be rude about it, but we should all try to be a little more tolerant of those who have different skills than we do.

grandjan 07-10-2011 02:39 PM

Making change is a skill that's going the way of the slide rule. I still like to use cash in some situations but am resigned to the wait and fumbling for correct change, and heaven forbid you try to make it easy by giving the cashier, for example, a five and a penny for a $4.51 purchase. You'd be there all day!

javin22 07-10-2011 02:51 PM

I agree with you about some of the people at the cash register not knowing how to do math in their heads. I however like to use a card because cash has so much drugs and other gunk on it, that handling it makes me sick. I have a compromised immune system and so if I touch cash, I have to hurry and wash my hands. I have even heard that some drugs only have to have skin contact to get into our systems. So I really like the card much better.

madamekelly 07-10-2011 02:52 PM

We have a neighborhood store that gives a .59 cent discount on all cash purchases. Smart grocers. They are constantly busy, all day and evening.

CAS49OR 07-10-2011 03:17 PM

I'm so used to using my debit/credit cards that I rarely have cash unless I go out of my way to get cash back if I intend to go to yard sales.

Hubby's credit card was hacked at Michael's. Someone in a different state withdrew $200 from our bank account. WF didn't immediately give us a credit, but when the newspaper reported hundreds of local people getting hacked in many banks, they did.

Yes, cash would be refreshing, as would manners and intelligence.

PolkaBabe 07-10-2011 04:48 PM

I agreed that not many can count back change. In the store that I work at I believe I am the only one that does. In fact I take pride in it. The older people sometimes make a

carrieg 07-10-2011 05:06 PM

I don't own a debit card and right now our cc are at zero. I pay with cash or check. So many of the grocery stores convert to electrocnic check so I don't even have to write out the check.

As for cursive, take a poll among your grandkids & see if any of them can read cursive. I consider cursive a secret code for us old folks! LOL I have made a point lately of printing inside any birthday cards I send.

jitkaau 07-10-2011 05:10 PM

I think you should count the change back yourself, as the kids that get these menial jobs are not maths geniuses.They may have been more on the ball in the olden days when there were not as many opportunities for bright kids to get ahead and do something more suitable to their abilities. Now it is different knowledge that they deal with. I think it is wise to help out those of lesser ability by putting in systems that help them to cope as not all of us have average intelligence.

alwayslearning 07-10-2011 05:12 PM

One of my friends just realized that her bank was charging her $1.75 each time she used her debit card for debits. They told her to use it as a credit card even though it is a debit card. That would avoid further charges.

lfw045 07-10-2011 05:17 PM

I like being "off the grid" by using cash! To me it's a matter of not following the crowd in some aspect anyway...lol!

QuiltnLady1 07-10-2011 05:25 PM

I only use my debit card at Costco for gas. I pay cash for as much as I can. I have a special card that I use in the internet that has a real low balance so if it gets hacked they can't do much.

jaciqltznok 07-10-2011 05:30 PM

Originally Posted by jitkaau
I think you should count the change back yourself, as the kids that get these menial jobs are not maths geniuses.They may have been more on the ball in the olden days when there were not as many opportunities for bright kids to get ahead and do something more suitable to their abilities. Now it is different knowledge that they deal with. I think it is wise to help out those of lesser ability by putting in systems that help them to cope as not all of us have average intelligence.

maybe in Australia these are "minial" jobs..but here in the good ole BROKE USA...ANY job is a good job..I have college grads waiting a year to finally get a MINIAL job in this town...I have one that had to drop out and is now working not one, but THREE of those minial jobs in hopes to make enough to get a decent car and go back to school to finish his LAST semester....

Can they count change back, YES..they also do janitorial work, bag groceries for TIPS only, and run errands for the elderly for $3.00 an hour!

Lynnc 07-10-2011 07:18 PM

I hate the look you get from young people when you give a couple of pennies so you will get a nickel, dime or quarter back instead of more pennies. It totally confused some of them.

dottientx 07-10-2011 07:56 PM

I carry very little cash. Feel safer using my credit card. I know how much I can I can spend. I'm not stupid. Usually only carry my credit card and driver's license into a store with me. Can slip it into a pocket and not have to worry about someone taking off with my purse. I used to live in an area of the state where we had a lot of aliens coming across and was always hearing about some gal having her purse grabbed by someone driving by in a parking lot. If you resisted you were more than likely dragged along until you let go. Not the same world a lot of us grew up in.

Lisanne 07-10-2011 08:11 PM

I almost always pay cash, haven't had a problem with it. Cashiers don't even have to know how to make change, since the cash registers now figure it out for them.

bakermom 07-10-2011 10:21 PM

Originally Posted by JulieR
I'm hearing so much disdain for these kids, but I have to wonder, how do you think they would respond to all the threads here bemoaning the fact that nobody could find the QB because an email didn't come that day?

The daily digest email is to them what a calculator is to you - an obstacle to learning how to do something that, in your respective times, is critical to navigating basic social expectations and in most cases, to holding a job.

I don't mean to be rude about it, but we should all try to be a little more tolerant of those who have different skills than we do.

Good point! also, this is not a new issue. My first job when i was in H.S. (the 60's) was in the local grocery store. Even then people complained about clecks that could not count change.
while my kids CAN count back change, several places they have worked instructed them to state the amount machine tells them and hand it to the customer, change first then dollars.
they are not supposed to count it out. i was also taught to lay the money on the register until I counted the change back, so there was no question about what you were given. Thats a big no-no now too.

celwood 07-11-2011 06:53 AM

Blame the school system and also lack of support for the school system by the parents.

My husband always says that the schools never teach the kids the meaning of "borrow" which would indicate that the borrower will pay it back. So far, nothing.

Lyncat 07-11-2011 07:02 AM

If I am paying in cash, I usually give an odd amount so they can give me back even change, and make them count it back to me. A little incidental learning never hurt anyone! (turned into Mrs Siefferman the teacher for a moment there)

emsgranny 07-11-2011 07:14 AM

Originally Posted by pnptrapp
I agree that counting back change is a skill that is often over looked. I'm 31 and it drives me nuts when they have to rely on the coputer to count back change.

One area I'm on the fence about is calculator use. I feel they should be able to do basic math without one, but now-a-days all businesses are using computers for everything, and we an all atest the younger they start using them the better they are at using them!

Just my two cents!

I agree with the computer training - everything has gone that way...Whenever I have a computer question I always ask my grandkids!!! My 5 year old grandson can even get on his games - I have trouble lol

emsgranny 07-11-2011 07:43 AM

Originally Posted by gramajo

Originally Posted by Sandee
I use shecks alot & cashiers really don't like them any more....Too Bad..

I'm a cashier, so handle checks, credit & debit cards. Our check verification machine takes a long time for approval. In the meantime, the line behind the checkwriter is getting longer & people are getting impatient. I had 1 customer down the line ask "why the h*** do you take checks anyway?"

Credit & debit cards also take longer than cash sales. Sometimes when a card is declined, the customer gets mad at us & says they just made a deposit, it should go through, yada, yada, yada. Unless the deposit was cash, most banks won't release the funds until the next day.

I'm not trying to push cash, credit or debit--just trying to present the other side. BTW, I sometimes prefer using checks if I don't have enough cash on me and don't want to put it on a credit card. I don't have a debit card--it seems like too much bookkeeping for me.

Since I am on my soapbox, don't even get me started on rude/impatient/talking on their cellphone customers. Most of us behind the register are trying to do our best and be nice to even the nastiest of customers.


I too like the checks if I dont have enough cash with me. One day my daughter was with her two young children (ages 2 & 5) She is on a tight budget being a single mom and going to school. Her daughter wanted a toy that was actually on sale (She did know what the clearance stickers looked like lol) My daughter had to tell her no because mommy didnt have enough money - she innocently looked at my DD and said "Just slide that card you use at the bank to get money" Needless to say it turned into a learning experience for her lol

I agree that people arent nearly as atient or nice as they used to be - I was a customer service manager at a well known store for a few years - many moons ago - we only encountered a few customers that didnt smile back or make pleasant small talk. My dad taught me as a young child to be friendly that sometimes it makes a persons day to give them a smile or just a pleasant remark-we were walking to the small store near us and there was a gentlemen walking towards us - dad said HI to him and asked him how he was doing. The man smiled and said thanks for asking - I am great. I asked dad if he knew the man and he said no - to this day I still say HI or give a passerby a smile.

OHHHHHH-The cell phone thing deserves its own post lol
Like you I best not get started here on that lol

plainpat 07-11-2011 07:56 AM

We've used a bank debit card for yrs & do record every time we pay with it.No different than when we used checks only(we still use checks).When we come home, the 1st thing done is recording any check/debit card payments made that day.DH doesn't want to pay interest,so we keep all paper work up to date.

Originally Posted by 0tis
I am a cash kind of gal - then I don't owe anyone at the end of the month - but I'm not sure about debit cards - I have never used one - I would be frantically writing it down in my checkbook - I see people all the time using them and they stuff the receipt away - I wonder if they remember to record it. We were taught in school how to write a check and balance our checking acct - I think that is a lost art too.

redkimba 07-11-2011 08:07 AM

Originally Posted by JulieR
I'm hearing so much disdain for these kids, but I have to wonder, how do you think they would respond to all the threads here bemoaning the fact that nobody could find the QB because an email didn't come that day?

The daily digest email is to them what a calculator is to you - an obstacle to learning how to do something that, in your respective times, is critical to navigating basic social expectations and in most cases, to holding a job.

I don't mean to be rude about it, but we should all try to be a little more tolerant of those who have different skills than we do.

Thank you. I generally stop reading any thread that only trashes the youths of today.

The fact of life is that they have skills that are necessary to their generation, but not even to mine. Most of today's kids are really used to a credit/debit card system. Why? because so many transactions use that - not cash.

Please think twice before you simply dismiss the "younger" generation as stupid, lazy, and/or incompetent.

valsma 07-11-2011 08:13 AM

I know this so well. When we bought our truck a few years back we brought cash with us for the down payment. When the price was decided on and everything was done, I get the cash out of my purse. The salesman looked at me like I had two heads and says 'oh cash". I was like yeah, is that a problem? Well we would prefer a check. I shook my head and asked what was wrong with cash and he said that they prefer checks because it was easier to keep over the weekend. We were there on a Sunday. They didn't want the cash so I had to write a check, and rush to the bank Monday morning to make sure it would be covered. I just don't get it.
I also cannot believe how many people cannot have no clue on how to count change and that drives me nuts. I had a boss who insisted that we count change back or else. He wouldn't let us use the register to tell us how much change. I don't know how the human race is going to survive in the future.

JulieR 07-11-2011 08:40 AM

Originally Posted by valsma
I know this so well. When we bought our truck a few years back we brought cash with us for the down payment. When the price was decided on and everything was done, I get the cash out of my purse. The salesman looked at me like I had two heads and says 'oh cash". I was like yeah, is that a problem? Well we would prefer a check. I shook my head and asked what was wrong with cash and he said that they prefer checks because it was easier to keep over the weekend. We were there on a Sunday. They didn't want the cash so I had to write a check, and rush to the bank Monday morning to make sure it would be covered. I just don't get it.

He should have taken your cash. However, it is dangerous to leave that much cash laying around a business while no one is there (and even when someone IS there), and the banks weren't open for him on Sunday either. It's a liability they don't want to assume; even if they have excellent insurance it might not cover something so foolhardy as that.

Originally Posted by valsma
I also cannot believe how many people cannot have no clue on how to count change and that drives me nuts. I had a boss who insisted that we count change back or else. He wouldn't let us use the register to tell us how much change. I don't know how the human race is going to survive in the future.

Oh, we'll get on the way we always have: by changing with the times. We have cars and mass-produced clothing, too, and we seem to get along just fine with those. ;)

Pat G 07-11-2011 03:24 PM

This is a real pet peeve for me. I hate it when they just plop some bills topped with change into my hand then the chg. rolls off & I have to chase it.

The only clerks who count back your chg. are more mature people. I always thank them for doing it.

charlotte37830 07-11-2011 10:19 PM

My dad taught me to count back change as a young child. He would sit with me in the floor and say "You are the cashier, I bought something that costs XXX and paid with XXX. How much money do you have to give me back?" And I had to count it out.. change first, then dollars. He always said "If you don't know how to count your change, how will you know if you are getting cheated?". I've actually had to tell the cashier how much money to give me back when he/she would accidentally cash out the register without putting in how much I gave him/her. My kids are amazed that I don't grab a calculator when doing math. I always tell them that I can figure it out faster than I can get out the calculator, turn it on and use it. They have even tested me on it. They hate it because I always tell them the right answer before they work in out on the calculator.

nwm50 07-13-2011 06:57 AM

LOVE that "deer light in eye" comment ! :D ...I thought it was me with the cash paying situtation but glad to know there are others feeling this same way.

mayday 07-15-2011 09:45 AM

sadly no, I remember in the 90's a lovely super local food shop had to close because there was a power cut , was daytime and not dark BUT despite there being scales and everything was priced--------not with bar codes but guess why? the young staff had NO comprehension how to weigh/work out price AND give change, SAD!!!

patsyo56721 07-16-2011 05:26 AM

Several years ago I bouoght something for cash and they asked me for ID. Guess it was just force of habit

Stitchit123 07-16-2011 05:54 AM

I use my debit card as much as possible I can dbl check my recpts on line, Carrying cash is scarey any more even out here in the boonies and my bank pays me NOT to write a check

emsgranny 07-16-2011 11:27 AM

Originally Posted by redkimba

Originally Posted by JulieR
I'm hearing so much disdain for these kids, but I have to wonder, how do you think they would respond to all the threads here bemoaning the fact that nobody could find the QB because an email didn't come that day?

The daily digest email is to them what a calculator is to you - an obstacle to learning how to do something that, in your respective times, is critical to navigating basic social expectations and in most cases, to holding a job.

I don't mean to be rude about it, but we should all try to be a little more tolerant of those who have different skills than we do.

Thank you. I generally stop reading any thread that only trashes the youths of today.

The fact of life is that they have skills that are necessary to their generation, but not even to mine. Most of today's kids are really used to a credit/debit card system. Why? because so many transactions use that - not cash.

Please think twice before you simply dismiss the "younger" generation as stupid, lazy, and/or incompetent.

I am so sorry if you took it as a "bashing" of our younger generation. If you read the original post I mentioned clerks in general and did make the comment of the younger ones having a deer in the headlight look - I am nearing 60 so younger to me isnt necessarily school age kids. lol Also if you read further I did say that I am computer illiterate and sometimes I have to have my grandkids help me!!!! It is true times are changing - we have to go with it but I still stand by the fact that some math should be taught so that kids can do math in their heads - I comparision shop alot and its nice to be able to calculate in my head the price per item/ounce/serving - the "value" pack isnt always the biggest value.

I am impressed with what the "kids" know today about computers etc. The last computer course I had was in college and we were still using the data cards lol So it does amaze me how far things have come.

My apologies to anyone who thought I was "bashing" the youth of today...not my intention...I was just saying that I missed the art of counting change!!!

Thanks cheryl :thumbup: :-)

JulieR 07-16-2011 12:03 PM

Originally Posted by emsgranny

Originally Posted by redkimba

Originally Posted by JulieR
I'm hearing so much disdain for these kids, but I have to wonder, how do you think they would respond to all the threads here bemoaning the fact that nobody could find the QB because an email didn't come that day?

The daily digest email is to them what a calculator is to you - an obstacle to learning how to do something that, in your respective times, is critical to navigating basic social expectations and in most cases, to holding a job.

I don't mean to be rude about it, but we should all try to be a little more tolerant of those who have different skills than we do.

Thank you. I generally stop reading any thread that only trashes the youths of today.

The fact of life is that they have skills that are necessary to their generation, but not even to mine. Most of today's kids are really used to a credit/debit card system. Why? because so many transactions use that - not cash.

Please think twice before you simply dismiss the "younger" generation as stupid, lazy, and/or incompetent.

I am so sorry if you took it as a "bashing" of our younger generation. If you read the original post I mentioned clerks in general and did make the comment of the younger ones having a deer in the headlight look - I am nearing 60 so younger to me isnt necessarily school age kids. lol Also if you read further I did say that I am computer illiterate and sometimes I have to have my grandkids help me!!!! It is true times are changing - we have to go with it but I still stand by the fact that some math should be taught so that kids can do math in their heads - I comparision shop alot and its nice to be able to calculate in my head the price per item/ounce/serving - the "value" pack isnt always the biggest value.

I am impressed with what the "kids" know today about computers etc. The last computer course I had was in college and we were still using the data cards lol So it does amaze me how far things have come.

My apologies to anyone who thought I was "bashing" the youth of today...not my intention...I was just saying that I missed the art of counting change!!!

Thanks cheryl :thumbup: :-)

I'm sorry, my comment was not directed toward you at all. I should have been more clear :thumbup:

emsgranny 07-20-2011 02:45 AM

Julie R - All is well :-) I agree that sometimes kids get the rough end of the deal especially from the older generation that cant or wont understand the "new" way of doing things. I am proud of my grankids and other kids that can grasp all the new technology - I guess I just like some things done the "old" fashioned way :-) Of course I must say I have finally mastered the TV remote and the DVR thanks to them!!! Love it-not sure how I lived without them :lol:

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