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Airwick156 05-12-2011 11:20 AM

My doctor suggests getting Tinactin powder. It has Zinc in it and you can get it at Walmart in the section that has shoe inserts. And sprinkle it inside your shoes between wearing. Oh and you should wash your shoes in HOT water if they can be washed.

joycecil 05-12-2011 01:27 PM

Bleach is toxic so please be careful.

Barbshobbies 05-12-2011 02:35 PM

If your son has had it a longer time, please take him to a dermatologist. I had it four years, my dr. insisted that I didn`t. I asked him to send me to a dermatologist and that dear man asked how I could stand it that long. He gave me the strongest oitment he had and in 30 days it still was there, then he gave me pills to take for 30 more days. It can get in the blood stream.

ptquilts 05-12-2011 02:40 PM

My MIL had it for years, we told her about Whitfield's ointment and it cleared it up for her. Not sure if you can get it any more, it is salicylic acid in a petroleum base. Ask your druggist.

That being said, we now use Nizoral, a prescription cream that works great.

DH and I are both going to try the Vick's on toenail fungus, if we can ever remember to buy some!

Gramma 05-12-2011 03:01 PM

Our twin boys when they were growing up was thought to have athlete's foot. They itched them so bad & I finally took them to a podiatrisr, had tried all, and was not that. They were allergic to their own persperation. He gave them some creme & said they needed to wear 100% cotton socks.Iy helped!

Gramma 05-12-2011 03:02 PM

Sorry, maybe it was a dermatologist. been awhile.

joy 05-12-2011 03:07 PM

It is best to go to your doctor.... also be cautious about his towels because it spreads like wildfire... he and others can end up with it in their crotch...

Alice Woodhull 05-12-2011 03:13 PM

CVS has Athlete's Foot Cream (terbinafine hydrochloride cream 1%. I used this on my feet and now they are fine. My dermatologist recommended it to me after he saw my feet.

MyWifeMadeME 05-12-2011 03:16 PM

Wear a different pair of shoes each day (rotate). Giving a day or more in between wearings allows the shoes to dry out. Fungus loves damp and dark places. Wash your feet at least twice a day when possible and apply anti fungal cream or ointment.

Alice Woodhull 05-12-2011 03:16 PM

CVS has Athlete's Foot Cream (terbinafine hydrochloride cream 1%. I used this on my feet and now they are fine. My dermatologist recommended it to me after he saw my feet.

hperttula123 05-12-2011 05:06 PM

I had my daughter in last year for athletes foot. Over the counter drugs work. I can't remember the name of the one she had told us to buy. You do have to bleach the tub out after they shower so it doesn't spread to others or somewhere else. :shock: My son ended up getting jock itch from it before I knew she had athletes foot. I kept a spray bottle with bleach in it to spray the tub down after everyone got out.

luckylindy333 05-12-2011 05:27 PM

My naturopathic doc said fill a pan big enough for your feet with hot water, 1/2 cup of white vinegar, plus 1/2 cup of epsom salts. Soak for 1/2 hour every day, then brush on a Chinese remedy Tu Jin linament (you have to get these from a doctor who prescribes Chinese medicine, can get it isn the mail). I am using this for ingrown tonails that are infected, I am sure it is probably a yeast infection, too.

Lotrimin and those creams contain drugs that get absorbed into your bloodstream and have to go through your liver, which processes all your drugs, also the chlorine bleach...

janethagy 05-12-2011 06:02 PM

soak your feet in Epson Salt.. you will notice a difference within a couple times soaking... works like a charm..

3incollege 05-12-2011 06:09 PM

If you live near the ocean, go take a swim, if not, take a shower and pee on your feet, it works.

2manyprojects 05-12-2011 06:43 PM

agree w/ vinegar

fishnlady 05-12-2011 07:14 PM

Originally Posted by joycecil
Bleach is toxic so please be careful.

you are exactly right about bleach being toxic. A better choice is hydrogen peroxide. I just read that it kills the fungus. And like everyone has said, clean dry feet are the preventative that works.
If someone in the house uses the same shower and they get the fungus then it can be spread to others. So spray down the bottom of the tub with hydrogen peroxide and forget it. You don't have to rinse it since it is completely non toxic and it kills germs too, plus it is very inexpensive.

galvestonangel 05-12-2011 09:40 PM

Is "Absorbine Jr" still around,, it works and is over the counter.

klarina 05-12-2011 09:55 PM

I use boric acid for the shoes and feet. It works fast.

madamekelly 05-13-2011 12:56 AM

Originally Posted by jdiane318
Because Athelete's Foot is a fungus, keeping the feet dry and clean is a must. He will need a fungal cream to help get rid of what is there for now. Wearing white socks is a huge help, too, in the healing and soothing process. When feet are wet, they are prime for fungal growth. Scratching spreads and irritates the affected areas. I know that Walmart carries a tolfinate cream that is as good as the name brand to save some money. Hope this helps.

Also, he needs to have two or three pairs of shoes, so he does not wear the same pair two days in a row. My DD had a really bad problem with it, so I tried an old home remedy. I soaked her feet in nice warm water, that I had added two cups of yogurt to. (Plain only, and make sure it has no sugar in it, or you will be feeding the fungus.) When they have soaked for 30 minutes, rinse, pat dry, and put the Lamisil, Tolnaftate, or whatever on. Cover with clean white socks, and wear to bed. Change to fresh socks in the morning. As awful as this idea is, you may have to do this and replace the stinky shoes, especially if they are leather. Leather is a skin product after all. In between bouts of "stink-foot" he can use Gold Bond (or Walmart Equate brand) medicated powder to prevent it from coming back. I hope this is helpful.

berrypatch 05-13-2011 06:07 AM

I found that wearing 100% cotton socks was the answer to help prevent this problem. Naturally clearing up the fungus must be done first. Try to have him also go barefoot as long as he has it.

savannahms 05-13-2011 09:18 AM

Here's a page that gives info about athletes foot as well as natural and home remedies for athletes foot that also work for ringworm and jock itch, which are very closely related. http://www.best-mens-skin-care.com/j...me-remedy.html

jpthequilter 05-13-2011 07:05 PM

Originally Posted by Lneal
Please share as my son is in need of some help with his athletes foot.What works?

There are several types of canned spray liquid - not the powder - although that may help too.
The spray stops the itch almost instantly, and cures the infection, but it is where he hangs out that he is getting it from....advise him to spray there with clorox spray, or wash it down with clorox and soap solution.

amma 05-13-2011 08:02 PM

I had the guys soak their feet in epsom salts, dry them thoroughly and then use Dr Scholls foot spray for athletes foot, and then clean socks. Respray and change socks in the morning and afternoon too. Once it was under control, they only had to use the spray in the mornings.
I bleached their socks to help kill the fungus too.
We also got boot dryers, used them for their shoes every night. When the weather was nice, I set their shoes out in the sun to air and dry them out too. Loosen up the laces and open them up as much as possible. :D:D:D

Naturalmama 05-13-2011 08:52 PM

Keep them dry, use tea tree oil, and NO sugar or simple carbs - it just feeds it!!

lass 05-14-2011 11:13 AM

Paint iodine on the feet until it is gone. Then keep feet clean and dry. It won't come back.

kaygee 05-14-2011 04:08 PM

Just tell him to stop exercising.

romanojg 05-15-2011 02:03 PM

my foot doctor and his nurse says that vick's salve works great for that and for nail fungus. I use the tinactin (made for athelete's foot) for really bad diaper rash. My 24 year olds ped doc told me that and I've used ever since. It's especially good when they are red and sore; it takes the red out normally on the first diaper change.

ann31039 05-15-2011 03:02 PM

Originally Posted by michelehuston
I just saw on tv somewhere that for athletes foot make a solution of warm water and salt and that the saline water is incompatiple with the fungus. I think it was about a 1/2 cup of salt to a gallon of water and soak for 10 minutes dily.

I've noticed that alot of things clear up when we go to the beach. I'll try it and I know the vinegar works great. I had an awful case one summer. What we call here in the south "scald". All the skin peels off your feet and they are bright red. Some kind of fungus, probably steel toe boots and working outside in the heat all day doesn't help either.

Lneal 05-15-2011 05:56 PM

Thank you for all the helpful and informative advice. My son called today and said some of the suggestions I gave him from the qb have worked. His athlete's foot is gone! :D


borntoquilt 05-17-2011 01:25 PM

Only use100 % cotton socks (no synthetics or blends) and change them frequently during the day. Then DITTOwhat the others say!

AnnieF 05-17-2011 01:58 PM

I say take him to a doctor. I had a case last summer that just kept getting worse. The doctor said creams are better then sprays and anything that he prescribes is so much stronger than what you buy over the counter. In two weeks it was gone

drgranny 05-30-2011 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by sueisallaboutquilts
Interesting post. I have chronic athlete's foot and it requires a lot of attention on my part. Someone mentioned dietary changes, very interesting, b/c I get it much less than I used to since we started eating only healthy foods with only an occasional treat.
I guess I can say now that I'm no longer chronic! :)
I think going to the doctor is an option but I didn't have to.
Just by using the products in the store religiously that kill fungus I've been fine when I do have break-outs.

Sooooo you probably don't have athlete's foot. I had what I thought was athletes foot for 17 yrs and fonally discovered it was a food alergy.

justwannaquilt 05-30-2011 07:36 PM

Madonna says pee on your feet! lol

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