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bearisgray 08-02-2017 04:48 AM

Printed Newspapers
Why we still like to get a printed newspaper:

We like to do the puzzles - we do them using an ink pen - and with a beverage nearby to sip on while working them. One can do them "anywhere"

They are more portable than a desk-top computer.

One can cut out articles and send them to friends.

One could color the comics if they are printed in black and white.

Even though the papers have shrunk in size and content, I still like having something to touch.

It's easier for me to read from paper than from a screen.

My son likes (loves) to read the ads and clip coupons. In fact, DH and DS Sunday morning conversations revolve around the ads - and really goes on and on if one of their favorites is not included in that edition! Or the paper is not delivered.

I like the advice columns. My DH likes the opinion section.

If one saves the papers, one can go back and re-read an article at one's leisure and comfort.

Do you still get a printed newspaper?

SusieQOH 08-02-2017 04:58 AM

No, I don't and I don't miss it. I guess I'm just more of a computer person. My Mom still sends me things out of the paper though, and I love to get them.
I also don't get magazines anymore. Wow, I guess I'm on the computer a lot! lol
Glad you still enjoy your paper!

bearisgray 08-02-2017 05:15 AM

Other uses:

Bottom of a bird cage
"kindling" for a fire
adding height to a chair for a short person or child
insulating a container to keep the contents hot or cold

SusieQOH 08-02-2017 05:22 AM

Oh yes, I do miss it for starting a fire. I love having one in the winter. Sometimes I buy a paper for that :)

QuiltnNan 08-02-2017 05:50 AM

i'm the opposit due to an eye condition... it's easier to read from the computer

anne2016 08-02-2017 06:39 AM

I use them to wrap my dahlia bulbs for winter storage. DH uses them as mulch before adding soil and plants. We also like reading the comics and doing the puzzles.

dunster 08-02-2017 06:45 AM

IF there were still a newspaper that delivered all the great stuff that was in the newspapers of my youth, then I would definitely subscribe. But the funnies aren't as funny (or as many), the news is stale compared to that on TV or internet, and often poorly reported. The last time I tried to get a local paper the delivery was sporadic. If I called to report that my paper was not delivered the best I could hope for would be a day added onto my subscription, whereas in the "old days" someone would personally bring out the paper to my house. And it's much easier, faster, and cheaper to send an article to a friend via a link in an email than by cutting out an article and using the US Mail. All told, since we can't go back to the newspapers of our youth, I prefer the internet to today's newspapers. I also find that I keep in touch with friends more now that email is available.

gramajo 08-02-2017 08:46 AM

Bear: I like getting a physical paper each day for the same reasons you do. It's much easier to read than the computer, articles are cut out and snail mailed to grandkids at college (I loved getting mail from home when I was away), I'm not computer literate enough to link to forward. It's my way of starting my morning, reading the paper, drinking my coffee (used to be having a few cigarettes--haven't smoked in 6 months now--still have a huge urge). My day just isn't right without paper and coffee first thing.

Doggramma 08-02-2017 08:59 AM

A few times a week, when we go out for coffee, we'll get a paper to read while we have our coffee. I'm not sure why we do that as all it does is make my husband complain about everything. I liked having the paper delivered, but we had so many problems stopping it temporarily when we were going to be gone.

bearisgray 08-02-2017 09:16 AM

We had a carrier that was awesome - the paper was there come rain, sleet, snowstorms - and then he retired this past spring.

The deliveries since then have been sporadic - at best. Very frustrating.

cashs_mom 08-02-2017 10:07 AM

I quit getting the paper, when it got to where the writing and reporting was awful! I don't think they have more than 3 or 4 people actually writing for them. It seems like a majority of the articles are right from AP and not really very good. Certainly not worth wading thru all the tripe to get to.

charley26 08-02-2017 10:19 AM

I like and buy a newspaper each weekend, a different paper on Saturday to the one I buy on Sunday. I buy it from the supermarket, or the petrol station, depending on if I need something from the supermarket. The petrol station is within walking distance.
I prefer to buy a 'quality' newspaper, by that, I mean that I can rely on the veracity of the reports /articles /opinions /editorials. I absolutely hate the tabloids / gossip /celebrity driven papers.
I will read various sections of the papers through the week, and then it will go to recycle.

Bobbielinks 08-02-2017 11:12 AM

Love my paper newspaper. It arrives every Wed. and Friday always on schedule. I sit down right after lunch on those days and read it front to back. Often save articles and pictures to pass on of family or friends. Sure I could go online, but I love holding it. Besides I use it for kindling, insulation, gardening, drop sheets, to name a few uses after reading. Also have a son who wants me to save several for when he starts up his wood furnace in the fall.

lynnie 08-02-2017 01:10 PM

we stopped getting the paper and tv guide. we realized we could save enough money in 2 years to go on a cruise. we watch tv for that info now. it's free, and we get a cruise out of it.

Jingle 08-02-2017 02:52 PM

Our small local paper is free and comes in the mail. Yes, we get the paper, no funnies or puzzles. I use it for the bottom of my bird's cage.

Irishrose2 08-02-2017 07:02 PM

I still get the paper, though I have considered stopping it. It's still the best source of what's going on locally and coupons. Do the coupons pay for the paper? I doubt it, but I think I'd be surprised if I tracked it. Ours comes in the mail which means there is no Sunday or holiday paper, but you get used to it. My brain prefers to read from a hand held book or paper.

mamagrande 08-02-2017 07:26 PM

We still get the new paper...DH get up at 4am and goes outside to get the paper. I get up at 6am, get a cup of coffee, my devotional and the news paper. In the summer we sit outside on the deck with the paper and in the winter at the table.. We especially like the comics "Pickles " because it is so like us and give us a good laugh. We mostly already know the "news" by the time we get the paper but my husband wants to know the time that the baseball games come on. He does not do computers.

quiltingshorttimer 08-02-2017 09:41 PM

we get our local county paper (weekly) and the daily KC Star--which has shrunk to almost nothing and price has skyrocketed--but we like the actual paper for same reasons you gave.

Art4me 08-02-2017 10:08 PM

I get two newspapers. We have a local newspaper that is free and comes in the mail on Thursday. It covers the events in our three city area. We also get the East Bay newspaper that covers bay area and national news. I find the writing in the newspapers as good if not better than the news on the computer and often it contains more details. The bay area newspaper is expensive (over $200.00 a year) but I enjoy reading it and think it's worth it.


sandy l 08-03-2017 03:18 AM

I still get the newspaper, 7 days a week. Don't allways agree with some of it, but would miss it if I didn't have it. And for me, it's so much easier to read than the tube, plus I like having the physical feel of it in my hands. Same reason why I'm pretty sure I'll never go to e-books.

Wanabee Quiltin 08-03-2017 04:48 AM

Yes, I love my newspapers. One week I clipped coupons and saved about $50. That was a bonus week. I have a favorite columnist from way back when and I always touch base with and even email him comments from time to time, he's like an old friend. Another columnist left but I keep touch with him too. I love reading the editorials and the business pages. We have a huge section completely dedicated each Sunday to travel and entertainment which is interesting but not something I do much. We used to have two daily newspapers but now just one big one and it's slowly going away too. I like to read the wedding and anniversary notices with pictures and of course, the obits. I love the paper and wish we could get it daily, but we travel and go back and forth with our cottage so I was stopping it all the time. When we go away for the winter, I always subscribe to their local paper too.

AlvaStitcher 08-03-2017 04:50 AM

We moved to another county 3 years ago. Had always gotten a daily paper before our move. I tried one of the papers here but was unimpressed so canceled it. Just started getting a free local paper but just on Thurs. enjoy working the crossword puzzle again. What do missed most about not getting the paper was not having the newsprint to clean my windows with. But I was fortunate in that the guild gives out a quilting newspaper (can't remember the name of it) that I having been using on the Windows or to cover a potentially messy work area.

tessagin 08-03-2017 05:01 AM

Discontinued our subscription 2 months and really don't missit at all. It's nothing but repeat. Our own local tv news channels are usually a day late and dollar short unless it's there biased version and same in the paper. Quality has gone down and price went up.

quiltybarb 08-03-2017 06:32 AM

I still do even tho' I'm also a computer freak.....we take ours to the local humane society for the cages...they're always in need.

ekuw 08-03-2017 10:01 AM

I love reading the paper, but just don't have time in the morning. I grew up in a household devoted to newspaper reading (my Dad is 86 and still reads the newspaper front to back every morning). We got both a AM (big city) and PM (local) and read them both. Since I work full time, it's easier for me to read the news on a computer, when I have a break at work. The world is different now, everything evolves...

Stitchnripper 08-03-2017 01:00 PM

I always got the local paper before we moved. It was very local, although there was some national and international stuff in it. Now here, it is too big of a city for a local paper and I just don't get it delivered. I like having it all on line and I can find the comics and advice columns pretty easy. I even do a mini crossword on my phone every a.m.

purplefiend 08-03-2017 01:43 PM

I used to get the newspaper daily, until the paper had perfumey inserts, didn't like having to throw it out as soon as it arrived.

kay carlson 08-03-2017 08:41 PM

Hubby reads our local paper on line most days. I think he cringes when the quarterly bill arrives, but I read the paper copy through and through before recycling. Our daily paper has been improving in quality and local articles provide information unavailable elsewhere. Example: twice monthly county board meetings. Newspaper printed meeting date and time prior meetings for various gov't boards; forementioned notice describes the agenda; next day detailed report of meeting; no waiting for minutes to be written, approved, and finally posted on line! I can also read about local programs available and review store specials and coupons. I would be Lost without a good daily paper!!!

Murphy224 08-04-2017 02:33 AM

Interesting topic. My Mother is 87 and has taken the daily paper for over 60 years. The local paper delivery became very spotty, and she received a notice that they would no longer deliver missed papers, but It may be delivered the next day. Then the price increased from about 200.00 per year to over 400.00 per year. Most days this paper is only 5-7 pages and mostly ads. She is most distressed. She does not want to read on the computer, says it is not the same as holding in your hand. We have heard rumors that the paper is about to go under and stop printing all together.
I suppose the day of delivery of a daily paper is almost gone. This is a small town, pop. 25,000, so I understand the financial aspects of continuing a daily paper when the subscriptions are down and most everyone either reads on-line, or just gets their news from other sources.
Really sad, isn't it?

carolynjo 08-04-2017 05:27 AM

I love my newspaper and I read it from cover to cover. When I find a serious grammatical error by a local writer, I write that person to let him/her know about it. Yep, I taught for 38 years and do not like to see such errors in the paper. Some are more egregious than others.

quilt9226 08-04-2017 12:51 PM

I get the newspaper, mostly for the local news. It used to be delivered in orange plastic bags which I saved and used for poop bags. I do not like sports so the sports page immediately gets recycled. The weather items are always 5 degrees different than the local station I watch. Editing seems to be a lost art. Spelling and grammatical errors are rampant. Hey, it was cheap and sometimes there is interesting and useful information. People still use the want ads. In fat, that is how I found my first longarm. At some point I think printed newspapers will disappear. One of the major (and oldest) papers in Seattle shut down but has a presence online.

SusieQOH 08-04-2017 01:05 PM

Originally Posted by Murphy224 (Post 7879213)
Interesting topic. My Mother is 87 and has taken the daily paper for over 60 years. The local paper delivery became very spotty, and she received a notice that they would no longer deliver missed papers, but It may be delivered the next day. Then the price increased from about 200.00 per year to over 400.00 per year. Most days this paper is only 5-7 pages and mostly ads. She is most distressed. She does not want to read on the computer, says it is not the same as holding in your hand. We have heard rumors that the paper is about to go under and stop printing all together.
I suppose the day of delivery of a daily paper is almost gone. This is a small town, pop. 25,000, so I understand the financial aspects of continuing a daily paper when the subscriptions are down and most everyone either reads on-line, or just gets their news from other sources.
Really sad, isn't it?

Yes, it is very sad. People your Mother's age want the physical paper, as they've enjoyed their whole lives. Awww :(

FroggyinTexas 08-04-2017 07:37 PM

Originally Posted by bearisgray (Post 7877723)
Why we still like to get a printed newspaper:

We like to do the puzzles - we do them using an ink pen - and with a beverage nearby to sip on while working them. One can do them "anywhere"

They are more portable than a desk-top computer.

One can cut out articles and send them to friends.

One could color the comics if they are printed in black and white.

Even though the papers have shrunk in size and content, I still like having something to touch.

It's easier for me to read from paper than from a screen.

My son likes (loves) to read the ads and clip coupons. In fact, DH and DS Sunday morning conversations revolve around the ads - and really goes on and on if one of their favorites is not included in that edition! Or the paper is not delivered.

I like the advice columns. My DH likes the opinion section.

If one saves the papers, one can go back and re-read an article at one's leisure and comfort.

Do you still get a printed newspaper?

Thanks for your reasons for getting a printed paper. I am a reporter who works for a small daily paper in New Mexico. We do not have a TV station that serves our community and local radio stations do not provide coverage of events that are important for people to know about. Those include local election campaigns, school board meetings, city council meetings, county commissioner's meetings, high school and local college sports events, engagements, births, deaths, accidents, crimes, etc.

Local newspapers are generally the only reliable source of local information. Readers can call the editor/s or reporters for more information about a story or to give them praise or criticism. Readers' concerns are far more likely to be considered and questions answered by a writer who spends several hours interviewing people about an event or an issue, completing whatever other research is required to make the story both informative and interesting, and then spending even more time writing.

I love the Internet and the computer world, but as my daughter has pointed out many times, what is written on paper is a far more reliable archive than what is written only in digital form and can be changed with a half dozen key strokes.

I hope those of you who have given up your local newspapers will re-consider.

Peace and grace to each of you and to all whom you love. froggyintexas

ShirlR 08-05-2017 08:22 PM

My paper is online and also I get a paper copy. I love to sit down in the morning with a cup of coffee and the paper in hand. When I worked an 8-5 job, I purposely got up earlier in the morning just to read the paper before going to work. I don't like to read the online version and rarely utilize it but there was no choice when they went to an online version; they raised the price and the only choice we had to get the paper version was to also subscribe to the one online. It is so true that the papers now days are so much thinner than they used to be, and I miss that. But I also save the papers and re-use them for other purposes.

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