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Kas 06-16-2010 09:45 AM

I do! It's how I learned to quilt. I don't have any quilters in my family (not living ones, anyway) and I wanted to make a quilt for the daughter I was expecting. So I checked out every book and video on the subject I could find. My first quilt (a simple nine patch) is still my fave. I even had to make my own stencils for the motif I used in the plain blocks and the corners of the border. I have quite the collection of stencils, now, but then I didn't have any. I got the pattern for the one I used out of a book from the library.

sally's girl 06-16-2010 09:53 AM

I, also, have 2 quilting books and magazine lying on my table from the libray.... even though I have tons of my own quilting books and save all my quilting magazines, I still like to see what the library has to offer.I also check the movies.

Alu_Rathbone 06-16-2010 10:46 AM

Yes I do!

sewandsewcarol 06-16-2010 11:34 AM

I am at our local library every week Never leave there without at least one quilting book. what a savings it is to borrow a book and return and get another seems i never run out of quilting patterns or ideas that way and no $$$$spent

stormnrose 06-16-2010 11:57 AM

Absolutely! This has been an awesome source for technique books especially. I am a visual learner so looking at the illustrations/pictures helps tons! We don't have many videos though I wish we did.

KarenBarnes 06-16-2010 12:05 PM

Our local library occasionally sells their books that are pulled from distribution and sell them for .50. I've bought several since the price is right! :)

RatherBQuilting 06-16-2010 12:28 PM

I do all the time since I am a librarian. I request all the latest quilt books and the library buys most of them or gets them through interlibrary loan from different libraries in the USA. They tease me at the library and think I should make each librarian a quilt since there are so many quilt books!!!

grandme26 06-16-2010 02:16 PM

I have a card but never thought of looking for quilting books. Will do so this week

MISHNJIM 06-16-2010 02:33 PM

I went to my library's here when I was trying to search for a book before I bought it. They had maybe and I mean maybe about 12 quilting books, nothing that was interesting at all. I was really shocked about that.

wickn34 06-16-2010 02:51 PM

I have never heard of joining a library. Here they are free. I belong to the library group. We are free to use available rooms for classes if we wish for group meetings. They ask that we return everything to the way it was.

I was a school librarian, so I think that everyone should avail themselves of the services in the public libraries. There is also a community college here. The public is free to come in and read the books and papers. Not the computers. Too many students and too few computers.

check out you local library.
Have fun,

From Mississippip

pollyjvan9 06-16-2010 02:57 PM

Yes! I learned to quilt 5 years ago by checking and rechecking the quilting books. the OKC Metro Library has a lot of books and magazines also. You can't check out the current magazine but you can any of the others. I wish they acquired more new books but they do pretty good.

Crlyn 06-16-2010 02:57 PM

I sure do, I love my local library and go at least once a week - always check the quilting section. :D

Pam J 06-16-2010 05:23 PM

Originally Posted by quiltinggrandmaca
I do as well, although the books that our library has are really old one. They don't seem to get any of the newer ones in, maybe not enough demand for them, I don't know.

I work in a public library and we really appreciate patrons letting us know if a certain collection (like quilting) is outdated. Sometimes the staff may not even be aware there is a demand unless someone points it out to us. Be sure to let your library know if a collection is old, and ask if they could they please consider updating it. It's your tax money, and libraries want their patrons to be happy with the selection.

I check out audio books all the time and listen while I quilt. Lots of books get read that way that I normally wouldn't have time for!

Alu_Rathbone 06-16-2010 06:00 PM

Originally Posted by wickn34
I have never heard of joining a library. Here they are free. I belong to the library group. We are free to use available rooms for classes if we wish for group meetings. They ask that we return everything to the way it was.

I was a school librarian, so I think that everyone should avail themselves of the services in the public libraries. There is also a community college here. The public is free to come in and read the books and papers. Not the computers. Too many students and too few computers.

check out you local library.
Have fun,

From Mississippip

I think she means joining a library as in having a library card... so that you can check out books and what not, not paying a monthly charge or anything.

My library has a group that you can join that you pay for, but that money goes right into the library.

tortoisethreads 06-16-2010 06:01 PM

I just picked a book up today at the library, "Quilty As Charged".

DeniseB 06-16-2010 06:02 PM

Love my library. I can go on line and order books to be sent to my local branch. You should join. I always try to get a book i may want to buy first so i am sure it is worth it.

craftybear 06-16-2010 06:14 PM

if it is a library in your county or town usually not a fee for a library card to check out books

amalia64 06-16-2010 06:55 PM

I have checked out books at the library, I didn't think the books would have old ideas since everything is new to me. also every Wednesday there is a group of ladies that meet to sew from 10-1, went once but I have a four year old who cannot sit too long.

tooMuchFabric 06-16-2010 07:25 PM

Our several local libraries have mostly older books, although they do include rotary cutting. Maybe that's something we could do, will our personal "new style" quilting books to a library when we shuffle off - !!

Quilter2B 06-16-2010 08:13 PM

Absolutely! I think I've checked out every quilting booking and there were lots when I lived in NW Arizona.

gollytwo 06-17-2010 02:45 AM

Originally Posted by wickn34
I have never heard of joining a library. Here they are free. I belong to the library group. We are free to use available rooms for classes if we wish for group meetings. They ask that we return everything to the way it was.
check out you local library.
Have fun,
From Mississippip

I think all our libraries are free; at least I hope so. Mine is in Keene, but you do have to "join" which just means getting a card to check anything out. If you do not live in Keene, there is a fee to join; but, you can use the library, browse and read there w/o a card.

Crafty1 06-17-2010 02:52 AM

We have library cards and love it! Yesterday we went to the newly remodeled library, and boy oh boy, there's so much more add ons... Like movies and music... and you can checkout yourself (I took out three books.... :) )

The library is a great resource!

Alu_Rathbone 06-17-2010 04:44 AM

If I talk to the right people, I can donate books to the library for library use and not for their annual book sale. I can also ask the same person to get the books for the library.

mar32428 06-17-2010 06:32 AM

I do, all the time. We also have a Friends of the Library book store where you can buy books and mags dirt cheap. Our ASG has a small library and we have a system of bringing in mags and sharing. They may go to a dozen different members who attend different meetings so get passed around a lot. Since we can copy pages now, it's a cinch to collect patterns. Sometimes to save money, (many of us are are on fixed incomes and retired) one member will buy a current mag and then share with the rest of us. We get a lot of variety that way and a LOT of patterns.

Butterflyblue 06-17-2010 07:30 AM

Absolutely! If there is a technique I want to try but I'm not sure I really want to buy a $20 book to learn it, I check my library first. And I have checked out books to "try before I buy", to make sure I'd really use them as much as I think I would.

But I am a library fiend. I have two library cards to different libraries in my area, and I check out stacks of books.

Butterflyblue 06-17-2010 07:33 AM

I've also found that old and out of print books can be interesting and useful, because they show different techniques and patterns than are "trendy" right now.

Alu_Rathbone 06-17-2010 12:10 PM

I'm wondering if i can get a library card from the Elmhurst library... which is located across the street from my college... I don't want to have to go all the way back home just to drop off a book... (Campus is about 30 minutes away from home and I'm staying on campus)

POosterman 06-17-2010 02:39 PM

You Know, It's just one of those things I don't really think about. I will now. And, I do find a lot of wonderful patterns online. Like I need to hunt for more things to make right now! LOL!

grandme26 06-17-2010 02:42 PM

Just picked up 3 quilting books from my Library. Can't wait to really get into them.

raynhamquilter 06-17-2010 05:08 PM

I am a former school librarian and I use the public library ALL the time. I order books from all over the state practically. I have a card for my local area consortium. Another library consortium card and the BPL (Boston). If they don't have what I want (I am also our guild librarianand we just ordered 16 NEW titles)-and no they weren't MY choices--I ask the guild members to make suggestions). I will order from Amazon(usually used to save $) I always have books on hold and love getting the call to pick them up. I am about half a mile away and they joke about how fast my husband picks them up for me!

betlinsmom 06-17-2010 05:55 PM

Yes, I made myself a tote bag for the library and Should have put wheels on it!!

Suse 06-17-2010 10:44 PM

I use the library a lot...for all kinds of things. I can request books from all the libraries in the state. I think it needs to be like this since we are in the middle of the Pacific ocean. 8-)

1quilt_gma 06-17-2010 11:09 PM

Our library is very small and does not have many books I can use as source. It is an historic site (one of the few Carnegie libraries still in existence as a library in Texas). They are just finishing a restoration and it has reopened again..very small building.

mimiknoxtaylor 06-18-2010 04:39 AM

I use our library constantly. Actually had requested 3 quilting books just a few days (from my laptop at home). Just picked them up yesterday. None that I'd buy but just love to look at them while sitting with hubby & watching baseball

hobo2000 06-18-2010 04:44 AM

I haven't had a library card in 30+ years but I need to get one as I can't afford books $35. to $50.00 each for quilting. I have stacks and stacks of quilting books, maybe the library would take them. Most I just zipped thru and never opened again.

Yarn or Fabric 06-18-2010 04:45 AM

I love my library - but sadly they haven't bought any new quilting books in a long time... :(
They do have a nice section though!

Lynnejean 06-23-2010 12:16 PM

I borrow videos there every week. and have saved myself alot of money on quilt books too.

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