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Catherine Marie 12-09-2009 05:02 PM

Just a thought... could this individual actually care about you and want to see you at a healthier weight? Just too insecure to talk to you face to face?

Mousie 12-09-2009 07:47 PM

Originally Posted by cutebuns
I am not sure that I would be offended, I know that there are people all over that do things for strange reasons, and they may really have enjoyed the cookbook and wanted to pass it on, with out knowing who it is from or the intent. There was no public display of you opening it from a SS or anything, if I wanted to insult someone with something like that I would make sure that others saw the person opening it.

Your attitude can make it a good present or a bad one, I say enjoy it, if their intent was to shame you in anyway, you take the power away from them by enjoying it and putting it to good use, I wold pass it around that someone was nice enough and thought enough of you to give you a special present.

LOL...I agree with this the most...even though some answers either gave me a laugh, or made me pause. Maybe it's my packrat tendencies, but the whole time I was thinking, but you got a free book!
I think Cutie is right, in that, albeit your weight, my weight, anybody's weight is their own business...if the person had meant it in a bad way, they would have gone to further steps to push the weight issue openly.
I once got a double order of a self-help book, and knew someone that had been in a position to need that kind of advice, and I gave that person the 2nd book. They were grateful.
Until somebody does something that let's you know, there was ill-will, I would just enjoy it. If it was a person in ww, they would see it as a nice thing, and the anonymity was to spare such a nice recipient.
If it wasn't meant to be a nice thing, you'll know soon enough. My money is on the nice:wink:

cutebuns 12-09-2009 08:27 PM

a stray comment someone caught or made, an off hand remark, (the kind that you don't remember saying) may have led someone to believe that you may enjoy the gift, maybe they didn't want to you feel that you had to do something in return, that is why I imagine that there are so many angels here, angels that have no name or face, they don't want others to know and give back, they just want to do something nice, no matter how little or big it is, I recently received some really good things in the mail, and I could feel bad that someone though that I was to poor to get it myself or be thankful that someone thought enough of me to get it for me, for no other reason that they thought that I would enjoy it and probably not get it for myself. Some of the packages came before I was strapped for cash, does that mean that they think that I was broke then as well? or just wanted to surprise me, and others, some get sent things because that is the only way that they have enough supplies, how many squishies are sent for other reasons? and none of them with the intent of embarassing anyone or making them feel bad, I just wonder that so many automatically think it was given with malicious intent.

pittsburgpam 12-09-2009 08:37 PM

I'm inclined to look at it as a generous gesture. There is NO ONE I know who would do that in a mean way.

And sandpat, even though I don't smoke anymore I still don't believe that someone else has the right to tell me whether I can or not. Smokers are VERY aware of not smoking in non-smoking places and just about EVERYWHERE is non-smoking. A very large auto insurance company moved into the new building next to mine and they ban smoking on their entire premises. I guess they can pat themselves on the back about the good they think they are doing. And their employees who come to my building area to smoke. I don't think non-smokers are aware of just how much we do go out of our way to not be offensive. We're not quite the ignorant people they seem to believe who need decisions made for us.

This is what is so very puzzling about the e-cigarette reaction. It's vapor, not tobacco, not smoke, no burning, but instead of embracing a safer alternative they are working very hard to ban it and they have succeeded in many cities already. I could go on and on about it and the big tobacco companies backing laws to ban "flavored" products because they might appeal to teenages... all except menthol which is smoked primarily by teenagers. If that doesn't tell the tale then I don't know what would. The FDA looks the other way on tobacco and the 4000 chemicals in it and the 400k people who die each year of lung cancer but they fall all over themselves trying to discredit e-cigs and the tiny, some almost undetectible, 20 chemicals. There is such a huge bias against smokers that they cannot get their minds around a product acceptable to smokers that totally replaces their need or craving for cigarettes and that doesn't offend anybody. They'd have to find some other cause then.

Ok... off my soapbox. It makes my blood boil too.

pittsburgpam 12-09-2009 08:40 PM

I think the ladies, and gentlemen, here are just generous and want to share, want to brighten someone's day. I don't think that anyone sends a gift because they think someone is struggling financially.

Just accept it in the spirit that it is given and not look for ulterior motives or reasons.

cutebuns 12-09-2009 08:50 PM

I didn't, It was a very welcome arrival at my door, just like all the other squishies that have come my way, I feel that they all were sent with the intent of brightening my day, and they did just that. I appreciate all and would happily pick up more,

Mousie 12-10-2009 05:48 AM

Originally Posted by cutebuns
I didn't, It was a very welcome arrival at my door, just like all the other squishies that have come my way, I feel that they all were sent with the intent of brightening my day, and they did just that. I appreciate all and would happily pick up more,

That's the spirit, you sweet pink monkey you...
ANY AND ALL SQUISHIES WELCOME...lol...yes, thats a good motto!:wink:
Pam, I had never heard of e-cigs, but I cringe at ppl telling me what to do, when I am minding my own business.
Whose to say that it is not setting a good example for teens...try this instead of that?
Hubby scolded me...yes, I said he 'scolded' me...last night, for joking around in chat and saying...i was being funny bc I smoke cr*ck!
He said that the government would start snooping into my business! :shock:
The sad thing is, he could be right. tsk, tsk, tsk!
I hope you enjoy your book, and btw, I would love to see you post some of the recipes in that sections. I COULD benefit a little, and so could hubby! :wink:

Kimcatlou 12-10-2009 06:21 AM

What a great way to handle such a hurtful "gift!"

sandpat 12-10-2009 06:47 AM

I'm in total agreement with you Pam about your soapbox issue! Too much Big Brother is NOT a good thing :thumbdown:

lass 12-10-2009 12:28 PM

Maybe someone else asked someone to send it to them and you were accidentily "gifted".

MadQuilter 12-10-2009 01:53 PM

Cute, I still think there is a big difference in people sharing quilting supplies with a friend or leaving an anonymous "I think you're fat" message at someone's door.
In crafting terms that would be like embroidering a cookie in a big red circle with a slash through it.

pittsburgpam 12-10-2009 02:15 PM

Originally Posted by MadQuilter
Cute, I still think there is a big difference in people sharing quilting supplies with a friend or leaving an anonymous "I think you're fat" message at someone's door.
In crafting terms that would be like embroidering a cookie in a big red circle with a slash through it.

LOL!!! I could just imagine how a kitchen accessory with that on it would go over. Ooops... it caught fire while I was taking melted chocolate off the stove.

Maksi 12-10-2009 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by PatriceJ
don't be hurt. it says nothing at all about your quality as a human being. it speaks volumes however about the lack of character in whoever pulled such a snotty stunt.

tear out the pages and put one recipe on every desk in the building. post a notice that you couldn't keep such a generous gift all to yourself.


I agree with this. I could lose some weight too and if someone puts this book on my desk I would definitly be hurt.
Well sweetie, look it the other way-please don't be hurt because you have a book for free...enjoy it :)

cutebuns 12-10-2009 04:50 PM

I have just seen so many people jump to the wrong conclusions on so many things, and she may never find out who or why she was given the book, there is a difference, or maybe not, unless she does know it is for sure and has talked to them she will never know the intent of the book, I am more a half full than half empty sort of person, some days that is the only that gets me to the end of the day so it is a good thing. I guess even when I have an empty glass, I am happy that I have the glass, not sure where it comes from, was I born this way? And frankly looking at it any other way for me would be letting them get to me if it was sent maliciously. if they are looking to get a reaction out of me, well, they won't get what they expect. it really isn't worth my energy.

So who here knows for sure what the intent of the book was?

MadQuilter 12-10-2009 11:02 PM

Originally Posted by cutebuns
I am more a half full than half empty sort of person

I'm the "there's the wrong stuff in my glass" kinda girl. LOL!!!!

cutebuns 12-10-2009 11:16 PM

Well, we all can't be the same, I would hate to see the world if there was more than one of me running around, :)

QBeth 12-11-2009 05:08 AM

When I first started reading this thead, my first reaction was negative as in "someone thinks I'm fat and is being mean." Then I gave myself a slap upside the head because that was OLD thinking. NEW thinking says "someone overheard my conversation with my co-worker about weight, doesn't really know me so doesn't know how to approach me, decided to send the book anonomously. Not preaching, I just decided to try a new way of thinking when I hit fifty. Eight years later and I'm still practicing, trying to get it right.

Although I loved the suggestion that you leave a page on everyone's desk (too funny!), that doesn't seem to suit your personality of being a quiet person (been there, done that). I'd go with leaving it in the break room along with an unsigned note saying you already have a copy and am passing the book along. That takes the power out of someone who might be trying to mean but, doesn't offend someone who was trying to be nice.

Actually, the idea that someone thought of you is, in it's own way, a compliment. I find most people, good or bad, are so tied up in their own lives, they don't spend much time thinking about others.

One final note, sorry this is so chatty, on the smoking thing. In the early days of my career, smoking was allowed. I found myself in too many meetings where the smoke became so thick, you could hardly see the other end of the room (no exaggeration!. Yes, most smokers are very considerate NOW but that hasn't always been the case. Maybe the pendulum has swung too far in one direction but, as an asthmatic, I'm not complaining!

Again, sorry if this sounds preachy.

Arleners 12-11-2009 03:57 PM

This reminds me of a time that a little kid came up to me and said "Guess what? You're fat!" Of course he wanted to shock or hurt me. I turned around and said, "I AM? I never knew that before. I then gave him a big smile, shook his hand and said "Well thanks for telling me."
The kid just stood there with a dumb look on his face.
I know the frustrating thing is you can't give the person a piece of your mind, but just remember, you have WAY more class than that person.

littlehud 12-11-2009 08:29 PM

I think that would hurt my feelings. Then I'd think "oh well" and try some of the recipes.

craftybear 01-31-2010 02:56 PM

Pam, ifyou still have the envelope could take it testing for DNA that would be funny at the office.


sewsewquilter 01-31-2010 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by PatriceJ
don't be hurt. it says nothing at all about your quality as a human being. it speaks volumes however about the lack of character in whoever pulled such a snotty stunt.

tear out the pages and put one recipe on every desk in the building. post a notice that you couldn't keep such a generous gift all to yourself.

Patrice, you always have the best ideas! :lol:

weezie 01-31-2010 07:48 PM

If someone gifted me a Weight Watchers cookbook, I would immediately jump to the conclusion that he or she figured I was not sensible or disciplined enough to go buy, beg, borrow, or steal a cookbook if I wanted one. So I would be highly insulted just from that standpoint, regardless of any issues of being overweight ... it's the idea that someone did your thinking for you, which is NOT a thoughtful gesture. At best, it was a misguided one.

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