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leonajo 01-04-2011 04:40 PM

u can't help but think some pretty crazy stuff?!? that's a lot of dying all of a sudden......

Up North 01-04-2011 04:43 PM

It is fishy to me too especially since it happened in two states just days apart and also all the fish dying just not a normal phenomenon! But it is one of those things that may end up in the great book of secrets!

plainjane 01-04-2011 05:03 PM

Originally Posted by Jan in VA

Originally Posted by plainjane
I certainly DO NOT think it was fireworks - only in AR?

And only on this one fireworks occasion??? Not the Fourth? Not last year? Fishy to me!

Jan in VA

I'm thinking Disney World with their fireworks every night would now be demanded to cease for being so reckless about nature :)

BKrenning 01-04-2011 05:19 PM

The local (St. Louis) bird expert was on the news this morning. He thinks the freaky storms we had New Years Eve caused them to exhaust themselves or their body temperature to drop drastically when the front moved through the area. All the blackbirds, crows, & starlings have been flocking and acting crazy for the past week and if a big bunch of them got caught in a straight line wind or sucked up in one of the many tornadoes we had on New Year's Eve; it's very probable. As for the fish--the local guy thought it was probably something toxic that quickly dissipated.

arimuse 01-04-2011 06:45 PM

I agree, very wierd, but there are always reasons, even if we dont know them yet. You just have to looks at what little facts there are (and not all of them are visible or being told). First, there were 3 kills over a period of time, and they seem to be in a line? Birds, then fish in AK, then birds (same species! plus a few others ) in LA. Also, mostly only 1 species of fish died, and I know there are more fish and birds around than that in any given space.
I do know birds are very delicate and die easy from fright, maybe fireworks? I can't believe only 1 species could die that way, in that great a number, and fish were not involved w/ fireworks.Birds are very seceptible to chgs in temps, maybe a huge cold front came thru? there would be a record of that.
I really think someone was "testing" some thing. We may never be told the truth unless there are people out there ferreting into this even as I type. I lived in Buffalo, there was a guy named Nicola Tesla working on electricity (for one thing, he was a genius of sorts) at the turn of the cent past, he had lots of projects going on. One of his studies was in microwaves and soundwaves. He said, if he had the correct frequency of vibration he could crumble a building just w/ sound alone. (like in the Bible - the walls of Jericho and trumpets)anyway, when he died in a room all alone in NYC, government people swept in and all his papers were taken and sealed. (at the time it was a bigdeal because his country of origin in Europe wanted those papers and the US wouldnt hand them over) Now, Im sure all that work is not sitting in a box on a shelf. This is scarey because we may never hear the reason why this happened.

morelcabin 01-04-2011 07:02 PM

There are alot of scary things like this that happen out there...and we never find the answers. I used to be a fan of websites that tracked alot of this phenomenom...and got anxiety so bad I had to really start watchig what I read and thought about...that was one reason I got hooked on quilting:)
Now I refuse to think about anything I cannot control...and trust God to take care of the rest. Otherwise I would a mental case.

arimuse 01-04-2011 07:45 PM

I think thats the best way to go. I dont watch anything violent on TV or movies - I even pass on the news a lot these days! LOL, I just take things too much to heart and some things I think can hurt you when you let them in your head. I dont even read a lot of posts in some of my yahoo groups cus some people are so mean. Thats why I like this place so much, everyone is laid back, it must be the creative factor - happiness begets happiness.

texas granny 01-04-2011 07:48 PM

Some years ago they had a lot of bird died during the night in Austin They never did find out why.

Margie 01-04-2011 07:52 PM

They said on the news tonight they think it was caused by fireworks.

pab58 01-04-2011 08:23 PM

It sort of reminds me of masses of beached whales that happen from time to time. There still isn't a definitive theory regarding that. Things sure are getting strange. Hmmmm........... :roll:

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