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redkimba 02-14-2011 11:59 AM

Red - I'm highly attracted to red. it's the color of warmth & life & happiness.

Kas 02-14-2011 12:57 PM

Salmon pink.

Momma_K 02-14-2011 01:25 PM

When I opened this thread I was going to say Opal, is that a color? If it is then thats got to be my favorite! A nice shiney mix of everything beautiful. So clean, bright, opulecent!

tuxedokitty 02-15-2011 06:06 PM

Well if purple means crazy and Royalty...I guess you can call me CRAZY :) Purple has always been my favorite color.

BRenea 02-15-2011 06:16 PM

Turquoise. I love the color and the gemstone! I have lots of turquoise and silver jewelry...it suits me.

Daisy144 02-15-2011 06:35 PM

There are all sorts of links talking about the meaning of color - here are 3 I thought looked promising -

and my favorite color is ORANGE


pojo 02-15-2011 06:47 PM

I say rainbow it all depends on the day.

daisyboo9 02-15-2011 06:52 PM

Green has always been my favourite colour...favourite shade would be emerald, not too dark, not too light, but very rich, and full of life. To me green represents life. I really love the combination of green and purple.

Ramona Byrd 02-15-2011 07:12 PM

No the Warden feels that Pink is a calming color and being surrounded by it, uniforms and all, is why he has so few trouble makers.
I've heard some jails have or had "pink" rooms to calm down violent customers long enough to be fingerprinted and photographed. And some time ago I read about experiments in a school for the blind. The kids acted different in rooms painted different colors, as if they could absorb the colors through their skins or non functioning eyes.
In the early 1970s, as a new hospital volunteer we wore pink uniforms since the color is so soothing. Just being near a bunch of cheerful Pink Ladies seemed to have made patients feel better.
The science of color is marvelous, the healing power of color. This is a benign way of helping yourself. The murderous rage of Cabin Fever is due to lack of sunlight, and vanishes with a lot of sunlight. Winter darkness makes us gain weight, summer energy makes us lose it. (I guess I'm very, very close to my fat and it doesn't want to leave, winter or summer.)

Midwestmary 02-15-2011 07:28 PM

Interesting topic....some have definite, strong favorites, others a variety....my taste in color has changed as I've gotten a little older - drawn now more to jewel tones - especially blues and greens.

Ramona Byrd 02-15-2011 07:51 PM

I guess you could say that I'm a soft natural color. Subdued and not glaring.

I had my "colors done" 30 or so years ago. I laughed at it then. But when my sister and I get together we realize that the colors we always grab first in our closets are the ones that we were told were best. The ones that makes us look sick we traded and then both were happy. She is a Winter who looks best in sharp, clear and jewel tones, I'm an Autumn and look best in natural colors. Such as pine and sand and pumpkin and tomato and such. I feel better in those colors too, and my house now makes me feel better. Creams and reddish browns and a touch of charcoal as accent.
I just looked again, no greens or purples. Even the paintings are colored for my own self!!

Think of fast food joints, lots of oranges and reds, hungry colors that make you eat a lot and get out fast.

In very expensive restaurants, the coloring will be more on the brown, gray and pure, sparkling white cloths accented with pretty flowers and perhaps blue goblets, but not a lot of greens except in real plants. Very restful and places you can stay for an hour or so and make plans for a million dollar take-over or dine with a beautiful wife who is not your own. Wait staff will be dressed quietly and be very discreet, not brightly clad with the name of the joint on their chests and/or backs of their shirts and ready to burst out with shrill yells of "Number 32 ready now at window 2" !!

In law offices or financial offices that handle millions of dollars each year, there will be dark gray or with brown and black leather chairs and a subdued brown leather or tweed designer chairs, with maybe a discreet stripe of almost red somewhere as accent. But never orange or purple or green or red.
Check out such places on TV and in movies, you'll see the difference color makes in each.

piepatch 02-15-2011 08:24 PM

Originally Posted by Momma_K
If you could be a color, what would it be and why? I don't care for red and black, they remind me of fear. I think for an all round color for me would be a nice burnt orange for warmth and security, yellow for happiness and smiles.

Green.......the color of money :) :)

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