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-   -   "I Found a Quilted Heart" Heard of this? (https://www.quiltingboard.com/links-resources-f4/i-found-quilted-heart-heard-t305519.html)

Watson 06-30-2019 10:32 AM

"I Found a Quilted Heart" Heard of this?
Maybe I'm just behind the times, but I just found this and thought I'd share.....

It is a website that encourages quilters to make little quilted hearts and then "sow" them around their communities to brighten someone's day. They suggest that a link to the website be attached so that the receiver can report back if they care to, where the heart was found ad add a little story if they like about how they felt when they found the heart.

It seems like a sweet little gesture for us quilters to do.

Anyhow...here's the link, if you're interested. I hope it hasn't been posted before.



Iceblossom 06-30-2019 10:36 AM

Hmmm.... I sort of like this idea. Random acts of little hearts??

TheMerkleFamily 06-30-2019 10:51 AM

Yes! I've left quilted hearts from California to New England - in fact, one (of the 4) that I left in MA this week was just posted on their site as 'found'! The hearts use up my strips, are easy/fun to make and I think they spread a bit of random kindness to others. I love it when I see my hearts posted - especially, when it's a young child.

There's never too many hearts - I say let's all make some and spread them around!


Edited to add: The site offers the ability to print small tags that make it easy for the recipient to get to the website too! I hand write on the other side "I need a home!" to let the person know it's ok to take/keep it.

KalamaQuilts 06-30-2019 10:51 AM

in our rainy and mouse-y pacific nw they wouldn't last long left out around. I do love seeing painted rocks around though. I never pick them up, just appreciate and leave for the next person to appreciate also.

osewme 06-30-2019 11:12 AM

I think this is a sweet idea. I was looking through the hearts found & saw that several were found in a town just down from where I live. Looks like someone in my neighboring town is making them. So good to see.

Jo Belmont 07-01-2019 10:39 AM

I love it! What a great use for even the little scraps, trinkets, trims, etc. What fun! Bless you for sharing this.

sJens 07-01-2019 04:30 PM

Cute idea --- our grands do the painted rocks and they love making and sharing them.

Seasew 07-01-2019 04:58 PM

Such a cute idea. I think I may do some.

moonrise 07-01-2019 10:58 PM

I've done these and the painted rocks. So far none of my hearts have been reported as found, but several of my rocks have. It's a lot of fun! :)

luvstoquilt 07-02-2019 03:30 AM

What a fun idea!

DJ 02-17-2022 09:44 PM


Well, here it is February of 2022, and I just recently discovered this heartwarming project. I made two hearts for each of my grandchildren with a printout of the meaning and how-to and sent them for Valentine's Day. They can leave them about when they go on walks and hikes. I've left a couple myself, and my DH did too. I'm looking forward to making more. I think I will also tuck them into Christmas cards to friends with instructions about what to do with them. They're also good for just a bit of scrap-busting, including little bits of batting.

KalamaQuilts ~ I don't worry about our pacific northwest weather. The hearts won't be ruined by wet weather, and I printed the cards out and sealed them with plastic tape. I think they will survive fine until they are found.

Mkotch 02-18-2022 04:01 AM

I've made a few but am waiting for the weather to improve before I put them out and about. It's a great use for strings and orphans. Fun to make!

ladyinpurple135 02-18-2022 04:55 PM

I’ve heard about small pieced hearts (quilted) being given to friends, etc. as prayer hearts. I’m not especially religious but I think this is a wonderful thing to do - people can carry these in their pockets, purses, etc. and every time they felt it, it would remind them to give a small prayer.

Sandy in Mooresville, NC

Gemm 02-21-2022 10:53 AM

I love this idea - I have also enjoyed the feel-goodness of the painted rocks and community libraries and pantries (free sharing stations - take what you need, leave what you can). We need all the random acts of kindness we can get in our world today... Thanks so much for sharing!

Fizzle 02-22-2022 07:12 AM

I love this! There have been 81 reported in my state!

I think i will do this with the grandkids. Have them make some hearts and this spring/summer when we get out doing stuff we will leave them!!!

Thank you

juliasb 02-22-2022 11:13 AM

I have hear this concept before and it sounds like a great way to share love and a note of kindness. Thanks for sharing.

Blueridgebeverly 04-29-2022 12:41 AM

I just discovered this sweet idea. I checked the website and no “found hearts” have been reported in my area. I think I’ll do this also.
Thanks for sharing.

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