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Debbie B 05-05-2010 07:48 AM

I know one person that had the lap band. They lost some weight, but not all that they wanted. My neighbors (wife & husband) both had the by pass and they lost about 100 each. On the subject of excess skin...I have a cousin that lost a little over 100 lbs by dieting and exercise. She was even featured in a magazine for the weight loss. I think it was called Self Magazine. Nowhere in the article did it mention that she had a 10 hour surgery to remove skin, tighten muscles and breast implants. Although, she sure did look good, but I felt it would have been better to tell the whole story. Anyway, it is a tough decision. I wish you the best!

Jingle 05-05-2010 08:55 AM

Do your homework and make your decision and see what happens.
Good luck.

Gramof6 05-05-2010 09:15 AM

Only you can decide what way is best for you. We just want you healthy and around here with us for a long long time.

And yes it is amazing how after GB, Diabetes immed. disappears. Other health issues drastically improve as well.

QuiltingGramma 05-05-2010 10:36 AM

I had gastric bypass on March 30, 2009 and have lost 100 pounds. Bottom line, if I had to do it over again, I would do it in a snap. I no longer have to take blood pressure and cholesteral meds, I no longer have the pain in my back that I had before, and I am so much more active and happier with myself than before. Yes, you do have to watch what you eat, but for me, what I had to eliminate from my diet were foods that were not good for me in the first place. I don't miss them -- I honestly don't (and I'm talking chocolate, ice cream, sweets of all kinds, fried foods ... I just don't miss them).

My husband had bastric bypass on December 13, 2008 and he has lost 155 pounds. He, too, would do it again in a heartbeat. He can actually run with our grandsons and play with them without hurting or getting out of breath. He is off most of his meds as well, and neither of us had any problems after the surgery. Everyone is different. But one thing we do is go to our support meetings. The feedback and the support you get from these meetings has been a real help to us in making sure we don't fall back into old habits. I would highly recommend that to anyone who decides to have the surgery.

If you have any specific questions about the procedure, first I would suggest going to any pre-surgery classes your doctor might hold, and second, feel free to let me know. I'm happy to answer any questions you might have or give you support before and after.

Char 05-05-2010 01:57 PM

I had the gastric bypass several years ago and lost 100+ pounds, but I gradually gained it all back. That is very depressing!!! I also have tried the liquid diet with the same result. I finally had to bite the bullet and change the way I ate and exercised.
Lesson learned: there is no easy way to do it! (Daily walking has been a blessing.)

galvestonangel 05-05-2010 02:36 PM

I went to a seminar offered at my local hospital on this. If I had it I would probably go for the lap band, because it had less risks. They told me that people lose about 2# a week, but I thought I can do that on Weight Watchers. Also you can never ever drink a carbonated beverage. Now I don't drink Cikes very much, but now and then I want a coke, so that did it for me. I decided not to have it. They did say, and they don't know why, that if you are a diabetic that will go away. It just wasn't as easy as I thought it was, of course nothing ever is. Good Luck with what ever you decide.

Anna O 05-05-2010 02:37 PM

Lap-band!! I went to Italy and had mine put on in 2002 and I weighed 331 lbs. I lost over 100 lbs. and have had surgery to get rid of extra skin. If there are no medical reasons to not have it, go for it. It is totally reversible. It was don laprascopically and I was walking around the next day. I would not even consider any elective surgery than changes the system the way God created it. I will be happy to answer any questions you might have about my experience. Good luck.

hdqltr 05-05-2010 02:41 PM

I had gastric bypass surgery on July 23, 2008. I lost 175 pounds, and today most people are very surprised that I was so big (currently weigh 125 and am 5'8" tall). If you want information about gastric bypass procedure, recovery, etc. or need someone to give you feedback, you may contact me at [email protected].

mochasue 05-05-2010 02:42 PM

My sister had the gastric by-pass a couple of years ago. She lost over 100 pounds as did her ex-husband. They both look great IN clothes. She has now had a face lift ($6000.00) and is on a roll....she wants a tummy tuck and to have excess skin removed from her arms, wants a boob job (to add boobs that she lost!) It's never ending with her now. I just don't think its a wise decision. Good old fashioned weight loss is the safest way to go about it.

Judie 05-05-2010 04:16 PM

Thanks everyone for all the discussion.. Weight loss is such a big deal in our lives and there is never an easy answer. I have wondered about these surgeries for some time and have never had so much information about them from people who have been down that road. No matter what you do it's a hard. Being fat is hard, losing is hard. I did my own "no white" program, (you know, no flour, sugar, bread, potato, pasta, rice, etc.).. that wasn't easy either.. Seems like it should be, but it wasn't. I lost.. Kept it off for some time, and now I'm up 20 pounds since my DH retired and here I am facing it again. Let me clear that up.. I'm not just 20 pounds overweight, I'm up 20 pounds from where I was. I know you all understand the difference.. 20 pounds is nothing compared to what we're talking about! It is just never easy. Thanks to everyone for the candid and honest replies. It was good for me to read. I've come to the realization that no what you do it must be the focus of your life all the time. Good luck Jerri in your pursuit of health and being a smaller person.

Arleners 05-05-2010 04:33 PM

I had a gastric by-pass about 5 years ago and do not regret it for one minute. Yes it is a major operation, but I was facing out of control diabetes, knee problems, sleep apnea and who knows what else? I lost 95 lbs and have kept it off. I could lose another 40 lbs, but that doesn't seem to be happening. Now I am just a normally chubby 58 year old woman, not the fatty in the corner. I still am on insulin, but a much lower dosage. I have so much more confidence overall. I can walk and keep up with almost anyone. I don't ache constantly. I even feel good after I exercise now.
Just my opinion. The lapband was not as perfected back then and my Dr. wouldn't even consider that procedure.

wvdek 05-05-2010 08:33 PM

I'm not for these invasive surgeries for the most part. I still bellieve if you work on your mind change and cure the 'hand to mouth ' disease, get at least three to four days of at least 1/2 hour of walking, that is the beginning to a new you. Fast food, soda's (especially diet), packaged/frozen prepared foods are a huge downfall to our society. There is no doubt eating healthier is expensive, but sure beats the cost of major surgery. Too much of a risk if you ask me.

sharon b 05-05-2010 09:13 PM

Of the 6 people I know who did these types of surgeries here are the results :
person #1
lap band 3 times weighs more than ever- not successful
person #2 Gastric Bypass
lost 120 pounds , put back on 95
Person #3 Gastric Bypass
Lost 130 pounds - still keeping it off
Person #4 Bypass but a modified one
Lost 95 pounds kept most of it off
Person #5 Gastric Bypass
Lost over 100 pounds, putting it back on
Person #6 gastric Bypass
Lost 130 pounds -keeping it off

You have to modify the behavior that caused the problem to start. It is not a quick or easy fix. And listening to the docs and following the post op is very important.

Good Luck to you, only you know what is best for you

seahug 05-05-2010 09:20 PM

I had the gastric bypass and lost 150 pounds. I have the skin issue too but I can live with that.I was a diabetic had sleep apenia, and asmia as well shortly after the surgery I lost all the other things I had going on but like everyone has said please try to use other ways to lose the weight. I wanted the lap band but the doc wouldnt do that for me. At least that one can be undone. Mine is perminate.I throw up all the time and have a hard time eating anything. I see a doc for this problem and he streaches mt esophagas so you see it is not all what they want you to believe. Please try other ways first and use surgery as a last resort. Good luck

mbunny 05-05-2010 10:10 PM

Just a clarification: surgeries like this can make type 2 diabetes (insulin resistance, the most common kind) go away, but not type 1 (when your pancreas doesn't make insulin). Weight loss surgery won't restore pancreatic function.

true4uca 05-05-2010 10:53 PM

Re. Type 2 Diabetes, my friend had a cancer surgery and was no longer diabetic. The Dr. said it was common for people to no longer be diabetic after a major surgery. They don't know why this happens as not all people have this happy side effect from surgery.

IBQUILTIN 05-05-2010 11:22 PM

Jerry, I had the ileo jejunal bypass in the late 70's. I still weigh less than 120 lbs, and have never had a bit of trouble. My daughter had it done two years ago and is also doing great. Don't hesitate

Gelswood 05-06-2010 04:02 PM

While it is your decision, I would be extra careful. I have friends who have had both done. They all have gained the weight back. A doctor here has his patients go on the diet for two months before he will do either. You still have to diet so why take the risks? A girl at my daughters work went deaf, was blind (but sight came back) and was in the hospital for a month. She can no longer work and is having major health issues.

IBQUILTIN 05-06-2010 06:04 PM

There are always horror stories, but if you do as directed there does not seem to be a problem. The new procedure is much less aggressive, and much safer. Get all the facts, and information that you can

MissyGirl 06-08-2010 11:18 AM

I would like to answer this thread.

I am 41 and I weigh 437.2 pounds. I have been on a presurgical medically supervised diet for the last two months with 4 more months to go before I have the gastric bypass. I have lost 17.8 pounds since I started this diet.

I see the medical doctor every month and I email my food journal to the dietician every week and weigh in every Friday.

I MUST lose weight or I will die. I have an 18 yr old in the army who is being deployed to Iraq soon and I have a 19 yr old who is in graduate school.

I do NOT want to die.

I have high blood pressure, severe sleep apnea, and severe joint pain. I am barely able to walk to the kitchen in my house or to the mailbox. It is terrible.

I am going to a quilt show this weekend and must bring my wheel chair and will push it as far as I can and then sit and rest before I walk more.

I have to have a special chair when we go out to eat. I am not able to use a seat belt (even with the extension it doesn't work). I cannot buy clothes that fit me anymore.

Now...with that being said. This is what has started to happen since I started this lifestyle change:

*I can put my own bra on.
*I can shower myself
*I can dress myself
*I can walk from the car to the doctor's office without my walker
*I can wear regular shoes
*My BMI has gone down 3 points to 80

There are lots of other things too.

My diet is going great. I eat like I should eat and the dietician is thrilled with my progress. My doctor is thrilled.

That being said, I am almost ready to have the gastric bypass. I have made the mental, emotional and physical changes required that will make this procedure a success.

It is my last resort. I will have it done in the fall and I look forward to many years of life left. I will have to have major plastic surgery after the weight is gone. I have been told already that it will be covered due to the infection issues.

I feel very calm and very settled in my new lifestyle. I no longer desire those quick snacks like candy or junk food. I love how I feel eating a diet that is 2/3 plant based. I feel so much better since I have made the decision to do this.

I am working very hard for this process. It is not a snap thing.

Thank you for bringing this question to us. I am really glad I have been able to tell my story.

Thank you again.


Gramma B 06-08-2010 11:35 AM

My husband hand gastric bypass surgery 4 years ago. He lost 80 pounds the first year; and lost another 20 the next year. He has kept it all off.

I try and try, and still seem to keep gaining. It's a hard battle.

MissyGirl 06-08-2010 11:38 AM

Originally Posted by Gramma B
My husband hand gastric bypass surgery 4 years ago. He lost 80 pounds the first year; and lost another 20 the next year. He has kept it all off.

I try and try, and still seem to keep gaining. It's a hard battle.

It has been a lifelong battle for me and now it is my life that I am fighting for. Sad but so true.


QuiltingGramma 06-08-2010 12:10 PM


Congratulations! You should be very very proud of yourself, not only for so successfully following your doctor's and nutritionist's directions prior to surgery but for wanting to improve your health and to be there for your children for years to come. I am very happy with my decision to have gastric bypass 15 months ago, and I would do it all over in a heartbeat!

I wish you the best when you go through the surgery, and for a quick recovery and success in the years to come. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about the surgery or life after the surgery.

Best to you!

MissyGirl 06-08-2010 12:29 PM

Originally Posted by QuiltingGramma

Congratulations! You should be very very proud of yourself, not only for so successfully following your doctor's and nutritionist's directions prior to surgery but for wanting to improve your health and to be there for your children for years to come. I am very happy with my decision to have gastric bypass 15 months ago, and I would do it all over in a heartbeat!

I wish you the best when you go through the surgery, and for a quick recovery and success in the years to come. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about the surgery or life after the surgery.

Best to you!

Thank you so much. I had my mom take a picture of me the day I started the diet. I think that was a smart thing.

Oh I forgot to add that my mom had the lap band done a year ago. She has done very well and is very satisfied with where she is at today. She has problems remembering to take tiny bites and to chew chew chew but other than that things have gone well for her.

I really appreciate the opportunity to have shared my story. Maybe there is someone out there on this list that is struggling like me and so maybe they will see that they do not have to just wait for death but that they can fight for life, like I am.


IBQUILTIN 06-08-2010 12:54 PM


God Bless you in your efforts to succeed. I have been there, done that and sure as heck don't want the T-shirt. My prayers are with you and if you need encouragment, just shoot me a PM, any time. I would love to be there for you.


MissyGirl 06-08-2010 01:01 PM

Originally Posted by IBQUILTIN

God Bless you in your efforts to succeed. I have been there, done that and sure as heck don't want the T-shirt. My prayers are with you and if you need encouragment, just shoot me a PM, any time. I would love to be there for you.


Thank you Judi. I know that as I get closer to the surgery I will need lots of support.


reach for the stars 2 06-08-2010 01:16 PM

I know a women who had it done before xmas. She had the lap band and hasn't had a problem. She has lost 75 lbs so far. Good luck on which ever you choose and everything goes well.

Gelswood 06-08-2010 05:33 PM

Good for you! I wish you the best. You have proven you can do it. Keep us posted on your weight loss!!!!

julia58 06-08-2010 07:45 PM

Good for you Missy, I wish you the best of luck with your procedure, you have your head in the right place to be succesful. Get ready to enjoy life again

Gramof6 06-08-2010 07:51 PM

Missy I am proud of you for taking this step. I know it was not easy and you still have hurdles to cross. But I really feel by reading your post, that you will in fact be a true success. If you ever need to talk or vent or a shoulder, PM me. I walked my DD, coworkers, and many patients & friends through GB surgery. You can do it. You are already on your way. In Oct. it will be 3 yrs since my DD had her surgery & she is still doing great! Man that woman has the energy!!! She could put the energizer bunny to shame. LOL It has really been something to see since she could barely move before surgery. She has not had 1 bit of trouble, but she sticks to what the Dr told her to a tee. I wish you the very very best & am here to cheer for you.


MissyGirl 06-08-2010 08:09 PM

Originally Posted by Gramof6
Missy I am proud of you for taking this step. I know it was not easy and you still have hurdles to cross. But I really feel by reading your post, that you will in fact be a true success. If you ever need to talk or vent or a shoulder, PM me. I walked my DD, coworkers, and many patients & friends through GB surgery. You can do it. You are already on your way. In Oct. it will be 3 yrs since my DD had her surgery & she is still doing great! Man that woman has the energy!!! She could put the energizer bunny to shame. LOL It has really been something to see since she could barely move before surgery. She has not had 1 bit of trouble, but she sticks to what the Dr told her to a tee. I wish you the very very best & am here to cheer for you.


Thank you so much! Your DD is one lucky daughter. It is that way with my mom. I love her so much. It is such a privalege to live with her. I am blessed indeed.

I posted on my blog just this morning that I was proud of my mom who is proud of me.



craftybear 06-08-2010 08:18 PM

Good luck, I am thinking of you!

debbieumphress 06-08-2010 10:56 PM

Well, you have heard from people who had friends and people themselves nad heard all the stories. It is true you need to really have your mindset to do this. It could be a very drastic lifestyle change. I had it done Aug/2005. Lost 185 lbs. In the first few months I lost 100/ 6 months. Needless to say boy was I sick. The small entrance to my puch closed and no one figured it out. So when I fell over and was in the hospital two weeks, lots of "banana" iv's, then they opened it like it should be and I slowed done on weight lose. I was so sick I could not smell food or anything. BUT....after that small problem I lost 185 lbs, Then gained 35 lbs back. Kept there for the last 3 years. I had to do it because of my bone disease, weak joints, etc. SO.,I was very happy in my fat body and lived for 50 years heavy. Today, I am active, walk, and no I never excercise, hate to. Luckily from all my Vaseline intensive care baths and skin so soft by avon LOL I have very little exces skin. Everyone is different. I have the apron and went to check, According to insurance it has to hang down past your pubic area to be covered. Darnit. I wear Kimora pants and it hides it just fine with my clothes. I went from a size 26 to a size 14. What was hard on me was looking in the mirror, it was not like me, Takes getting used to. Hence, the Psych evaluation before. My friend had lap band two years ago, lost a few lbs and failed. She figured out how to eat small amounts and milk shakes. With the Gastric bypass you can only eat so much or up it ocmes.LOL. I do cheat though, they explained an entire life change. True. But I keep the weight off, still eat small amounts but I eat cady, chips, can drink anything with sugar and keep it off. BUT!!! I do not want to gain my weight back so now I am behaving and drinking right.
Everyone has a different story, everyone is different. I had a problem, four friends breezed thru it.
Now I would do it again. Decide what is best for you. Oh and I have "angel wing" arms but my blouses hide them well. LOL. Good luck with whatever you decide.

PunkQuilter 06-09-2010 12:13 AM

Missy-Thank you for making a point people seem to be missing. Obesity compounds your health issues. This is life-saving surgery. The sagging skin issue is minor compared to saving your own life. How many morbidly obese 80 year olds do you see?

hdqltr 07-06-2010 06:06 AM

Missy, you are approaching this the right way. When I had gastric bypass my BMI was 45, but I had so many health issues I was just miserable. I wanted to save my life and see my son's babies grow up. I have no regretted having the surgery at all. There have been times when things I eat just don't sit right with me, but I have NEVER had the dumping thing at all -- just slight discomfort until the food works it way through. The other thing I did before having the surgery was pray -- pray for healing, for wisdom for the doctor, for wisdom for the anesthesiologist, and I prayed most of all that I would not desire food. All I can say is, watch out what you pray for! I could care less about eating at this point. I've lost 170 pounds and have my 2-year anniversary coming up on 7/23. Best wishes on your weight loss. Nancy

MissyGirl 07-06-2010 07:00 AM

Originally Posted by hdqltr
Missy, you are approaching this the right way. When I had gastric bypass my BMI was 45, but I had so many health issues I was just miserable. I wanted to save my life and see my son's babies grow up. I have no regretted having the surgery at all. There have been times when things I eat just don't sit right with me, but I have NEVER had the dumping thing at all -- just slight discomfort until the food works it way through. The other thing I did before having the surgery was pray -- pray for healing, for wisdom for the doctor, for wisdom for the anesthesiologist, and I prayed most of all that I would not desire food. All I can say is, watch out what you pray for! I could care less about eating at this point. I've lost 170 pounds and have my 2-year anniversary coming up on 7/23. Best wishes on your weight loss. Nancy


Thank you so much! I am so ready for some of these complications from the morbid obesity to go away. It is going to take some time but I am ready to do what I need to.

Oh btw I weighed in at the hospital yesterday and I have lost another 7 pounds. Woohoo!


wichypoo 07-06-2010 07:14 AM

Missy i just saw this thread and have been wanting this myself. My dr. says I will never find a surgeon to do it because I have a history of blood clots. I have never been thin. All my best wishes for you. i am jealous but really happy for you too. As for the skin honey, I have the apron of skin anyway so how bad could it get.....At least you will be able to buy skinny foundation garments. :thumbup: Good luck!!!!Karen

MissyGirl 07-06-2010 07:55 AM

Originally Posted by wichypoo
Missy i just saw this thread and have been wanting this myself. My dr. says I will never find a surgeon to do it because I have a history of blood clots. I have never been thin. All my best wishes for you. i am jealous but really happy for you too. As for the skin honey, I have the apron of skin anyway so how bad could it get.....At least you will be able to buy skinny foundation garments. :thumbup: Good luck!!!!Karen


Thank you so much! I know that having the apron of skin is really not a huge deal once the weight is gone. My surgeon seems to think that I should qualify for plastic surgery because of the infections on the skin. We shall see about that.

I go today with my mom to have her lapband filled and I am really happy about that because he will be so excited to hear of my weight loss.

I am so happy to have the support of all the wonderful quilters on this board. You guys are the best!!


jaciqltznok 02-15-2011 07:40 PM

Originally Posted by Jerrie
I sent to see a Dr yesterday about one of these procedures I am thinking of having one done ( I know which one) but i want your feed back and if you had one done or know of anyone who had one done and how you/they are doing after.

So what you think let me know , Thank you

I just found this thread and was wondering how did it turn out for you? Did you have WLS and if so which one and if not why! You can PM if you like!

MissyGirl 02-16-2011 03:41 PM

I will be having the lap band on March 31. I am really excited except for one thing. I have to lose another 30 pounds by the time surgery comes around. So, I am working my tail off (literally) trying to get the thirty pounds off.


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