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stitchofclass2 01-19-2011 05:06 PM

That is so difficult. We are so quick to feel guilty. We women are problem solvers and nurcherers (?) I think that you did the right thing also. A woman alone is tough. With seat belts and air bags, we are pretty well protected today. I truly believe you did the right thing.

sandpat 01-19-2011 05:26 PM

Originally Posted by bob1414
I would have stopped - I'll help anyone and if it puts me at risk, well, then it does. I had my car break down on the way home from work and the weather developed very quickly into a blizzard on my drive (in the evening). I was wearing a dress and nylons. I walked on a highway for miles toward a light(farmhouse). When I got there, I couldn't even speak - thankfully they knew me and were able to phone someone to come get me. Several cars drove by me - saw my car with the emergency lights flashing, saw me (female) walking along the highway - yet NOBODY stopped.

I recently gave an intoxicated man a ride - it was hovering around zero degrees. He could have had a weapon, I guess. I will always help people and refuse to live my life being afraid and I will always try to help.

Everyone has a right to make their own decisions - probably no right or wrong decision - but this is what I do.

Hope I don't sound like I'm preaching - I'm just passionate about helping.

I'm glad you are this type of person, but please be careful. My BIL has your exact same attitude....until he stopped to pick up a lady who was having trouble and was by herself. My BIL is a large guy, but...this woman pulled a gun, pistol whipped him and robbed him at gun point. Its sad, but you just never know.

mamaw 01-19-2011 05:29 PM

Maybe some may think it wasn't the right thing; but it was what most of us would have done also, so forgive yourself.

LoveBug 01-19-2011 05:31 PM

I think if I were in the same situation I would have done exactly the same thing. I've watched too many episodes of Law & Order & Criminal Minds to risk stopping in the woods, in the dark, at night, by myself, to investigate.

#1 priority: get help. Exactly what you did.

Ileen 01-19-2011 06:02 PM

I Would Have Done just What You Did

jitkaau 01-19-2011 06:42 PM

I think you have to work with what feels comfortable for you. When I was a teenager, a friend and I came across a bad car smash. We stopped to see if we could help, There were no cell phones in those days and even fewer public phones. There were three injured men - two of them needed emergency help. They got into my friend's family car and we drove them to our local ambulance station which was next door to the police station. We later found out that it was a stolen car and that they had escaped from a prison thirty kilometres away...We were obviously lucky that they were too hurt to do too much to take another car from two teenage girls. So you don't know what is in store from any decision.

cr12cats 01-19-2011 06:47 PM

always just get to the nearest phone or go for help. i just missed a man once on a california hwy that had something wrong. no cell pone in those days so got to the nearest phone and called the police. it was a illegal that had been shot in back of the head and it exited out of his mouth. The police followed his blood traik to a house they were using to hide people. he lived cause they got to him fast enough if i would of stopped i wouldn't of knowm what to do or if the bad guys were still after him and my kids were with me. so better to get someone that is trained to do what needed to be done instead of wasting valuable time. you did the right thing

Mitch's mom 01-19-2011 07:07 PM

You did the right thing for you. I am of the same mindset as Bob1414, I would have tried to help if I saw the accident happen. If I came upon the wreck, I would have been extremely cautious, but I would have stopped. I, too, have walked in the freezing cold.

You called for help and you followed up to make sure everyone was OK. You did good!

craftymatt2 01-19-2011 07:33 PM

You should not feel guilty for leaving, you may also have saved your own life, you never know what could be a set-up. Things like that happen. You did the best thing you could given the circumstances. And see the person is OK.

Ramona Byrd 01-19-2011 07:41 PM

As an older female, I would most definitely have gone on to be able to call on my cell. The absolute and ONLY way I would have stopped was if I saw the car crash and it was burning, then I'd probably have stopped. Not otherwise at all, on a dark night and on a deserted road.

EdieClay 01-19-2011 08:00 PM

I would probably feel guilty too for not stopping, but in this day and age you did the best thing. You drove to a safe place and called for help. That's the best you could do under the circumstances.

donnalynett 01-19-2011 09:37 PM

I have stopped and rolled my window down and asked if everything was okay but kept the engine running in case it was a "set up". We carry cell phones and guns so it just depends on the situation.

dmackey 01-19-2011 10:00 PM

You got the help that person needed as quickly as possible, so yes, you did the right thing for sure.


Momsmurf 01-19-2011 11:37 PM

Originally Posted by turtlerouge
Last night at 830 pm while driving home on a 20 mile long remote road deep in woods, I saw a car that'd to veer hard to miss something & put the car in a deep snow bank. I was too terrified to stop to look to see if someone was hurt, I did slow down and rolled down my window to look and listen, but I was terrified so instead of stopping and getting out, I drove on for 10 miles to get cell coverage to call 911. What would you've done? No cell coverage, alone, dark, and in the middle of dense woods.

The key words for me were "PM and 20 mile long remote road deep in the woods."
You did the right thing.

Did you ever find out the end result? I wonder if calling the local police department you might get some general information as to whether all turned out right...no personal information...just peace of mind since you reported it.

Realize privacy issues these days, but you would not be just a nosy busy body... just a thought.
(I know I would like to know.)

sewgarden 01-20-2011 02:31 AM

You had to think of your own safety. Don't feel guilty, you did the right thing

Annz 01-20-2011 08:50 PM

You did the right thing even the police would tell you not to stop incase it was staged. Call 911

tolepainter54 01-20-2011 10:01 PM

You absolutely did the right thing. It is sad that it has to be this way, but you have to be safe.

gzuslivz 01-20-2011 11:08 PM

You did the right thing. It could have been a rouse to get you to stop. Remember Ted Bundy faked car trouble and a broken arm to get women to stop. As much as we want to help others (and I think we should) we must put our personal safety first. Driving to where you had cell phone coverage and them calling for help was very wise.

gzuslivz 01-20-2011 11:10 PM

You did the right thing. It could have been a rouse to get you to stop. Remember Ted Bundy faked car trouble and a broken arm to get women to stop. As much as we want to help others (and I think we should) we must put our personal safety first. Driving to where you had cell phone coverage and then calling for help was very wise.

Naturalmama 01-20-2011 11:45 PM

They even tell people to call 911 before administering cpr. I think you made the right choce. Even if they were hurt, how much could you have done? Getting to where you could call for help was the smartest thing.
And what if it was staged - you may not have been here to write this post.

GrannieAnnie 01-20-2011 11:55 PM

Originally Posted by turtlerouge
Last night at 830 pm while driving home on a 20 mile long remote road deep in woods, I saw a car that'd to veer hard to miss something & put the car in a deep snow bank. I was too terrified to stop to look to see if someone was hurt, I did slow down and rolled down my window to look and listen, but I was terrified so instead of stopping and getting out, I drove on for 10 miles to get cell coverage to call 911. What would you've done? No cell coverage, alone, dark, and in the middle of dense woods.

I think I'd have stopped if there were a safe place to stop. Someone still needed to get to a spot for cell service, thogh.

Dee 01-21-2011 08:57 PM

You did the right thing. I would have done the same thing.

turtlerouge 01-21-2011 10:29 PM

Hi Momsmurf: Hmmm, I hadn't thought about calling the local police st. due to I don't know where he came from. I did wonder if or when she got her vehicle out. The direction the state cop came from, I don't recall passing any st. police stations in that remote area.

But it is something to think about tho.

Thanks and Thank you to all who gave their opinion, I really appreicate all the concerns you have shown to me~

THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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