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okie3 05-05-2009 05:43 AM

Ok, most of you know I've been working on this quilt "Kentucky Wagon Wheel" for 1 of my daughter-in-laws. Well after talking to my son the other night ( he was crying part of the time) He thinks she is fixing to divorce him as soon as he gets her moved back to Kentucky. I can't finish this quilt right now. Every time I look at it I go to pieces. It just hurts to much. I never expected this from her. Do I just put the quilt up for awhile and see how things go. Maybe later on regardless I can finish it and give it to one of their boys when they are older.

ScubaK 05-05-2009 05:58 AM

That is pretty stressful.
Sorry to hear this.
I would put the quilt away for awhile and see how things turn out.
You know how we sometimes worry that things are worse than they are?
I would just wait and see.
In the meantime I will be thinking of you, your son, his wife and children and hope they can get this all worked out.

Rose Hall 05-05-2009 06:12 AM

I agree with KO24.

sending hugs and prayers your way. I've been there.
Rose Hall

Ducky 05-05-2009 06:37 AM

Okie, it is so hard when our kids are hurting. I'm sorry. My prayer is that this situation ends up with peace and happiness. If it were me, I definitely would put the quilt away for awhile, see how things pan out, then decide. If it doesn't go to your DIL, and you don't want to give it to one of the boys, it could always be given to a church for fundraising or to charity. Just a thought. All the best to you and your family.

Quilt4u 05-05-2009 06:45 AM

I agree just put it away. Hope everything truns out for the better. Prayers being sent.

littlehud 05-05-2009 07:07 AM

I feel so bad for you. Just put it away and see how things work out. I'm praying for your family.

Knot Sew 05-05-2009 07:16 AM

Will think positive thoughts that everything improves

Shemjo 05-05-2009 07:28 AM

I agree, put it away and wait and see. Prayers for you all that all goes well. Hugs.

omak 05-05-2009 07:37 AM

Originally Posted by okie3
Ok, most of you know I've been working on this quilt "Kentucky Wagon Wheel" for 1 of my daughter-in-laws. Well after talking to my son the other night ( he was crying part of the time) He thinks she is fixing to divorce him as soon as he gets her moved back to Kentucky. I can't finish this quilt right now. Every time I look at it I go to pieces. It just hurts to much. I never expected this from her. Do I just put the quilt up for awhile and see how things go. Maybe later on regardless I can finish it and give it to one of their boys when they are older.

Bless your heart - - you figured out your own solution!
Grandad always counseled: Figure out what is the worst that can happen, figure out what you will do if the worst happens, and anything less than that is easy, peasy, a blessing.
You have a good plan ... now, practice the five minute exercise?

SaraSewing 05-05-2009 10:43 AM

How disappointing to have the intended recipent disapoint you like that. I am the mom of a wonderful son whose wife left him when he was in Iraq for the first time because "It wasn't much fun to stay at home" Luckily I convinced her to give him all of the personal handmade things that came from our family. So I understand the hurt, but in a while you'll feel more like finishing the quilt. In the meantime, work oin another project. Hang in there!

Ninnie 05-05-2009 11:05 AM

So so sorry, It's always hard on us when our children are hurting.

Put the quilt away for now. You'll know what to do with it sometime in the future.


katier825 05-05-2009 02:05 PM

I'm sorry you're going thru a tough time. Go ahead and put your project aside. You may feel like picking it up again someday.

About 10 years ago, I was working on a very detailed counted cross stitch picture of an old world Santa. My sister died a couple of days before Christmas and I totally lost interest in my project. Every time I looked at it, it reminded me of her. I did eventually finish it, but it was 3-4 years later.

If you still have the urge to quilt, make something special for yourself.

motomom 05-05-2009 02:09 PM

Been there, done that! Put the quilt away and pull it out in a few years when your son's life takes an upturn. Then give it to charity.

Or, give it away to someone else who wants it now, who doesn't have an emotional attachment to it.

Things will get better. Chin up!

MadQuilter 05-05-2009 02:10 PM

Originally Posted by okie3
Do I just put the quilt up for awhile and see how things go.

YES! At least that is what I would do. Quilting and giving quilts as gifts is supposed to be joyful, or therapeutic, not stressful and potentially resentful.

I wish the answer to the rest of the problem was as easy. I'm sorry for everyone involved in the situation. It's sad when families break up - no matter what the reason.

Bill'sBonBon 05-05-2009 02:37 PM

I agree with everyone,put it away and come back to it someday. We are kinda going thru the same thing with my Grandson. He is iraq right now just found out he will be there for 1 year. Has a son 7 now his wife wants to call it quits while he is over there where he needs to be careful and not have this on him. Maybe your sons wife will see the light and not do anything stupid and they will be able to get things straight. I hope and pray this will happen. but until you find out put it away.
Thoughts and prayers are with you.

okie3 05-05-2009 10:48 PM

Thanks to all of you for the support and advice. I've spent the whole day today working on my youngest grandsons quilt. Can't belive how much of it I've got done today. I also need to figure out 2 baby quilts. One for my nephew and his wife and one for one of the guys and his wife that works for my hubby. I'm sorry to hear about the others that are having the same problem as my youngest son. They have been married 12 years--he was an officer in the Army when she married him she knew what she was getting into. She had to go through training for officers wives. Right now he is on his way to Ft. Levenworth for the next 3 months for school. He will only be 6 hours from us so we have already made plans to see him over Memorial weekend. We have not seen any of them in 4 years. It's so heartbreaking cause I'm wondering if I'll ever see his 2 sons again.
Thanks for letting me vent. I really can't do it any where else as my son wants it kept quiet for now. He has to do something soon. I don't want him going back overseas again with this hanging over his head.
You all are so great.

MsSage 05-06-2009 03:10 AM

I am sorry your son is going through this. I am sure everyone does not mean to place all the blame on the DIL. Having been through a messy divorce its never only one sided.

I say take a day or two and get your mind heart and spirit settled then work on the quilt with lots of prayers while working. I would even tell her your working on her quilt and praying for the two of them.
What better way to show unconditional love. How could she not make sure her children see their grandmother who showed such love during a very bad time? You never know this could be a cry for help from her......

gcathie 05-06-2009 03:22 AM

Gee I am so sorry for you and your son....I guess I am different than than everyone else...I would work on the quilt as fast as I could with prayers in tow.....I hear it is so hard to be married to a military man they almost have to have a split personality....one so tough and mean and the one with a loving family....it is so hard to adapt....I have had a Nephew and a Nephew in law......and one marrige gone and one is always working on there relationship.....so I will pray to that all turns out for the best and please finish your quilt with prays in tow....my 2 cents....good luck

Debra Mc 05-06-2009 07:43 AM

Talk about Deja Vu. I have a double wedding ring I started 5 years ago for soon to be ex daughter in law. I didn't like the colors she wanted so it wasn't easy to work on & then the on going divorce that has taken 6 years to finally get over & done with. My ds kept going back but has finally had enough of her garbage. Also made a beautiful double Irish chain that I was going to give her some years ago but haven't quilted. Had a change of heart. Don't know what she would have done with it & I put way tooooooooo much time & effort into it (king size). So I would hold on to it wait see. I pray for you & I know the pain & troubles you are feeling. It hurts when our babies get hurt & we can't do anything about it because they are grown.

JudeWill 05-07-2009 01:06 PM

I feel so bad for you and your son. I know how it hurts. My son went through a divorce, also. I agree with the others--to just put it away for now. It will come to you later what you want to do with it. My prayers for you and yours.

Piedmont Quilter 05-11-2009 05:20 AM

So sorry for the troubles your son is facing. I agree with everyone else and as you have done - put the quilt aside and work on something else until there is a final decision. One thing you could reccommend, if you feel comfortable doing so, is suggest to your son that he watch the movie Fireproof. It is GREAT! I have seen it 2 times and a big group at our church is getting ready to start the Fireproof your marriage (Love/Dare) sessions. After 17 years, my DH and I are fine ~ but this will just re-enforce our marraige for rough times.

Piedmont Quilter

QuiltyLisa 05-11-2009 01:45 PM

I agree with everyone else, Just put it away. If the marriage works out, then finish the quilt for them. if not, finish it and maybe give it to a charity to auction. I pray that your sons marriage will work out.

Reading some of the posts it breaks my heart when I read about the wives who leave their husbands when they are in iraq. My niece's husband just left to go to irag and they have 2 small children.My niece pitched a fit that he would be gone for a year. My sister reminds her time and time again. That she had to know being a military wife is not all easy.And that it is her duty to keep the homefires burning.

SandyMac 05-11-2009 06:10 PM

So sorry for the pain your family will be going through .

kd124 05-11-2009 09:10 PM

Sorry to hear this. I would put it away until a later day.

Mplsgirl 05-12-2009 05:05 AM

I agree that putting it away for a while is a good idea. So sorry for the pain you and your family are going through.

bearisgray 05-12-2009 05:33 AM

Put the quilt away for now.

If you have any spare scraps, you might want to mutilate them, tho.

Seriously, the suggestions for praying while working were good ones.

Never quite know what to ask for - so I usually settle for "Please - the best possible outcome for all concerned"

It's a tough situation.

kwhite 05-12-2009 06:03 AM

I don't have a son. (Only a daughter) but I am not quite sure why no one here would still make the quilt and give it to the son!!? What am I missing?

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