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KimS 01-02-2012 08:01 AM

We just can't help ourselves when we see a fabric we love. To heck with what we're going to do with it! We just buy it and then try to figure out what to do with it later. I'm horrible about going online and seeing this and that and before I know it I've bought enough fabric to make 20 quilts. LOL!!! It's like Christmas all year long for us quilters. :)

IdahoSandy 01-02-2012 08:04 AM

Just remember those scraps make scrappy quilts or even string quilts, so very little loss. I have gotten material that later viewing, know I will never use, so just sack it up for Goodwill or simular place because there are others that will need this material for some project. Wish I had the room that you do, but all I have is a very small walk-in closet where I share the vacuum cleaner, coats and cloths(off season). Can a quilter ever get "too" much material?????? Laughing here.

Wanabee Quiltin 01-02-2012 08:04 AM

oh, thank you for posting a picture that looks like my sewing room. All the quilt shops and Hobby Lobby and Joann's are having sales and I did not resist. With the holiday and my having carpal tunnel surgery now on both hands, the room is a wreck. And all I want to do is quilt, which I can't do at all. You are not alone in having a messy room, thank you for having the courage to post these pictures.

GailG 01-02-2012 08:08 AM

Originally Posted by lalaland (Post 4831036)
Polar fleece seems to multiply in my sewing room too, and it's so bulky. I finally put a tall bookshelf in my room and I folded up the pieces and stored them there. If I can see it, I'll use it. Of course, I have 2 garbage bags full of fleece in my garage, a donation from someone, and no room for it in my sewing room. Time to make some blankets for charity!

Don't you just "love" the donations of friends who are cleaning out their house and decide that you can use fabric. I have finally just begun to say No, don't need fabric right now. I used to take it, sort it, and keep what I could use. Then bring the rest to Goodwill. Now I just suggest that they drop it off at Goodwill. I know they mean well, and I have used some of the donations, but it's such a hassle to deal with the bulk when it arrives in an already cluttered sewing room. When I hear the word, "Oh, I have something for you." I know what it is. I use only 100% cottons, no fleece or flannel, and my space is so limited.

crafterrn1 01-02-2012 08:50 AM

Well I too have had to clean and reorganize. I just went to Ikea for boxes and Home Depot has shoe boxes for $1.19 each. They are clear and flat. I finished the Quilt Studio now the walk-in closet is yelling Clean Me! Yes it is next! Just take one step at a time. I told my small LQS that I offically have more fabric than she does in the store. Yep. I also told my son what it is worth just in case he needs to help get rid of it! So hubby does not trash it or give it away! Stay Focused and have fun. Luann

MadQuilter 01-02-2012 09:16 AM

Looking good! It really is a good idea to work from the stash. I have set that goal for myself.

JUNEC 01-02-2012 09:58 AM

You can never have enough fabric - that is my motto. That being said. I would add an additional shelf to the wooden hutch(?) on the left side of your photo for more storage & fabric.

orangeroom 01-02-2012 11:39 AM

Your organized room looks very nice! Good job! Keeping it neat and tidy is easier to do once it's cleaned up.

caspharm 01-02-2012 12:28 PM

I know the feeling. There have been some great online sales and I have been stocking up on mainly batiks, so it is getting time to reorganize my stash.

Sunnie 01-02-2012 12:38 PM

Originally Posted by JUNEC (Post 4834554)
You can never have enough fabric - that is my motto. That being said. I would add an additional shelf to the wooden hutch(?) on the left side of your photo for more storage & fabric.

Too funny - you read my mind. I have already contacted a friend who can add 1 or 2 shelves to that piece. It is actually to top to our TV stand. Once we upgraded to a large flat screen it was no longer needed so I confiscated it.

Dina 01-02-2012 01:24 PM

I was going to say you were being too hard on yourself, that your room didn't really look bad, and it didn't...but as I read more, I realized you had already gotten it all organized. So I'll just say "Good for You and job well done!!!"


frannella 01-02-2012 04:23 PM

Originally Posted by Sunnie (Post 4830348)
I decided to clean and re-organize my sewing room to start off the New Year right. OMG, where did all this come from. Maybe I am out of control when I see fabric on sale. To make it worse I just ordered 15 more yards. Look out Secret Pal, you are going to help with my de-stashing. And scraps...I think they multiply when I turn off the lights.

I guess I need to stay out of quilt shops until I get some projects done.

Nonsense! Looks heavenly to me. HNY!

judy363905 01-02-2012 05:00 PM

This really works.... have been doing similar organizing for about a year... I started using Alaskasunshine's folding fabric to organize your sewing room and went on to cutting strips and uniform pieces.

Give it a try if you want to used your stash.

Judy in Phx

Originally Posted by deemail (Post 4831021)
begin by getting rid of those scraps...
when cutting, (no reason to put this off, the stuff's on your mat, cutter's in your hand) evaluate...
what's left? is it more than 1/4 yd? trim tiny points and pieces and put in middle of mat. fold the rest and put back in your stash, folded edge forward.
Is it less than 1/4 yd? cut into your personal strip preference...mine is 2.5"... i cut all I can, and then sort them into the right color pizza box to store.
Now the leftover weird pcs, either the tiny ones or the leftovers after the strips... pile and slice several times to make confetti. Sort into correct color baggie.
If you do this while you are cutting, it will take 2 minutes more and your shelves will be better. Your confetti will be ready to use or let the kids play with...(i let them cut iron on interfacing into animal or toy shapes, then supervise while they sprinkle with confetti colors in the right places and press to set...then i put them on t-shirts, baby blocks, nursery items...the kids love them and are busy.............or donate to people who like confetti quilts. The strips are color sorted and ready to use when you're in the mood to just make a strip block in the evening without any hassle or add to your next scrap project.
AND, big bonus...you know that every piece in your stash is a minimum of 1/4 yard.
I put in a bit of time when i first did this but it didn't take long to just do the piece i was cutting and 3 or 4 more at the same time...now if i'm in a big hurry, i just push it off to the side and do it with the next piece.
Do you use from your stash? I find a lot of my friends don't use FROM their stash, they just add to it. Try sorting it in a different way... just pick up the stack of greens and put them next to the browns on the other end of the shelf...put all the pinks, reds and whites together...next time put all the black whites and grays together... i do this easily by taking then entire stack of green off, get the ones i like for cutting, and then when i put the stack back, i put it somewhere else. you will SEE it more and notice different combos.... and just remember to SHOP the STASH first..... then take all of them or their corresponding color chips to the store for those extras you need...you will buy much less...

JudyBsquared 01-02-2012 06:09 PM

How do you make your dog mats? I have some fleece for one.

patski 01-02-2012 06:18 PM

It is amazing when we get it all organized how much there is. I am working from my stash for another year! I did that most of 2011 but did add when I needed a color here and there

Dee 01-02-2012 09:00 PM

You'll use all the fabric. Now you can shop at "Sunnie" fabric shop.

qofscrap 01-03-2012 02:02 AM

I told my kids for years that my fabric was my 401K for retirement knowing that money would be limited and fabric stores a treat and not an everyday thing and now I am retired and having a blast getting to know all my fabric friends again I have so many beautiful friends and have been sewing and quilting and embroidering until my heart sings so don't worry just keep it clean and dry you will use it!!!! happy days are here:)

ShabbyTabby 01-03-2012 02:46 AM

I'm becoming a fabric hoarder !! I have to make myself stop looking online as I always find a piece of fabric that I just have to have. I have filled up two 3 drawer storage units, have 6 boxes stashed in the closet. I will have to live to be 100 or more to use it all up and yet I just keep shopping. At this rate I'll soon have to move out of the bedroom and sleep on the couch...LOL. My New Year's resolution is to not buy any more until I use what I have....let's see how long I can keep this resolution.

JaneH 01-03-2012 03:17 AM

Originally Posted by GailG (Post 4834076)
Don't you just "love" the donations of friends who are cleaning out their house and decide that you can use fabric. I have finally just begun to say No, don't need fabric right now.... .

I have a better suggestion..... if you know of someone who is just getting into patchwork quilting, she'd probably love to have those scraps. That's the situation I'm in right now and it's frustrating. Last time I moved, I had to get rid of several huge black bags and boxes of scraps and even large cuts of fabric! I vowed never again to give away or throw away fabric. I haven't sewn for years now so have NO scraps to play with. If you are a member of a quilting group or sewing group, ask the other members if they know of someone who could use them.

Happy Tails 01-03-2012 04:15 AM

Hi Sunnie, my sister has a grooming shop and I was wondering about your dog mats. Can you tell me about them? I thought maybe she might like to put some in her shop. I don't own any polar fleece but you know us, we can probably find a way to buy some, lol Thanks, Wendy

Originally Posted by Sunnie (Post 4830376)
Thanks Jennifer, what you can't see on the other side of the room is masses (probably 20 yards) of polar fleece for making dog mats. I'm not even sure I can fold and store all that is on my ironing board and cutting table.

onaemtnest 01-03-2012 05:49 AM

I too wonder how did this happen?

I organized last March/April and have been amazed how much nicer it is to work (for me) in an orderly room. I've always had to have the room organized but having my stash of fabrics where I can see them has been such a blessing. After reading here about folding around comic boards I decided to give it a go. I pulled all my fabric out of cabinets, I was amazed that I had fabric I totally forgotten I had because one stack got piled in front of another or buried at the bottom etc....

Tidy takes time but for me it's necessary to have a space free and clear and ready for the next project.

sabaker39 01-03-2012 07:14 AM

My daughter came over yesterday to pick up some patterns and we went through my fabric to see if she could use some for her sewing projects. When she went to the living room she announced to the family that she shopped at mom's store and save a bundle of money. She went home with fabric for a shirt, pants and a skirt. I would like to say it cut down on my stash - but like most sewers/quilters - it just made more room for another purchase.

Jean in Ohio13452 01-03-2012 07:15 AM

How about putting a tag on each project so you can see the date you started it so it is in the front. maybe that will be an incentive for completing the project... so if you still have a project on the shelf from May 2006, maybe its time to work on that one... LOL

charlottemarie 01-03-2012 08:45 AM

You have some really good tips, I would never have thought of the confetti idea! Thanks

CorgiNole 01-03-2012 09:34 AM

I feel better looking at your room.

I am in the process of setting up a dedicated space rather than working from a corner of our bedroom. However, this involves moving the 11 year old into the smaller bedroom as DH seems to think he needs a desk and should have a share of the space... (bitter yes, I'd feel better if he was helping with the project). At least Gus is excited about moving furniture and is helping - and those As-seen-on-TV furniture sliders do work fairly well.

So - over the past 6 days I've dug out most of the 11 year olds room and most of the office-which-became-a-storage-room. Gus's bed and dressers are now in his new room and all of the furniture that needed to move out of that room is either in its new space or has found a new home, except for the trunk sitting in the hall which will move into the master bedroom when the sewing table moves out...

Craft supplies have taken over the dining area waiting for the shelves to be put in place in the new room, which are dependent on me being able to disassemble a desk and shampoo the rest of that carpet which is waiting on the removal of the rest of Gus's treasures (read junk - much of which is going into garbage bags...).

I'm hoping to get the desk moved and pictures rehung this evening, as well as the carpet, then I can start clearing shelves off of more treasures/junk so that my craft supplies and books can come in which will free up the dining area again... It is a long process.

Cheers, K

margecam52 01-03-2012 11:24 AM

Sunnie...I have you beat by a mile! Now to find time to use it all!

joyce blint 01-03-2012 12:34 PM

Wow! Can I ever identify with you. Thanks for reassuring me I'm not alone in over-stashing.

Suse 01-03-2012 01:35 PM

Thank you for the great tips...I could use these.

Originally Posted by deemail (Post 4831021)
begin by getting rid of those scraps...
when cutting, (no reason to put this off, the stuff's on your mat, cutter's in your hand) evaluate...
what's left? is it more than 1/4 yd? trim tiny points and pieces and put in middle of mat. fold the rest and put back in your stash, folded edge forward.
Is it less than 1/4 yd? cut into your personal strip preference...mine is 2.5"... i cut all I can, and then sort them into the right color pizza box to store.
Now the leftover weird pcs, either the tiny ones or the leftovers after the strips... pile and slice several times to make confetti. Sort into correct color baggie.
If you do this while you are cutting, it will take 2 minutes more and your shelves will be better. Your confetti will be ready to use or let the kids play with...(i let them cut iron on interfacing into animal or toy shapes, then supervise while they sprinkle with confetti colors in the right places and press to set...then i put them on t-shirts, baby blocks, nursery items...the kids love them and are busy.............or donate to people who like confetti quilts. The strips are color sorted and ready to use when you're in the mood to just make a strip block in the evening without any hassle or add to your next scrap project.
AND, big bonus...you know that every piece in your stash is a minimum of 1/4 yard.
I put in a bit of time when i first did this but it didn't take long to just do the piece i was cutting and 3 or 4 more at the same time...now if i'm in a big hurry, i just push it off to the side and do it with the next piece.
Do you use from your stash? I find a lot of my friends don't use FROM their stash, they just add to it. Try sorting it in a different way... just pick up the stack of greens and put them next to the browns on the other end of the shelf...put all the pinks, reds and whites together...next time put all the black whites and grays together... i do this easily by taking then entire stack of green off, get the ones i like for cutting, and then when i put the stack back, i put it somewhere else. you will SEE it more and notice different combos.... and just remember to SHOP the STASH first..... then take all of them or their corresponding color chips to the store for those extras you need...you will buy much less...

mountain deb 01-03-2012 05:01 PM

I am glad I am not the only one.

hensandhollyhocks 01-03-2012 05:05 PM

Looks comforting to me.

rosiewell 01-03-2012 05:09 PM

I agree with you, I made a queen size xmas quilt with fabric I had in a box, I pieced the back to use the fabric and when everything was said and done, the box was still full!

jeanneb52 01-03-2012 05:54 PM

I personally don't see your problem. The more fabric the better.

Maus 01-03-2012 11:54 PM

You room looks terrific and organised - I too have started to clear and organise my room for the New Year. I have found that the plastic boxes don't work for me - I forget what's in there or can't find what I'm looking for - so they are being 'retired'. Instead I have decided to put in a Closemaid system and I have a quilter friend who will 'lend' me her husband to put it up when I'm ready. Determined no sewing being done until its finished - so that's my incentive.

cat2quilt 01-04-2012 06:54 AM

Even with all that lovely material, you room looks good. It looks as if you have no trouble working in there.

Sunnie 01-04-2012 07:08 AM

[QUOTE=Maus;4840092]I have found that the plastic boxes don't work for me - I forget what's in there or can't find what I'm looking for - so they are being 'retired'. QUOTE]

That was part of my problem. Now I am only using the plastic boxes for scraps and WIPs. I also have future projects lined up in the bigger boxes and NO LID on them so I can see what I have to do.

CajunQuilter2 01-04-2012 07:47 AM

reading this made me chuckle, I have just gone thru the same thing

Anne P 01-05-2012 02:42 PM

Gotta jump in here and join the organizing brigade! My son has finally finished remodeling the "Wreckroom" in the front of the basement, the new carpet is in (the day before Thanksgiving!) and my DH is building some storage in an out-if-the-way area. Now that a lot of the furniture and stuff from that part of the basement is out of the back part, where my sewing studio is and I've almost finished putting Christmas stuff away, I can finally reorganize my studio!

I have a few things to move around back there and then I can put up my design wall - excitement here! I also am going to put up a pegboard wall on which to hang my rulers and stencils. I did a rough reorganization of my stash not too long ago, but I know it needs refining.

I also know this whole process is on-going - forever. Oh well, that's good for our brains!

JuneBillie 01-06-2012 06:48 PM

Your room looks great. It's nice to see all the eye candy. I can't believe how much fabric I already have accumulated no longer than I have started sewing/quilting. One of my sisters had given me some, and my dear mother gave me a lot of material that she has collected over the years. I am still in the process of working on my sewing room. I am using one wall at the moment, but eventually the room will all be used for my sewing room.

sewellie 02-01-2012 06:53 PM

I have never in my life seen anything like that in person. You'd laugh if you'd see my stash. I have scraps, 3 baskets full and nothing substantial to make anything but scrappies. Good thing I like them. I went shopping yesterday to see what was out there (I haven't shopped for fabric for probably two years). I came home with nothing but sticker shock!! Social security is not what it's cracked up to be. It pays the bills, but no frills. So, my friend, enjoy what you have!!!!! You are very lucky.

AnnieH 02-02-2012 01:52 AM

The before and after pics are great. You've worked so hard. Well done and happy shopping (from your STASH!).

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