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Elise1 03-17-2019 03:19 PM

Zero. Woohoo! :thumbup:

Boston1954 03-17-2019 04:52 PM

31. I did not realize there were so many until I got out the list and started counting. That does not count the ones that I consider to be abandoned. Yikes.

Alice PD 03-17-2019 05:41 PM

I have 4 UFOs. The reason I can't get them done is because I am working on a sample of what my next project will be like. I can hardly wait to start it! Then I will have 5 UFO's. Can I blame this on a short attention span? If I were to psychoanalyze myself I would say it is because it is the only area of my life where I get to do whatever I want...whenever I want.....for as long as I want. It is a safe outlet for breaking all the rules without hurting anyone. It does, however, make me disappointed in myself from time to time. Alice

sewbizgirl 03-17-2019 08:25 PM

I don't want to know, either, so I haven't counted. :p It's too depressing! Some of them give me so much guilt that I just have to deal with them next...

JJBlaine 03-17-2019 10:02 PM

Years ago, I took a lot of classes either to learn a technique, because the instructor was a well known quilter I wanted to learn from, or because a quilting buddy wanted company. As a result, I ended up with a shameful amount of UFOs that I really wasn't all that interested in finishing to begin with--over 60. Then I took almost 10 years away from quilting, so the UFOs sat in boxes all that time.

When I got my quilting mojo back about 1-1/2 years ago, I decided I wanted to use what I have, and not just buy fabric or start projects willy-nilly. So I started with projects from the UFO bin. I finished up about 6 last year.

But still, the bins filled with UFOs were overwhelming. I tried forcing myself to work on projects I was no longer thrilled about, until I started to feel my quilting mojo slipping away. Thanks mostly to this board, I realized quilting is supposed to be fun, I don't have to finish every project I started. I also decided to get over my fear of FMQ- a quilt with mediocre quilting is better than an unquilted floppy!

So, I decided to tackle all the UFOs bins once and for all. Over the course of a month, I went and pulled out 2-3 UFOs each day, and decided their fate. I picked the ones that sparked my creativity to keep. One was graciously hand embroidered by another member of this board. The rest I tossed if damaged or gave away. I feel so much better.

My current UFO list is at 22, plus 4 WIPs. 7 are tops have been completed and need to be quilted, one is my "forever" project (a hand pieced and hand quilted Dear Jane). Only one UFO is a project that is less than 2 years old, and only because I set it aside to make baby things for my freshly-arrived first grandson.

It is still more than I would like--my goal is to be able to fit all of my stash and UFO's/WIPs into a single bookshelf. But I have a plan and I am making progress!

sewingitalltogether 03-18-2019 12:59 AM

I love this thread!!! It reinforces my belief that quilting makes me happy. And if I'm not happy it's ok to change directions to be happy. Thank you to all who have posted!!!
I don't have to finish everything, the process of making it has made me happy. And will make whoever buys or inherits my projects started happy.

lindaschipper 03-18-2019 03:04 AM

I have one Dresden Plate, 1 Blue Bird Quilt, Working on Lori Holt's Farm quilt (6 inch blocks) and a red/white Chevron quilt. I'll put the borders on the Chevron today and then it will wait until I find backing. Maybe I'll put borders on the Blue Bird Quilt and get the backing ready this week also. Sometimes life just gets in the way of my sewing/quilting. Why???

Kris P 03-18-2019 03:07 AM

None of my unfinished projects are abandoned, just waiting for my quilting skills to catch up with my vision. In total, I have between 15 and 20 projects that are in the unfinished stage... ranging from quilt tops that are ready to quilt, ready to baste, waiting for me to buy an appropriate backing fabric, and in various stages of completion. I also have 3 or 4 quilts that are cut, and ready to sew.
I just need to buckle down and start something.

SillySusan 03-18-2019 03:18 AM

None, but I have 5 WIPs! :)

WMUTeach 03-18-2019 03:31 AM

I am part of the UFO group here on the Quilting Board and I have been busy working my way through my pile of beautiful but unfinished projects. I have finished 7 so far this year, 2019. How many more to go? I am going to say 5 but I just thought of another basket that I am sure hides some others that are aging, so the real number is more than 5. I also have 4 or 5 WIP (Work In Progress). My personal goal is to finish 2 to 3 UFOs/WIP per month until I can breath a little easier. Creativity can lead you down some exciting rabbit trails!!

jmoore 03-18-2019 04:13 AM

It has been entertaining to read through this thread this morning...it seems some love the piecing process then get hung up on the quilting/binding...then some seem to get excited with starting new projects. It’s fun to read how different we all work at our craft.

I have two WIPs rather than UFOs. My Long Time Gone still needs the border treatment and I need to assemble my traveling quilt that I participated in with a Modern Quilt Guild...and I have my Gypsy Wife that needs to be loaded on my new LA but I haven’t figured out how I’m going to quilt it. : )

Judith1005 03-18-2019 05:20 AM

I have way to many to count. At least right now. I found knowing exactly how many are waiting on me to finish are a sure fire way to sabotage my efforts. So, no counting right now. But, in my studio right now are 3 that I am working to finish. 2 are very old and one is only about 1.5 years old. For me, a finish is a finished top. And, then, I save to send them to a long arm quilter. I need help to get caught up. And, I'm not opposed to seeking it out. If I have to quilt every UFO, I will never finish. So, I have found my compromise.

It is fun to hear everyone's take on this lively subject. :)

Friday1961 03-18-2019 06:36 AM

I think 6 or 7 unquilted tops, all too big for me to quilt on my DM.

ILoveToQuilt 03-18-2019 06:52 AM

6 tops ready to sandwich, etc. 3 still in piecing stage, 1 cut but not pieced yet, 1 I am working on and is not truly a UFO...yet. So lets add: Too many!!! I just donated, to Goodwill, a huge trash bag full of finished tops (at least 20). My problem? I love to piece...hate anything after that. I can't afford to send quilts out to be finished, so I hold onto the flimsy for a couple of years or so and then I get rid of it. Waste of money on fabric, etc., but I can't see myself liking the quilting process. Yes, I do have a DSM with a 12" throat, so I should be able to finish my projects. Another problem is that I just don't have an area large enough (my queen bed is big enough, but not "hard" enough) surface to sandwich and going to a library, etc. to borrow a table is not feasible in my case. Oh well...my sob story for today.

Have a great day!

oksewglad 03-18-2019 08:10 AM

ILoveToQuilt...you have received joy from creating the tops. When you have purchased a book, read it, enjoyed it and then gave away when when finished is this a waste of money? I don't think so. Your donated tops are picked up by someone else, hopefully finished and then enjoyed. Just another way to think of your quilting process! Maybe you can make contact with an organization that would be happy to finish your tops for your...say one who makes for Ronald McDonald or other types of organizations?

tuckyquilter 03-18-2019 11:24 AM

Originally Posted by seazteddy (Post 8226520)
I have Two.

You mean the ones I'm willing to Admit to?? LOL (I have a chart so I almost know how many are left)

Probably about 13-15. Two are ready for quilting, others are in flimsy w/backing & batting cut. Some are still just the flimsy. In my defense, I sew with a couple of groups so I always have a quilt top in process. I would only make tops if I could find someone who only wanted to quilt!! The gals in the groups that have LA machines seem to finish more than the rest of us do. They can load, and quilt in fast order compared to my using my normal sewing machines for quilting.

Conchalea 03-18-2019 02:18 PM

Today I bought fabric for the backing to a quilt I finished in February. I put off going to buy the fabric for a month because I didn’t want to fight traffic & I’m on the Fabric Moratorium. So I have to ‘fess up to buying fabric on that thread. I’m almost through quilting a UFO that was my daughter’s. She lost interest & gave the partially finished blocks to me. Her machine wasn’t sewing well on that project & I took it all apart & redid all the blocks. I added sashing, used some fabric I had for the back, & started quilting last week. I got back today from a family wedding, so I didn’t get to sew any over the weekend. Those are the only quilt UFOs I have, but I won’t discuss my yarnie ones!

Painiacs 03-18-2019 05:03 PM

What counts as UFO, some say not counting ones needing Quilting? Only tops? Finished except binding??? Projects on lists? Curious

Painiacs 03-18-2019 05:05 PM

Technically I have none!! I send mine out to be quilted, my LA has stacks of my troops sg e says lol. I'm one of her few clients and I donate most of mine so don't mind. Poor lady she sends me 5 completed I send her 3 tops!����

Battle Axe 03-18-2019 05:15 PM

There are 6 left on the original list. There are probably three times that many in reality if you can count the patterns I have lined up in the "Quilt Fun" notebook.


maviskw 03-18-2019 07:19 PM

I have dozens, but I started a Boxes of Strings near the end of February and it was in the quilt show last weekend. And I finished 3 others this last week. Lots and lots more to go. And then another one pops up and I 'haf ta' do that one right now.

WMUTeach 03-19-2019 03:53 AM

Originally Posted by Painiacs (Post 8227471)
What counts as UFO, some say not counting ones needing Quilting? Only tops? Finished except binding??? Projects on lists? Curious

As you read through this thread, you can see we all define UFO differently. For me, I count anything more than 6 months old a UFO. I get distracted so easily and as mentioned here, some of us love the piecing. I see a new tutorial and I want to try the new pattern, oops a new UFO because I then wander off to another new design that catches my eye. Define UFO as you wish. :)

I found one way to get after the pile of unfinished projects is to bag them up like a kit. I put the top, extra fabric, backing, directions or picture in a single package. I then can whisk it out and not have to hunt for the fabric to finish the final two blocks or the binding. For me, it helps. I probably spend the same amount of time hunting for what is needed to finish the quilt, but when I am "in the mood" I can get at it and not spend time digging about and losing my focus on finishing the quilt at hand. This also alerts me to the fact that I do not have an appropriate back or missing binding and I can then use my shopping purposefully. A bargain is an even better bargain when it will finish up a started quilt!

coopah 03-19-2019 05:00 AM

Does the term UFO include patterns and fabric purchased and just sitting in a bin/box waiting for me to get to them? Or jsut the ones already started? Or the ones on my bucket list to do?
Any way I look at it, there are too many to finish in this lifetime!

Snooze2978 03-19-2019 05:12 AM

I have 8 quilts waiting to be quilted, 2 quilts being finished to that point that I started at my latest quilt retreat, 2 more quilts all cut that didn't get started at the quilt retreat, another quilt project all cut ready to be started, 2 quilt projects that have their blocks done and waiting for the design wall to be free for arrangement, 1 quilt on the design wall and 3 quilted projects waiting to be finished sewing. 5 projects with fabric and pattern sitting on the project shelf waiting to be started. Do those count since I haven't even cut into them? We won't get into the embroidery projects waiting or apparel projects waiting to be started and/or finished.

quiltingmimipj 03-19-2019 05:52 AM

I counted recently. I stopped counting at 70.

love to sew 03-19-2019 07:17 AM

Ice blossom, I like what you said. I stoppd in on a quilt retreat that I heard about near me from the news letter at a retreat center (for religious groups). One of the quilters said if it is a completed top it is "done", if it is quilted but not bound it is "done, done" and if it it bound it is "done, done, and done" I thought that was cute! I added if it has been washed is it "done, done, done and done". haha

ILoveToQuilt 03-19-2019 11:12 AM

tuckyquilter: thank you! Your words have made me feel better. I've never thought of it in the terms of "book buying". Some of my guild ladies will take the tops and finish them for charity quilts.

IrishgalfromNJ 03-19-2019 11:53 AM

I have one quilt top in progress. I keep getting distracted by other things like knitting and potholders.

meanmom 03-19-2019 03:18 PM

I have no idea. I'm afraid to count. For a while I was making myself finish 2 to start one. I Did really good for a while and finished quite a few. I have several that I don't count as UFO's. I have several quilts that will be donated to charity. They are all most of the way finished. When the right place to donate them pops up I will finish. There are a couple of quilts in time out for various reasons.

Tothill 03-19-2019 03:49 PM

4 tops waiting for quilting

Two where the blocks are all made, just need to put it together and quilt.

mumble, mumble, mumble projects underway.

karlin68 03-19-2019 04:33 PM

2 still being pieced (trying to decide on the sashing for one- this was supposed to be my Christmas quilt LOL maybe next year), one on the long arm ready for quilting, and another ready to be quilted. I have several that I have cut out pieces for but not happy with my results. Not sure what I am going to do with these.

Seasew 03-19-2019 05:15 PM

So many that I don’t even want to know. It is my goal to not start anything else new. I’ve got to be strong.😁

JJBlaine 03-19-2019 07:37 PM

Originally Posted by Painiacs (Post 8227471)
What counts as UFO, some say not counting ones needing Quilting? Only tops? Finished except binding??? Projects on lists? Curious

We all have to chose what UFO means to us individually. For me, if I have specific fabric and pattern set aside for a project, it counts as started. A quilt is complete when it is completely quilted and bound.

Once a week, I have a "no-sew" day--I clean up my sewing area, cut scraps, and most importantly, choose my WIPs for the week. I choose one each for handwork, piecing, L&E, and FMQ. Sometimes the projects stay the same from week to week, sometimes I switch them out. It is so liberating to have "official permission" to set aside a project if I am not feeling inspired. Anything not a WIP is a UFO, even if I just worked on it a few days ago.

seazteddy 03-20-2019 02:53 AM

Started but unfinished. I couldnt count the ones that are just at the thinking about stage. lol

sewnclog 03-20-2019 05:52 AM

I too have way too many to count. I need to get them all in one place so I can finish one, before I start a new project. I used to have that in mind; humm, somewhere I got off track on that. Will have to get back to it. Some I've had for SO long I hope I can find the appropriate threads to finish them up in the same color already on them.

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