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Sewingyankee 10-01-2010 04:31 PM

I use the comet bathroom cleaner. You spray it all over and let it set for 5-10 minutes then spray and wash over with a terry cloth rag. I use quite a bit of spray. Make sure you have a window open or some ventilation. I find this works great.

trueimage 10-01-2010 04:36 PM

I read you could apply oven cleaner and let sit for about 10-15 and then wipe/rinse. I haven't tried it though.

leonajo 10-01-2010 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by mygirl66
The Works Tile & Tub cleaner works amazing wonders! I tried everything, this works great, and only cost $2!

I agree! U can buy it a the Dollar General store.

jitkaau 10-02-2010 02:37 AM

Try bicarbonate of soda - it gets fat off stoves and smells out of fridges too.

doloresbeger 10-02-2010 03:24 AM

Why not get a water softner installed for your whole house? We have a well with hard water and have a water softner. Works great and it saves on soap and detergent.

kuntryquilter 10-02-2010 03:48 AM

We don't have hard water, but soap scum can build up even in soft water areas. My solution, wipe the shower down after EVERY use.

mcar 10-02-2010 04:31 AM

I use Dawn Liquid Dish Washing soap on the "glass doors" to remove soap scum with success. We don't have the hard water problem but the shower head does need cleaning due to molds. I think the vinegar treatment mentioned here will be a great thing to try.

Gabbystabber 10-02-2010 05:05 AM

This sounds eco friendly to me. Can you please post amounts to make mixture. I use white vinegar almost exclusively when I clean. Thanks

LindaR 10-02-2010 05:15 AM

I tried the "Mr Clean scrubbing pads" and WOW amazing...couldn't believe it...I used them with shower cleaner and it just shined LOL

Farmer's Daughter 10-02-2010 06:03 AM

I have just started using white vinegar. I put it on a sponge with a scrubby surface on one side. This is taking heavy mineral deposits off my faucets and off the shower tiles.

rosalia856 10-02-2010 07:27 AM

I use CLR cleaner. We also use a weegee after we shower. This helps keep the scrum from forming. After I clean it well, I apply Car or Boat wax. This helps the water to repel. Good luck and don't let it get away from you after you get it cleaned

betbet 10-02-2010 09:23 AM

mix vinagar and soda or buy a can of invisible window cleaner in the automotive dept.

martha jo 10-02-2010 09:45 AM

I have a septic system as I live in the country. Some of these products are harmful to them. Be careful if you have one. Light vinegar seems to work.

kwiltkrazy 10-02-2010 10:15 AM

We don't have hard water, but my husband is very asthmatic, and can not use household cleaners, and vinegar works great on all my cleanable surfaces.

Gramma B 10-02-2010 10:27 AM

Have you tried "The Works Tub & Shower". Need a little elbow grease with this; but we helped friends move. Cleaned their new bathroom. As The Works slid down the walls, you could actually see the soap scum disappear!

Jan in VA 10-02-2010 10:28 AM

Am I the only one who uses Arm and Hammer Scrub Free with Oxy on shower and sink? Spray, leave on, quick wipe, spray rinse with handheld shower spray, done! Loved it for years more than any other similar other product.

Jan in VA

Annaquilts 10-02-2010 10:29 AM

Plain white vinegar mixed in water.

Patchworkmarion 10-02-2010 11:08 AM

Never use soap, only body wash or shower gel.Use a squeesee to wipe down glass after every shower.Works great for me

Janette 10-02-2010 11:48 AM

I live in central Florida and we have a lot of limestone here plus mildew due to humidity so I was always scrubbing. I installed a shower curtain with the rod across the door. When showering I pull the curtain across the shower door so it doesn't get wet. I also keep a chamois-type cloth (like the ones you use on cars) in the shower. After a shower I take a minute to rub down the walls and fixtures. Seldom have to scrub now.

trupeach1 10-02-2010 12:03 PM

Orange juice. Sounds crazy but if you get the cheapest OJ the kind not in the frige section. Put it in a spray bottle and spay it on a let it sit it then rinse off. . I had a problem with hard water and then one day there was rust in the water that turned the tub orange. The water company as going to replace the tub. I don't know why I decided to dump an expired bottle of OJ in the tub but I did and it cleaned the entire thing no hard water build up and no rust. The tub never had to be replaced.

crazy cat lady 10-02-2010 12:57 PM

Good answer! :lol:

kay carlson 10-02-2010 01:10 PM

Lots of good suggestions on this thread. Both Hubby and I have lung problems and have to be real careful. I rarely use commercial sprays, but Awesome is the exception.

I use white vinegar to which I have added a good squeeze of blue Dawn dishwashing detergent. This is in a quart spray bottle and I seem to tolerate the stream of cleaner for cleaning most surfaces.

DS and DDIL have moved into a new condo where the water is expecially hard. I hope the association will soon approve the installation of a water softener. Just think of the damage being done to the dishwasher, washing machine and plumbing. I am aghast at the visible damage already to the bath fixtures and faucets. I will try some of these suggestions. Thanks for sharing :-)

Rainy Day 10-02-2010 01:22 PM

I spoke to a friend who runs a Green Clean company, and she said her staff do this on stubborn shower scum: Mix bicarbonate of soda with water to make a paste, then wipe off. Spray with cleaning vinegar - straight up, no water, or cheap white vinegar, straight, then rinse well, especially if there are asthmatics in the house. If it is really stubborn, use a cream cleanser like Jif.
To maintain, keep a spray bottle of 1 part vinegar, 3 parts water in the shower and spray before you shower - unless you have asthma.
Cheers, Rain, and thanks to Jo for her wisdom.

paintmejudy 10-02-2010 01:25 PM

did you try CLR? I think it is fantastic - comes premixed ina spray or in a refill jug that you dilute with water and put into a spray bottle. CLR stands for calcium, lime and rust. And it gets rid of the soap scum, too.

Kitsie 10-02-2010 03:11 PM

Originally Posted by littleone
Here in Edmonton we have really hard water, the best thing found..good old plain white vinegar. Spray it on leave it a few min. and wipe off; We even have to soak the shower head in vinegar due to the buildup from the hard water.

Hey, thanks! We are on our well water - yummmmm! - but sure gums up the shower head. I've tried CLR, lime away, etc. with little luck. Will try vinegar! Wonder if it would help to keep a spray bottle in the shower and give the head a squirt after every shower?

Oh, thanks, Rainy! I was on the right track, then.

Dkm 10-02-2010 03:22 PM

Dryer sheets. They work great. I have used them right after a shower or when it's dry. You know that the sheets have some type of coating on them that can clog up your lint filter. If you use them you should wash the filter every so many months.

mjsylvstr 10-02-2010 03:33 PM

once it is clean...
wipe it down each and every time after showering with a squeegee or a towel.

you will be amazes how seldom you have to do any heavy cleaning......

Ten seconds after the shower is all it takes...but try and tell kids that !!!!!!!!!!

but it really does work.

penski 10-02-2010 04:56 PM

what i use and works like a miracle is i spray the tub with Arm and Hammer Scrub free , the one in a orangeish color bottle not the one with bleach (cant stand the smell ) let it soak a few minutes then get a Mr Clean pad respray some of the tub if it dried on there and wipe with the Mr Clean sponge and it shines !! love both products

terry leffler 10-02-2010 04:58 PM

I had the same problem & a friend who does tile work said to use 3 parts white vinegar & 1 part lime juice every time we shower. Works great!

Nona'sgrammy 10-02-2010 04:58 PM

I was giving my July Good Housekeeping magazine a final once over just today and Heloise answered the exact same question. She said that after you take a shower, when the glass is still steamy, "pour a bit of cheap hair shampoo or liquid dish soap (both break down grease and oils) onto a plastic scrubby or sponge that won't scratch the glass. Apply and let sit for 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse well, and repeat this process if needed or until the buildup is gone." After that, keep a squeegee in the shower and wipe the glass after each shower.

Dee 10-02-2010 06:06 PM

I use soft scrub.

PamQuilts 10-02-2010 06:33 PM

We have a well and our mineral deposits are horrible! I've found Kaboom to work as well as CLR and Lime-Away. My dh soaked our shower head in vinegar last week and it came out good as new. We also run vinegar through our coffee maker about once a month. Maybe I need to try vinegar for my showers!?

Pam in TX

rainbowquilt 10-02-2010 06:37 PM

[quote=diogirl]I have tried just about every brand in the supermarket that requires next to no scrubbing but even the scrubbing bubbles that say no scrubbing, I still have to scrub.. Is there an actual product out there that you spray it on, let it sit and you can either rinse or wipe away?? So tired of all the scrubbing i'm doing even with cleaner. :-([/quote

There is a product that is called RESOLVE and is made my Fuller Brush. This is a company similar to like AMWAY. Just look up a vendor in your area and order some. I believe the last time i purchased this it was about $8.00 a bottle. But it works wonderfully!

Good Luck!

mommaB 10-02-2010 06:50 PM


Does the wax build up on grout? I've been thinking of waxing the tile in my shower, but was afraid it would get on/in the grout and I wouldn't be able to get it out? Maybe its because I'm thinking of the blue car wax!!

fishnlady 10-02-2010 11:56 PM

Originally Posted by diogirl
I have tried just about every brand in the supermarket that requires next to no scrubbing but even the scrubbing bubbles that say no scrubbing, I still have to scrub.. Is there an actual product out there that you spray it on, let it sit and you can either rinse or wipe away?? So tired of all the scrubbing i'm doing even with cleaner. :-(

I read recently about using liquid fabric softener in a spray bottle. Dilute it 50/50 with water and spray it on. I have been using this and it works really good at loosening the scum. If you spray it on really heavy you can leave it a couple of minutes and then rinse it. Repeat for heavy build up. Sometimes to just get it overwith I will use a net scrubbie and it does the trick quickly.

Pins n' Ndls 10-03-2010 04:34 AM

Everyone in my family wipes the shower walls down with their towel after drying themself off. If you can get everyone to do this you will only have to spray the walls with scrubbling bubbles or other cleaner 2 or 3 times a year. My shower walls sparkle using this method. My only problem is the grout around the tub so I use a pointy tipped bottle filled with bleach squirted all along the grout and then let it dry. Grout turns white in a short time. Good idea to keep a window open or use the exhaust for the strong fumes from the bleach. Hopes this helps.

MISHNJIM 10-03-2010 05:16 AM

Originally Posted by Rainy Day
I spoke to a friend who runs a Green Clean company, and she said her staff do this on stubborn shower scum: Mix bicarbonate of soda with water to make a paste, then wipe off. Spray with cleaning vinegar - straight up, no water, or cheap white vinegar, straight, then rinse well, especially if there are asthmatics in the house. If it is really stubborn, use a cream cleanser like Jif.
To maintain, keep a spray bottle of 1 part vinegar, 3 parts water in the shower and spray before you shower - unless you have asthma.
Cheers, Rain, and thanks to Jo for her wisdom.

Don't understand the bicarbonate of soda? What is that?

stancilgirls 10-03-2010 05:54 AM

Dawn dishwashing detergent. Use a scrubby and scrub the shower down, let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse. I didn't believe it when a friend told me, but it really works. Helps the water sheet off the shower and you don't have to scrub as much the next time.

mommaB 10-03-2010 11:14 AM

bicarbonate of soda is...Baking Soda!!

Suzan Larrimore 10-03-2010 11:48 AM

I found Krud Kutter at Lowes. It is the best stuff. It comes in a gallon jug and you dilute it to the strength you want. When used full strength it is amazing! Best thing is no harsh fumes.

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