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kiesh 12-20-2011 01:57 PM

I cannot wait until this quilt is finished!
When I first started working on it, I really liked it!! Liked the fabrics, liked the pattern, etc.
But as I continued working in it I have started liking it less and less.
I'm at the point where I wish it would just finish itself!
I cannot wait to finish it and give to my sister!

seamstome 12-20-2011 01:58 PM

Been there many times

lfstamper 12-20-2011 02:01 PM

I totally get it! I started a wedding ring star for my son and his fiance which is not coming out like I thought it would. I am not sure I will ever finish it! At least you are close. Your sister will love it.

Raggiemom 12-20-2011 02:02 PM

I think we've all had that happen. Just think about how happy your sister will be when you give it to her. Hope you're able to finish soon and move on to something you like better.

annesthreads 12-20-2011 02:11 PM

I feel much the same about the one I'm making for my Mum. I'm bored, bored, bored with making the same block over and over again - paper-pieced, 4 identical units in each block, 25 blocks (it was originally going to be 36 but I decided pretty quickly to make it smaller or put bigger borders on it!). I've made loads of silly mistakes and had to undo or redo quite a bit. I'm now doing a block a day until I finish the wretched thing. I think it'll look good, it's just been a pain to make.

mucky 12-20-2011 02:43 PM

But I always like it after I finish it.

fien777 12-20-2011 02:47 PM

I think we have too much ideas in our heads and too many patterns to choose from.
As soon as we see how it turns out to be, we want to try another one to see how that one is going to turn out!!!
But it's always such a great feeling when a quilt really is finished!!!!

AliKat 12-20-2011 06:14 PM

Funny. I have had that happen and yet when I kept on working on the quilt and saw the end product ... well, I loved it again.

I only gave up once. I bought the fabric for a OBW that would do so beautifully. Once I got it home the color seemed different. It reminded me of sick body fluids .... No way would it be a OBW. It did make a cute bowl that I gifted to a friend.


kiesh 12-20-2011 06:34 PM

I've also had problem after problem on this quilt. It has a lot of different fabrics so I laid it out how I liked it, sewed all the rows together, then I moved back home over Thanksgiving break and something got messed up because as I sewed the rows together it didn't turn out like I had it planned. I ended up having to do what I like to call 'surgery' on a few blocks. And there is still a big flaw I would like to change, but it's too late.

kiesh 12-20-2011 06:36 PM

I do really like how it is turning out, I just can't wait to be done with it!
And I can't wait to give it to my sister, she has been waiting a long time. It was a birthday present from my mom (she bought the fabric) and me (sewing it together) and her birthday was back in September. But being a college student, I don't have very much time to sew. Especially as I am nearing graduation!

auntpiggylpn 12-20-2011 07:18 PM

I am going through this right now too! I am making 2 identical quilts from quilt kits for Christmas quilts. I completely enjoyed putting the first one together, it is all quilted and waiting for the binding to be sewed to the back. I started the second one and it was a chore for me to even piece the top. It still has to be sandwiched, quilted and have the binding put on it, all by Christmas day!!! It will get done, but I have never not wanted to finish a quilt before. I think it was the repetition of the fabrics and the design. I know I will feel better after I get it done. . . . You will too!

SouthPStitches 12-20-2011 07:20 PM

I can so identify with you. Hopefully the look of pleasure on your sister's face will make it all worthwhile to you. Maybe when you're done you can either take a little break or start on something just for yourself.

jcrow 12-20-2011 07:51 PM

I am so sick of so many of my quilts I'm making at the same time right now. I can't make up my mind if I like one, so I pick up another one and get sick of it and some times, I start a new one and get sick of it. I think I sew too much. Usually I sew everyday. And for ME, that's too much. I need a break. Some times while sewing, I start thinking about how much fun housework would be. Now that shows you how much I sew!

jaciqltznok 12-20-2011 07:59 PM

oh let me count the totes...of UFO's just like this...great classes I took, FUN swaps, but then...nothing...so they sit...

paulina 12-21-2011 05:46 AM

I know what you mean. While I was doing the quilting for the one I am giving my Sister-in-Law for Christmas, I think at one point I may have even said out loud "I can't wait to get you out of my house" to the actual quilt.

kiesh 12-21-2011 10:26 PM

I've said many bad words to this quilt, and even kicked it a few times.
My sister arrives tomorrow!! Hopefully I can surprise her with it on the bed she will be sleeping in!

Murphy 12-21-2011 10:54 PM

I am sure we all have worked on things that just pushed our interest to the limit. Kudos to you for persevering and completing this. Your sister will find it a loving gift and you will be pleased to be moving on to something new and different. Thanks for sharing; looking forward to seeing pics.

rusty quilter 12-21-2011 10:57 PM

Some quilts just seem to go that way don't they? You don't really want to set it aside...but it just seems to go on and on and on. I used to just keep plowing through it, now sometimes I start a smaller project so that I have a break from the bigger one.

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