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Yellow Bird 10-22-2010 07:28 AM

I quilt for fun. I don't need stress. "Good enough" is often better than most. Even at quilt shows there are quilts that are winning that are not quite perfect. It is all in the eye of the beholder or quilt police.

I will say that when I see 'not quite perfect' winning at a quilt show it makes me happy....because I know my work is just as good or better.

I'm still a beginner. My items will not fall apart and give pleasure. I feel creative and creativity does not demand perfection.

Swan Song 10-22-2010 08:05 AM

Alas, I have always been a perfectionist. :( I come by it honestly though I get it from my father. :? As kids we were made to do things over and over until they were perfect at home and in school. I wish I could just say it's good enough and go on but I seem to have that childhood tape playing in my head all the time, "You are not going to leave it like that are you?" I actually tremble whenever I take a quilt top into a LQS and they turn it over to look at the stitching. I am looking at every stitch, every point. UGH! I have learned when it starts to stress me out it's no longer fun and I need to walk away for a bit. Maybe that is some kind of progress. :roll:

Quilting Nana 10-22-2010 08:09 AM

Do what you enjoy. If good enough makes you happy then that is what you should do.
Life is to short to stress.
I have a very dear friend that loves to quilt. She starts lots of projects but never finishes anything. The reason is she is never happy with what she does. It is never good enough so she quits. Quilting to her has become so very stressful she doesn't do it very often anymore.
So be happy quilt to your hearts content and enjoy.

keolika 10-22-2010 08:13 AM

Mattee, I am so with you on your philosophy, I try but I am still learning and am trying to be a bit easier on myself. My pet peeve too was the not tight backing. I don't have a lot of space either, I recommend you to watch this video, I saw it posted on this board and it makes such good sense to achieve a nice tight sandwiched unit. It allows you to work with a manageble amount of your quilt at a time . here is the link.(http://www.sharonschambernetwork.com...our-Quilt.aspx)
I hope this helps you too.

Rose Lee 10-22-2010 08:17 AM

I am with you. I do try to do good work, not perfect but if it doesn't match or it is not straight, I cut or add-Main thing is I don't stress about it. A quilt is still comfort whether seams match or not.

okiepastor 10-22-2010 08:24 AM

When I started using the over 8000 quilt squares and rectangles of poly knit I got from an estate sale, I wanted perfect. However, after spending 4-1/2 hours re-cutting not-so-perfect squares cut by an 87 year old lady with failing eyesight, I decided that was DUMB--I could have stitched up at least four tops in that same amount of time--and those kids getting quilts through Project Linus are NOT the quilt police. they are just happy to have a quilt to snuggle up to! If I am making something for a wedding gift, etc. then I do the best I can, but since I do not enter contests or exhibit, perfect is not needed. By the way, once when I was quilting with an Amish friend, I noticed a mistake. When I pointed it out, she said "Yes, I did on purpose--only God makes perfect!" So If someone notices a goof, I just say--oh , that's my humility block!the funny thing is that when I made a BIG goof, no one noticed--and it was at a quilt club meeting--it was pretty funny that no one saw it till I told them!

okiepastor 10-22-2010 08:25 AM

The link given above said not available--was anyone else able to see it?

Nona 10-22-2010 08:30 AM

Many years ago my SIL who was a novice quilter told me the goal was completion not perfection. I have held that view for about 20 years. If you find "errors", I would be happly to let you correct them, but no one I have ever given a quilt to has offered to make any corrections therefore I think what I do is perfect. I envy those who can make the perfect miter corner or the perfect point or the perfect quarter inch seam...most of the time it's not me, but the joy and stress relief I receive from my quilting is what I need to complete my life. I have just had my 3 major surgery in the past year, and I finished hand quilting two baby quilts for my stash. I have finished 11 of the 14 quilts I need for the next generation of grandchildren. Hopefully I will get the last of them one this next year.

catrancher 10-22-2010 08:34 AM

You are definitely not alone. I have always been a "good-enough" quilter. As I do more, however, I get better at it and I no longer have to work as hard just to achieve "good enough." Quilting is a hobby and each person needs to do it in a way that pleases them individually. The fact that you ask the question would indicate that you are comparing your quilts to the quilts of others and finding them "less than." To be truly free to enjoy your hobby in your own way, you must set your own standard and not measure it against the standards others set for themselves.

jbj137 10-22-2010 08:39 AM

Matte I think we are twins. J J

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