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Lucky Patsy's 10-14-2008 01:31 PM

Technique or style is not protected under copyright laws, so it is permissible to make a quilt inspired by Picasso's work or style because it will be substantially different from the original.

sspingler 10-14-2008 01:33 PM

jstitch is correct. I am also a quilt designer. You can not copy someone elses work.....either for yourself or a gift ...without written permission. I don't want to sound like a meanie but someone took the time to create patterns, print them, market them, pay taxes on them......you are stealing. Plain and simple.
There are too many sites out there that offer free downloadable patterns, why not use them.
One thing that really upsets me is to see quilts in magazines or books that someone has "created" and all it is is the same tried and true quilt but with new fabrics.

Just a couple sites are:
and dozens more......just put free online quilt patterns in your search engine and see how many hits you get.

retrogirl02 10-14-2008 01:43 PM

They have books at the library and I don't consider that stealing. I check out the patterns at our local libraries all the time. I'm sure that even though I"m not xeroxing them they have an influence over my quilts. I can't really follow a pattern to save my life anyway-----I think I'm a quilting dyslexic. If I need specific measurements or detailed instructions to follow, then I buy the book. Amazon has some good choices discounted.

I would say for home quilting and just general pattern ideas, you're good to go. There are tons of freebies online. If you're stressing about it, be sure to google the block or ask in here. Somone is bound to know a link. :-)

lfw045 10-14-2008 01:46 PM

I say do your thing Shelly and don't worry about it. I doubt seriously that the quilt police are going to visit your friends and family that you choose to make quilts for. :wink:

I will also say this. Any artist in any medium should realize and accept that if they put their designs in a magazine or on the internet that they are going to be copied by anyone who likes them and chooses to try and reproduce them in a quilt in their chosen colors. It is a compliment for crying out loud. That is one aspect that I have never been able to wrap my brain around. They put their art out there for all to see and compliment and give them kudos for but by golly you better not make a copy of it even just for yourself.........selling for profit I can understand and agree with. Makes no sense to me. They should just keep if for themselves and be done with it and not tempt the rest of us who like to make nice things for ourselves.........sorry..........I'm off my soap box now.........LOL.

If you would like to flame me for my opinion, please do it with a colorful quilt picture........LOL!

Linda D.

jstitch 10-14-2008 02:29 PM

Perhaps some of you have missunderstood the intent of the copyright laws of, not only our country, but many other countries as well.

Several things have been stated here from , "if it is within my ability to copy, then I can and its OK, to "you should be so honored for me to copy you"

I too have artwork created by someone else that I would love to make into a quilt, but have not done so. It is their creation and it is 'Stealing' to do so, for my own use or to give to someone else.

Everything in this industry has been copied and not always has the orginator of the design, technique or idea been given compensation, much less any credit for the work. It is stealing, plain and simple. It is just like copying recorded music to share with your friends. And it can be prosecuted. Just becasue you CAN do something does not make it right.

There are many many blocks out there, published in books and patterns. There is no reason that you cannot draft your own version of the pattern and make your quilt and even sell them. But if you make copies of someones cutting instructions and instructions on how to do it and distribute it, that is stealing.

If you see a set of blocks put together in a quilt and want to do it, go ahead, very few things in this industry are new..most blocks date back 100 year or more.

But if you see a unique creation, take a picture, enlarge it on your copy machine and reproduce it, you are stealing and people have been prosecuted for this activity.. and the idea that if you change just a few things to make it your own is NOT true, it is still stealing and people have been prosecuted for this as well.

And this idea that you shoud be so honored if I copy your work is the reason that many many beautiful quilts are never seen.....And now makes me wonder if my photos should be taken down off this message board...I notice that several have been downloaded multiple times...

I dont intend to take them down, but, making the point, I have seen some fantastic things that you will never see, because the creators do not want you to copy them.. as a result of this attitude, you are missing out ....

jstitch 10-14-2008 02:32 PM

Originally Posted by Mamagus
I wondered about the same thing... most of my chicken quilt blocks were sketched by me after looking at other chickens.

I feel this way about it: If I saw an artist's work ( like a Picasso ) and decided I wanted to try and make something in his style, I wouldn't be doing anything wrong. So why is quilting different?

The difference,
one, is he is dead and to tell you the truth, without looking it up, I dont know who owns the copyright to his work..and
two, if you copy the style, that is not the same as copying the work.

If you make a quilt of one of his paintings.. that is stealing,, If you make your own in his style, that is not...

nor'easter 10-14-2008 02:35 PM

Originally Posted by Lucky Patsy's "Mom"
Technique or style is not protected under copyright laws, so it is permissible to make a quilt inspired by Picasso's work or style because it will be substantially different from the original.

Not true. This is called "derivative work" and the copyright laws are very specific about it. You cannot just change colors or even the medium and be worry free. Here are some copyright myths explained.

Artists in all media have to expose their art to the public in order to eat. It's that simple. They have the right to be protected from those who copy their ideas and claim them as their own. Most of us will grant individuals sigular use of the work, be it a quilt pattern or graphic image or whatever, but you do not have the right to assume it has been granted just because we put it out to public view. To have your work copied without receiving acknowledgement for your efforts, be it financial or other recognition, is not a compliment. It is stealing.

3incollege 10-14-2008 02:40 PM

I'll just say this-- If buy a pattern, I'm going to do what I want with it. If I diplay it or give it as gifts. THey got my money, they sold it!
If you design a pattern and you don't want anyone to have it, Then don't publish it for everyone to see. Once you get it on the web, you might as well think of it as a free for all.

lfw045 10-14-2008 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by 3incollege
I'll just say this-- If buy a pattern, I'm going to do what I want with it. If I diplay it or give it as gifts. THey got my money, they sold it!
If you design a pattern and you don't want anyone to have it, Then don't publish it for everyone to see. Once you get it on the web, you might as well think of it as a free for all.

You said it much better than I did....... :wink:

However, I have a question that is just begging to be asked at this point in time:

As a Designer of quilts, should you have to acknowledge the quilt blocks or quilts that inspired your "new" design or are you just borrowing those old designs and just expounding on them?

Linda D.

jstitch 10-14-2008 02:50 PM

Originally Posted by 3incollege
I'll just say this-- If buy a pattern, I'm going to do what I want with it. If I diplay it or give it as gifts. THey got my money, they sold it!
If you design a pattern and you don't want anyone to have it, Then don't publish it for everyone to see. Once you get it on the web, you might as well think of it as a free for all.

If you bought the pattern, then you are entitled to make that quilt as many times as you like,, no problem there.. but if you copy the pattern and give it to all your best friends.. that is not fair or right...see the difference?

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