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singersail 08-11-2021 02:06 PM

What kind of crack are y'all selling?
Seriously. I joined because this looked like a place with good information on vintage sewing machines. It's taken exactly 3.5 days and I'm already looking for a project machine. I swear if I get divorced because I start hoarding machines, it's all y'alls fault. https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images...es/biggrin.png

Anyway, I'm Chris. I live on a boat. I need to sew canvas. That's kinda how I ended up here. I'm cheap and I didn't want to pay $800 for a straight stitch Sailrite machine "sew" I bought a singer 66.

A few youtube rebuild/refurb videos later, and now I want to buy three more to rebuild. And maybe I'll make a quilt this winter alongside my knitting!

Thanks for having me.

toverly 08-11-2021 02:50 PM

So funny, those old Singers are workhorses for sure. Welcome to the board.

osewme 08-11-2021 02:58 PM

Welcome from Texas. Sounds like you are on the road to being additive! We have a lot of sewing machine hoarders collectors on this board that will help you along. https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/wink.png

singersail 08-11-2021 03:13 PM

Originally Posted by osewme (Post 8501655)
Welcome from Texas. Sounds like you are on the road to being additive! We have a lot of sewing machine hoarders collectors on this board that will help you along. https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/wink.png

I’m on the Texas gulf coast!

Tartan 08-11-2021 06:18 PM

Welcome from Ontario, Canada. While I sympathize with your need to acquire vintage Singers, remember you live on a boat and these machine are heavy.

singersail 08-12-2021 02:55 AM

Originally Posted by Tartan (Post 8501694)
remember you live on a boat and these machine are heavy.

Yeah, they said the same thing about cameras, and I still ended up with a collection of vintage film gear, which I still use and shoot today! https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/wink.png

But we do keep a small storage unit for seasonal clothes storage, tools, and furniture from the sticks & bricks that we're not ready to part with yet.

Lori B. 08-12-2021 03:39 AM

Welcome from Michigan!:)

eparys 08-12-2021 04:29 AM

Welcome welcome welcome from the other far corner of the US (lol) ...You have made me laugh this morning. A boat ehh? That actually sounds cool.

Iceblossom 08-12-2021 06:08 AM

Welcome aboard -- you are indeed now one of us, one of us!

I was only semi-joking the other day that a nice old machine I had might end up as a boat anchor... they do have many uses.

Waving from the Seattle area, sail on sailor :)

singersail 08-12-2021 01:18 PM

Originally Posted by eparys (Post 8501727)
A boat ehh? That actually sounds cool.

Yes. We sold the sticks & bricks in March of 2016 and "temporarily" moved into our RV so that we wouldn't be buying and selling at the same time. That temporary RV stay turned into 2.5 years. We moved the RV down to the coast and settled into water life working our way through a ski boat, a 27 foot sail boat, a 31 foot cabin cruiser, and now we live on a 40 foot motor yacht. We keep talking about moving back to land, but then we realize we have the cheapest water front property in the state and decide to stay! It's a lot of fun.

Originally Posted by Iceblossom (Post 8501744)
I was only semi-joking the other day that a nice old machine I had might end up as a boat anchor... they do have many uses.

To tell you the truth, this 66 that I bought weighs more than the anchor on the front of the boat. The day anchor on the boat is 22lbs, this 66 is 30!

Thumbelina 08-12-2021 04:36 PM

Welcome from NE Ohio.

Blueridgebeverly 08-12-2021 06:24 PM

Welcome from Ohio!

juliasb 08-13-2021 05:28 AM

Welcome to the QB from SE Michigan. Yepper this site is addictive. I too have added to my vintage machine collection since I joined the board. By far not as many as some. Most recently 2 FW machines and a Singer 66.
If you do plan on making a quilts start with something easy to make and you will get hooked on this too. Again welcome to the QB!

singersail 08-13-2021 10:43 AM

Originally Posted by juliasb (Post 8501959)
If you do plan on making a quilts start with something easy to make and you will get hooked on this too. Again welcome to the QB!

The spousal unit and I have toyed with quilting in the past. He’s got an entire quilt of squares done that have been in the fabric box for years now. All that needs to be done is see them together and do the batting and back piece. I’m usually a knitter/spinner during the winter months, but I have a new neice or nephew on the way and I think instead of a knitted baby blanket, this time it may need to be a quilt.

osewme 08-13-2021 11:35 AM

You might check out this gals blog. They live on a boat & travel all over the place. She quilts profusely for charities & showed a great part 1 & part 2 video on how she utilizes her space on the boat for her quilting. These videos are posted on Oct. 18, & Oct. 21, 2020. Scroll down about half way through this older blog & you will see part one & part two of her video. Her DH's blog (Our Travel Blog) is also very interesting. Your DH might enjoy reading his blog.


singersail 08-13-2021 03:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by osewme (Post 8502022)
You might check out this gals blog. They live on a boat & travel all over the place.

Ha! She lives on a YACHT! More accurately, a pilot house trawler! We live on a boat. I’m betting she’s in the 50-60ft range. We’re in a measly 40.

This is our, not named as of yet, girl. You’d think two gay dudes could come up with something witty and fabulous after three years, but no, the transom remains blank. She’s not the biggest in the dock, but we love her.

osewme 08-14-2021 05:17 AM

Yep, their "boat" is 52' long & 15' wide but in my world, 40' is nothing to sniff at. She does have some cool ideas for making quilting work on it that might help you. Her husband has a lot of great knowledge in boating that also might help you if you decide to follow his blog. Don't stress, a name will come some day for ya'll. https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/smile.png

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