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CarrieAnne 04-23-2011 01:59 AM

Ugh, woke up for work and NO WATER! Any body have any ideas what could be wrong? I am on a well,,,,Lord, I hope I dont have to replace it. Of course, breaks down on Sat. rightbefore Easter, and I am supposed to have 16 people here!

Darlene 04-23-2011 02:53 AM

May be your pump lost it's prime unplug it for a minute and see if that helps.

Chasing Hawk 04-23-2011 03:14 AM

Check the breaker inside the house and ours has one near the pump itself.

skothing 04-23-2011 03:16 AM

Breaker first. then check pressure tank. I hope you dont need a new pump. Good luck.

ontheriver 04-23-2011 04:32 AM

I see you are in WI. Is it still cold there? This happened to use one day last winter, it was cold, the pipe leading from the well frozen. As the day started to warm, it thawed and we had water again. Also, do you have a filter for the water as it comes into the house? Make sure the filter is not clogged with sand or dirt restricting water flow. Good luck.

SuziC 04-23-2011 04:41 AM

OH NO!! I can't help but wish you the best :!:

sueisallaboutquilts 04-23-2011 04:55 AM

Oh no! I'm so sorry Carrieanne!!!

Shelbie 04-23-2011 05:19 AM

Unfortunately this is one of the "joys" of country living. Everytime we have no water the heater in the pumphouse is unplugged or has blown a fuse. Last week I couldn't figure out why no water and discovered DH had moved the heater to keep a load of seed potatoes a little warmer. It's all about priorities and my hot shower wasn't first on his list. Good luck (hope it's fast and cheap!) solving your water problems.

Maride 04-23-2011 06:07 AM

It used to happen to us all the time. If there was a small power outage we had to restart a switch that controlled the pump. Look around, you may see a little switch.

carhop 04-23-2011 06:23 AM

That is a murphy's law when you are haveing a big afair something breaks always happened on week ends when they charge twice the amount. I hope it is a minor thing. My mother's well pump would quit when ants would build a nest in the pump.

LeeAnn 04-23-2011 06:24 AM

Our pump did the same thing last week. A friend who is an electrician came to look at it. On the electrical box at the pump house is a red reset button. It was on the bottom and not noticeable. Simple, a push of a button and it was back on. See if you can find yours. Good luck.

CarrieAnne 04-23-2011 07:04 AM

Thanks for the tips. Had to work for a few hours, buthome now. BF called the pump guys,not a breaker or anything, so we think its the pump. Will be okay, but I wonder if they will be able to come on a weekend!/

Pam B 04-23-2011 02:17 PM

Hope you are able to get your pump repaired this weekend. It never fails...when you have company coming, something always happens. We used to have water issues...pump would lose its prime, sump pump in the well house would quit and cause pump to lose prime, etc. A few years ago we got up the morning after Xmas to no water. DH fiddled with it (he generally was able to fix) but he got frustrated and called a plumbing company. We ended up putting in a new pressure tank, submersible pump, and sump pump. Merry Xmas to us! LOL But, other than a frozen pipe a couple times since then, we have not had any problems.

jinik 04-24-2011 02:59 AM

I just experienced the same thing! Husband found a reset button to restart the well!!! No service call and I am doing a happy dance!.

kaykwilts 04-24-2011 05:55 AM

If you lived in Texas, I would ask you if there was any Barnett-Shale drilling going on near you. We had four wells drilled within a 5 mile radius of us in 2010...they hit our reservoir of water and our well went dry overnight...really too bad to, as that well had run with the best Artisien water for over 70 yrs. Our only choice was to move, as the Landlord refused to drill another well.

But that is the way it goes sometime...and its ok now...we are in a lovely home on many acres, in the country...and NO Barnett-Shale drilling going on for many, many miles around us...and none will, as they have already found this area to be "empty" for natural gas....

So hang in there, and I am so sorry this happened to you....

hperttula123 04-24-2011 06:59 AM

Oh no!!! I hope they will come out and fix it right away.

drw1mjw2 04-24-2011 07:21 AM

I lived in China for many years so am used to this. Everyone took their turn at having no water, no electric. Many mornings with no water or electric. We never knew when it was our turn 'in the barrel'. Always kept candles and extra water in the house. Would heat water on the stove, gas, to wash up with. We used to call them PTA baths. You guess what parts of the body we were referring to. But here in the states it would be a shock to find no water. Hope all turns out OK for you, good luck.

Quiltbeagle 04-24-2011 08:56 AM

How are the points? Ours were worn down and had no contact anymore so the motor wouldn't run. It was a quick and inexpensive fix. So sorry it went out for you on Easter! Good luck and hope you get it repaired quickly.

Stitchit123 04-24-2011 09:52 AM

Originally Posted by SuziC
OH NO!! I can't help but wish you the best :!:

Same here -Sending out a Prayer

Linda - K. 04-24-2011 10:00 AM

We've had 2 instances with our 18 yr old well quiting. The first was the celenoid(sp?) in the pump house and my husband was able to replace on his own. It was leaking oil and that's how we knew it was the problem. Cost about $50 for the replacement.

The second time was more expensive and had to have a guy come out and replace the pump in the well (100' down). That cost about $1200!

Luckily, the well wasn't dry! Had a cousin over near Spokane, WA that had that problem a couple times. Needed to use a pump truck filled with water.

Good Luck!! Hope it's not an expensive fix.

sassey 04-24-2011 10:20 AM

When I lived in Ar we had a pump that loved to quit in the middle of my shower would have to ge dressed with soap all over me and go prime the pump

lillybeck 04-24-2011 10:51 AM

Check your pump for ants. We had that happen once when ants got between the contacts.

lorraine43 04-24-2011 12:42 PM

It seems you just can't do anything when your out of water!!!!Wish you luck finding the problem.

RobertaMarie 04-24-2011 02:46 PM

What is that old saying~~~You don't miss the water until the well runs dry~~~~ Hope this is resolved quickly and in peace, as being without water is not a fun thing to experience.
Good luck and God bless.

Patricia Ann 04-24-2011 06:54 PM

Is it a deep well if is your pump is gone we had to replace our's after 20 years You have to pull it out and you can go to lowes a get a new one for a deep well about 350.00 My husband and me replace ours and ours was down 110 feet

Naturalmama 04-24-2011 07:54 PM

When that happened to us it was our pump.... I hope that's not the case for you!! Anxious to hear....

danece 04-24-2011 10:03 PM

We've also had problems with our well, it could be one of a lot of different things, some minor, some major, just be sure that the person you hire has a good reputation, our neighbor hired some guy to fix his pump and it turned out that after paying out the wazoo for a new pump to be replaced he found out that it was really a relay switch, no he didn't get any money back, but he said he learned a really important lesson, good luck

wanda lou 04-24-2011 10:08 PM

Hope all is well now.

mayday 04-25-2011 09:26 AM

hope you got it fixed ASAP,am on the mains but get lots water cuts so fill up plastic 1 litre bottles and keep in dark garage------can use for washing/up and lavatory flushing; then have a large camping container I keep in an unused shower for drinking along with fresh bought water in bottles.

sueinbarre 04-25-2011 09:55 AM

I grew up with a well and Daddy was always good at fixing it so we rarely had a problem. One time it went out on Sunday morning and the preacher's wife stopped by and told Daddy what a bad man he was for working on Sunday. He replied that he was doing it so his wife and children could go to church. She didn't answer him.

For the past twenty years we have lived in a house with a well and have had little trouble except when the electricity would go out. Then lightning struck the well and we were without water for several days. My husband brought water home from work for the necessities. The good part was that we got to eat out a lot for those few days.

I hope your Easter dinner went okay. With that many people coming, I might have asked the church for the loan of its dining hall. A late "Happy Easter" to you and your family.


Diana79 05-03-2011 06:26 PM

When I had a problem with my well (a few years ago..) I phoned a Grange member, and he came over to help,(and fix it) This 81 yr old Gr-Gran-ma.... is happy to be a Grange member.. It's the best group around... Diana

Diana79 05-03-2011 06:26 PM

When I had a problem with my well (a few years ago..) I phoned a Grange member, and he came over to help,(and fix it) This 81 yr old Gr-Gran-ma.... is happy to be a Grange member.. It's the best group around... Diana

stpatmom 05-03-2011 06:47 PM

Funny that I would find this topic today! Our well pump went out today! These are the days that I'm happy to be renting. Husband has only been back to wok for a few months and this is not an expense we can afford right now! Luckily, someone's coming tomorrow to fix!

bamamama 05-03-2011 06:53 PM

I just spent a week without electricity and survived but without water I don't think that I could. Check Electrical Power, then breaker if not tripped check wiring to make sure not damaged, if that is all ok, then it is probably the pump.

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