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debby wicke 07-05-2011 07:11 AM

Do I know about shingles...YES! I was hospitalized for several weeks with little help. It is now been 2 1/2 years with the pain. Lyrica did very little for me. I began to use alcohol and the pain goes away. I was told by a physician I need not be soooo stressful. Strange I don't have much stress but continue to battle shingles. Good luck

judykay 07-05-2011 07:13 AM

I had them nine years ago and am reminded daily. They started under my breast around through my shoulder blades and met again where they started. I was also on Valtrex and Vicodin for the pain. I have not had the blisters again just the itching and annoying pain. The doctor said it was the nerve endings that were attacked, wanted to give me medication for the pain but it does not last very long at any given time, just starts and stops through out the day.I have gotten use to it as part of my life. I have heard some people have gotten them much worse. I also got the shingle shot after I had the shingles, I went to my local health dept. as the insurance company would not pay for it and it is very expensive.

debby wicke 07-05-2011 07:13 AM

I believe the vaccine will only work for those that have not been bothered with shingles.

willferg 07-05-2011 07:20 AM

I had shingles 10 years ago in my right eye and up through the hairline. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, the nerves were damaged and I don't feel it in my eye, but I do recall in the beginning how my face and hair hurt.

Being put on anti-viral medication helped tremendously. The rest took time. Ten years later, I still put in an eye drop every day to keep things calm in my eye. The virus is gone, but the cornea is damaged, and I'm not a candidate for a replacement. I am on very friendly terms with my opthalmologist ( I know that's not spelled right, but that word is just too hard to spell, lol).

I've always been afraid to get the vaccine in case it triggers another case, and I haven't heard it would help since I've had both CP and shingles.

On a separate note, my kids had the chicken pox vaccine, had a mild breakthrough case, and then had a full-blown case. Makes me sort of frustrated with the vaccines and I wonder what that will mean for them in regards to shingles down the road...

Norad 07-05-2011 07:29 AM

Yes, I had them on the right side of my forehead and I think I would have rather had a mack truck hit me. At least then (if I survived) the pain would have been understandable. I had them in 2006 and still suffer from itching and some slight pain. I take a generic allergy tablet almost every day to control it (it really does help me) to control the itching. Diphenhydramine, please check with your doctor to see it this is ok.

catmcclure 07-05-2011 07:37 AM

Originally Posted by maurie
Has anyone suffered with Shingles? Is there any source of relief? I am in constant pain.

I get shingles occasionally when I'm stressed. First got them six years ago when I was in chemo - right at the base of my spine. It was difficult to sit comfortably. I get an outbreak when I'm overstressed - in the same spot. I got the creams, the antivirals, etc. What I've found is the best thing around is a tube of Abreva. It's for cold sores, but shingles is just a cold sore really. I can tell when I'm going to have an outbreak because that spot starts hurting (same with cold sores). I just start putting Abreva on the spot two or three times a day and the shingles go away. First outbreak was about the size of the palm of my hand. Now I usually only get two to three bumps.

busygranny 07-05-2011 07:39 AM

GET THE SHOT!!!!! They are terrible and takes a lot of time to get over. My SIL had shingles and I watched her suffer. My husband and I got the shot.

swizzy 07-05-2011 07:52 AM

Just one year ago I had shingles develop while in the hospital with a heart attack
Yes the pain is no fun but pain medication helps. Also My Dr ordered Proctozone-HC 2.5% to rub on it. That was a blessing
Unfortunately shingles tend to take time to get past the pain stage but it WILL get better. At the time of the outbreak I doubted that last statement but it really does
Thinking of you and wishing you a fast recovery

okiepastor 07-05-2011 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by maurie
Has anyone suffered with Shingles? Is there any source of relief? I am in constant pain.

My mom and husband have both had shingles. Mom is still having problems from a year ago. Her doctor gave her medication.
My husband will not go to the doctor...he took turmeric (yes the spice) capsules 3 times a day the bottle says 2 capsules once a day so he tripled his dose it worked. If you believe in using herbs Swanson carries this cheaper than Walgreens


This helps a lot---and DRINK--lots of water, till you are floating!------aspercreme seems to help. Oak bark tea helps on the rash if yo canot use aspercreme.....

When I got shingles FOUR doctors did not diagnose it and two were dermaltologists! A friend saw the awful rash on my back when I bent over, and said "When did you get shingles?"

I found I only have an outbreak after I get dehydrated.

AnitaSt 07-05-2011 08:49 AM

My DH had a terrible case of the shingles...of course he wouldn't go to the doctor until it was too late for the antiviral meds to help. What gave him relief was acupuncture. We saw a practitioner in Austin who could work miracles. He had about 4 weekly treatments and had almost no pain in between treatments. Kept him off the pain meds.


patski 07-05-2011 08:51 AM

Originally Posted by maurie
Has anyone suffered with Shingles? Is there any source of relief? I am in constant pain.

I had shingles and took nerve pain medication for it. Once they were gone I had no lasting pain

latelearner 07-05-2011 08:52 AM

I had shingles. Good thing is they finally go away. Pain meds are a help and ask your doctor if he has cream or diet recommendations. Otherwise you just adjust life schedule and wait it out. So sorry you are going through this.

decky 07-05-2011 08:54 AM

My husband has them right now. He was given some pain meds which helps some but still painful. His started on the inside of his arm, went to back and then onto his chest. There is a shot that you can get for preventing them but it runs around $300.00 and if you are on Medicare they don't pay for it.

katrbee 07-05-2011 08:57 AM

My husband got them just last year, age 63, and he was sooo sick for a few days. The pain shots they gave him were so bad they knocked him out over and over. Finally when home from hospital we found that Capsacian Cream rubbed directly on the pain was the best way to allow him to get up and get dressed. We rubbed it directly on the offending nerve endings where the rash had been. He still has the pain every once in a while and gets relief from the capsacian cream, still. Bless You.

Phyllis nm 07-05-2011 09:16 AM

i have heard oatmeal baths help. i would make a paste and apply it.

Carol Ann 07-05-2011 09:45 AM

I had the shingles in 2005 on my right leg that went under my right foot, right to my nerve endings. I had the shingles vaccine. Shingles can be very painful, there no fun. If you can have the vaccine, it will help you. Good luck.

Doreen 07-05-2011 09:58 AM

I've had 2 bouts of shingles. The first one was sooo painful. I actually went to a dermatologist. He gave me prednisone, which is a steroid and they started to go away. The second time, I knew what was happening and got to the Dr right away. Valtrex is a medicine that is often prescribed. They have not returned! I pray that they never return.

deenatoo 07-05-2011 10:05 AM

I had them in February. Fortunately, they didn't last that long, but I still have some itching in that area occassionally. Doctor gave me pain meds and I was told to get an anti-itch creme to help with the itching. I had a circle about 3 inches in diameter on my left are and a place on my left shoulder. The thing that bothered me was the exhaustion from it. That lasted about a month or so. I was told that I should still get the vaccine, but I haven't. Good luck!!

maurie 07-05-2011 10:46 AM

My thanks to all of you for your replies to my problem. I am taking notes and have begun to implement some of your suggestions. I am trying to get to the drug and health food stores today or tomorrow for some of the supplies suggested. Your replies have helped me so much, for I have felt like this was something that I alone was battling. Many thanks, I had the Shingle Shot last year. I have never had a pronounced rash but lots and lots of itching and pain. Thanks for all of your replies and may God bless and protect us all.

rlampman 07-05-2011 11:15 AM

I had than from jan to Aprial. there is nothing that hurts this bad.they gave me Gabapentin caps 300mg .2 capsules 3 times a day. I took 2 rounds of them at 180 each in a bottle. I will pray they do not last as long as mine did.I took Lidoderm patches at night is the only way I could sleep. And of course pain med.

desertrose 07-05-2011 11:22 AM

Since you already have them it's too late for the vaccine that they will administer if you are 60 or over.
Dr's that specialize in chronic pain treat shingles very effectively. If you need a referral from your insurance to see a specialist I'd call your PC and ask for the referral. I see a pain specialist for disc problems and they work wonders and keep me moving and active when I'd otherwise be immobile. {{{{HUGS}}}} I feel your pain :cry:

rlampman 07-05-2011 11:30 AM

Well I am going again Yes I ask about the shot , My ins will not pay for it to be 72 and to old to go through

Limey 07-05-2011 11:44 AM

Originally Posted by alwayslearning

Originally Posted by Sandee
Yes, there is a shingles vaccine now.

I have been told that once you have had shingles, the vaccine does no good. If you haven't had them, I cannot encourage you enough to get it ..... anything to avoid this horrible disease.

I had shingles recently and my dr recommended the "vaccine"; it is not a true vaccine so some insurances don't cover it. It will not prevent some varieties of the illness. I shall get it; anything to avoid that pain. By the way, an anti-viral med must be taken within the first week to kill the virus...but the pain goes on.

Marilynsue 07-05-2011 11:48 AM

I had shingles several years ago on my forhead and down the side of my face. I was put on medication right away and it did clear up. It came back a year later but not so serious as the first. However, 15 or so years later, It still affects my vision in that eye and I have to keep it checked. Not a fun thing to go through!

carolynjo 07-05-2011 12:06 PM

Yes, I can tell you some things about shingles. Big NOTE! If you are over 65, get a shingles vaccine, if you have had chicken pox but have not had shingles. I cannot stress this too strongly. Yes, the vaccine is expensive but well worth the price if you don't have to suffer from post-herpetic pain from nerve damage from shingles. You may still get the shingles, but the case is supposed to be less severe. A friend has suffered with residual pain from shingles (she's in her 40's) for 5 years and it is excruciating. She has lost 50 pounds from dealing with the pain. Nothing helps her and she has tried everything.

Most doctors will not give you a shingles vaccine if you have already had the shingles. So, before you get the shingles, get the vaccine. It is a timed dosage. The vaccine is frozen and is mixed with what I assume is a saline solution. It must be administered within 30 minutes of thawing and mixing or it is not effective. Good luck. Now, go get that shingles vaccine!

carolynjo 07-05-2011 12:07 PM

Yes, I can tell you some things about shingles. Big NOTE! If you are over 65, get a shingles vaccine, if you have had chicken pox but have not had shingles. I cannot stress this too strongly. Yes, the vaccine is expensive but well worth the price if you don't have to suffer from post-herpetic pain from nerve damage from shingles. You may still get the shingles, but the case is supposed to be less severe. A friend has suffered with residual pain from shingles (she's in her 40's) for 5 years and it is excruciating. She has lost 50 pounds from dealing with the pain. Nothing helps her and she has tried everything.

Most doctors will not give you a shingles vaccine if you have already had the shingles. So, before you get the shingles, get the vaccine. It is a timed dosage. The vaccine is frozen and is mixed with what I assume is a saline solution. It must be administered within 30 minutes of thawing and mixing or it is not effective. Good luck. Now, go get that shingles vaccine!

sassey 07-05-2011 01:08 PM

I had shingles several yrs ago and now have light flair ups when I get to stressed, Thank god the flair ups are short termned and a lot less painful.
I do not remember the name of meds I was on but remember they were made for the treatment of aids, were very new and cost $50. a pill but with my insurance I got them for $10.apiece seems like I had to take 15 pills or there abouts. I was already on pain meds for other problems but the pain was horrible. I remember I was with my sister in her RV and she asked what she could do I told her she could go somewhere because rvery time she walked across the floor it made me hurt worse.

caspharm 07-05-2011 01:59 PM

The meds are retrovirals, like acyclovir. Shingles (chicken pox) is a herpes virus. Here are some websites with treatments: http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-a...tment-overview and http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/shi...nts-and-drugs.

It is painful. My late FIL got it shortly after we were married, before the retrovirals came out and he was in a lot of pain. My dad developed it later after they came out and I think he had an easier time because he took them.

chairjogger 07-05-2011 02:00 PM

Oh! I am so very sorry ! yes, painful.. you have a lot of people posting.. just wanted to stop by and say.

Honey, I am so sorry for your painful experience.


Paisleyc 07-05-2011 02:04 PM

Stay in contact with your Dr., get referred to a pain clinic, bug anyone who can help you get relief. All the posts are right. It is a painful experience and re-occurances are possible. I had mine on both shoulders and they itch and re appear on occasion.

Sorry for your pain and problems. But don't give up, remember the squeeky wheel gets the oil. Keep at it and something will help.

bjnicholson 07-05-2011 02:07 PM

Originally Posted by auntpiggylpn
I have had shingles. I contracted them when I was in my 20's. I never had chicken pox as a child. I had 2 bouts of them. When I was in my late 20's the chicken pox vaccine came out. I talked to my doctor about it and he said I didn't need to get it because I had had Shingles. Well, when I was early 30's I got Chicken Pox!! (I was a nurse and a patient had shingles)

Are you seing a doctor? He can prescribe pain medication for you. It can take a long time for the pain and discomfort to subside because the shingles follow a nerve. I know that when I had my outbreak, I was given what I believe to have been a steroid cream and that helped dry them up. Did I mention that my shingles outbread was on my face under my left eye? Weird place, Dr. was baffled!!

I believe that there is a shingles vaccine now, check with your doctor.

There is a medication for that. It's an anti-viral med, but you have to begin taking it within 72 hrs of the onset. Have you seen your doctor?

Mary O 07-05-2011 02:21 PM

Oh I'm so sorry you have shingles.It's been 2yrs when I had mine.1st time at 18yrs and then at 60.Blisters the size of eggs.Pain was so bad I was taking Vicodin every 2hrs,lost 10lbs.Finaaly had some relief with accupunture.3 months of hell for me.I still have scars on my back and I do believe stress will bring them on.Hang in there...........

grandma nurse 07-05-2011 04:02 PM

My mother had the shingles about 3 years ago. She had a continous blister from her sternum to her spine under her breast. The only relief was when we would apply Aloe Vera gel. She went through so much pain that I went and got the shot. My insurance paid for it. 3 years later she still uses Aloe Vera gel with the pain deadner in it , both morning and night. She can no longer wear a bra, because of severe tenderness.

quilt crazee 07-05-2011 04:11 PM

my husband had shingles this past THANKSGIVING.he's had constant pain, since. he's had 3 rounds of valtrex and is presently on 2 pain killers& lyrica. his was of the face, rt side. he went to the dentist when it started, thought it was a toothache. the dentist pulled 2 teeth, it then got worse & he ended up in the ER.By Valentine's day it was concentrating in his eye.the white blistered up, pressurewas 3x's of other eye. he is having surgery on it in 2wks, to smooth it out,so it can lubricate more evenly. THEN he will have cataract surgery on it!Before he just had the starting of one & the shingles seems to advanced it(5 eye specialists!) THE SHINGLES VACCINE is believed to be 50% or less effective & very expensive! MOVING ON: I read an article, that said when the chicken pox vaccine, becaME MANATORY IN THE U.S. A FEW years ago, SHINGLES increased dramatically. The actually cost/deaths/hospitalizations far exceeded , those previously for chicken pox.Also children as young as 2were getting it!It went on to say JAPAN, who also offers the C.POX vaccine(voluntary)has seen little increase in shingles.Only 1 in 5 children have the vaccine, there.Seems being exposed to C.POX actually strenghtened the immune system against shingles! GOOD LUCK!!

luce321 07-05-2011 04:25 PM

I had shingles twice, the first time around my waist. The second time on my neck. It is such a vicious pain and nothing to fool around with. I hope you saw your doctor and got something for the pain. When I had it on my neck, I had headaches for four months, thought it would never end. Hope I never get it again, but it is possible. There is a shingles vaccine, but its too late if you have had the shingles already. Surely hope you feel better soon.
Just wanted to say that my daughter's MIL had shingles in her eye. I had never heard of that.

sylvia77 07-05-2011 04:36 PM

I've heard Lyrica is good for shingles, can't hurt!

Dean 07-05-2011 05:22 PM

Yes, there is a vacine, but no you should not have it if you have or have had the shingles. Once you have had them and get them again, you will know right away that that is what it is and the quicker you get to the doctor and get on the meds the better off you will be. I was told by my doctor that they never go away, they just go dormant and can start back up at any time, usually with the pain and itching long before you see any rash. As long as you can see the blisters, they are contagious.

Lady Diana 07-05-2011 05:44 PM

My Mom and I both get shingles. We both had them on our forehead between our eyes..then later in life Mom had them on the side of her face in front of her ear. Most painful.

When we get the starting pain in the forehead we take
Valtrax immediately. This lessens the duration and outbreak. We both had chicken pox when we were children.
Medicare does not pay for the vacine. Her doctor said it would not keep us from getting the shingles, only lessen the symptoms. He also said, the vacine could also cause a case of the shingles.
A note,my mom had skin cancer in one of the shingles sores on her forehead and had to have surgery. The doctor said he has had several skin cancer patients who had a bout with shingles prior to discovering the skin cancer.
Best of luck with your case. We have tried everything, ice packs, ibuprofen, aspirin, aleve....aside from perscription drugs....can't think of anything over the counter. Call your doctor to see if there is any new treatment for pain.
You are in my prayers.

jmanghamom 07-05-2011 05:55 PM

I came down with them last November and I still am having trouble with them. My doctor prescribed pain pills for them. I had chicken pox as a kid. My doctor wants me to get the shingles vacination but have to wait until November. You have to wait for one year after you come down with them. I broke out twice. I thought I was over them and then I had the second go around. They are sooooooooooooo painful. I will sure pray for you.

Shocked Quilter 07-05-2011 06:11 PM

So sorry for your pain. I don't know about what to take for relief. I had 2 friends that them and it was terrible. I went and took the shingles vaccine. This is to keep you from getting them,, not after you already them. I would recommend anyone to take the shot to anyone. I had another friend who that them on his face, right thru his eye,, so dangerous..he did recover without losing his eyesight.

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