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-   -   What can one do to prevent fleas? (https://www.quiltingboard.com/general-chit-chat-non-quilting-talk-f7/what-can-one-do-prevent-fleas-t150143.html)

TheSevenYearStitch 09-03-2011 03:31 PM

1. Do an outside treatment around the perimeter of the house. This will stop more from coming in.

2. If you can get the pets out of the house for a few days, do it. Otherwise, treat one room at a time. There is a carpet powder you can get in the pet section at Walmart that kills fleas. Powder the carpet generously, let it sit on the carpet ALL DAY and then sweep it up.

3. One room at a time, spray anything cloth, any chair, the walls, your fabric down with flea kill spray. We used Hartz.

4. Once this is all done, give your furbaby a flea bath.

Repeat weekly until they are gone. It took us over a month to get rid of our last fleapocolypse. It sucks. They are very hardy.

amandasgramma 09-03-2011 03:32 PM

As far as fleas in your carpet......they hatch every two weeks and by the time you see them, they've laid more eggs. I bought the flea collars at the market and cut them in about 3" pieces. I put those under the couches and chairs....everywhere a child can't get ahold of them. It obliterated them in my house. BTW - I don't like bombs.........if it can get in behind the floorboards, then I KNOW it can get into all the food and on all my dinnerware......UGH!

Grannymom 09-03-2011 03:35 PM

If your critters go outside at all - even if just to take care of business and right back it - they will pick up fleas from the yard if you don't treat your yard.... And if you have 'visiting critters' you will have fleas and lice and who knows what all... the vet told us that if you have squirrels, etc you WILL have fleas.....

Being as how we live in the land of a gazillion bugs my DH sprays around the perimeter of the house every month with malathion that he mixes in a spray thingy = can't think of the word right now..geez We also use stuff for fire ants and that helps.

We also use Frontline Plus (the Comfortis pills or whatever they are allowed our dog to get a TICK! which made her sick until we finally found the bugger) and the Frontline kills the eggs, mosquitoes, etc etc..

Greenheron 09-03-2011 03:46 PM

To make the bath a REAL killer with Dawn or flea shampoos---suds well and then wrap the pup in a big towel for at least five minutes. Suds and rinse right away will allow lots of fleas to survive.

Ramona Byrd 09-03-2011 04:48 PM

Originally Posted by ssgramma
You might check at your local shelter to see if they sell flea meds. I get Advantage Multi for my cats at our local Humane Society a LOT cheaper than the Vet.

Last year my cats and my sisters' in Bakersfield and my daughter's cats in Texas all had terrible reactions to Advantage. My male started falling off the stool he had been watching birds from for years, the female started running into things and hid beneath the bed, sister's cats started vomiting and DD in Texas said she thought hers had suddenly got the flu from bad weather.
Never again...I keep a couple of open jars of Diatomaceous Earth sitting near me and every few days put a pinch of it on the backs of their necks and rub it in. It seems to help a lot better than the boughten meds. And they do not have worms any more since I started mixing it up with their canned cat food treats. Used to have to get shots from the vet.

quilter68 09-03-2011 04:59 PM

When we did have a dog (cokapoo) I put flea powder on the floor behind the sofe where she like to sleep. She did surpise us with a little black pup when we did not know she was preggers. The dog drug and tore newspapers up stairs under my daughters bed. My daughter heard a little Mmm-mmm and thought it was a mouse. Surprise!

Weenween 09-04-2011 04:17 AM

Originally Posted by Cybrarian
Comfortis is an internal med. I live in the "fleas never hibernate state of Florida". I give our beagle/rat terrier mixes one pill for their weight every 6 wks and we never have fleas.


romanojg 09-04-2011 04:30 AM

After trying Frontline, advantage and Adams and about everything else I was ready to give up. I treat my animals and house almost daily this year; nothing works. My dog had emergency surgery this week and when I brought him home I asked the vet; they'd given him a pill that kills them all but it only last 24hours. He was covered when he went in and he'd just had a flea dip the day before. She recommended a new treatment called Simple Guard 3; it's expensive about 100 for 6months but if I add up all of the different things that I'm treating my dogs and house with it's also high. She said the difference in it and Frontline is that with Frontline the fleas have to bite the dog for it to work and with Simple Guard it repells them. In a couple of days they should be dead and them make sure you treat your house and outside if they spend a lot time out there. But since it repells them going outside shouldn't be an issue. I'm really hoping it works. I have two dogs; one very large and one very small so I had to get different treatments for each size; so at almost 200 I really hope it works.

rita222 09-04-2011 05:01 AM

We have four dogs all on flea and heart worm medicine. It is costly. BUT now they have come out with a combination of both flea and heart worm pill called "Triflexis" it is a lettle cheaper than giving separate pills. We give it once a month according to the weight of the dog. It doesn't rid the dog of fleas but as soon as a flea bites them it dies. so as a result all fleas dissapear. It also kills ticks that get on the dogs.

quilt3311 09-04-2011 05:08 AM

we get Frontline from the vet, it takes care of the fleas, eggs and larva. Doesn't take long, kitties do not get them often, but one does get out occasionally and will pick them up. Use it once a month and NO FLEAS.

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