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Battle Axe 04-02-2019 03:15 AM

Pet peeve is trying to decide which of these tiny little pieces is the right side and the wrong side. I should have been punished for buying that fabric.

Cleaning out a smelly fridge is the daunting task facing me today. Heaven knows what I'll find. Could be someone I know that has crawled in there and died. I probably would not miss them as I am too focused on other stuff.

jmoore 04-02-2019 03:34 AM

I must be among the few that love house cleaning...maybe because I’m a little OCD. DH says why gets a house cleaner when I would clean before she came. LOL And, I love everything about quilting...

Fizzle 04-02-2019 03:58 AM

I have too many small pieces of leftovers-scraps- that I honestly think I will never use and I tell my self to throw them out! Than I cut some more and they are so nice I just cant waste them! I guess I need to find a new home for them!

I personally enjoy dusting. If you wait long enough its like new tables when that wood shine comes through again!
I guess I don’t currently hate anything but I sure dont enjoy any of it! It is never ending!!!!
I do have a major problem with clutter in general - you lay one thing on the counters and next thing you know you can barely see them! I need to go all Marie Kondo on this place!

Fizzle 04-02-2019 04:02 AM

Originally Posted by Peckish (Post 8234277)
I can't really complain about either chore, I square up as I go, and I don't dust. As we all know, we return to dust, and that dust on my shelves could be someone I know, so.... :D:D

I Love it!!!!!!

quilttiger 04-02-2019 04:36 AM

Meal planning, housecleaning and cooking are the least favorite things for me. It would be nice to retire from them, too. I stopped baking a long time ago, so this is not a problem :D. I love all aspects of quilting!

Friday1961 04-02-2019 06:28 AM

I hate squaring up, too. It's tedious and time consuming and also I'm never sure I'm doing it right. I also hate the sandwiching, partly due to lack of adequate surface/space.

As for household chores, I hate vacuuming most of all. I think it's the noise of the vacuum and maneuvering it around furniture that I object to. But I agree: dusting is no day in the park either!

Friday1961 04-02-2019 06:31 AM

Originally Posted by Fizzle (Post 8234566)
I have too many small pieces of leftovers-scraps- that I honestly think I will never use and I tell my self to throw them out! Than I cut some more and they are so nice I just cant waste them! I guess I need to find a new home for them!

I personally enjoy dusting. If you wait long enough its like new tables when that wood shine comes through again!
I guess I don’t currently hate anything but I sure dont enjoy any of it! It is never ending!!!!
I do have a major problem with clutter in general - you lay one thing on the counters and next thing you know you can barely see them! I need to go all Marie Kondo on this place!

Your "never ending" comment reminds me of a meme I saw on Facebook: A character saying "I dusted once. It came back. Not falling for that again."

MicheleC 04-02-2019 08:25 AM

Originally Posted by Friday1961 (Post 8234644)
Your "never ending" comment reminds me of a meme I saw on Facebook: A character saying "I dusted once. It came back. Not falling for that again."

Oh my goodness, I love it! A great laugh to start my morning.

eimay 04-02-2019 08:48 AM

Sandwiching quilt, and mopping hardwood floors.

wildyard 04-02-2019 01:24 PM

I think I also dislike layering the most as it always gives me a terrible backache. For housework, I think vacuuming is what I hate the most. I'm not fond of dusting so I just don't do it. LOL The dust is a protective layer for the wood, plus it shows you where something goes if it is moved by someone or something (say cats here). LOL

Theresa 04-03-2019 02:31 AM

Its gotta be the backing/sandwiching. Ugh! For housework, just general clean-up. I must not have picked-up my toys as a kid!

NJ Quilter 04-03-2019 03:17 AM

For quilting, the least liked part is coming up with a quilting design and then the marking of the quilt. Ugh. Some quilts are easier than others in terms of the quilting motif but others...not so much.

As to housework, I'm with others in that I really don't care for the whole enchilada but I do it occasionally, lol. I guess figuring out dinner is the worst though. It's only 2 of us and I'm not a creative cook by any means. Due to DH's work and other commitments I need meals that take 5 minutes or 5 hours to prepare/cook. The daily 'what to do for dinner' just exhausts me.

cat-on-a-mac 04-03-2019 03:45 AM

Originally Posted by GingerK (Post 8234032)
Housework!!Period. I don't mind any of the quilting process as much as I dislike everything about housework..

That's me!

I used to hate layering the quilt, and quilting on the sitdown DSM was killing my neck and shoulders .... so I got a longarm: problem solved!

momsbusy 04-03-2019 03:54 AM

Sewing on borders and filing/sorting paperwork.

EmiliasNana 04-03-2019 04:55 AM

I dislike cleaning in general but especially dusting. Since hubbie retired, he dusts and I vacuum : ) As far as quilting, I dislike squaring up blocks too. I just tried doing one of those "cupcake recipes" for layer cakes and now have over 900 HSTs to square up after taking all the papers off of ea. Never going that route again! I bind by machine and have a ping pong table to sandwich on and quilt with a Tiara so that process has improved, thank goodness. My nemesis is how to deal with the scraps. Right now I am cutting anything less than a FQ into 5" sqs. for charm quilts. Anything smaller is being donated. I can't deal with the chaos.

BoltandBobbin 04-03-2019 05:31 AM

All of it. I'm mentally exhausted by the time I get home from work (and I'm lazy). Plus we're trying to manage two houses right now and I'm just...burned out I guess. There is crap all over my house because my daughter is remodeling her bedroom on the weekends when she's home from school. We don't have an attic or a garage, so the only storage space we have is our closets. I'm really ready to move into FIL old house just because there's more room.

As for quilting, I guess my least favorite part is whip stitching the binding on, with a close second trying to get the sandwich smooth. My last quilt had a wrinkle in the backing that I didn't notice until it was completed. :hunf:

sewnclog 04-03-2019 06:00 AM

I'm with GingerK. I don't like housework either; seems a never-ending, thankless job. I like the looks afterwards but never stays that way. Like everything about the quilting. Housework tends to get in the way of our favorite things to do.

solstice3 04-03-2019 06:49 AM

What is dusting??😈. Sandwiching is a pain. Repetition of any activity (squaring, pressing, chain stitching) gets boring so I try to ew a little press a little and square a little at a time

niiji 04-03-2019 06:53 AM

Making flying geese and cleaning bathrooms. That's if there's a MAN in the house.

lblank42 04-03-2019 07:17 AM

Putting on the binding, I can never get nice mitered corners. As for housework, I hate all the cleaning chores. They kill my back, and my husband's too. So we finally hired a cleaning crew. Best money we ever spent!

deeleigh 04-03-2019 11:30 AM

I always find a pattern I want to do but then comes picking fabrics that work ….trying to use up some of my stash so a lot of scrap quilts. I now I am to picky but when I don't think I like the colors I put them away and move on to another pattern. I spend way more time picking fabrics then putting it together

peaceandjoy 04-03-2019 03:58 PM

I detest putting blocks/sashing together into a top! By then, I'm "over it" and just don't want to deal with it. Plus, as mentioned in another thread, wrangling all of those blocks into a nice, tidy top seems impossible. Threads everywhere! Have already determined that my next top will not have stars. I want something without any fiddly points to match up without lopping or floating, lol.

Housework: I detest vacuuming. I've always disliked it, as the noise drives me crazy (I have very sensitive hearing, not necessarily a good thing). Now, with aging, it bothers me even more as I have bad shoulders. Tried to convince DH to get rid of wall to wall carpeting, but that was a no-go.

Teen 04-03-2019 06:00 PM

This thread is hilarious!!!

Totally dislike laundry and cooking....don't mind cleaning... as for quilting, I love everything about quilting except when I only have 2 more blocks to do and I see the end is near... I'm pretty anal about my creative space so I really enjoy tidying up after a project and putting things away, cutting up scraps etc. however, I do not enjoy clipping the threads on the back of quilt tops to prepare for sandwiching and quilting. I know i overdo it...can't help myself. lol!

Rhonda Lee 04-03-2019 06:01 PM

This has been fun to read. It's not that I dislike dusting, it's just the last thing I do when cleaning and a lot of times I don't think about it. I'm happy with getting the rest of the stuff done. My stamina just isn't like it use to be. So I do only one cleaning task a day and tidy up the rest.

My sewing and quilting time is loved by me. That being said, sandwiching is so not fun. That's why a long arm is in the not too distant future. My body is sore after quilting sessions on my domestic. It's time to move on to a better deal.

Alice PD 04-03-2019 06:05 PM

The part I hate most is just before I am going to sandwich the quilt, turning over the top and clipping away all those loose threads. It really kills my back. As far as house cleaning, I hate dust bunnies. I am sure they reproduce...as soon as I get one picked up, another appears just around the corner. Under my entry table seems to be dust bunny convention headquarters.

oreo1912 04-03-2019 09:43 PM

Dealing with the scraps. Can't toss them but can't figure out how to manage them either. Dusting is no fun But the worst is figuring out what to make for dinner! That you have to do Every day!!

laurilli 04-06-2019 11:24 AM

Originally Posted by GingerK (Post 8234032)
Housework!!Period. I don't mind any of the quilting process as much as I dislike everything about housework. Since DH retired, I have made a point of 'including' him in household chores, hoping that he might take on some of the load....wishful thinking, I know.

Ginger I had to laugh- this could be my exact answer!

DJ 04-06-2019 02:26 PM

I don't really try to compare quilting to housekeeping. They are such different entities. I don't like to square up blocks, though, and I usually won't do it. I just ease in any difference and once that's done and pressed, it usually makes no difference at all.

tranum 04-07-2019 04:28 AM

Our main floor is 1100 square feet & lower level is partially finished, so cleaning goes fast & that’s the way I like it. What I hate: Every fingerprint shows on the black counter tops & stainless steel kitchen appliances so I’m forever wiping them off. High maintenance. DH can’t see this. It will be a happy day when replacements come even if guests remark how good looking they are now.

what I hate about Quilting: putting colors and/or prints together.

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