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Vanuatu Jill 06-27-2010 02:05 PM

I live in the "hills" and it is 25 minutes down the hill to get to anywhere. However, we do have one LQS here, "Crazy 9 Patch", and my sister (who lives here too) took me in a couple years ago on one of my visits (I was living overseas). They were having a back-room sale of fat quarters and other yardage, and I bought about $150.00 worth, even though I was really over-limit on my baggage allowance! Being a real tight-wad (sale shopper, coupon clipper, etc) it really went against my frugal nature, but I enjoyed every minute and every inch of that fabric! They also recommended a few handy notions, which I love. I now live in this community, and am really wanting to go back, not necessarily to just buy stuff (money is tight after just re-locating to the States), but want to meet some other fellow quilters and just hang out! I will probably feel guilty if I DON'T buy something. Problem is, I am a bit shy going on my own, my sister not really into quilting much and really busy anyway. I don't drive here yet so DH has to take me. I'll try to give it a go.

SandyMac 06-27-2010 06:38 PM

I go to a lot of quilt shop in our area and spend my share of money maybe a little more then I should and yes our walmart in Ludington has fabric. :-D

auntiehenno 06-27-2010 07:06 PM

QBETH: You beautiful cat is the twin of my AMALIE. Has to put her to sleep last Feb. 09. Still mourn her loss. Give your adorable one many hugs and kisses for me.

Hugs to you

Helen 8-)

auntiehenno 06-27-2010 07:09 PM

I try to visit my locals as much as possible and only buy from them. WalMart fabric isn't the grade we think it is.

Alabama Belle 06-27-2010 08:07 PM

I have 1 LQS near me... the cheapest fabric is 14.99 a yard. I can't justify that for any reason. The lady is friendly, BUT friendly doesn't pay my bills.

bjdemir 06-27-2010 08:40 PM

Theresa, I also live in Oregon City. We got all the Portland shop hops quilt shops done on Friday (4of us) and will be going out tomorrow to hit the 1-5 corridor. The blocks this year are really pretty neat. I made 2 of them over the weekend. PM me and lets see if we are near each other. Always to have someone close by for help and inspiration.

bjdemir 06-27-2010 08:46 PM

If you get the chance to get to the Yamhill quilt shop, it is worth the drive out there. The block was already cut out for you with the sticky paper on the back to applique on already., plus there was a ball point pen the the package. Oh yes, you even got to pick your fabric. :-)

Annz 06-27-2010 09:09 PM

I don't have the money for LQS.

Up4BigChal 06-28-2010 06:58 AM

I agree with some of what you are sayng. It is nice to support our local business. Our LQS very rarely offer sales, they get premium price for their fabrics and I'm sure their overhead is HUGE, but I wish they would offer more specials and why do they have to get top $$ for everything in the store. My niece owns a QS and she does not mark her fabric up 125% they offer many monthly specials, reasonable classes and different events. Yes it is sad that our LQS are pricing themselves out of business. Just like everything else our economy is hitting so many of us and there need to be some changes or there will be more going out of business. Sorry but I own a business and have ha to offer some breaks in order to stay in business.

amalia64 06-28-2010 12:48 PM

I went to my LQS on Sat. as I drove to the parking lot I was lucky to find a space to park. I had second thoughts to go in cuz I thought something special was going on. I got off, as soon as I walked in, they said hello, like always. I asked what was going on. They were having a quilt run. I told the owner I would be back when they were not so busy. She had time to answer my questions and showed me the fabric I was looking for, another employee had time to show me how she had made her totebag.. Everybody is always nice, friendly, and ready to help. I do enjoy my LQS, I just don't have a lot of money to go there all the time. When I go there I'm treated the same all the time. First Sat. of the month they take JoAnn's coupon. Yes they do know my name, and my name is not easy to remember. I wish them well.

Babs194068 06-28-2010 03:42 PM

My quilt shop greets everyone who walks through the door, even if they just stopped in for a question or directions. She says you never know when you might make a customer just by being friendly and if not well at least you were friendly and didn't leave a bad impression on the person when they left. You won't find nicer people anywhere.

Twisted Quilter 06-29-2010 08:33 AM

Only if I have a coupon. :P

Bevsie 06-29-2010 05:47 PM


I work part time at my LQS. We always greet and ask customers if we can help them find something or help them with anything. We don't hover, nothing bugs me more than going into a shop and have the worker hover next to me continually. We ask, get a reply, and then either help or tell them to ask if they should need anything....and we check back with them in a bit.

The owner of the shop I work at is fantastic with names...she remembers first names of people who come in just once a year when they come to town to visit Grandma! Amazing! It really impresses the customer, too


dotcomdtcm 06-29-2010 06:49 PM

I'm going to City Quilter tomorrow! I leave a nice amount of my
funds there. I take classes & the people are nice & helpful!

seamstome 06-29-2010 07:00 PM

I frequent LQS all over the US. Some are better than others. The selection really, really varies as does the customer service. My truly local quilt store is schizophrenic depending on which owner you get. My favorite actually does not have the best service but does have the best selection. My friend is picky about them greeting you, personally I am more interested in stocking what I want.

I also think it is what you bring into the CS relationship. Yes everyone should be greeted but you as the customer may be giving off body language that you are not aware of. Or it could be they just have bad employees. Those that work with the public everyday know what I am saying. Certain people are hard to read and the less confident salesperson will step back. My GF tells me how she was shunned in this shop or that one. Then she walks in with me and most times, not always, has a different experience.

I have a friend who owns a bookstore. Reading like quilting is a hobby. Her store is wonderful and is uber successful. Anyway, she brought up a great point. Once B/N or Amazon is the only game in town, then they control the market.

I buy notions at Joann's and Hancock's but I support all those women who love quilting so much that they are willing to step out there and put themselves on the line to own a LQS which is usually not a money maker. Some are better business people than others and more suited to CS and you can tell by their success if it was a wise choice. But really think if you could deal with all the hassles of having a LQS, I know even though I could, I would not because IMHO just as we have noticed here, you cannot please people.

Once you lose the LQS, you lose the advanced classes, advice, support and knowledge that is provided there. You arent going to get that at Walmart or Joann's or any other online oe ebay store.

dixiechunk 06-29-2010 07:12 PM

Well said!

patricej 06-30-2010 01:14 AM

what i'm "getting" from this conversation is that most people are happy with the LQS(s) they shop in. lots of people wish they could shop LQS. and just about everybody is sad to see one close.

we're also learning a lot - although nothing really surprising - about what keeps an LQS in business. having a good selection rates as fairly important, but the way the owners and staff make their customers feel about the experience is the most common reason described by the loyal shoppers.

i think LQS must be the theme parks of the fabric world. if they make it warm, welcoming and fun we want to go and keep going because the overall experience feels worth the expense - if and when we can afford it.

Teresa 54 06-30-2010 04:02 AM

Originally Posted by dotcomdtcm
I'm going to City Quilter tomorrow! I leave a nice amount of my
funds there. I take classes & the people are nice & helpful!

I am from Brooklyn and live in PA now. I go to The city quilter also. Have fun! I am going to NY to visit family this weekend - but they have me booked-no time for quilt shops.
I am visiting my friends (quilters) in South Salem/Vista NY in westchester Cty in a few weeks, on that trip, we jump on the RR to NYC and go quilt fabric shopping! love it!

phoenixquilter 06-30-2010 06:41 AM

Hi, I do go to my local quilt shop about once a month (they are across the street from my doctor's office - convenient!). I like the shop but they are starting to limit the choices of fabric. They mainly sell Moda and maybe a couple of other brands. Some of the ladies are very helpful but a couple are very grouchy. I also am on a fixed income so I usually buy fat quarters or if something is on sale. Earlier this month I bought 3 yards because it was 50% off. I do get notions when they are on sale. I can only support the LQS when they have something on sale.

Bev 06-30-2010 04:11 PM

I shop at my LQS as often as I can afford to. I would love to shop more often, but we all know how that goes. Food on the table has to come first, unfortunately. I don't buy my fabric anyplace else because I want my quilts to hold up well. I also want to help my LQS stay open. It's a magical place where the staff is like family, and the classes are great. They also have a small "lunch only" cafe connected to the shop. You could just stay all day. And believe me you'd be welcome to do just that. I used to live in a small city where our only quilt shop had to close. It was sad for all of us. So I know the feeling. I'm sorry that had to happen to yours. :cry:

EdieClay 07-02-2010 07:01 PM

Yes, I buy exclusively from my LQS. If I am going to spend the time and effort to make a quilt, I want it to last a lonnnnnnnnng time. Plus, my LQS offers classes and lots of personal assistance to me. I go the shop on Tuesdays and work on my current quilt with other women for three hours. Great time.

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