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RkayD 11-04-2010 09:24 PM

My sewing ~ quilting seems to come in spurts. I marathon quilt and then walk away and leave it sometimes for months. Don't be too hard on you..remember this is suppose to be fun & enjoyable. =) But there are times I get discouraged too...I look at the things other people do and what they accomplish in such a short amount of time and it sometimes can make be downright tired. Then I hit a spurt again and crank out 5 quilt tops in a week. I wish that whatever it is that makes me do that I could bottle up and save for those down times. I think maybe for me its the weather. Thats my story anyway. =)

Edie 11-05-2010 02:25 AM

Originally Posted by misseva
i have the same problem except i'm really old (74) and when i get home i almost never feel like sitting at the sewing machine. most of my sewing is on saturday. i do embroidery or some other hand work while in my recliner. give yourself a break, mother, working outside home, son, husband, etc. have fun but don't beat up on yourself.

You aren't really old! Seventy Four is young, I am just two years younger than you. We may go a tish slower than the youngsters (haha), but we get our stuff done at our leisure. I have my quilting, plus I have a quilt that I am embroidering (Christmas - working with red thread - I am tired of red thread) (all cross stitch - gift from a friend - she hates me!) - But honestly, it is easy to carry around with me if my husband needs physical therapy, or I have to wait for something, I just take my little case that has everything in it and find myself a light and a chair and sew until it is time to go home. Works great when I have to take Mom to the dentist or the dr. I have plans in the back of my head and will eventually get to them. But I sure am not going to beat myself up. It'll get done - maybe not today or tomorrow, but it'll get done. My Quilt - My Rules. Edie

sheliab12 11-05-2010 03:31 AM

I have it too and I think it is fear of failure. I have a lot of ideas and study photos and think I can do that. But, I have so much trouble getting it right and I give up. Now I am afraid to try.

TX GMimi 11-05-2010 03:40 AM

Originally Posted by fabrichore
The other day I was talking to my other half about my sewing room, blahblahblah, anyway he said "I don't think you are a quilter, I think you just like to collect fabric", and I had to stop and think about it, recently I have been having a hard time getting into the sewing room ( a new sewing room mind you) and sitting there and completeing anything, I have many ideas and thoughts but nothing ever materilizes...I make a mistake and I have to pull it all out and do again and I find myself losing interest really quickly, I do like to sew and make pretty things, I am new to quilting and have made two quilts and some pillows but I do not know what my problem is, I have been struggling with my son lately but I am not going to blame him for my Inadequacies, I work all day and it takes an hour to get home, so by the time I get home I do not want to do anything,,,my mom would call it lazy and maybe I am...I am trying very hard not to convince myself I am not capable of doing this whole sewing thing, I love fabric, I love color, and I really do like to sew and create, so what in the world is wrong with me.... :cry:

You are not alone! Before I retired I had people tell me they were busier than when they worked, etc. I thought they were crazy! BUT it's true because you get involved in things you've been unable to and often I have trouble focusing on quilting.

You have a TON of stuff going on - my thoughts? Don't attempt major projects now - wait until after the holidays. So, pick up a quilting magazine and dream about one(s) you want to work on later. If you keep going back to the same pattern, keep studying it and when you are ready to tackle it, the mountain won't seem so steep!

Let us know how you're doing. Hang in there you can do it!! :thumbup:

Short an Sweet 11-05-2010 03:42 AM

yesterday, everything I sewed I had to rip out and start over after the 3rd time ripping out, I set it down and moved on to the next project, they were all the same, I finally gave up on the sewing end and just did all the fabric ironing and cutting for the gifts I need to make, so now they are all ready for me to start putting them together today (at least I didn't burn the fabric ironing it lol) It's just some days you aren't meant to do some things move on to the next project and go back to it another day.

Originally Posted by fabrichore
The other day I was talking to my other half about my sewing room, blahblahblah, anyway he said "I don't think you are a quilter, I think you just like to collect fabric", and I had to stop and think about it, recently I have been having a hard time getting into the sewing room ( a new sewing room mind you) and sitting there and completeing anything, I have many ideas and thoughts but nothing ever materilizes...I make a mistake and I have to pull it all out and do again and I find myself losing interest really quickly, I do like to sew and make pretty things, I am new to quilting and have made two quilts and some pillows but I do not know what my problem is, I have been struggling with my son lately but I am not going to blame him for my Inadequacies, I work all day and it takes an hour to get home, so by the time I get home I do not want to do anything,,,my mom would call it lazy and maybe I am...I am trying very hard not to convince myself I am not capable of doing this whole sewing thing, I love fabric, I love color, and I really do like to sew and create, so what in the world is wrong with me.... :cry:

Born2Sew 11-05-2010 03:43 AM

I remember well those hour long drives to work, and then another hour home after working all day. That leaves little time for anything else during the work week. The weekend's were full of laundry, house cleaning, grocery shopping, etc. About the only time I could sew was on vacation time or long weekends. Those were my special cherished times. With all that said, buying fabric now is a good idea with costs constantly rising. You will use it in the future as you have more time available. You can always turn around and resell fabric later if you don't use it yourself.

Just tell hubby you are planning for your future when your time schedule permits you to do what you'd like to do without rushing anything.

ckcowl 11-05-2010 03:58 AM

nothing is wrong with you, we all go through those times. don't beat yourself up over it. one day you will walk into the room and things will just 'flow' and you will be back at creating again. i know i beat myself up when i am feeling behind on projects and work is wearing me out. usually i'm pretty good about getting home from work and sewing until time to fix dinner, then back after dinner till bed...but man, lately it takes all i have to fix dinner and do the dishes...after that i'm veg-ing on the couch...thinking about all the things not getting done.
it will get better, don't stress over it. when the time is right you will be able to sew :thumbup:

quiltbuddy 11-05-2010 04:04 AM

I had the same problem. I get home and have to cook dinner, clean the kitchen up and by then I'm too tired to do anything. Something that really helped get me started was buying a simple Kaffe Fassett quilt kit. I just had to sew large diamonds together and make no decisions. When that project was done I was fired up to do anything. Any simple project might work so you a have a sense of accomplishment. On the weekends I set myself up so I just have the fun stuff to do in the evenings.

May in Jersey 11-05-2010 04:05 AM

Originally Posted by misseva
i have the same problem except i'm really old (74) and when i get home i almost never feel like sitting at the sewing machine. most of my sewing is on saturday. i do embroidery or some other hand work while in my recliner. give yourself a break, mother, working outside home, son, husband, etc. have fun but don't beat up on yourself.

I'm 74 too and although I'm retired I haven't got much quilting done the past few years as I've slowed down considerably due to arthritis. That hasn't stopped me from buying fabric, it's so colorful, it's fun match fabrics together for a project, I never have to worry if it's the right size or will fit - I just buy a couple extra yards, so I keep buying it. Also find my attention span is not very long so I try not to pick difficult or large quilts to work on, quick and easy seems to work for me now. So you are not alone, make yourself a cup of tea, go into your sewing room, pet some fabric for awhile and relax, you deserve it. May in Jersey

Nancy S. 11-05-2010 04:12 AM

I am exactly the same way. After I quit work about 30 years ago I made a list of things I would like to get done and as I do I just cross them off and I feel good about myself. I try and get my hubby to do the same thing but he won't.

Originally Posted by quiltsRfun
I try to set small goals. Then when I go to bed at night instead of beating myself up for what I didn't do that day, I congratulate myself on what I've accomplished. Even if the list is small it makes me feel better about myself.


Carol J. 11-05-2010 04:16 AM

Nothing wrong with taking some time off from any project that isn't necessary to your life, the fabric doesn't need feeding or care, it will wait for you. Meanwhile, go to a quilt show, walk through the fabric department, feel the fabric and move it around. Inspiration comes at strange times, be ready for it. You have been trying too hard and need some time off. We all do.
Carol J.

deanna_1 11-05-2010 04:17 AM

For years, I was busy with two jobs and raising two girls. Then came along 6 grandkids and 4 step grandkids, very involved with activities that they like to see "Grandma" to help out. Now, my grandkids are almost grown and I turned my attention to my sewing room. Material piled every where. I started sewing up a storm to "move" the material out of the sewing room. If I don't get anything accomplished, I shut the door and don't worry about it for a day or so.

learner 11-05-2010 04:21 AM

I also am at a difficult point in my life with much illness in family and busy work schedule. I try to prepare at least 15 minutes worth of machine sewing, all cut, pinned, and staged at the machine so I can slide into the chair before supper and lose myself in the sewing for at least a few minutes. Works for me.

#1piecemaker 11-05-2010 04:22 AM

First off, let me say this. I love your user name and avitar. Now, I'll say this, with all of the things you have going on, its no wonder that you can't get or stay interested. I think you are probably too tired. You need some encouragement. You are probably trying too hard to produce. Just slow down and take your time. Kick your feet up in the recliner and hand stitch awhile. Just don't get in too big of a hurry. Taking your time will stop a lot of the repairs.

quilt3311 11-05-2010 04:24 AM

Give yourself a break here. If I had a job, kids, and an hour commute you would have to put me in a rubber room!!! With everything that you are responsible for, its no wonder you have little energy left to create.
When I had kids, job, etc. I would take about half hour after the kids were in bed and fill graph paper notebooks with ideas for quilts. Seldom had time to actually do any sewing, however those notebooks full of ideas eventually led to me sending in a proposal for a book. Ok so it was 25 years later--but I had always dreamed of doing just that. Much to my surprise the proposal was accepted. So give yourself a break, you have a lot of obligations right now. As kids grow up and (hopefully move out) grin. You will then have more time for yourself.
I have a young friend (she has 5 kids from 5-14-there are twins involved here-grin) She works at the kids school, and has another part time job. She has a basket on her kitchen counter with some hand work in it. She sets a timer for 15 minutes, after dishes etc are done for the day. Its known, in her house, as "MOM TIME"--Took a while for the kids to understand this small bit of time, was just that, "MOM TIME" and do not interrupt unless someone is bleeding or the house is on fire. She always tells me its what keeps her sanity. I hope you can work something out to have just a few minutes a day you can call your own.

peabee 11-05-2010 04:28 AM

fabrichore, i feel all of what you're saying. i also have/had struggles with my son. emotional exhaustion. worry dried up my creative juices. i know we shouldnt blame others, but that was my reality. as others are saying, do small things when you can. i decided to hand sew some parts of a small quilt i started. dont usually like hand sewing, but i'm finding it is really calming for me. when it's done, its done. hugs to you!

willa toon 11-05-2010 04:37 AM

I too have a problem coming to the quilting room after I have been gone and then come home. You are just too tired after a long day of coping with life. You might try getting up an hour or so earlier and sewing then. Or you could pick a special time just for you first thing on Saturday morning.

kriscraft99 11-05-2010 04:38 AM

I "third" that ...

Originally Posted by cbridges22

Originally Posted by KathyAire
You might have the same problem that I have. I have intentions of working on some quilting project. But, I have to just take a quick peek at this forum to see if there is anything that I am missing. Two hours later, my quilting time is gone and I'm still peeking.

Boy can I relate to that!

quiltmom04 11-05-2010 04:38 AM

Originally Posted by kwhite
First of all evict all of those negative messages running in your head from your mother, sister, aunt, friend, lady in the market or anywhere else you (and I and most people) have collected them from. What you do and when you do it and how you do it is right for you and don't let anyone tell you diffrently. If you only have energy to sew 10 mins a day then that is what you should do. There is no right way and wrong way to sew. Sewing is something (I have found for me) that you need to be in the mood to do. If I force sewing I will screw it up every time. Relax, this is supposed to be fun. Maybe a glass of wine first.

I agree with the small amount of time sewing - like 10 minutes. That's why Nancy Zeiman wrote "10,20, 30 minutes to Sew" book. Break a project down into 10 -15 minute steps. Like 'cut 2 WOF strips" or sew one strip to another and STOP. You'll feel so successful that you met that goal, it will eventually motivate you to do more. If not - and you're comfortable with 10 minutes a day - that's great.

sherriequilts 11-05-2010 04:39 AM

I read through this whole thread and here's another suggestion: Find a friend to sew with. Make a date for perhaps once a month or whatever works. Then you will have to cut something out, or organize a project, and be ready for that date. Stop at Starbucks! on the way. or bring something to make it special and enjoy the time with your quilting friend in the QSS (quilting sweat shop!). You two will have a great time (wish you lived closer, then we could sweat together) Sometimes this is the only way I get quilting done.
Other great suggestions that I noticed where to set the timer for 15 minutes, take Vitamin D (really it helps), choose a small project or just choose a block you like and make one a day (I ended up with enough for 3 quilts that way) or make baby quilts for gifts or charity.
My stash keeps growing and so does my stack of magazines and books. I can always look at a book or mag when I don't feel like quilting! Then I sometimes tear out or copy plans for quilts I like and put them in page protectors and in a binder. You don't have to been quilting all the time to be a quilter!!! :)

christinetindell 11-05-2010 04:59 AM

I didn't start seriously crafting/quilting until my youngest was a junior in high school. I have always done something as far as crafting goes. I went through the counted cross stitch phase, then I crocheted like mad, but when my oldest child started toddling, she kept taking my projects out of my hands. That's when I quit for about 17 years. I just couldn't work full time, maintain a household, a marriage and put a lot of time into my hobbies. Give yourself a break and look at what your life is demanding that you do right now in this phase of your life.

sandpat 11-05-2010 05:06 AM

Does your DH have fishing rods hanging around gathering dust? Guns for hunting? car parts? sporting equipment?? Unless he has "none" of that and all his hobbies are going nonstop, tell him to butt out. LOL! Really, I'm laughing with you. I call myself a block collector. I have piles of envelopes with blocks in them from swaps I've played in here on the board. Thats ok...I had fun and someday I'll get to them. Don't worry about it...do what is fun for you today..it will change and you'll enjoy doing another part tomorrow. Don't add stress to your life, thats not what hobbies are for! You are allowed to do any part or all of it you want to do!

Connie Merritt 11-05-2010 05:19 AM

Breathe, breathe, breathe. Easier said than done. When I was much younger in my 30's there was a time that I would go into a room in the house and just sit there. After a while I thought "gee there is something wrong with me". So to the doctor I went and told him this; he informed me that life had gotten ahead of me and that my body was telling me that being alone and in thought (whether we know it or not we are in thought) we are mentally rearranging items that have taken control over our life. You need to quit punishing yourself for the word of others. You carry a full load and you need to have time for yourself. Get a little selfish with your time, relax, listen to music, watch only funny TV programs, learn to laugh even at yourself. You are worth all that you are. Celebrate You and the others will follow. God bless

Rettie V. Grama 11-05-2010 05:22 AM

Originally Posted by fabrichore
The other day I was talking to my other half about my sewing room, blahblahblah, anyway he said "I don't think you are a quilter, I think you just like to collect fabric", and I had to stop and think about it, recently I have been having a hard time getting into the sewing room ( a new sewing room mind you) and sitting there and completeing anything, I have many ideas and thoughts but nothing ever materilizes...I make a mistake and I have to pull it all out and do again and I find myself losing interest really quickly, I do like to sew and make pretty things, I am new to quilting and have made two quilts and some pillows but I do not know what my problem is, I have been struggling with my son lately but I am not going to blame him for my Inadequacies, I work all day and it takes an hour to get home, so by the time I get home I do not want to do anything,,,my mom would call it lazy and maybe I am...I am trying very hard not to convince myself I am not capable of doing this whole sewing thing, I love fabric, I love color, and I really do like to sew and create, so what in the world is wrong with me.... :cry:

You are going through a quilting burn out. It can happen with anything that you do. Just let your body tell you what to do and when to do it. Just do not take a negative attitude. If you want to quilt, you are a quilter.

denilynne 11-05-2010 05:22 AM

I can definately relate to this, although i don't have children at home, i work full time and i have a dh who needs lot of attention, so i don't get much quilting done, by time i get home from work and fix dinner and clean up and do a few chores, i'm to tired to sew, but if i can even sew one strip to my quilt i've accomplished something, even if it takes me a year to finish it. So keep going you'll get rested and then you'll see even one block will make you feel like you accomplished alot. Don't ever give up. The q;uilter in you will find time when your ready.

delarg 11-05-2010 05:24 AM

Been there! Sometimes I am afraid of my own room because I'm afraid that I'll fail. Try English Paper Piecing. Small pieces, portable and huge returns! Also, when I'm feeling particularly down I try and do something in there that is mine and completely fun. I made a couple of pillows lately - folded star and used my new ruffler. Had fun and figured if I didn't like what came out - who cared and who knew!

mdollar 11-05-2010 05:25 AM

You sound exactly like me! I have the makings for 3 quilts now and haven't done a thing with them. I just keep looking at the stuff and thinking, "Do I really want to tackle this today?". HELP!!!

matraina 11-05-2010 05:34 AM

Well, let me see. You have a full-time job; that's 8 hrs. per day; you drive an hour to work, which means you drive an hour back, you have to cook when you get home, unless you never eat. Sometime the housework, washing and ironing has to get done. You have a family to take care of. It makes me tired reading what you do. I say you're just tired. Maybe you can give small projects a try on the weekends or days when you don't have all that stuff going on. Take a nap once in a while. It's just like trying to lose weight. Sometimes you reach a plateau but you'll get back to it soon enough.

jdeery 11-05-2010 05:43 AM

This is what I have done, taken a sick day, usually a rainy one, arranged ahead dinner in a crock pot. Put on some nice music
have your coffee pot going. And spend a day just for you sewing, arranging your room, going thru magizines, fabric,
and plan, make something you can complete. It will make your
day, and will feel much better. Sewing is my medicine for everything.

LoriMcc 11-05-2010 06:01 AM

I think you need to give yourself a break. I find that my sewing is my therapy, but it isn't for everyone. Do what makes you feel good! ;)

Roberta 11-05-2010 06:02 AM

Originally Posted by kwhite
First of all evict all of those negative messages running in your head from your mother, sister, aunt, friend, lady in the market or anywhere else you (and I and most people) have collected them from. What you do and when you do it and how you do it is right for you and don't let anyone tell you diffrently. If you only have energy to sew 10 mins a day then that is what you should do. There is no right way and wrong way to sew. Sewing is something (I have found for me) that you need to be in the mood to do. If I force sewing I will screw it up every time. Relax, this is supposed to be fun. Maybe a glass of wine first.

Best advice I've heard in years, thank you.

I'd give the glass of wine a try but, with my meds, I'm sure I'd be dancing on top of my sewing table, not a pretty sight I assure you.

;-) ;-)

chance 11-05-2010 06:04 AM

I save hand piecing or hand quilting for those times I just CANT sit down at the machine. Place it near where you sit to watch TV and it will call out to you. You can pick it up, do a few stiches, and then lay it right back down. No committment! Before you realize it, you have quilted and/or have pieced quite a bit.

patdesign 11-05-2010 06:31 AM

Originally Posted by fabrichore
The other day I was talking to my other half about my sewing room, blahblahblah, anyway he said "I don't think you are a quilter, I think you just like to collect fabric", and I had to stop and think about it, recently I have been having a hard time getting into the sewing room ( a new sewing room mind you) and sitting there and completeing anything, I have many ideas and thoughts but nothing ever materilizes...I make a mistake and I have to pull it all out and do again and I find myself losing interest really quickly, I do like to sew and make pretty things, I am new to quilting and have made two quilts and some pillows but I do not know what my problem is, I have been struggling with my son lately but I am not going to blame him for my Inadequacies, I work all day and it takes an hour to get home, so by the time I get home I do not want to do anything,,,my mom would call it lazy and maybe I am...I am trying very hard not to convince myself I am not capable of doing this whole sewing thing, I love fabric, I love color, and I really do like to sew and create, so what in the world is wrong with me.... :cry:

Sometimes we just lose interest in things, perhaps the project of the moment. If you enjoy doing something, you will probably go back to it. Don't beat yourself up. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate, and just don't have the energy every day. Try setting up a time that is YOU time when your schedule doesn't interfere and your are not tired.

PJO 11-05-2010 06:41 AM

When a person works outside the home its hard to find time to sew. Sounds to me, that you're not much different than the rest of us. I still have unfinished projects from years ago!! Don't give up!! Believe it or not, there will some days when everything comes together just right!

Glenda Kay 11-05-2010 06:46 AM

Sounds to me like you're trying to be superwoman. Give yourself a break. I collected fabric for years before I finally had time to actually make quilts. A person can only do so much without breaking down. My mother used to use the word lazy a lot to describe others. I really took it to heart & really tried to not fit that description. Eventually I started thinking & realized that she was actually the lazy one. Pot calling the kettle black? lol Hang in there. Quilting time will come.

sharduffy 11-05-2010 07:05 AM

Originally Posted by sheliab12
I have it too and I think it is fear of failure. I have a lot of ideas and study photos and think I can do that. But, I have so much trouble getting it right and I give up. Now I am afraid to try.

I can really relate to you!! My husbad says this is what I have...therefore, I have a hard time starting something....whether sewing or painting...
once get started, I am fine. I just need a push to get started.

Grammashel 11-05-2010 07:09 AM

Originally Posted by misseva
i have the same problem except i'm really old (74) and when i get home i almost never feel like sitting at the sewing machine. most of my sewing is on saturday. i do embroidery or some other hand work while in my recliner. give yourself a break, mother, working outside home, son, husband, etc. have fun but don't beat up on yourself.

Bite your tongue. I'm right behind you in years and can vouch for the fact that you are not old! I have dry times like everyone else but these times pass, too. Hang in there and don't worry about it. You'll get past this, too.

JudeWill 11-05-2010 07:12 AM

I agree. You are probably just tired and stressed. Forget about sewing for a while. It should be something you do for yourself to relax--not something you have to do. Maybe you should just relax with a cup of coffee and look at some sewing/quilting mags or books. But, by all means, give yourself a break! :wink:

daria 11-05-2010 07:16 AM

You know I feel like that sometimes. I belong to a guild and a quilting group and it really helps. I decided to make a few small projects between quilts. that way my creative juices flow and I have something completed in a few hours and it gets me excited for the next quilt. It has worked so far. I am newer to quilting and have been doing it for two years. I started thinking what is this about a stash. I don't need to collect fabric. HA that didn't last into my next quilt!!! I have only made 8 quilts over the last two years but many little projects.

Peggi 11-05-2010 07:18 AM

I definitely agree w/ overload - I've had it happen to me = days when I can't bring myself to sew & I too have a room designed just for sewing. Relax, make something for someone else or better yet, yourself and just enjoy it when you doing it. You got to enjoy it or it isn't going to happen. PS - I still buy fabric when I'm in a funk! Don't apologize.

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