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-   -   Are you freaking out getting ready for the holidays? (https://www.quiltingboard.com/general-chit-chat-non-quilting-talk-f7/you-freaking-out-getting-ready-holidays-t168890.html)

bearisgray 11-18-2011 12:20 PM

Are you freaking out getting ready for the holidays?
How much of what you are doing - or planning to do - is really necessary?

Can you afford whatever?

"Afford" in ways in addition to money/financially - time - energy - desire -

Is the pay-off worth the time, effort, and money?

Sometimes one has to pick and choose what to do - and what to let go.

Circumstances change. This might be the year to change "what you've always done" to "what you want to do"

Just something to think about.

QuiltE 11-18-2011 12:30 PM

Well Said!!!
Too often "must do's" are not "want to do's" and we are only doing it for others.
And sometimes too, we discover that the others have never really cared about those things either.

It's important to enjoy the coming holiday season ... not to see it as a burden!

(.........and this same philosophy can and should be applied to all of live's circumstances throughout the year!)

Life is too short!! :)

KarenR 11-18-2011 12:33 PM

Hmmm -
Going to show DH this thread.

Does that mean if I do not feel like going someplace - I can skip it?

bearisgray 11-18-2011 12:40 PM

Originally Posted by KarenR (Post 4694851)
Hmmm -
Going to show DH this thread.

Does that mean if I do not feel like going someplace - I can skip it?

Sometimes it's worth a try!!!!

I do realize/know that there are some things that ARE on the "absolutely must/have to do" list - I'm only suggesting trying to make that list as short as possible.

QuiltE 11-18-2011 12:41 PM

Sometimes we really do need to take a look at the importance fo going places too!

nancy59 11-18-2011 12:52 PM

I wasn't until last night when I found out my husband fell down a mountain, and will need surgery. He will be off his feet for 2 months, guess that leaves me to plan and follow thru on everything for the holidays.

Murphy 11-18-2011 12:53 PM

No freak out here (smile)!

bearisgray 11-18-2011 12:55 PM

Originally Posted by nancy59 (Post 4694908)
I wasn't until last night when I found out my husband fell down a mountain, and will need surgery. He will be off his feet for 2 months, guess that leaves me to plan and follow thru on everything for the holidays.

I hope he recovers completely - sending healing thoughts his way.

StitchinJoy 11-18-2011 01:57 PM

Originally Posted by bearisgray (Post 4694819)
How much of what you are doing - or planning to do - is really necessary?

Can you afford whatever?

"Afford" in ways in addition to money/financially - time - energy - desire -

Is the pay-off worth the time, effort, and money?

Sometimes one has to pick and choose what to do - and what to let go.

Circumstances change. This might be the year to change "what you've always done" to "what you want to do"

Just something to think about.

Not freaking out one bit. Daughter and son in law will get a queen sized bed quilt in their chosen colors, that I have been working on for a year. Husband will get his sweet treats, a donation to his favorite charity, and his fishing license paid for for 2012. Stepmom will get table runner and gift card to her favorite restaurant. Friends will be invited to open house on Christmas Eve and eat their fill and take home cookies. Life is good and simple.

bakermom 11-18-2011 02:08 PM

Originally Posted by StitchinJoy (Post 4695116)
Not freaking out one bit. Daughter and son in law will get a queen sized bed quilt in their chosen colors, that I have been working on for a year. Husband will get his sweet treats, a donation to his favorite charity, and his fishing license paid for for 2012. Stepmom will get table runner and gift card to her favorite restaurant. Friends will be invited to open house on Christmas Eve and eat their fill and take home cookies. Life is good and simple.

Nope! I do what i feel comfortable doing-physically,financially, whatever.

QuiltnNan 11-18-2011 04:03 PM

I only do what I can physically, emotionally, and financially. I learned this lesson many years ago. :)

SouthPStitches 11-18-2011 06:24 PM

Excellant advice QuiltnNan. Broken down, burned out and broke doesn't work for a soul!

3incollege 11-18-2011 06:39 PM

I just can't let go of traditions, for Thanksgiving or Christmas. I deck the house inside and out, I shop for gifts 2 weeks before, so I can really enjoy it. I bake,bake bake. this year tho I have lots of wedding cookies in the freezer from my DD wedding ( I baked over a thousand cookies).I will pull those out, the ones that look to wedding ish I won't use. The family comes on Christmas Eve for a feast and then we do it all over again on Christmas day. I pull out all the fine china and silver for all holidays. I don't skimp on anything! There better be lots of Snow, since we are skiers we head to the slopes.

Sheila_H 11-18-2011 06:53 PM

We've got a lot of ours already done, over the past month each week we pick up a couple of presents. We've both had big purchases that is being included as part of our presents to each other. I'm more freaking out because we've both been sickthe past 2 weeks so I haven't gotten nearly as much quilting done as I had hoped. So I'm more freaking out because of that, I'm doing more price comparison shopping this year and trying not to put a lot on credit cards this year.

mrsponcho1 11-18-2011 07:56 PM

Since my Mom passed away in 1988, my family comes to my house for Thanksgiving. I sometimes get down in the dumps about the holidays because of all the work, but then I think about my Dad (76) and my maternal Grandmother(90). We never know what tomorrow might bring and so I try to get the family together as much as possible. I usually don't have as many people come for Christmas because the weather keeps some from traveling. But let me say that 1 Thanksgiving and 1 Christmas my husband and I went to Vegas. I just couldn't deal with everyone coming to my house and all the work. Sometimes I just have to take care of myself.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

amyjo 11-18-2011 08:41 PM

I am not doing anything this year for Turkey Day or for Christmas. I plan on staying home and sewing. No ifs ands or buts about it. Getting tired of the running and everybody spending money they don't have. I have all I need and then some. As long as I have favric to sew with and thread and pay my electric bill and have some food in the freezer I am good.

amazon 11-18-2011 09:08 PM

DH and I decided before we ever had kids ,that it would always be plain and simple and within our budget.If we have x amount; whatever it is, it's divided between the 4 and that's what we spend, no more and no credit cards or loans ever.We are never in debt and paying off credit cards or loans the next year So I never stressed over that part ,but what to get everyone else ,what to cook for turkey day and CHRISTmas and so on was always very taxing. A couple of years ago , I decided enough, was enough. I simplified everything, each year I figure out what I want to make and I take the same exact same thing to every get together, makes the grocery list , short & sweet.( I have three, since my parents divorce.) And my family and his decided not to exchange gifts for CHRISTmas, there were too many that struggled just to buy their immediate family gifts. Everyone was relieved not to have to struggle beyond their means just to carry on a tradition.Best decision we every made, we truly enjoy the holidays without all the stress. Remember to Cherish Yesterday, Celebrate Today and Dream tomorrow, turn off those phones and put aside those difference and show the love.

slk350 11-18-2011 09:16 PM

I used to go all out and decorate the whole house, have everyone over when the kids were young.We also moved away from family , but the "kids" are all here. Now, at 60...I've really slowed down and I don't have to have everything perfect . I still put up tree's, X-Mas village, big train around and we usually put lights on the outside of house. Believe it or not, it's not as much as we used to do. BUT, I have a 5 year old grandson who loves all the stuff.We have cut down on expensive gifts, try not to spend as much.

maine ladybug 11-18-2011 09:21 PM

Not freaking out, but am a bit concerned that I may not get everything done I was hoping to do. It's not really a problem if some of it doesn't get done, I just want to accomplish it. So, we'll see what happens. There's only so much one person can do. Life's to short to stress yourself out and not enjoy the holidays.

butterflies5518 11-20-2011 05:20 PM

I enjoy the holidays, I never go into debt, stay within my means and the kids are scattered so I purchase some things to ship to DGC's and parents receive gift cards. I know, not every exciting but they look forward to getting them to use for those items that are considered "treats".

Wishing everyone on the board a wonderful, joyous and memorable holiday season!

Greenheron 11-20-2011 09:17 PM

No "freaking out" anymore. I gave it up for Advent. Emmanuel is alwayswith His people.

tallchick 11-21-2011 02:03 PM

Originally Posted by nancy59 (Post 4694908)
I wasn't until last night when I found out my husband fell down a mountain, and will need surgery. He will be off his feet for 2 months, guess that leaves me to plan and follow thru on everything for the holidays.

I hope he recovers quickly :(- Sending good thoughts your way!!!

After 4 years I have gotten DH to finally see things from a more "practical" standpoint-I wish he would understand that I do not need or want anything, I have him what more could I need or want!!!! Holidays are about spending time with loved ones and presents for the kids (within reason).............I am hoping this year will be less stressful since I am no longer working 55 hrs a week in addition to doing the books for our business; I may have time to shop and be more "creative" in my wrapping of gifts.

QuiltE 11-21-2011 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by tallchick (Post 4706808)
I wish he would understand that I do not need or want anything, I have him what more could I need or want!!!!

................ fabric for the stash, a new sewing machine, sewing classes, time to sew, fabric storage ............. oh a quilter's list could be endless!!! :)

That's sweet that you recognize what a great DH you have ... kind of refreshing for all the times we hear negatives to about a DH!

luce321 11-21-2011 06:03 PM

I'm not freaking out, but I don't have the interest in doing things for Christmas that I used to. I really love the holidays and think that its just that I don't have the energy that I once had. I have cooked so many holiday dinners over the years, baked fruit cakes, etc., and really enjoyed it, but now I'm going to allow my daughters to take over. I will be going to my daughter's home for Thanksgiving and bringing a casserole and a pie. Hope everyone has a happy Thanksgiving.

MadQuilter 11-21-2011 07:57 PM

I gave up all that happy ho-ho crap a loooooong time ago. So my freaking out only happens when the occasional well-meaning yutz tries to convince me to change my ways. I think Ebeneezer and his entire flock of ghosts would have a hard time convincing me.

Missysgottohelp 11-21-2011 08:21 PM

I have simplified our holidays. I got so tired of all the crazy shopping, spending more than I could afford and the headaches. To me the holidays should be about being with your family. I shutter to think of all the gifts that I spent so much time looking for and all the money I spent only to find that "It's not my taste" or they get rid of it not long after the holiday. I now get small things or I donate money to a charity in their name. I enjoy the holidays so much more now. I really enjoy PIF's at Christmas, like buying the person behind me coffee, taking homemade cookies to some elderly folks that don't have family or sending a Christmas card to someone unexpectedly.

luvTooQuilt 11-21-2011 08:29 PM

No freakin out here..

rusty quilter 11-21-2011 09:08 PM

Not feeling stressed here either. I have chosen this to be the Christmas to return to basics. I have made 3 lap quilts (one for each couple) and a set of pillow cases for the grand kids. I will bake not because I "have" to, but because I enjoy the baking. All in all, I feel very blessed, and hope to pass that feeling onto others in my family.

Rhonda 11-21-2011 09:12 PM

Originally Posted by nancy59 (Post 4694908)
I wasn't until last night when I found out my husband fell down a mountain, and will need surgery. He will be off his feet for 2 months, guess that leaves me to plan and follow thru on everything for the holidays.

Sorry to hear this! Saying a prayer for him. Hope everything goes smoothly! glad it wasn't any worse!

Rhonda 11-21-2011 09:16 PM

We don't do alot for holidays anymore. I am having a Thanksgiving dinner for 2 of my 3 kids and their families but I only cook the turkey and make my favorite homemade bread. Everyone else brings the rest. And I make the bread on Wed so all I have to do is set the table and stick the bird in the oven.
Christmas my son has us all there. I do my homemade bread again and unless I decide I want to do some thing more that is all. We don't do presents anymore. I give the grandkids money and that is the end of our gift giving. I'm all for making it easy to enjoy!

BETTY62 11-21-2011 10:12 PM

Due to both my husband and I being in the recovery stages of surgery, it was necessary for us to make big changes in our holiday routine last year. After all was said and done, it was one of the best decisions we've ever made and it resulted in the best holiday season the family has had in years. We saved time, money and energy. We also had more time to enjoy our family and friends and spent less time cleaning up. We are going to do it again this year.

ging10ging 11-22-2011 05:10 PM

Hope your hubby recovers quickly things always happen at the holidays it seems. Well said about what we do and what we want to do and people not always caring about what we put so much time & energy into. I'm having a hard time with my hand and will have to just do the important ones and let the rest go and I think I'm going to just start doing things for me I never make myself anything no time. Good luck everyone and have a wonderful Thanksgiving and really appreciate the blessings we already have. Sue

romanojg 11-23-2011 05:17 AM

The only must haves or must to dos I should say are for my grandkids. Even if it was only a hand made item they are the ones who are guaranteed something under the tree by me. Not that my kids and friends don't deserve anything but they are old enough to understand that sometimes you can afford and other times you can't. I myself feel blessed if I hear from them or get to see them. I quit putting so much stress on myself; that's not what Christmas is all about. I have projects I'm trying to finish but know that not all of them will get done so I'm stressing about that either. For Thanksgiving I'm going to two places; my daughter's house to help her prepare her first holiday meal there and spend time with my grandkids. Then I'm going to my ex's house to visit his wife; my best friend. Christmas I have to work so I'll go to my daughters for lunch and then again when I get off that night. I will enjoy my holidays the best that I can and do what I can when ever I can. Most of us do so much for our families over the year that if something can't happen on Christmas the love should out shine the lack of a present or visit; even though the visit part is my favorite.

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