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Granny Cat 07-08-2008 03:39 PM

sewing or quilting goes in spurts during the year or are you one that just sews all year round no matter what?....I have'nt been in the mood the last couple days to sew I don't know if it's the weather which is soooo Hot right now or if I just need a little break....do any of you do this same thing?...although I am shop hopping like there no tomorrow....haha...

purplemem 07-08-2008 03:47 PM

I have the same problem. Last week it was no holds barred...
This week I haven't even picked up a needle.
I wanted to have my nephew's quilt pieced by now, but I guess I have to start sewing first! LOL!

I DO have the quilt cut out, and all of my laundry done -probably for the first time in 2008. :oops:

sandpat 07-08-2008 03:55 PM

sometimes I sew...sometimes I cut...sometimes I just think about all of it, but I can ALWAYS shop!! :mrgreen:

azdesertrat 07-08-2008 05:30 PM

me too.I hadn't sewed for a few weeks and finally did some sewing this past week,just not enough hours in the day

johnette 07-08-2008 05:43 PM

I go in spurts, too. I think about it everyday, and read this board everyday but only get the chance to sew on weekends. I always feel like I am not accomplishing anything and that I waste too much time buying fabric and looking at patterns when I should be actually sewing something. I really enjoy this "time wasting" so is it wrong?

kyssyfur 07-08-2008 05:44 PM

Well I am 8 months pregnant so my quilting has been severely limited. Cutting is a little hard since I can't see past my belly and sitting at the sewing machine gets uncomfortable fast. The other day though I wanted to quilt sooooooo bad but I just couldn't get comfortable. It was killing me! *laughing*

mgshaw 07-08-2008 05:51 PM

OOOOH a Baby!!!! Tell us more kyssyfur! When are you due? boy or girl? Details woman details!!!!!! I love babies!!!!! :wink:

Granny Cat 07-08-2008 06:26 PM

Originally Posted by johnette
I go in spurts, too. I think about it everyday, and read this board everyday but only get the chance to sew on weekends. I always feel like I am not accomplishing anything and that I waste too much time buying fabric and looking at patterns when I should be actually sewing something. I really enjoy this "time wasting" so is it wrong?

Thank You ...thats exactly what I do I buy more fabric I buy more magazines I love all and any gadget made ,I love reading this board everyday off and on all day but do I get my projects done....NO...and thats because I am not staying focused I am so flighty with all that other stuff I don't use my time well I waste away alot of my time...

CissyQuilts 07-08-2008 06:34 PM

I tend to sew/quilt in spurts through out the year. Sometimes I sew for days on end then sometimes I go for weeks without touching my machine. If I'm not sewing, I'm reading quilt magazines or designing quilts.

mgshaw 07-08-2008 06:36 PM

Yep! All of the above!! ( well except the pregnant part) :lol: :lol: :lol:

tlrnhi 07-08-2008 06:38 PM

Originally Posted by mgshaw
Yep! All of the above!! ( well except the pregnant part) :lol: :lol: :lol:

Same here and NOT doing the pregnant part! :)

purplemem 07-08-2008 06:40 PM

Same here and don't have the PARTS to do the pregnant part!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

sewnsewer2 07-08-2008 07:12 PM

I go in spurts of projects. I will quilt for a while, then switch to a different project so I don't burn out.

kyssyfur 07-08-2008 08:32 PM

I am having a.... BABY! ehehheh I love it when people ask me that, I usually say an alligator or something smart like that. We don't know the sex of the baby, we are old fashioned that way. I am due Aug 23rd. Which seems waaaaay too soon on some days and not soon enough on others. All of this is bad timing on my part. I took my first quilting class and a month later I was pregnant. Everyone keeps telling me that I won't quilt after the baby is born for atleast a couple of years! So I am kinda nervous that I will forget what little I know! But time will tell!

tlrnhi 07-08-2008 08:40 PM

You'll have time, just not as much as you would like. :)
When people would ask me what I was having when I was pregnant, I would tell them kittens. lol

mgshaw 07-08-2008 08:43 PM

Originally Posted by kyssyfur
I am having a.... BABY! ehehheh I love it when people ask me that, I usually say an alligator or something smart like that. We don't know the sex of the baby, we are old fashioned that way. I am due Aug 23rd. Which seems waaaaay too soon on some days and not soon enough on others. All of this is bad timing on my part. I took my first quilting class and a month later I was pregnant. Everyone keeps telling me that I won't quilt after the baby is born for atleast a couple of years! So I am kinda nervous that I will forget what little I know! But time will tell!

Well, Congrats to you!!! Keep us updated on your progress! (baby & quilting) You might be able to squeeze in a few minutes of quilting during baby's naptime and if you cant quilt, read mags and look at patterns and this board, keep the interest going and it will all work out. Is this your first?

gcathie 07-08-2008 11:46 PM

Well I kinda sew in spurts as well..seems like I need something to motivate me before I finish what I'm working on....I just know when I see it then I can't wait to get it done so I can start my next project...I do like to finish what I start so don't have to many ufo's but do have some....working on a ufo now....need to finish the border....also waiting on fabric to come so I can finish another 4 stack posey

k9colliedog 07-09-2008 12:25 AM

I had done so much quilting, that I gave it up for a whole year. To even look at another piece of material sent me out in cold sweat. Now though I can't stop and have about three projects in mind when I have finished this one.

CindyBee 07-09-2008 01:35 AM

I like to always have some type of sewing or needlework project going. I seem to go and forth between sewing and knitting. Now that I'm retired, I have fallen into a pattern of doing housework or errands in the morning and either sewing or knitting in the afternoon. That seems to work for me.

thequiltlady08 07-09-2008 05:11 AM

There are days when I wish I could do nothing but quilt - but I'm afraid it'd get old after awhile and I certainly don't want that to happen. I've gotten in the rut of doing a top and stopping... not quilting. I do NOT like that!! I love to see a finished quilt. Too often I tie a quilt because it's quicker - I don't like tied quilts either so go figure. I would like a balance in my life so I could quilt, houseclean, raise my children, be a good wife and still have time to read a good book sometime. Oh - and don't let me forget gardening!! I look forward to not having to work and can spend my time doing what I really like - all the above - too afraid my kids will be raised by then!! :)

retrogirl02 07-09-2008 05:19 AM

I can't even stay focused on the project at hand. I'm the ADD quilter LOL. I have to make little mile stones for myself to stay on track..."if you do 4 squares of this block, you can play with one block for whatever future project." Generally, I want to get to the play block and sometimes this method works. I'll be honest though, sometimes I just want to hang out and look at my books or magazines for future project #5, 6, 7, LOL or rearrange my drawers....hmmm can anyone say avoidance? :lol:

Bevanger 07-09-2008 05:37 AM

I go thru spurts too. Somedays I'd rather just sit & hand embroider Or Crochet Or Cross Stitch. Then theres days I can't get enough of it...I guess we're all in the same boat.

Granny Cat 07-09-2008 06:20 AM

Originally Posted by Bevanger
I go thru spurts too. Somedays I'd rather just sit & hand embroider Or Crochet Or Cross Stitch. Then theres days I can't get enough of it...I guess we're all in the same boat.

It's a good boat to be in look at all the company we have...haha...well I am in one of those don't really want to quilt moods but love looking at my magazines and searching for bunny so I will just go with that until I get the urge to get back to my project....

beachlady 07-09-2008 06:59 AM

I took my first quilting class in 1999. Then about 5 years later I did a few projects and then a few years after that I made a flag quilt to hang outside and now I have started again and love it. I try to do something every day, but have 4 grandsons here now, so am busy trying to keep up with them. When the block challenge started I made 5 right off the bat - #6 is still in progress and do have the fabric for the others, but haven't done anything with them yet. Good thing I have until January 2009!!!

vicki reno 07-09-2008 09:18 AM

I sew in spurts--always have. If I have just come back from the library, no sewing for a while or if its cool and I can get out to do yard work, no sewing. I am constantly thinking about it but just not always doing it. :lol:

SaraSewing 07-09-2008 09:37 AM

Kyssy - Congrats on a new baby! Your life will change dramatically, but I'll bet that you'll find time for sewing during nap time!

I don't get as much sewing done in the summer either. I have more outings because of the nice weather, more yard work, more company coming to visit. But I still think that there is nuthin' better to cool down and gather your thoughts than taking a sewing break. I remember when my kids were young that I'd be busy for a month in the summer making school clothes.

johnette 07-10-2008 02:18 AM

Well, Granny Cat, I am thinking that as long as we enjoy the time we are wasting, what does it really matter in the grand scheme of things? I slowly get a block done here and there. The point of it all is for enjoyment anyway right? No one is depending on me to get anything done at a certain time and I am not trying to make any money off of it. I sure spend a lot though, LOL. Maybe we are being too hard on ourselves? I work about 50 hours a week and usually drive three hours one way every other weekend to be with my daughter and her family, so I don't have much "extra time". So, valid reason or just an excuse? I don't know, but I do get pretty frustrated with myself sometimes over it.

Knot Sew 07-10-2008 04:22 AM

I have 8 grand kids..........All of them except one are here some time during the week, to sleep over or hang out, I drive them to work or summer school.....I am the only one home all day. I feel like the old woman who lived in a shoe....Every morning have to do the same chores and wash the clothes they leave.

If I get a few minutes I sew.......my quilting room is staying clean :roll:

Barbm 07-10-2008 07:21 AM

I go in spurts too. I told myself I had to pick only 1 hobby, so quilting became it. Sometimes I miss painting and sketching but giving away all the "stuff" makes it easier. I gave away my crochet stuff too. Just have my quilting stuff and the rug hooking stuff from my Gram that I can't part with.

I find I sew and then take a break and come back again. I'm hoping this week end I can get the curtains and toppers and bedskirt done for my room so I can start the quilt for the bed. Need it done by 8/2 when family comes. First time in 7 years my room will be coordinated instead of cast offs.


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