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BellaBoo 03-31-2010 12:18 PM

:? I have always been what I call scatterbrained but managed to get the important stuff dealt with when needed. Lately I seem to be more so, not be able to focus or finish what I start without being distracted to something else. I mentioned it to my Dr. and he said you may have adult ADD. He asked a some questions and said let's try you on Adderall and see how that works. I know kids have to be throughly tested before such meds are given to them and then only if nothing else works but according to my Dr. adults are very different that have ADD. It wears off in 8 hours so not addicting. I am on a very low dosage and the results are amazing! I can focus and not be distracted or thinking about a hundred other things all at once. I feel calmer and get more things accomplished during the day. Anyone here on Adderall or have adult ADD?

Marjpf 03-31-2010 12:44 PM

Glad it's working for you. I probably do have adult ADD, but not bad enough to seek treatment.

MadQuilter 03-31-2010 01:02 PM

I have BAD (bad attitude daily) and MLD (mid life disaster).

All kidding aside, I am glad that the meds work for you. I have a friend who goes a mile a minute and it is tiring to keep up with her. My brain seems so sedated compared to hers (and that's without alcohol). She started taking meds and WHAT a DIFFERENCE. For those of us who do not have to deal with such a disruptive thought pattern, it is hard to envision what your life must be like.

Surprised that you settled on quilting as a hobby because quilting - by definition - requires a lot of attention.

BellaBoo 03-31-2010 01:15 PM

That may be why I have many quilting projects going at once, go to every class and workshop, and the first in line to volunteer at guild.

Granna of 5 03-31-2010 02:08 PM

My son who was diagnosed with ADD at 26 yrs. says that he got it from me, that I have all the classic signs of ADD. I am definitely one who jumps from project to project. My have to talk with my Dr. about this. Glad you got the help....

raptureready 03-31-2010 02:10 PM

I'm glad to live in a day and age where there are treatments for ailments that have gone untreated for so long.
I was taking my meds one day and my DH asked what I was taking. I said, "This is Lisinopril for high blood pressure. I take it so that I can live. This one is Celexa(sp?) for depression, I take it so that you can live." I thought it was hilarious, him---not so much.

mommaB 03-31-2010 02:55 PM

Here's how ADD was explained to me..both my kids were diagnosed in gradeschool. Your brain is made up of keyholes and keys, but you don't have enough keys to fill all the holes, so they jump from one hole to the next. Adderal and Ritalin fill up the extra keyholes so you can concentrate. Both meds are what we called "speed" 30 years ago and if you don't have ADD they will do exactly that..speed you up. Its remarkable that they seem to have the opposite effect on someone taking them for the proper reason! Be careful, my daughter's were stolen from her at college..its still avery popular street drug. Now she only takes a couple week's worth with her to her campus aptartment, and leaves the rest here with me for safekeeping.

raptureready 03-31-2010 03:12 PM

What MommaB said and one other thing. Speed and all drugs like it are VERY HARD ON YOUR TEETH. You need to take extra precautions with your teeth and possibly a calcium supplement. Brush more often, see your dentist regularly, etc. Back in my younger more stupid days I tried some speed called White Cross, my friends laughed because it made me sleepy so I might have some ADD or AADD. I'd forgotten that.

BellaBoo 03-31-2010 03:17 PM

None of my teeth are real, either caps or implants. LOL

littlehud 03-31-2010 04:33 PM

Two of me kids have been diagnostic with ADD and I'm sure they got it from me. Maybe I need to check into meds too.

chris_quilts 03-31-2010 05:03 PM

Originally Posted by raptureready
I'm glad to live in a day and age where there are treatments for ailments that have gone untreated for so long.
I was taking my meds one day and my DH asked what I was taking. I said, "This is Lisinopril for high blood pressure. I take it so that I can live. This one is Celexa(sp?) for depression, I take it so that you can live." I thought it was hilarious, him---not so much.

I too thought your answer was hilarious except I'd have substituted my 19 yr old DD in place of DH. :) I was asked yesterday how she was and I answered "Alive." Most of my friends there caught it and thought that was funny. I

chris_quilts 03-31-2010 05:04 PM

If you truly do have ADD, Adderall can truly help but if you have bipolar disorder, either type, then Adderall makes your moods cycle more rapidly so please be careful.

Honey 03-31-2010 05:39 PM

Originally Posted by raptureready
I'm glad to live in a day and age where there are treatments for ailments that have gone untreated for so long.
I was taking my meds one day and my DH asked what I was taking. I said, "This is Lisinopril for high blood pressure. I take it so that I can live. This one is Celexa(sp?) for depression, I take it so that you can live." I thought it was hilarious, him---not so much.

I love it :thumbup:

MollieSue 03-31-2010 05:45 PM

My kids and I all went through all the testing with a phychologist about 12 years ago. I used to use regular Ritalin, but then built a tolerance to it, so would go off and on for a few years. Recently I was going to go on Concerta, but $60 co-pay is a bit of an ouch.
It does really help! To me, it's almost like taking a Valium - having a peaceful mind! Otherwise, everyone jokes about how frequently I change topics of conversation! lol!!!!

Honey 03-31-2010 05:50 PM

Years ago one of my nephews was diagnosed with ADHD. They wanted to put him on ritilin and my sister said no. Then she reserched every thing that they had on the subject. She found out that there are many foods that could affect him. A couple of things that were very bad were red food dye and preservatives. She always made meals from scratch, but began baking everything herself, canning and really watching what he ate. He was a totally different kid. A lot of people think that sugar is what makes kids hyper, and sometimes it does for a little while, but it wears off fairly fast. The food dye, preservatives, some fruit and other foods are 100 times worse and take quite a while to wear off. I'm not sure if this pertains to adult ADD, but it would be worth looking into. I know that if I eat certain foods (corned beef, aged cheese, soy sauce) or msg it will cause a migraine.

JanetM 03-31-2010 05:51 PM

Originally Posted by raptureready
I'm glad to live in a day and age where there are treatments for ailments that have gone untreated for so long.
I was taking my meds one day and my DH asked what I was taking. I said, "This is Lisinopril for high blood pressure. I take it so that I can live. This one is Celexa(sp?) for depression, I take it so that you can live." I thought it was hilarious, him---not so much.

That is hilarious :lol: :lol: :lol:

Shibori 03-31-2010 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by Honey
Years ago one of my nephews was diagnosed with ADHD. They wanted to put him on ritilin and my sister said no. Then she reserched every thing that they had on the subject. She found out that there are many foods that could affect him. A couple of things that were very bad were red food dye and preservatives. She always made meals from scratch, but began baking everything herself, canning and really watching what he ate. He was a totally different kid. A lot of people think that sugar is what makes kids hyper, and sometimes it does for a little while, but it wears off fairly fast. The food dye, preservatives, some fruit and other foods are 100 times worse and take quite a while to wear off. I'm not sure if this pertains to adult ADD, but it would be worth looking into. I know that if I eat certain foods (corned beef, aged cheese, soy sauce) or msg it will cause a migraine.

Amen....my daughter had adhd as a child and MSG(monosodium glutamate) has a HUGE effect on her. It's a flavor enhancer added to many many foods, not only chinese food. sometimes when you see "natural flavors" in a list of ingredients, you can bet msg is one of them. It can cause so many problems for people with MSG sensitivity, and most people don't know they even have a sensitivity.

Mousie 04-03-2010 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by BellaBoo
:? I have always been what I call scatterbrained but managed to get the important stuff dealt with when needed. Lately I seem to be more so, not be able to focus or finish what I start without being distracted to something else. I mentioned it to my Dr. and he said you may have adult ADD. He asked a some questions and said let's try you on Adderall and see how that works. I know kids have to be throughly tested before such meds are given to them and then only if nothing else works but according to my Dr. adults are very different that have ADD. It wears off in 8 hours so not addicting. I am on a very low dosage and the results are amazing! I can focus and not be distracted or thinking about a hundred other things all at once. I feel calmer and get more things accomplished during the day. Anyone here on Adderall or have adult ADD?

I posted a thread last summer called, "Ever Wonder about your Quiltheimers, CRS, ADHD?"
I have ADHD, and in my opinion, if a person needs one of the many medications now, it can be fantastic,...literally a whole new life!
You only know yourself the way you've always been, but what if you could be even better?
I'm not talking about getting high or becoming someone else.
I mean, I am the person WITH the meds.
I don't take Adderall, but I have and it is goood stuff.
I had begun asking at age 44 if I had adhd, and asked so called, professionals, and was told no, both times.
Then serendipity, had to get a new doctor and decided to take my grandma's advice and go to a bigger town and get a better doctor.
I got one of the best. With a good doctor, and the right meds, you really can have a better life with adhd.
Also, I reccommend the books:
Driven To Distraction by Edward Hallowell and John Raitey
Delivered From Distraction by Edward Hallowell.
There are many others, and it will help you understand all the many sides to adhd. It is much more common in adults than has been believed.
Good for you, Bellaboo on trying your doctor's suggestion.
Aren't you glad you did? I am!:XD:

Mousie 04-03-2010 05:30 PM

Originally Posted by MadQuilter
I have BAD (bad attitude daily) and MLD (mid life disaster).

All kidding aside, I am glad that the meds work for you. I have a friend who goes a mile a minute and it is tiring to keep up with her. My brain seems so sedated compared to hers (and that's without alcohol). She started taking meds and WHAT a DIFFERENCE. For those of us who do not have to deal with such a disruptive thought pattern, it is hard to envision what your life must be like.

Surprised that you settled on quilting as a hobby because quilting - by definition - requires a lot of attention.

Before meds...I described the inside of my head like a traffic jam, and no one could understand me for very long.
I either talked way too fast or got the sentences out of sequence.
I was a mess!
I was dx'd with adhd at age 44, and started quilting at age 47-48.
I really don't think I could have done it before.
I did sew garments but quilting does take a lot of attention.
I just love it though, and now I am able...woo hoo!:mrgreen:

Mousie 04-03-2010 05:32 PM

Originally Posted by BellaBoo
That may be why I have many quilting projects going at once, go to every class and workshop, and the first in line to volunteer at guild.

yup, me too on many, many projects. The cover of the "Driven To Distraction", book I mentioned:
a person standing on a round world, with many arrows of different sizes and colors all coming towards his head...in other words - ideas!
yup, that's me.

Mousie 04-03-2010 05:34 PM

Originally Posted by raptureready
I'm glad to live in a day and age where there are treatments for ailments that have gone untreated for so long.
I was taking my meds one day and my DH asked what I was taking. I said, "This is Lisinopril for high blood pressure. I take it so that I can live. This one is Celexa(sp?) for depression, I take it so that you can live." I thought it was hilarious, him---not so much.

ooh, I LIKE that! :lol:

Mousie 04-03-2010 05:36 PM

Originally Posted by mommaB
Here's how ADD was explained to me..both my kids were diagnosed in gradeschool. Your brain is made up of keyholes and keys, but you don't have enough keys to fill all the holes, so they jump from one hole to the next. Adderal and Ritalin fill up the extra keyholes so you can concentrate. Both meds are what we called "speed" 30 years ago and if you don't have ADD they will do exactly that..speed you up. Its remarkable that they seem to have the opposite effect on someone taking them for the proper reason! Be careful, my daughter's were stolen from her at college..its still avery popular street drug. Now she only takes a couple week's worth with her to her campus aptartment, and leaves the rest here with me for safekeeping.

yes, that is what it was called, and it got a bad rap.
It will not do that to someone that needs it...ask me how I know.
I went from 200mph to normal with one pill!
I don't advocate taking meds, if you can do without, but just thrilled when somebody gets a new lease on life and can QUILT :XD:

Mousie 04-03-2010 05:39 PM

Originally Posted by Honey
Years ago one of my nephews was diagnosed with ADHD. They wanted to put him on ritilin and my sister said no. Then she reserched every thing that they had on the subject. She found out that there are many foods that could affect him. A couple of things that were very bad were red food dye and preservatives. She always made meals from scratch, but began baking everything herself, canning and really watching what he ate. He was a totally different kid. A lot of people think that sugar is what makes kids hyper, and sometimes it does for a little while, but it wears off fairly fast. The food dye, preservatives, some fruit and other foods are 100 times worse and take quite a while to wear off. I'm not sure if this pertains to adult ADD, but it would be worth looking into. I know that if I eat certain foods (corned beef, aged cheese, soy sauce) or msg it will cause a migraine.

I also have multiple chemical sensitivities, so I really believe in changing your diet and if it works, GREAT!
who needs unneccessary meds? not me!
But if you can't cope, by changing your diet, I am so glad that there are meds available that work.:-D

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