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BellaBoo 08-20-2011 01:12 PM

After having to clear out two great aunts homes when they died, I was so aggravated with amount of stuff I had to sort through I was ready to just burn it. I would never want my DDs to have that burden left to them to deal with from me. I have sorted and tossed out many boxes of stuff and it feels great to not have to hold on to things just because they are mine. Right now the only stored clutter I have is in my sewing room and the guild members will take care of that if I can't.

damaquilts 08-20-2011 01:16 PM

I have had to downsize and clean almost everything out many times. I do regret some things I got rid of. I am downsizing yet again but there are some things I just don't know what to do with. Old programs from shows I have been too. And I had my wild time in my 40's after my divorce. I have(local) band pictures , signed and some other things from people I met at that time. A friend and I even put out a newspaper for local bands. On one hand I think toss it on the other I would like my grandchildren to know I wasn't always an old fuddy duddy. Also I still have all my cards from when I was an infant . It is really hard when you don't have much left to get rid of the last bit of junk. LOL

damaquilts 08-20-2011 01:17 PM

Originally Posted by clem55

Originally Posted by ptquilts

Originally Posted by quiltingme
What do you do with old photographs? I have a storage chest full, and I know my sons would not want them, but I cannot bring myself to throw them out. Lots of memories there!

Scan them into your computer, add identifying info while your memory is still good, make CD's for kids or anyone else who wants them.

BTW if anyone has old color slides they are getting rid of, you can send them my way.

I am curious too. I do have some slides left but they are family type. They are from my ex mostly

what kind of slides are you looking for? People,places, scenery? Had I known you two years ago I could have given you thousands. I still have quite a few, let me kow .

gaevren 08-20-2011 01:22 PM

I don't keep a lot of "stuff". I have kept a very few things from my childhood that are sentimental to me or that I think my children would enjoy having later on. We are pretty big on genealogy and family history in my family so old letters and pictures and stories are interesting.

But that's also what albums are for. I wouldn't want to just have a box o stuff (or a house full of stuff!) for my kids to have to go through when most of it wouldn't mean squat to them.

My parents kept all the birthday cards that I'd been given as a kid from aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. If there was a letter enclosed, I kept the letter but honestly I pitched all the cards. Not because I'm not sentimental, but because I didn't have the room for them and NO ONE else but me would care about those cards!! (except for the potential collector value, but that didn't even occur to me at the time).

I go through my house and belongings at least a couple times a year and I'm pretty ruthless in getting rid of stuff. I do have some things that I've kept through the years that have no other value than sentimental, but all the stuff I've kept would fit into two small moving boxes, so I don't think I'm doing too bad :mrgreen:

Maride 08-20-2011 02:02 PM

If I clean it out...what will they do when I go? I have to leave them something to do when I am gone. I tend to accumulate things that belonged to them when they were little, so they will be cleaning up their own things.

ljsunflower 08-20-2011 02:28 PM

I'm the same way! We just moved here & were putting our 'stuff' out when we realized that no one else will look at this stuff the way we do. It won't mean anything to them like it does to us. Kind of sad in a way.

Maride 08-20-2011 02:44 PM

Originally Posted by ljsunflower
I'm the same way! We just moved here & were putting our 'stuff' out when we realized that no one else will look at this stuff the way we do. It won't mean anything to them like it does to us. Kind of sad in a way.

Is sad, but that is the order of things. That is why we have estate sales and then yard sales to get rid of what didn't get attention at the estate sale. What is valuable to you may not be to others. Luckily there is always someone looking out for vintage things. I love seen things that were modern when I was a kid. Brings back memories.

carhop 08-20-2011 03:11 PM

I think my GD's would like to look at them. I have valentine candy harts fancy ones for each year we were to gether and one of the GDs' had to bring her boyfriend it to my sewing room to see them around the top of the walls

oma66 08-20-2011 03:20 PM

I purge my house every 6 months. I guess that comes from moving around so much in the military. If I have not used it in the last 6 months I do not need it (not counting my quilting and art items.)

I am not a saver per se, but I do tend to save clothes I hope to get back into one day....LOL...

Shelbie 08-20-2011 03:52 PM

Cleaning out my parents' home after 55 years of marriage made me realize that I didn't want to leave everything to my kids to handle someday. I have steadily been working through every drawer, cupboard and closet in this place off and on for about a year and I'm still not done. I've been busy boxing up my kid's stuff and taking it to them. I've asked them many times to go through it and not much had been moved. I took a whole truck load to my daughter (this included her bedroom furniture and the pieces her grandfather had made her) and now have the last of it ready to go this week. I just don't need a dozen Cabbage Patch dolls, a box of doll clothes, a doll buggy, stroller and cradle etc. etc. I also don't want to make the decision to throw out someone else's stuff. My basement is almost empty and I took another truck load to the second hand store today. There's still too much here so I'll keep at it.

ube quilting 08-20-2011 04:01 PM

I'm a thower, my DH is a keeper, The fight goes on! His mom used to keep bread bag tags, for what? Who knows. I found a real collection of them in every drawer of her house. Every broken coat hanger, worn out cloths,towels that were more rags than anything, empty bottles. The two things she didn't keep was her money and her heart. She gave her heart to everyone!

MisDixie 08-20-2011 04:16 PM

Sounds like you MIL and mine would have gotten along fine! When plastic clips came in for bread bags she was so happy that she had a big collection of twist ties! A whole drawer packed full. It was the first thing I tossed! LOL Got to love it.

Originally Posted by ube quilting
I'm a thower, my DH is a keeper, The fight goes on! His mom used to keep bread bag tags, for what? Who knows. I found a real collection of them in every drawer of her house. Every broken coat hanger, worn out cloths,towels that were more rags than anything, empty bottles. The two things she didn't keep was her money and her heart. She gave her heart to everyone!

Ramona Byrd 08-20-2011 04:27 PM

Yes!! Famous or not, our historical society has many old photos of local people that are IDENTIFIED. I can't count the number that has been accepted for accession in the past. Sure it documents clothing but who are the people?? We also have vintage sewing machines, dishes, toys, clothing....all the items have a local connection. Don't throw, ask first!
I found a picture of one of my late DH's first cousins. Am saving it for our next blood drive at Stanislaus State, because cousin was its first president. I don't want it, kids didn't know him.
Funny looking guy at his graduation, looked a lot like Data in Star Treck. Took me a long time to figure that one out. Now if I can only put it somewhere so I can remember it on that day....
And have pictures of DH's Dad, who started his business here in 1911 and it lasted till 1999. So off that picture goes to the museum. Kids don't want it. Gkds don't either.

Rose L 08-20-2011 05:03 PM

I did a lot of tossing the last time I moved. I had boxes full of stuff from our parents who all passed on within a couple of years of each other. I let them sit in my kitchen for half a year before I was ready to deal with them and when I finally did I tossed most of the belongings I had originally thought I would keep. I also tossed tons of my own belongings and still have a little bedroom and closet full that I want to get rid of. Trouble is is that it is stuff others have given me that they expect to see out and around my home when they visit. I am weary of keeping those things for them so they will all be gone come spring. The other rooms in my house are nearly bare these days and I like not having to use my time to clean and dust all that stuff anymore. The one thing I do have and can't seem to get rid of is linens...doilies, curtains, extra blankets and sheets etc. I always think, what if I need them later?? I have tubs full of stuff like that. I guess keeping them in tubs will make it easier for my kids to load into a truck one day. At least I'm an organized linens hoarder, lol!

mzsooz 08-20-2011 06:34 PM

My mom found a great way to get rid of all of us kids school pics, report cards, birthday cards, etc. She arranged them nicely in a photo album that she covered in fabric and gave them to us as Christmas gifts. It is fun to look back at my childhood and it all fits nicely in one album sitting on the bookshelf.

starshine 08-20-2011 06:48 PM

I keep some card and letters. Especially cards that have little messages written in them, and letters that express or reveal something about the person who wrote/sent the card. If it doesn't hold any meaning for you then you won't miss it. Some times I pull out some old cards & letters I have saved. I enjoy re-reading something my great aunt wrote or my mother-in-law both have been gone for more than 26 years.
But it is easier to let go of things I have more than what I need, or that I never use.

merchjag 08-21-2011 05:41 AM

I have cleaned out my bedroom and forced myself to throw things away. The question I ask myself also is would my kids want it? If the answer is no away it goes. The Goodwill has become the recipient for many things recently

cjaye44 08-21-2011 06:03 AM

This thread has been a real inspiration for me to REALLY start decluttering. So much of what I have has been obtained through estate sales and yard sales so means nothing to my kids. I plan to have my son come over and pile it all in his pickup and take it to a donation site. He can have the receipt to use when he does his taxes. Some of what I collected over the years may have some value but now someone else can perhaps have the pleasure of finding a great "bargain".

G-MaDiane 08-21-2011 06:05 AM

Just take 30 minutes every day and work in one room until you are done with that one room. Then move onto the next room etc. Once a week make a trip to the thrift store with your donations. You can be done in just a couple of months and you don't BURN OUT!

quilter68 08-21-2011 06:30 AM

I have difficulty to toss cards that people (read-family) paid $3 to $5 for so I have asked them to not send anymore. If they can do it on the computer that is fine. Think of all the money saved. I just turned 70 and will not celebrate again until I am 75. Also asked that they not buy me any 'thing'. I have been a collecter of many things and I agree with everyone on this thread - It is time to de-clutter.

misscarol 08-21-2011 07:10 AM

After the passing of my Father-in-law, cleaning out his place, arguments over the dumbest things (pots & pans..really), I decided it was time to start throwing things out. Are my children really going to want all my anniversary cards? I have more of their stuff then they do as it is :) I think we reach a point in our lives shen it's just time to let clutter go.

svenskaflicka1 08-21-2011 07:22 AM

i had this same "light bulb" moment a month ago. i'd been cleaning out my folk's basement after three "floods" in two weeks. there were 56 years worth of mom's antiques, dad's tools/woodworking/metalworking stuff in there. the wetness decided some of it, but most of the rest is going to go, as well. it dawned on me that the things that meant so much to them and to me only did so because of my connection to those people. my children didn't know MY aunts, grandparents, etc. so, the kids are taking the things that mean something to them, or catch their fancy, and i'm letting my memories go, so there is more room in that house for the new kids that are living there. the "good stuff" stays for me--but there is so much that has lost its meaning through the years, that it should go into the hands of someone who wants to have it, and not just sit waiting in the basement for long departed folks. the charity pickup starts next week...

MissDaisyDo 08-21-2011 07:30 AM

I am 72 and DH is 75> We moved 3 years ago after 46 years in the same house. I got rid of lots of STUFF then. Unfortunately, we both come from families of savers. I still have my grandparents very ornate wedding license along with my parents confirmation certificates, marriage license, graduation papers and tons of photos. I figured if my mother saved it for so many years, I should too, Also I lost 175 lbs so had lots of clothes to get rid of. We did move into a bigger house. When we tell people we upsized and they question why?, my husband answers, because we are certifyibly insane. At least now I have lots of room for sewing stuff.

May in Jersey 08-21-2011 07:30 AM

Originally Posted by sall
I spoke to my cousin a few days ago, who has had the decorators in. She started doing a bit of clearing out, and found she still had her 21st birthday cards (she is 70). When her daughter called, the question she asked was (qoute) "If I dropped dead tomorrow what would you do with all these cards and things" reply from her daughter. " I would just throw them all out". I suddenly realised that I still had my 21st cards and loads of other cards such as invitations, thank you cards etc and realised that my children would do exactly the same. Looking at my 21st cards ( I am 75) I cannot remember who some of the people were. Well this then started me on a clear it all out spree, and I cannot believe the junk I have kept over the years. I have one spare single bed, and would you belive, I have 4 duvets for that one bed, and six covers for the duvet, and I might add that the bed is only used occasionally.The charity shop is due for a car load of goods from me next week.
Are we all like this, or are many of you more organised. I must add that I am exhausted after bit all.

I hear you sister, especially about the extra bed covers. We just had upstair bathroom redone and all the extra stuff was put into our two 'guest/hobby rooms". As I'm slowly getting all the bathroom stuff put away I'm continuing on to clear out those bedroom closets of too many pillows, blankets, and clothes stored in them. Blankets and afghans are going to local church for Homeless people in NY.

I keep B-day cards, Thanks yous, etc. on my dining room hutch and every once in awhile I read them again and then put them into the recycling. Not mentioning the shoe boxes of stuff from grandkids, drawings, graduation and dance recital programs, etc., I'm saving that chore for a day this winter when it's too icy to go out of doors.

cactusmomma 08-21-2011 07:34 AM

I'm in the process of moving my sewing room to another space and turning my "former sewing room" into an office/guest room. These new homes have NO storage. Its really difficult trying to set up a neat sewing area but I am trying to toss what I can as I go along. I've become addicted to the "Hoarders" tv show and now when I look at things I think, oh my gosh....I'm headed for being a hoarder! Not even close but it scares me into not keeping everything now just in case it "might" be useful in the future. I've also narrowed my crafts down to quilting and cross stitch. Gathering fabric because once I retire (not far away) I won't have money for material. Love this thread.....inspiring.

luvstoquilt 08-21-2011 07:38 AM

I am a collector of many things! 2 years ago I decided to downsize and I sold my large home. I called in antique dealers and had a massive house sale. I kept what I thought I would need in my present home. I do miss a few things and wish I had kept them but basically I think I could do another sale! I like having empty closets and I don't entertain like we once did so I really don't need all of the dishes, etc. I think I need to take a course on how to sell on Ebay!

the old one 08-21-2011 07:45 AM

Our basement had several inches of water all over the floor in June, due to a storm drain malfunction. Three of our four children came to help clean, one drove all night from Colorado, while they were here, lots of sorting took place, not only of wet boxes, and lots of 'things' went out the door. I too save greeting cards, did keep one boxful--those from our great grandchildren. We need to sort again, believe me. piecefully, the old one

Willa 08-21-2011 08:09 AM

You might want to tell your children to check with an auctioneer. We were going to throw out a cardboard poster (I think from the 1980's) and our auctioneer said no, it will sell.
My kids have asked me too why I keep some things like my grandpa's camelback trunk. To me this is a duh, its my grandpas'. Its not in good shape on the outside but the inside has a beautiful tray and between it and the inside of the lid are 3 pictures on them. Well a feew weeks ago one of my sons called and said he was watching a show and a trunk like mine went for $500 and if it were fixed up it would sell for up to $3000 and the tv trunk didn't have the 3 pictures, so now my son says I can keep it.

marthe brault-hunt 08-21-2011 08:45 AM

I just went through all the pictures I had in the house, I scanned many of them, then I sorted them out. I prepared a personal album for each of my children, grand and great grand kids. Since I inherited the family pictures from my parents, I sent cousins the pictures of uncles and aunts, it made some of them very happy they had never seen a picture of their parents when they were young,I was taught that something , you throw away can be a treasure for someone else.I sent pictures of the blessing of the cross to the people living in my grandfather old house, (The cross on the side of the road was erected in 1945 ,a vow made by my grandparents because WWII ended before my uncles were called in the army. I contacted towns, organizations, groups when I could explain the whens and the whys of the pictures I wanted to give them and receive lots of positive answers, It was certainly a lot of work, but all the efforts put give me a satisfaction, a family, a town or an organization is a continuity, older people will remember, younger ones will learn and respect what we call History.

May in Jersey 08-21-2011 08:48 AM

Originally Posted by Willa
You might want to tell your children to check with an auctioneer. We were going to throw out a cardboard poster (I think from the 1980's) and our auctioneer said no, it will sell.
My kids have asked me too why I keep some things like my grandpa's camelback trunk. To me this is a duh, its my grandpas'. Its not in good shape on the outside but the inside has a beautiful tray and between it and the inside of the lid are 3 pictures on them. Well a feew weeks ago one of my sons called and said he was watching a show and a trunk like mine went for $500 and if it were fixed up it would sell for up to $3000 and the tv trunk didn't have the 3 pictures, so now my son says I can keep it.

Isn't funny how much something is OK to keep once they know it's worth something to someone besides yourself.

I've begun passing some old stuff down to my granddaughters, gave oldest DGD my MIL's chest with silverplated service for 8 flatware, another DGD asked for my grandmother's macaroni platter that my mother used and then I did for years, made copies for each family of photo of my grandfather with his open front taxi cab circa 1914. Have only one grandson and when he's older he'll get my FIL's and DH's rings. Had rings made for 6 DGD's with diamond chips from MIL's wedding rings and added their birthstones on the side. It's only a little bit but I'm getting there.

crazy cat lady 08-21-2011 08:50 AM

I was just at Mama's (she's 79) last night, looking for some old pics I wanted show my uncle. Needless to say, didn't find the pics but offered to help with the ton of keepsakes we dug out. I know at least a couple of days I'll be helping her go thru her stuff. When we were all little, every time she opened the cedar chest it seemed to me like opening a treasure chest even tho I had seem the contents all my life :lol:

KLO 08-21-2011 09:22 AM

Well, we moved twice within 7 months. Want to get rid of "stuff"? That's one way to do it. Of course, now we cannot remember if we left something at the first house, sold it at auction, gave it away, left it at the second house, or if it might still be in a box somewhere in the current house. Ugh! We did send boxes of things to the kids that I had saved for them but only after chucking some of it.

kwilter 08-21-2011 09:39 AM

Originally Posted by valsma
I don't have birthday cards or stuff like that, but I know somewhere out in the garage there are totes and boxes with stuff in them that I haven't seen in years. I don't know why I keep them, I'm not even sure if it is stuff that I have a feeling about. Just stuff. I know I should get rid of it, but the task is so daunting I guess it is just easier to leave it alone.

Pretty much the way I feel. I think if I did not have health problems, I'd de-clutter more.....(sigh)

trolleystation 08-21-2011 09:49 AM

Freedom for me is definitely 'letting go'. Not hard, once you get the hang of it.

Dakota Rose 08-21-2011 09:52 AM

Originally Posted by isnthatodd
Hubby and I have been working on decluttering this last month. We started with a shelf or a drawer and are doing it slowly so it doesn't seem so overwhelming. Our library is having a used book sale, so we are sorting out the books and have taken several bags of books we know we won't read. Next is to gather a bag full of
DVDs, CDs, cassette tapes, VHS tapes, and a few old 8-tracks to donate. I have been sorting my stash as I rearrange my fabric room, and have discovered a lot of stuff that can't be used for quilting that was given to me. So off it goes to someone on Freecycle. I figure it will take a year or so, but we will get there.

Did this a few years ago and found that all the 8 tracks had disintegrated. All in crumbs! Sad that I hadn't made copies of my favorites.

Jory 08-21-2011 10:00 AM

Originally Posted by sall
I spoke to my cousin a few days ago, who has had the decorators in. She started doing a bit of clearing out, and found she still had her 21st birthday cards (she is 70). When her daughter called, the question she asked was (qoute) "If I dropped dead tomorrow what would you do with all these cards and things" reply from her daughter. " I would just throw them all out". I suddenly realised that I still had my 21st cards and loads of other cards such as invitations, thank you cards etc and realised that my children would do exactly the same. Looking at my 21st cards ( I am 75) I cannot remember who some of the people were. Well this then started me on a clear it all out spree, and I cannot believe the junk I have kept over the years. I have one spare single bed, and would you belive, I have 4 duvets for that one bed, and six covers for the duvet, and I might add that the bed is only used occasionally.The charity shop is due for a car load of goods from me next week.
Are we all like this, or are many of you more organised. I must add that I am exhausted after bit all.

My elderly (85) neighbor passed away earlier in the year, and I am the executor of her estate.

She must never have thrown a scrap of paper away! I found her mother's birth certificate, her high school calling cards, the owner's manual of every single appliance she ever owned (virtually none of which were currently in the house), valentines she received as a small child, every single cancelled check, the 'for sale' sign that was on her house when it was purchased 64 years ago, etc., etc.

It's taken me all summer to just get through the paperwork. I didn't mentioned the 10+, 4" thick photo albums with multiple photos in each slot! And journals from 30 years (that she should have burned before she died!) And so many sets of china that I've lost count!

I'm now cleaning and decluttering my own house like the energizer bunny! Never do I want to leave such a big job to my family!!


threadsdmr 08-21-2011 10:22 AM

I have had to clean out a house that was full of my brothers collections. Believe me it is not a fun job. I have since cleaned out a lot of my extras and need to do more. I don't want my kids to have to go through what I did.

pinecone 08-21-2011 10:32 AM

Originally Posted by merchjag
... The question I ask myself also is would my kids want it? If the answer is no away it goes. ...

My DGM asked me years ago if there was anything that I wanted in her home as she thought she might move. At first I said no but she asked me again a few months later. When I said yes there is she was floored when I said her button box. She had many fine things but I knew that might get tossed. After her "Land's sake"!! reply we had a good time looking through it. She had buttons from HER mother's wedding dress!! Who knew??

Just ask first before tossing the "junk"


grannypat7925 08-21-2011 10:38 AM

I have so much that is not being used. Time to downsize!

Phannie1 08-21-2011 10:39 AM

My current husband has help me de-clutter. That is one of his pet-peeves. I had stuff from my life for 50 years, two sons, left-overs from 3 previous husbands, and parents. I also did woodworking, stenciling, cross stitch, painting, quilting & sewing, reading, weight loss and weight gain. (Clothes for 5 diffenent sizes. some hoping to get back to some not.) My husband said I needed to step over the "Bodies" I allowed him get rid of stuff I did not have the courage to say good by too. Somethings I would just hand to him and leave it to him to decide what to do. Do I know what is gone? No. Do I miss anything? no. Have I missed anything? No. Because I did not really know what I had stored back to know what I could get rid of. I know what I wanted to keep and kept what I wanted to keep. I am glad the stuff is gone and I do not have that clutter.

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