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SunlitenSmiles 12-13-2011 04:28 AM

Originally Posted by QuiltnNan (Post 4775120)
I only bought quilting fabric one time - to finish a project. Otherwise, I stuck to the moratorium... Now if I could only stick to my diet like that :)

same here...bought one piece big enough to do binding because i really did not have anything that would work....everything else is from stash. finished 5 WIP's. still have more WIP to go. i am extending the moritorium untill i am down to only two WIP.

grann of 6 12-13-2011 04:35 AM

Yes, I was on a fabric buying moratorium or as I called it, "diet" because I had spent $5000 on ACL surgery for my Rottie. But I will admit that I failed MISERABLY. I did quite well for a couple months. Then in the fall my favorite quilt store went out of business (Hayloft Fabrics) and I felt it was my duty to help them out. I haven't totalled my receipts for the year yet, but since I spent about $800 at Hayloft alone, I am sure my total will be in the couple thousand area. But I made 7 quilts and 40 pillowcases for charity giving just for Christmas alone, out of the stash. And through the year I did a good job of using my stash. Didn't make much of a dent, but figure it will come in very handy after the first of the year when I start rebuilding my quilt stash.

grann of 6 12-13-2011 05:04 AM

Okay, moral to the story is, "Don't total your receipts!" I spent $5506.12 just on fabric. That's not counting batting, thread, and misc. notions. WOW!!!!! Did I ever fail!!! Now the stash will get put to good use this next year.

Jackie Spencer 12-13-2011 05:10 AM

I cut back alot on my fabric buying this year, and I don't think I'll be spending much in 2012. Our LQS closed its brick and mortar doors and is strickly an on-line store. Theres just something about being able to see and touch the fabric, and that promotes impulse buying. I can never remember walking into a Quiltshop and not buying anything. Its eye candy, Guess Im one of those touchy feely people.

Daylesewblessed 12-13-2011 05:14 AM

Last year our quilt guild had the theme of "Reduce, Recycle", and it was great fun! We had a fabric exchange at one meeting which didn't reduce our stashes, but allowed us to get rid of fabric we didn't have a use for and acquire some that would help in finishing current projects. At the beginning of the year people reported a list of their UFO's, and then at each meeting checked off anything they had finished. Each UFO finished became an entry in a drawing at the end of the year.

Of course, we still all bought some fabric throughout the year, but the theme and encouragement from each other helped remind us of the goal of using our stash.


IBQLTN 12-13-2011 05:29 AM

I didn't take the 'pledge' but I cut way back on buying. I didn't by any fabric for a 'future' quilt, I only supplemented. The one exception is that when I visit my VBF in Tampa, we always buy fabric. My favorite store has a sale wall of 30-75% off original price. I did buy from this wall but conservatively and with handbag/totebags in mind.

My impulse buying this year was patterns, not fabric. I bought several that have not yet been tried and of course, I got tons of freebies through this site!

All that being said, I think we need to remember that our LQS won't be there if we don't support it. I try to buy 'something' every time I go in ... even if it is a small amount. I think I read in this post (2) LQS's bit the dust this year and these are only the ones we know about by responding to this post. I wish my economic situation would allow me to buy more from them but I like to think that even a little bit helps ... a couple of zippers here, a pattern there, some fabric for binding. The overall increase in the price of cotton caused me to think twice before I bought.

I hope to decrease my sizable stash next year. I bought the AccuQuilt GO! and hope to find the time to cut up 'kits' for both myself and, more importantly, for our Hearts 2 Hands group at church.

lovelyl 12-13-2011 05:46 AM

Originally Posted by QandE2010 (Post 4776161)
I didn't go on a buying moratorium. That being said, I believe that I shopped smart. I never paid full
price for any fabric this past year. I am going to "try" to use up a bunch of my stash next year. (We'll see what happens)

Same with me - I just tried to shop smart and only purchased fabric that was on sale, except for the fabric for my DMIL's Christmas Quilt. I hope to purchase no material in 2012, just sew from my stash!

Rettie V. Grama 12-13-2011 05:49 AM

I bought a few times, but was just for fill in. When I did buy, I measured very carefully what I needed for the project. Yesterday, I bought 6 inches of fleece for decorating a sweat shirt. Am I cheap, no, just thrifty.

jeanneb52 12-13-2011 06:01 AM

I tried, oh Lord I did try. But the devil took me by the hand and dragggged me into the shops. I swear that's exactly what happened.

cherrio 12-13-2011 06:06 AM

I shopped a bit still but only for a few projects. all the smaller things came from my small (2 rubber maid tubs) stash. sad I know.

QuiltnLady1 12-13-2011 06:15 AM

I tried and I certianly spent less than last year, but the last couple of months have been a disaster. I will do better next year. For a while I confined myself to half a yard or less, but when project time rolled around I needed 1 1/2 yards or more of the fabric and was gnashing my teeth. I have now learned my lesson -- buy less often but bigger pieces.

newBe 12-13-2011 06:24 AM

I'm so fortunate that I did not know there was a moratorium, as there were many fabrics that captured my heart this year. Now, however, I need to get stitching on the stash because I probably have enough stash for five quilts. I've only made 3/4 of a lap quilt to date in my more than half a century life.

mar32428 12-13-2011 06:29 AM

I was faithful to the moratorium because I as broke due to some very high expenses. Later in the year I was able to sell my husband's silver collection and money was much easier. BUT...... I did such a good job not spending and shopping from my stash, I decided to keep going and reducing my stash as well. Only thing I bought was a whole roll of batting at JoAnn's for 50% off and several yards of heavy Pellon to line my tote bags etc.

An ASG buddy works in a quilt shop where they cut their own 2 1/2 strips for jelly rolls. They collect bags full of end pieces which I use to knit purses. Real popular among my friends.

Mariposa 12-13-2011 06:49 AM

I didn't join the moratorium, but definitely cut back on fabric purchases! I checked thrift stores, bought from folks here, and bought from a couple LQS's-but minimal. Am needing to stock up on basics in the new year. I do plan on making more scrap quilts, as this will help the $$ scene immensely!!

nycquilter 12-13-2011 06:58 AM

-I think I only bought one piece--about 6 yards--because I want to do a one-block wonder. Other than that, I used up a ton of stash and even made several scrap quilts with tops entirely done from my scrap bin and backings (pieced) from the stash. I made about 12 quilts this year, two of which were queen-sized. Oh, those came from new fabrics as one was a commission (customer bought the fabric) and one was for a wedding gift. All else--tops and backings--came from the stash. I think I figured that I used upwards of 50 yards. Now, to continue this trend for the next year!


nyleve 12-13-2011 07:11 AM

Everything in moderation. I love fabric ,wouldn't want to deny myself the pleasure it's just too satisfying and such a huge part of the quilting journey.

countrycousin 12-13-2011 07:20 AM

Basically I rebuilt my stash as it has been a few years since I pieced and quilted.

Joanne9of12 12-13-2011 07:21 AM

I've been reporting a Stash Report on Judy Laquidara's Patchwork Times blog for a couple of years now and this year has been a great success for me. I bought fabric this year, but most of it was for projects as needed. I did buy some "always needed" neutrals (off-white and black), and much of that has been used while others are anxoiusly waiting their turn. I've used double from my stash than what I bought. YEAH!!

I never really said I wasn't going to buy any fabric, just watch what I buy and I did that. This "exercise" has helped me learn to make scrappy quilts, something I was always afraid to do, with much greater ease, and not always a "controlled scrappy." Most importantly, this has helped me revisit my stash and "bond" with some of those fabric that I bought a number of years ago. That brought back many fond memories! Can anyone else tell someone when and where you bought a particular fabric, how much it cost and the original project for which it was intended, but you can't remember where you put your car keys yesterday?

skate 12-13-2011 07:21 AM

Originally Posted by DonnaB (Post 4775128)
I think we all agree on a diet moratorium.

I too only bought fabric once, it was such a super sale at 65% off, a LQS going out of business, just couldn't say no.

If too many quilter's participated in such a moratorium, that could be why that poor shop went out of business. As a quilt shop owner, I realize money is tight, and I never insist my students buy from me, or my customers use only my fabric, but if they all went for a year without buying form me, it would probably kill me!

gramarraine 12-13-2011 07:33 AM

I have not been on a moratorium but have not purchased extra fabric this year. Only purchased what I have needed for a class or to finish a project. I haven't felt much like sewing for a while now and that really keeps me out of the LQS. I am hoping to feel better next year and plan to get UFOs finished.

willferg 12-13-2011 07:33 AM

Well, I'm probably about even. I bought more, but then I tried really hard to purge my stash. However, all the talk about prices going up made me hesitant to let go of what I pulled from my stash...it's all sitting in a box in the middle of my sewing room. I'm tempted to store the box away for awhile, and then some day I'll come across it and it will all be new to me!

Roxanne 12-13-2011 07:43 AM

I stuck with it and only purchased about 8 yards of Kona to do a sew along with the board! I still have tons of scraps (my sister in law keeps giving me hers) and a dresser and closet full of stash. So, I'm pledging again for 2012.

valleyquiltermo 12-13-2011 07:45 AM

Originally Posted by Marilynsue (Post 4776132)
Well, good luck with that one!

Thanks I'll need it I'm sure. I have been payin it forward and donating to people who are in need.
Like I said I did buy it all on sale 40% to 65% off, does that count?? LOL

smiles 12-13-2011 07:45 AM

Shopped my stash, boy was it hard looking at all the fabric waiting to be bought. Made a queen size quilt, 2 baby quilts
and several placemat sets. It doesn't seem like my stash has gone done that much. Will continue to not buy in 2012
until my UFO's are finished and most of my stash is used. Glad this challange was posted, thanks. :thumbup:

pollyjvan9 12-13-2011 08:07 AM

I did buy fabric this year, but not near as much as usual. I have a pretty large stash and love scrap quilts so I did a lot of my shopping at home! Will continue for 2012 and shop only for what I don't have for a project, or if there is a sale I just really can't pass up on fabric staples, such as black, white, neutrals.

carolynjo 12-13-2011 08:09 AM

I have spent less than $100 this year, and that was to finish projects. I will continue this pattern for next year as well. Now about that diet moratorium. . . . . . . . .

Pam S 12-13-2011 08:32 AM

I tried. I tried. I really did ... I think I lasted until about February but I'm really addicted. Is there a clinic somewhere I can check myself into?

kellen46 12-13-2011 08:51 AM

I made 12 stash quilts this year, I broke my vow when I bought 2 fat quarter assortments....way too cute to resist...so I would say I did ok....

Aurora 12-13-2011 11:03 AM

I didn't join the mormoratorium, I still purchased as much as I wanted/needed. However, I did do a lot of shopping from my stash. But then, my stash is only a couple of years old so it still has a void here and there, so some of my purchasing was to replenish my stash, some to fill voids, and some just because I liked it and it was perfect for a new project.

BrendaY 12-13-2011 11:13 AM

Since I buy almost all of my fabric from thrift stores and rarely shop at fabric stores, I made out like a bandit this year... lots of my best fabrics were only abut $1 a yard. Also, I enjoy making small doll quilts and table runners so even the 1/4 yard pieces priced around 50 cents to $1 are great buys to me! I LOVE making do with my little treasure finds!

anniesews 12-13-2011 11:18 AM

I tried but did buy some on sale. It is just too hard to pass up a good sale as prices seem to go up eveery month.

kycarol 12-13-2011 11:29 AM

oh,oh,oh.not ho,ho,ho.......WAY to much!!!

glenda5253 12-13-2011 02:22 PM

I definitely did better this year about buying fabric but still broke down on occasion. I plan to continue cutting back in 2012 too. Still have way too much fabric and projects.

zennia 12-13-2011 03:31 PM

I was really good this year. I tried to use up and finish some of myUFO'S. I found plenty to keep me busy. Hope to keep it up .

karate lady 12-13-2011 04:02 PM

Originally Posted by SaraSewing (Post 4777076)
I"m tickled to say that I didn't buy just because I loved a fabric. I bought a few super clearance fall pieces to go with a project I was finishing, I bought some plain yardage at a going-out-of business shop for backings/setting together. Even though I had several months when my mother passed away that I didn't sew, I used up lots of stash. Right now I'm using stash on the orca mystery quilt.

I for one, plan on not fabric shopping this 2012 year too!

so sorry about your mom.....

CajunQuilter2 12-13-2011 04:06 PM

Weeeeellll, it is like saying I am gonna go on a diet for me. If I say I am not gonna buy more fabric it is like it becomes a magnet and I just HAVE TO BUY!!!! Like food, the more I say I have to watch what I eat the more I crave the things I say I am not gonna eat. So, why fight it.....I just became more frugal on what and how much I bought. So about the last half of the year I only bought fabric I actually had a need for unless it was a great sale that was too good to pass up. I did come across a few of those sales and even though I did buy I was very careful and bought wisely. I intend to try and do the same thing for the upcoming year.

JUNEC 12-13-2011 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by fivepaws (Post 4774962)
I bought fabric as if my life depended on it. I seem to buy more when I am depressed, or see a sale that I can't let pass. I did not do well on my promise to only shop from my stash. Once again, my self-control isn't!!

I confess I am the same way - fabric has become like chocolate for me - & I am one heck of a chocolate-maniac - Will diet after the new year???

Quilting Nonnie 12-13-2011 06:03 PM

I think I did pretty good. I used to spend an average of $200 a month on quilting. I probably spent about $300 for this entire year.

I was making the Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt during the year with a group here. I did buy fabrics for that, but mostly fat quarters and only on sale. I also buy from Thousands of Bolts, 5 bucks a yard and Connecting Threads.

As the FWS took all my quilting time, I didn't do much on the UFO's. I do have a list of 20 UFO's that I've started. I put them in order of which one is the closest to finishing and start there. Beyond that I probably have about 30 other quilts that I've already bought all the fabric for that will take up another few years.

I will continue this until I've made all those quilts and continue to only buy what I need for a UFO to finish. I just stay away from quilt stores and this year stayed away from online stores too.

I find I'm just as happy working on UFO's as any other quilt. A quilt's a quilt; as long as I'm quilting I'm happy!

bjcombs2022 12-13-2011 07:21 PM

I stuck to the moratorium for the most part. I bought fabric for only one complete quilt because it was on sale! I made quite a few quilts this year and only bought 1 or 2 fabrics that I needed to finish each one! I'm going to stick with it for next year because I really want to use some more of the beautiful fabrics that I have!

SaraSewing 12-13-2011 08:12 PM

But ladies: Think of those old stashes with that funky non-usable 70's or 80's looking fabric - it's so hard to find a pattern that they look good with. Use it up while it's current and modern. Even 10 year old fabric has a yesterlook type look. Even in scrappy it looks old. So my motto is use it before it looks out of date! Think of what you would do with that $5000. You surely wouldn't leave it sitting on the shelf as cash. . . .

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