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wordpaintervs 10-26-2013 11:53 AM

I have that pattern, but not from Eleanor Burns. Love seeing it as a quilt, when what I have is a placemat brochure illustration tutorial. I need to get with it. Yours is so pretty. Love the colors you used. I'm looking for a simple 2 or 3 color quilt I can make a 30 plus year old grand daughter. This link below is what I do most of the time, but like to find time for quilts again. Made simple small ones for gg-kids in the pre-doll stage of my life.

www. dollsforverysickkids.com

Vickey Stamps

Originally Posted by Wanabee Quiltin (Post 6367480)
Hmmmm. I find her patterns the easiest of any I have ever made. I made the Lover's Knot and the only problem I had was when I started to put it together and I had to add the side triangles, thought I would not have it right as it was a King Size quilt and my Queen bed would not work well with the layout. How can we help you ? This is not really a hard pattern at all and I would love to help you in anyway. I think you might not have your mind on the quilt as much as being concerned about the doctor's visit. We will all pray for your good health. BTW, my book is very old too, and it worked for me.

Lyncat 10-26-2013 12:38 PM

I guess everyone has a preference for personality type. I like her style, it's kind of how I act in my classroom!

mjhaess 10-26-2013 12:55 PM

I find her patterns very easy to follow...I have several of her books and several patterns. Maybe you are reading beyond the pattern. I hope you can figure it out....Good luck..

Iraxy 10-26-2013 01:55 PM

I had problems with her log cabin and then realized she was showing the back of the block! LOL. Once I got to that mind set, it was easy peasy.
I hope that your appointment goes well. Having visited my Cardiologist recently, I can understand your concerns. I hope your visit is as uncomplicated as mine turned out to be. Although I still have heart disease, it is under control and he thinks I am doing well.

Landers 10-26-2013 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by Evy (Post 6367101)
Am I the only one who has trouble understanding Eleanor Burns' instructions? I feel like a total idiot. I received the pattern book for her lover's knot quilt and I'm lost just reading the instructions. I totally understand the block construction, but even with the charts cannot determine how many of each block I need. A couple people have posted photos of the lover's knot here on the board and I really love it.
I had the Trip Around the World pattern and totally gave up on that one. I made a TATW and it turned out well, but didn't use her method. In all fairness, I've used her log cabin method and it's great. Maybe I'm just not concentrating. I have an appointment with the cardiologist this morning and that's worrying me a bit. Maybe I'll just take the pattern book and read it on the hour and a half drive to the doctor's office.
Just feeling frustrated I guess!

I started quilting with others instructing me step by step and no patterns. Then I took a class that was teaching an EB pattern. There were a lot of students in the class and the teacher was hopping around to all of us. She couldn't keep up. I was slightly impatient! The saving grace I had was Eleanor's instructions. They were so clear. Since that night in 2005, I have done over 10 quilts patterns from her book. Some times I think she teaches like we are elementary students and then I found out that she was a teacher at one time in her life!

tenngal 10-26-2013 02:52 PM

Sorry you are having trouble. For me, she is very easy to follow. In fact, my 9 year old grandaughter likes to watch her. She does talk a little slower which works for me, so I find her easier to understand than some of the other shows.

dorismae904 10-26-2013 02:58 PM

Evy, I have had the lovers knot book from Eleanor Burns for many years and still cannot understand the instructions.

Stitch124 10-26-2013 03:14 PM

Eleanor Burns is insulting sounding to me. She talks as if we haven't got the brains to put one foot in front of the other., plus she sounds like she took some strong drugs to m'make her sound sovhappy' which just makes her sound even more fake. I purchased a quilt in a day pattern and the instructions and the fabric provided were nothing like what was described in the instructions. I have to buy more fabric to
finish the quilt because of the screwy instructions.

Stitch124 10-26-2013 03:16 PM

Eleanor Burns sounds so fake. She talks as if we haven't got the brains to put one foot in front of the other., plus she sounds like she took some strong drugs to make her sound so happy which just makes her sound even more fake. I purchased a quilt in a day pattern and the instructions and the fabric provided were nothing like what was described in the instructions. I have to buy more fabric just to finish the quilt because of the screwy instructions.

kittiebug 10-26-2013 03:21 PM

Great ideal, go to you tube ,That will help you a lot...

bigsister63 10-26-2013 04:02 PM

Originally Posted by Landers (Post 6370085)
I. Some times I think she teaches like we are elementary students and then I found out that she was a teacher at one time in her life!

I agree. Well put!!!

Retiree 10-26-2013 04:30 PM

I think perhaps, our response to Eleanor depends on our piecing experience. For blocks I had made before, her methods were kind of confusing. On others, I liked her way. (Speaking, based on my experience using her Underground Railroad Quilt book.)

krisgray 10-26-2013 05:24 PM

Originally Posted by snow (Post 6367506)
I have a hard time understanding her books also. I don't know why but she confuses me.

Me too. I think it is because I want to understand the why behind what I'm doing, to understand how the blocks go together, before I do the work. I prefer Marti Michell's patterns/books.

patchsamkim 10-26-2013 05:29 PM

Most people find her instructions are follow-able. Sorry you are struggling with them. I did a Lover's Knot from her book...but it was many years ago, so can't give you any tips. Her Log Cabin book is still the best of hers. I only have a few others, but do like the ones I have.

solstice3 10-26-2013 06:07 PM

I do better looking at the pictures to clarify the written directions

Gay 10-26-2013 06:20 PM

well, I've watched the video on youtube and found it so easy. One block with 3 fabrics, the same block reversing the colours, and hst's on the ends of each row. I want the ruler she used in the video, it would save lining up the edge of the fabric for every cut. Anyone know what it's called and where to find it? :cool:

Airwick156 10-26-2013 08:51 PM

Originally Posted by Gay (Post 6370433)
well, I've watched the video on youtube and found it so easy. One block with 3 fabrics, the same block reversing the colours, and hst's on the ends of each row. I want the ruler she used in the video, it would save lining up the edge of the fabric for every cut. Anyone know what it's called and where to find it? :cool:

2 1/2" shape cut ruler. I want one too. Im not sure where you buy them at.

Lafpeaches 10-26-2013 09:20 PM

I love watching EB's videos. I made a guilt from her book delectable mountains which also came with the template needed. It took me awhile to figure it out. Most instructions say to read the instructions first which of course I didn't. Once I stopped what I was doing and read the instructions, they made more sense.

WellDunn 10-27-2013 12:08 AM

Are you left-handed? lol..I cannot for the life of me figure it out. I was able to figure out her "SUNBONNET Sue" one, though..lol...I think she makes things more complicated than necessary, but I do see 'in reverse', so thought that was why...maybe if you go to her site, there are some extra instructions? I gave up, myself.

snipforfun 10-27-2013 02:17 AM

Originally Posted by bigsister63 (Post 6370205)
I agree. Well put!!!

Before quilting Eleanor was a special ed teacher. Before I went to one of her lectures she used to annoy me, but after I learned this about her, she no longer bothered me.

grandmahoney 10-27-2013 02:53 AM

Understanding quilt directions

Originally Posted by Evy (Post 6367101)
Am I the only one who has trouble understanding Eleanor Burns' instructions? I feel like a total idiot. I received the pattern book for her lover's knot quilt and I'm lost just reading the instructions. I totally understand the block construction, but even with the charts cannot determine how many of each block I need. A couple people have posted photos of the lover's knot here on the board and I really love it.
I had the Trip Around the World pattern and totally gave up on that one. I made a TATW and it turned out well, but didn't use her method. In all fairness, I've used her log cabin method and it's great. Maybe I'm just not concentrating. I have an appointment with the cardiologist this morning and that's worrying me a bit. Maybe I'll just take the pattern book and read it on the hour and a half drive to the doctor's office.
Just feeling frustrated I guess!

Sometimes when I don't understand quilt directions and things don't quite make since I just go ahead and get started on it and things just fall into place in my head. Then later I think why didn't I understand it the first time it was easy. Good luck.

Ellageo 10-27-2013 05:05 AM

I think, you may be thinking too much. Just read & do, see how that goes. One , repeat one, step at a time. Good luck...go ahead try one more time!

danlynmartin 10-27-2013 05:22 AM

I find that if you do as you read and don't read ahead you will be fine. Many people are visual and can see in their head what she is saying when you read the whole thing. Others have to see it and do it. please don't give up.

bigsister63 10-27-2013 05:44 AM

I think that EB may be more hard to follow if you are an experienced quilter. she seems to give basic how-tos that we may allrready know. i found it hard to follow her due to so many pages of book has beginning instructions.

neece 10-27-2013 06:14 AM

I agree. I am amdextrex(I can use bothhands for many things) I CANNOT follow written or spoken directions. I have to actually DO whatever it is. I haven't tried EB but other patterns confuse me with all the words and no pictures. I give myself a block of time and actually do every step 1 at a time. At times I actually read the steps out loud as I work with the fabric.:p

wbfrog 10-27-2013 06:54 AM

Hi, there try looking at Eleanor Burns on www.youtube.com; she has a good series there and step-by-step instructions.


silverfoxmag 10-27-2013 10:56 AM

Rose Marie, she was my teacher of choice. I made my very first quilt, Log Cabin, with her. I bought her book and watched the video on my PBS station in the 70's. I love that she makes her blocks oversized and then squares them off so they come out perfectly when stitching them together.

Rodney 10-27-2013 11:55 AM

Evy, I'm happy to see your Dr's visit went well. I hope you continue to improve.

I watched the video and didn't mind the teaching style. Her assembly line method of construction makes good sense to me. It's her voice that I find annoying. The two quilts posted are beautiful. I didn't really get the overall pattern from the video, the quilts posted made it much more clear. I'm seriously considering this pattern as my first quilt.

KathyPhillips 10-27-2013 12:41 PM

Beautiful quilt!!

Originally Posted by Wanabee Quiltin (Post 6367480)
Hmmmm. I find her patterns the easiest of any I have ever made. I made the Lover's Knot and the only problem I had was when I started to put it together and I had to add the side triangles, thought I would not have it right as it was a King Size quilt and my Queen bed would not work well with the layout. How can we help you ? This is not really a hard pattern at all and I would love to help you in anyway. I think you might not have your mind on the quilt as much as being concerned about the doctor's visit. We will all pray for your good health. BTW, my book is very old too, and it worked for me.

Grama Chris 10-27-2013 05:49 PM

I started off in the 70's when her 1st bk out & have done everyone she wrote & found them having great explanations. Maybe you were just worried about your Dr's appt, I would be in the same position & very concerned. If I can ever help you with anything please feel free to contact me either here or on Facebook, ggod luck :-)

AngeliaNR 10-27-2013 05:58 PM

Some teachers will work for you-others won't. I've often attended a class and understood nothing. I need things written down, whereas others need to see the method. Problem is, if the written instructions aren't clear to me--I'm screwed! I'm afraid I'm not much help, but you are not alone!

VernaL 10-27-2013 10:40 PM

I went to a quilt retreat this weekend and I worked on EB's Delectable Mountains. This is the first pattern of hers that I have used. I have a lot of trouble with books where you go back and forth through a book to find the version you are making. When I first started looking at the book, it was a nightmare. But after making a few boo boos, I got the just of it. So I am moving along, but I doubt if I would try another one of her patterns. I've been a quilter for about 15 yrs and take a lot of classes. I think there must be an easier way to make this quilt.

Plumtree 10-28-2013 02:16 AM

Put me in the confused club. I have 2 of her books and one pattern and I just don't get the way she explains stuff and when I went to her youtube channel I just can't get over the way she "talks down". I understand that she was/is a teacher (once a teacher always a teacher) but not every teaching style is for every person.
Just like learning styles :-) I am glad the Dr. appt. went well and I hope you are able to get your quilt together when it doubt make extra blocks they can always be made into wall hanging or added to orphan block quilt later

Happy Quilting :-)

Evy 10-28-2013 02:54 AM

Originally Posted by Plumtree (Post 6372684)
Put me in the confused club. I have 2 of her books and one pattern and I just don't get the way she explains stuff and when I went to her youtube channel I just can't get over the way she "talks down". I understand that she was/is a teacher (once a teacher always a teacher) but not every teaching style is for every person.
Just like learning styles :-) I am glad the Dr. appt. went well and I hope you are able to get your quilt together when it doubt make extra blocks they can always be made into wall hanging or added to orphan block quilt later

Happy Quilting :-)

Thanks, that's pretty much how she affects me. I know I'm not the brightest person, but I just feel really dumb reading her pattern instructions and listening to her. I haven't decided whether to begin the quilt or not. I have the fabric, but can certainly find another pattern for it. the youtube video does clarify it. Maybe without the sound would be better! Thanks to everyone for the encouragement.

katydidkg 10-28-2013 03:11 AM

I would suggest finding the you tube video for the Quilt in a Day quilt you'd like to make. Don't be too hard on yourself !

jeaninmaine 10-30-2013 10:54 AM

Love Eleanor Burns, the first quilt I ever made was a Trip around the World and the 2nd a Lone Star, both from her directions. It took me a weekend to piece each of them but I was thrilled. And that was before she had all the videos available online. Of course I will admit they were each done at a weekend retreat where I had someone to help if I needed it. That was over 30 years ago.

Cagey 10-30-2013 07:51 PM

Originally Posted by sweetana3 (Post 6367252)
She has a very specific style of instruction and I often find myself working ahead assuming I know what she wants me to do. I am usually wrong and get mixed up.

Unless you do them all the time, only do one simple step at a time and check, check, check.

I agree - I got her pattern for SunBonnet Sue and thought I knew what she was doing - got halfway through the instructions and realized I should have followed her instructions completely.

SouthPStitches 10-31-2013 12:33 PM

Have been quilting for a very long time. Unless I've watched her show, then bought the pattern/book, I can have a difficult time. I've made several of the TATW from her book but the reason why it made sense to me, was her sister (Patty?) came and spoke to a Guild in our area and briefly showed the technique. Horray for quilt shows and You Tube tutorials.

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