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honeybea 04-05-2012 09:25 AM

Full Moon..Does it affect you and how?
I find that I get so tired on the full moon . This happens each time. Many times I am not aware of it until I check the calendar and find that that's the reason... I taught for many years and I found that the students got very restless and into trouble more than usual.

gramajo 04-05-2012 09:32 AM

I don't feel the full moon affects me personally, but I'm a cashier at a convenience store. The moon definitely affects some of my customers. A lot of them are nuttier, ruder and more obnixious than they usually are. Most of my customers are great, but there are a few.....

usafchick1980 04-05-2012 09:37 AM

Trust me..as a 911 Dispatcher we can tell when Full Moon is coming. We get a lot busier. And a lot more Psychiatric calls.

Glenda m 04-05-2012 12:53 PM

Some people say that the moon has no effect, but those of us that deal with the public know better. And besides..what harm does it do if I want to go out in the yard and howl at the moon. Scares the heck out of the neighbors. LOL

MaryMo 04-05-2012 01:06 PM

Research shows that the full-moon effect is a myth ... but tell that to those who work with people of all kinds; something is different when the moon is full. Is it because the night is so bright affecting sleep?

auniqueview 04-05-2012 01:26 PM

Originally Posted by MaryMo (Post 5119098)
Research shows that the full-moon effect is a myth ... but tell that to those who work with people of all kinds; something is different when the moon is full. Is it because the night is so bright affecting sleep?

Researchers should try working in a hospital during a full moon, and then write their reports. The moon affects the tides, our moods, etc. Hey, there is a reason they call them luna-tics, lol. If you work with the public, you don't need a calendar to know when the moon is full.

b.zang 04-05-2012 01:33 PM

And if you work with children, too. Walk around the school hallways as the full moon approaches and compare it to a walk two weeks later. Don't need a moon chart!

Some months I don't seem to sleep as well when the moon is full. Could be the moon effect, or the light from it shining in my eyes. LOL

mary quilting 04-05-2012 03:49 PM

we have more crazy customers on the full moon .Those who do the research should work in sales with the public That would mack them believers.

EllieGirl 04-05-2012 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by b.zang (Post 5119136)
And if you work with children, too. Walk around the school hallways as the full moon approaches and compare it to a walk two weeks later. Don't need a moon chart!

Some months I don't seem to sleep as well when the moon is full. Could be the moon effect, or the light from it shining in my eyes. LOL

I retired from 37 years of teaching. There is a definite connection between behavior and moon cycles. The last 10 years I taught I had 8 th graders! Oh my word!! They were totally out of control during full moons.

My older daughter has worked with geriatrics in assisted living homes, and I behavioral units with schizophrenics and she sees a connection with those groups too.

nivosum 04-05-2012 05:02 PM

There is definitely a connection. I get irritable the night before and the day of the full moon.

Charlee 04-05-2012 05:09 PM

Originally Posted by auniqueview (Post 5119121)
Researchers should try working in a hospital during a full moon,

Or as an EMT....we used to schedule extra people for the full moon...and we needed them!

sassey 04-05-2012 05:32 PM

I worked in prisions for years A full moon guaranteed trouble of some kind

raedar63 04-05-2012 05:40 PM

Lots of thoughts here . As for science, the moon affects the tides of the great oceans and seas. As a 30 plus worker in health care ,the full moon is a fact it does bring the chaos on full force. As a pagan myself ,yes the moon is a very powerful being.....

Lois-nounoe 04-05-2012 06:06 PM

If the moon phases effect the tides then why shouldn't effect our bodies? After all we are a huge percentage of water! (should I howl now or later?) LOL

Peckish 04-05-2012 06:44 PM

I agree with an earlier poster who was a 911 dispatcher, I too was a 911 dispatcher also and you did not need a calender to tell what time of month it was. It got crazy bad when a full moon landed on a Friday or Saturday night.

Scissor Queen 04-05-2012 07:54 PM

Originally Posted by auniqueview (Post 5119121)
Researchers should try working in a hospital during a full moon, and then write their reports. The moon affects the tides, our moods, etc. Hey, there is a reason they call them luna-tics, lol. If you work with the public, you don't need a calendar to know when the moon is full.

Or try bartending during a full moon!! The worst full moons fell on "zoo" night. We were one of the only bars open on Sunday nights and all the crazies would show up then and a full moon made it about 10 times worse.

Jan in VA 04-06-2012 11:00 AM

Babies!! Ask any L&D nurse or midwife or doula and they will tell you they know to get ecxtras sleep before the crush of birthings during a full moon! And if the moon is full but there is a storm, too, look out!

Jan in VA

Pat M. 04-06-2012 01:56 PM

Yes, I notice that and that my hair get hairier and my nails are longer, my husband says I sound like a dog baying at the moon in my sleep. Could be because I got bit as a young girl??

alikat110 04-07-2012 04:52 AM

as a nurse, we definately see a difference in the behavior of our patients during the full moon. more so in elderly and demented....but definately. Oh, and the nurses, too!!!

coopah 04-07-2012 05:10 AM

Oh, yeah, the full moon has an effect! During 31 years of teaching, it just blew my mind that administrators would plan "hyped up" activities during the full moon when they could have been scheduled differently. The whole day would just be "gone" as far as academics went. I learned to save art and such for those days.

MaryAnnMc 04-07-2012 05:49 AM

My mom used to say the same thing, she was a nruse. I find I don't sleep well when the moon is near full. I want to be outside in it, doing what I don't know, but I just feel this powerful need to be out in it. Like a kid, I just know I'm missing something if I go to bed!

DebbE 04-07-2012 06:58 AM

I work in a medical area and there is definitely a difference when there is a full moon - no question about it. I keep track of it on a calendar so I can be more prepared those days. With a bad economy and a full moon -- even worse.

Suz 04-07-2012 07:01 AM

I don't like to admit it, but it affects my sleep. Like last night, we went to bed at 11. At 2:15 I was wide awake and since I could not go back to sleep, I got up, appliqued and went back to bed at 4:30 and had trouble going to sleep. Or as in the past, I go to bed on schedule, usually 10, and cannot sleep. I get up and sometimes am up until 4 or so. I do not nap during the day and stay on my get up time between 6 and 7. I am also careful with caffine.

But for sure the moon was beautiful these past nights.

Iowa Grandma 04-07-2012 07:18 AM

I am a nurse and worked in homecare for years. Without realizing the phase of the moon, we could always tell as our mentally ill patients would undoubtedly have more problems during a full moon. At first I thought it was coincidence but when it happened many times, I believe the validity of it.

Dix 04-07-2012 07:27 AM

I am an OB nurse and it is true that ER rooms are more busy on full moon nights!

IdahoSandy 04-07-2012 11:41 AM

I have trouble sleeping when there is a full moon, even near full moon.

solstice3 04-07-2012 04:37 PM

I need to pay attention to it and see how it affects me. I know that I can usually tell when there is a full moon by he way the middle school kids I work with act. :-)

brushandthimble 04-07-2012 04:40 PM

strange finding this topic tonight, while out doing errands I said to my DH,"full moon" must be soon. I can usually get within a week of it just by the way the drivers are worse than usual. So, when is the next full moon?

Charlee 04-07-2012 04:45 PM

Full moon was the 5th... :)

NancyBelly 04-07-2012 06:24 PM

I'm a middle school teacher so every day is pretty crazy but it does get ramped up during a full moon or before a snow fall.

Iraxy 04-07-2012 07:31 PM

My menses came during the full moon for most of my cycle. It was great for birth control and also for knowing when I would need some alone time with my crazies. I would tell my DH that I wanted some "quiet time" because I was cranky and he would snicker and say "Oh, it must be getting to be moon time again." He would tease me and call me his lunatic but he always respected my quiet times (smart man!).

mountain deb 04-08-2012 04:01 AM

I work in a nursing home, believe me there is a reason they act out at that time of the month. Where do you think the word lunatic comes from?

PatC4fabric 04-08-2012 05:33 AM

My mom called me her "moon child" because that was the only time I would walk and talk in my sleep. Now I have trouble sleeping ; am restless and want to be alone. "Lunatic" sounds appropriate!

damaquilts 04-08-2012 06:31 AM

Hmm I am going to have to watch my sleeping patterns now, I slept really well last night but I think Thursday was a bad night. . I do have a friend that plants by the phases of the moon and their plants always seem to do better than others.
I do have to say I do feel good standing outside while there is a full moon.

michelehuston 04-08-2012 12:03 PM

I don't sleep on the night of full moon. I know it's not the light shining in though!! lol

LindaR 04-09-2012 05:41 AM

I have trouble sleeping...restless...squirmy LOL and my teeth grow longer LOL

Kazahleenah 04-10-2012 03:28 AM

I get all wound up. "Rowdy" may be the word. lol

I also worked with the public most of my life, and could always tell without even looking outside if it was a full moon.

buslady 04-10-2012 04:26 AM

Have worked with kids and the challenged all my life. Yes, it affects them all. Just realized, my DH was a wreck on Saturday. No real reason, just bitchey about anything and everything. Will have to track and see if the moon has anything to do with it. LOL

Ccorazone 04-12-2012 07:37 PM

Same here. A retired teacher. I usually didnt looked at the calendar to find out when there would be a full moon. But when the students (7th & 8th graders) started to act more "weird" than usual if you referred to a calendar a full moon would be coming around or happening.

Maralyn 05-13-2012 02:58 PM

We darken our bedroom for better sleep, but if I wake up in the morning and have dreamt most of the night, I know before I check that there is a full moon. Also, the dreams are more vivid and people in them more active.

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