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Jean S 01-06-2013 05:58 AM

My Italian Greyhound's attraction to batting
Molly is 10 years old and still looks and acts like a puppy, especially when it comes to batting.

I remember the first time she destroyed a roll of batting. It looked like a bomb went off in my sewing room. And what's worse is that I was right there when it happened. My back was turned while appliquéing. She silently and happily used her pointy little nose to pull, pluck, and pick apart my bundle of batting with such speed, I think she was rushing through it to get it destroyed before I caught her! I was stunned when I turned and saw my precious little Molly in the middle of a huge mess of destroyed batting.

Did I learn my lesson? Never EVER leave batting unattended and in reach of Molly? Haha, for the most part, yes! But there was the time I left the closet door open and some scrap batting was on a shelf I thought was high enough she wouldn't get it. Yeah, totally my bad.

And the time I came home exhausted after a full day at International Quilt Festival. I walked in the house and dumped my arm loads of shopping bags filled with festival shopping. One huge bag laying on the floor had a bag of batting. So this batting is like double bagged and I think it is well hidden and safe because the outer bag is a heavier white plastic. I underestimated the powers of flirtatious batting and Molly's weakness for it. From the look of it, the two had a great time together.

Currently, I'm working on a small piece to refine my hand quilting. The edges have exposed batting. Molly looks so innocent and sweet as she cuddles next to me while I sew. But I know that if I leave this project alone with her for one nanosecond, I will regret it!

Tartan 01-06-2013 06:51 AM

Maybe the white fluffiness reminds her of a rabbit? So funny!

Chicca 01-06-2013 08:55 AM

I got a great laugh out of this. Sorry that you have to experience it, but know I am laughing with you....my 80 pound half boxer, half golden retreiver, who is 5 years old has a problem being left alone. Her favorite thing to do is empty out the trash can, but she also has been known to somehow get hold of the end of a skein of yarn and run around the entire house time and time again until it will not go any further. If she still has time and another skein is available, she does it again. LOL. So, like you, I am amazed at her abilities.

Joset 01-06-2013 09:47 AM

arent they so much fun to have around. a person gets half mad but
you really have to smile. because we are the ones who put that stuff
in front of them ha ha

patricej 01-07-2013 02:25 AM

i can soooooo relate. LOL

i had a quilt draped over the frame.
diligently hand-stitching away.
my end looked pretty good for a first attempt.

at the other end, my dog was quietly and joyously snacking away.

and when i had the colossal nerve to chastise him, i got that look.
you know that look.
"what? why the angry face? this is so much fun! this was so tasty! yippee! i wuv you!"
complete with wagging tail.

not much you can do in the face of all that innocence and affection.

coopah 01-07-2013 06:17 AM

Check out Ditter's post of the funny cat video today. The cat having fun with the TP roll ...well, we went through that with one of our cats. Too funny what animals do.

IBQUILTIN 01-07-2013 09:07 AM

I also have a Molley dog, and she likes to empty my scrap box. Then she lays down in the middle of the mess to take a nap. Hard to be angry when they are sooooooo cute

Jory 01-07-2013 09:25 AM

Max (my avatar picture) and my cat Nip did a number on my house the first time I left them alone, together. As I drove up to the garage, the first thing I saw was what looked like snow in the dog pen. As I entered the basement, I saw Max had "discovered" the 12-roll package of TP waiting to be taken up to the bathroom -- hence "snow" everywhere.

Entering the kitchen, I discovered a now-empty (plastic) jar of dog treats that had been purchased along with the TP. The living room: apparently one of my down pillows had been "bad" so Max had attacked it and then shook it to death: feathers strewn from pillar to post. Then I heard a thump, thump, thump. Nip had caught a live chipmunk and put it in the bathtub so she could watch it run around in circles! Wish I had had a video!

Jean S 01-07-2013 09:43 AM

Jory, thank goodness for Max and his powers to seek and destroy bad pillows! hahahaha

running1 01-07-2013 09:54 AM

Laughing WITH you, of course... They get a message that says, "MUST destroy batting... must DESTROY batting... must destroy BATTING!!.... "


roserips 01-07-2013 11:22 AM

My nephew decided he liked the feel of the quilt batting his mother gave me for my birthday. Told him no leave it alone, then put it away in my room. Next thing I knew he was in there with batting globs on the floor. Would have loved to strangled him.

LindaJR 01-07-2013 06:36 PM

My Great Dane will do anything if he smells/sees bread. I keep it in the microwave to keep it from him, but I know he is going to watch me often enough to figure out how to open the door and get the bread. He opens doors so I have managed to lose a few loaves of bread because I forgot to put it away in the microwave. He manages to get about one loaf a week. He can eat the loaf faster than I can go back in the room when it hits me I forgot to puit away. With his height not many places are out of his reach. He does have the sense to look guilty, but I can see he is pleased with himself too. Ya gotta love them though.

sassey 01-07-2013 07:45 PM

When I was trucking we had a beloved Boxer one day we stopped to eat at a taco shop in a mall and just happened to be able to observe our truck When I got out I had left the window sun screen pulled down . Apparently Gipzie couldnt see out good enough as we set watching she kept trying to get the shade up with her nose when that didnt work she took her paw and tore it off. She must felt remorse because when we got back to the truck she was all happy and innocent she had some how managed to hide the shade. I looked all over the cab and sleeper for it about a week later she unhid it and I found it in the seatShe was quite the dog wanted me to put makeup on her every time I put on mine so I bought her her own make up she just loved it and expected us to tell her how beautiful she was. she loved to be dressed to. We couldnt keep an egg crate mattress pad on our bed because she would shred them

Peckish 01-08-2013 12:06 AM

Originally Posted by Jory (Post 5768996)
I heard a thump, thump, thump. Nip had caught a live chipmunk and put it in the bathtub so she could watch it run around in circles! Wish I had had a video!

I wish you had a video too! I would have LOVED to have seen this!

Jingle 01-08-2013 05:40 AM

My avatar dog, a chihuahua,seven pounds can not be trusted if we both leave the room. We keep her crate close by and stick her in it, even for a few seconds. She is getting a bit better but still can't trust her. Baby gates are a wonderful thing also.

chips88 01-08-2013 06:02 AM

lol so funny...i left mine in the house. while going grocery shopping. he was a puppy then. ( avatar pic.) came back hoping he would be good.destroyed my couch..was mad for a sec.. but looking at his face .got over it quick.. he is not left inside while i am gone...:)

Geri B 01-08-2013 06:28 AM

would you allow your child to do these distructive actions? So why think it's cute for a domesticated animal to be allowed to do it? There are ways to train, control "bad" behaviorial problems.......It seems to be more prevelant in certain breeds of dog. I have had dogs all my life and none have been or done distructive things, but my daughter has had weimaraners and they are difficult to live with....must take all sorts of precautions before leaving the house, and lucky if that dog will not have found something new to get into-----cute, I don't think so....yuck, not for me..........

Bueniebabe 01-08-2013 07:43 AM

I had a rat terrier that sot tangle up in a skein of yarn I had to cut it off him. Should have took a picture. I also heard him jumping in the bathroom. He kept jumping and hitting the northern tissue and had unrolled the whole roll. One other time he ate some cotton balls with sea breeze on. The vet said to give him hydrogen peroxide to make him throw up. We couldn't get it down him so put it in a bowl, he drank it and threw up 4. He would push the chairs at my kitchen table away so he could jump on the table to my island. My husband taught him to sit pretty and reach for the sky, then he would drop down on his back and play dead with his legs up in the air. He was the smartest 12 pound dog we ever had and his name was Bandit.

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