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Judith1005 01-28-2012 05:11 AM

I like CKCOWL's idea of adding a frame border to your alreaday finished piece. It would make the applique block look special since it's the only one. Would that work for you?

maryfrang 01-28-2012 05:31 AM

Whatever you decide, I know your granddaughter will love the quilt that Grandma made for her. Some day you will remember your heart break on the cut that was in the right place afterall, and all your tears and worries will be smiles, for both you and your granddaughter.

Fabaddict 01-28-2012 05:37 AM

I love the ideas the other ladies had. Someone once told me there are no mistakes with quilting, only design changes.
However, sometimes a good bawl helps anyway. :o

lillybeck 01-28-2012 05:55 AM

I agree on this. I would try this in a heartbeat. I am going to start a fbaby quilt with app. blocks and keep putting it off because I have not done much of it before.

Originally Posted by Tartan (Post 4914268)
Can you make your goof a design element? I would cut a nice circle around the applique and applique the circle unto a different coloured background square. OR You could machine sew the circle unto a new background square and stitch down a piece of trim over the stitching line. If a circle won't work try a different shape like an oval or diamond shape. Do a couple of the other blocks the same way and people will think you wanted to do it that way.

Fabriclovr 01-28-2012 05:55 AM

Originally Posted by raptureready (Post 4913910)
Cut it down and put a border on it. If your quilt is one that doesn't have a center block, cut down a few more and put borders on them. Eat some chocolate and relax with your favorite beverage. After a box of chocolates solutions will just come to you out of the blue.

I agree 1000%

Fabriclovr 01-28-2012 05:57 AM

Originally Posted by Fabaddict (Post 4918318)
I love the ideas the other ladies had. Someone once told me there are no mistakes with quilting, only design changes.

I agree. I have made some very pretty blocks out of 'design challenges'

Dawn227 01-28-2012 05:59 AM

Oh I can relate! Can you add a little something to help balance it off?
Good luck

Originally Posted by mommabear62 (Post 4913877)
I could just bawl and tear my hair out. I have been working on a quilt for my 7 year old granddaughter. One block is entirely applique. Have never done this before and if I never do it again that will be too soon! Well anyway, I have put everything on the background and ironed everything on. Looks ok but really need lots of practice with this. I was to cut the block now to 12 1/2 inches. I made one cut and realized I should not have done this!! Now my block is way off center because of the way I made that one cut. Can I just take the applique's off and spray baste them onto another piece of background? I do not have enough material to cut everything out and start all over again and after the trouble I had I really wouldn't want to do this either. Can the applique pieces be saved!!!!

mommabear62 01-28-2012 06:52 AM

Just want to thank all you ladies for your suggestions. I am fairly new to quilting and this was my first applique. I know all is not lost now!! Again I appreciate all the help and encouragement you give. I need it!!!

patdesign 01-28-2012 07:55 AM

Would it be possible to remove the same amount on each of the three other sides and then sew a fabric related to the rest of the quilt where the fabric was removed to make a picture frame?:)

gypsylady5 01-28-2012 08:12 AM

This sounds like a good solution. I would just reapplique to another piece of fabric or add to the block already made. Have more chocolate and relax. Your granddaughter will love it, I promise! And she won't even know what happened.

lfstamper 01-28-2012 08:14 AM

It's not a mistake but an opportunity to design. Square the applique and add to it. You will love your original work of art and your grand daughter will too!

mhollifiel 01-28-2012 09:07 AM

Originally Posted by raptureready (Post 4913910)
Cut it down and put a border on it. If your quilt is one that doesn't have a center block, cut down a few more and put borders on them. Eat some chocolate and relax with your favorite beverage. After a box of chocolates solutions will just come to you out of the blue.

AMEN and testify, Sister!

mollybluebonnet 01-28-2012 09:18 AM

I've certainly been there with the bawling and wanting to tear my hair out so I empathize with you. I think all of these suggestions would work well for you. Just pick the one that you like the best.

Dani 01-28-2012 09:29 AM

Don't worry, if you piece the same background piece on to your miscut then it will be fine. I miscut a hand appliqué block and fortunately I had some more of the background fabric and just added some. I now have a seam there but after quilting I don't think it will show...if it does, oh well!

yippie 01-28-2012 09:32 AM

I agree also, Not being able to see the block, the first thing I thought of when I read the decription was to trim if you cann off the other sides add trim to get to correct size again and re square up the block. Your grand will love it no matter because her grams made it just for her

margecam52 01-28-2012 11:09 AM

Here is what I would do...I would add a small sashing around the block...
Cut the block down to center the design (remove the same amount you cut off the one side). Cut a strip of a complementing fabric (or the background fabric)...say 2" to start...sew on all four sides.....now, carefully trim the block to center the design and make the block 12-1/2" square...you may end up with a 1/4" strip all around when finished.
Another thing you can doIs add a small appliqued flower/star, bug...something that goes with the design to the side that has too much fabric...that will even out the placement.

Hope this helps some.

Originally Posted by mommabear62 (Post 4913877)
I could just bawl and tear my hair out. I have been working on a quilt for my 7 year old granddaughter. One block is entirely applique. Have never done this before and if I never do it again that will be too soon! Well anyway, I have put everything on the background and ironed everything on. Looks ok but really need lots of practice with this. I was to cut the block now to 12 1/2 inches. I made one cut and realized I should not have done this!! Now my block is way off center because of the way I made that one cut. Can I just take the applique's off and spray baste them onto another piece of background? I do not have enough material to cut everything out and start all over again and after the trouble I had I really wouldn't want to do this either. Can the applique pieces be saved!!!!

quiltmom04 01-28-2012 11:22 AM

Originally Posted by indymta (Post 4915042)
As ckcowl says "many of our errors just lead to new design features"...how true and I speak from experience!

I agree! And another bit of free advice is - DON'T point out your "mistakes" to everyone who sees your quilt. I always tell the students I have in quilting classes, if I hear they are pointing out the things they don't feel are perfect, I'll come and take their project back! :)

pw6 01-28-2012 11:34 AM

add a border to the size needed to be 12 1/2" by 12 1/2"...

bjnicholson 01-28-2012 12:20 PM

Would the solution come from the chocolate or the "beverage"? I know which would help me the most!

Originally Posted by raptureready (Post 4913910)
Cut it down and put a border on it. If your quilt is one that doesn't have a center block, cut down a few more and put borders on them. Eat some chocolate and relax with your favorite beverage. After a box of chocolates solutions will just come to you out of the blue.

katykwilt 01-28-2012 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by raptureready (Post 4913910)
Cut it down and put a border on it. If your quilt is one that doesn't have a center block, cut down a few more and put borders on them. Eat some chocolate and relax with your favorite beverage. After a box of chocolates solutions will just come to you out of the blue.

Excellent advice.

Teddybear Lady 01-28-2012 03:44 PM

I suggest you...1. Have a good cry
2. Eat some chocolate
3. Re-read these suggestions
4. Show this quilt who the boss is.
5. Pat yourself on the back for overcoming a set back.

delma_paulk 01-28-2012 03:53 PM

can you just sew a strip on the edge of where you cut? I do this at times and it doesn't show after being quilted.


sylviak 01-28-2012 03:57 PM

Would the applique fit in a "heart" shape? You could iron or stitch that onto another color and add some lace around the heart. She would feel really special!

ncsewer 01-28-2012 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by raptureready (Post 4913910)
Cut it down and put a border on it. If your quilt is one that doesn't have a center block, cut down a few more and put borders on them. Eat some chocolate and relax with your favorite beverage. After a box of chocolates solutions will just come to you out of the blue.

My thought as well, except for the chocolate part, but I'm adding that to the list!

annies-best 01-28-2012 08:35 PM

The real "artist" in us is how we cover our mistakes b/c we all make them ... the main thing is don't sweat it just have fun.
good luck and yes we need to see the pics

MJH 01-29-2012 08:27 AM

This is your quilt project...however it turns out is fine. A humility block is not the worst thing in the world. I made a King size 'Peacemakers Calendar Quilt" with many blocks. Then second to last block I cut wrong so had to resize and added equal borders on all four sides. Put it in the quilt and nobody noticed it being different but me! Everyone else thougth it was meant to have borders. I have more than one quilt with a 'humility' block.

earlori7 01-29-2012 01:56 PM

That is what I would do too. Either the sashing or more background fabric seems to me to be the least labor intensive. I think we have all done such things - and it is extremely frustrating.

Jean in Ohio13452 01-29-2012 07:49 PM

I Agree only Eat the Chocolate First, drink your Favorite Beverage, check out Facebook page, Google for a crochet pattern, eat some more Chocolate, watch your favorite Game show on TV and then Relax some more... yep you got the Right answer and can go work on your Quilt... made with love and Stitches doesn't have to be perfect...

Sheepshed 01-29-2012 07:52 PM

She is 7... sew a strip back on to re-shape the background block, and she will love it.

jennyb 01-30-2012 09:23 AM

I love this quote : many of our errors just lead to new design features :) I love this attuide.
My first quilt was a sun bonnet sue. Took me forever. I made some mistakes and it was for my daughter but it turned out beautiful. That was 30 years ago. I am now making my 2 nd. quilt and its for my daughter and its a disney raggy and I am having a blast. Thank You all for such great information.

jraff 01-30-2012 03:40 PM

sew equal strips on both sides - one covers the mistake, the other balances it. Makes it look like you always wanted it there. Better yet. Sew a strip on each of the 4 sides.

karenpatrick 01-30-2012 04:03 PM

Originally Posted by Tartan (Post 4914268)
Can you make your goof a design element? I would cut a nice circle around the applique and applique the circle unto a different coloured background square. OR You could machine sew the circle unto a new background square and stitch down a piece of trim over the stitching line. If a circle won't work try a different shape like an oval or diamond shape. Do a couple of the other blocks the same way and people will think you wanted to do it that way.

Great idea, Tartan. That's the best idea anyone has come up with yet.

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