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janb 12-09-2010 06:51 AM

Take a walk thru a sewing store and just enjoy all the lovely materials...I would bet a nickle that before you leave the store you've got the itch to stitch.

Ladyjanedoe 12-09-2010 06:53 AM

I think everyone needs a break on occasion.

When it's been a particularly long time I might pull out an unfinished project and work a little bit on that. It's usually enough to get me thinking about sewing something else . Not sure what it is but I have a few unfinished projects that always inspire me to want to work on another quilt ....:)

Deborah12687 12-09-2010 07:34 AM

I got my quilts sewed for my family early this year and they are wrapped up and ready to go under the tree. I did a mistake of taking on some extra sewing as my neighbor wanted me to sew some quilted pillow tops with a crocheted doilies on the back side. I got the pillowtops done but for crocheting I am not with it at all. Then my cousin called me and wants me to sew a queen size quilt and the pattern she wants is a complicated pattern and she told me the colors of fabric I should buy for it and wanted it hand quilted and said she would give me $150.00 for the quilt!!!! I got so mad that the steam was coming out my ears and I told her the quilt will cost her $600.00 and she will get it some time next year. She hung up on me and called back later with a better attitude and she stopped buy with the $600.00 in cash. I am so(sew) burnt out I am not going to take on anything more till after the New Year.

loriea 12-09-2010 07:43 AM

I too get that way. I clean my sewing room and do those little things like change needle, clean lint from machine, a quick mending job or what ever. Then we I get the urge to start again I have a nice clean workspace.

dixiechunk 12-09-2010 07:44 AM

Yes, every time I come back from a quilt retreat I am so exhausted I don't sew for a week.

MeMeX8 12-09-2010 08:08 AM

Same for me, I have felt totally wrung out this year. So, I have picked out a YoYoville quilt to make. Started it in March and still working on the little things. I take it everywhere with me. When I get tired, I put it down then pick back up in day or two. One at a time and by the time I get all of them made, I will be able to piece the top. Take it slow, make a small "instant gratification piece", last but not least, dont be hard on yourself. Scan the patterns and magazines and something will jump rite off the page at you! I promise! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

MeMeX8 12-09-2010 08:08 AM

Same for me, I have felt totally wrung out this year. So, I have picked out a YoYoville quilt to make. Started it in March and still working on the little things. I take it everywhere with me. When I get tired, I put it down then pick back up in day or two. One at a time and by the time I get all of them made, I will be able to piece the top. Take it slow, make a small "instant gratification piece", last but not least, dont be hard on yourself. Scan the patterns and magazines and something will jump rite off the page at you! I promise! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

nab 12-09-2010 08:30 AM

I'm sure that we have all been where you are at some time during our quilting days. Last spring I was there. I did not even want to talk about quilting. Somewhere along the line a pattern hit me just right and I'm back at it again. I have also been doing some knitting. It got me through the non-quilting time. Now I knit when I cannot quilt. I have learned to knit socks and mittens with the magic loop method. Maybe if you have an alternate craft such as knitting it may get those creative juices running again. Hang in there. You will get back at it again.

CruisingStef 12-09-2010 08:45 AM

Such good advice from everyone!

Yes, I've been through it- especially when stress hits; time to sit back, leaf through those quilting mags you haven't had the chance to look at yet and enjoy the Christmas holidays!

Qwiltylady 12-09-2010 09:13 AM

Make a small doll quilt that is easy and should spark your interest again.

J Hibberd 12-09-2010 09:28 AM

I have hit the burned out zone many times especially when I have had a deadline to meet or many samples to finish for classes that I was scheduled to teach. What I find very inspiring and recharging is to get in my sewing room and clean, vacume, sort, reorganize and go through my cabinet that has UFO's. I listen to an audio books or my favorite music. By the time I am done, my sewing room sparkles,
I am inspired with projects I had set aside.

hope this helps

Ritacarl 12-09-2010 10:46 AM

I think it is really hard to start on a new project, and a large one at that, this time of year. The "I should's" put guilt up front. I do what has to be done this time of the year then after the Holidays are over and the Blah time kicks in, then is the time for a large project. Then I'm not so rushed. I can enjoy the Holiday season knowing I have something to look forward after the new year.

neece 12-09-2010 10:49 AM

I am at the same place. I cannot get into any of my projects. I have things cut out but there they sit. This is the first time I have been so pitiful, usually I go to one of the antique malls and see quilts and get moving but not this time. My server was down and I didn't care I couldn't get on here. HELP :XD:

catrancher 12-09-2010 10:59 AM

I've read this question in various forms several times. I just figure you'll sew when you're ready. It's supposed to be enjoyable. Forcing yourself won't help. There's nothing wrong with taking a break now and then, and it's nothing to worry over. Maybe you're ready for a temporary change of pace. Maybe a different craft will light your fire. For now, go with your heart.

Bonbonary 12-09-2010 11:25 AM

Sometimes you just need a little break. I take that time to straighten up my sewing room & fabrics. Just playing with the fabrics and notions seems to spark and idea get me going again.

joann hussey 12-09-2010 11:34 AM

A friend and I started going thru books and decided to make a quilt but, we both made it different. We inspired each other and that got us going again.

CruisingStef 12-09-2010 11:49 AM

I too, have pre-washed my fabric before quilting. But I also will wash all my quilts before giving them as gifts; to see how they will turn out. I always wash in cold water, using color safe bleach(to make colors POP) and drying for less time then is suggested because commercial dryers always run hotter. I prefer to take it to the laundramat, the washers and dryers are larger.
or Stephanie

Minister 12-09-2010 12:01 PM

Don't stress yourself out. Use this time to reflect on you and your family. This is the time when you can catch up with you and see somethings you didn't notice when you were busy. God bless You!

Bubblegum0077 12-09-2010 12:08 PM

Well, it seams you are quilted out. You did so many projects before your trip that it's now time to relax. I would hold off making anything right now and just cruise on looking at patterns. Something will trigger you to get back on the quilt wagon, but until that happens relax a little since the holidays can be stressful enough.

I am actually in the same mood (even though I haven't traveled anywhere!). I have a quilt for my daughter that the top isn't complete yet, but I really dont feel like working on it. It was one of those projects I expected to make as a lap and then my one daughter claimed it, and after I started adding fabric, she didn't like the colors. So my younger daughter claimed it and she made comments about the colors too. So for now, no one is getting it until I decide what to do next. I will finish it, but it's not a priority. Holiday is here and I think I will make some table runners in the colors I want.

Take care and enjoy being back home.

sewingsuz 12-09-2010 01:20 PM

I like the avitar :thumbup: Where do you get things like this.

sewingsuz 12-09-2010 01:22 PM

Don't push to hard, it is not worth it. I don't know why we have to push ourselfs like this either. Take a break. Go to some shops and look around. Suzanne

jojosnana 12-09-2010 03:31 PM

After all those projects it is fine to take a break during the holidays. Sometimes it is fun to just be looking through books and at the stash to get your heart excited again..

galvestonangel 12-09-2010 04:24 PM

All the time.

mshawii 12-09-2010 04:36 PM

Its the holidays and you have been working your butt off getting the other quilts done and delivered. Give yourself a break, and wait till after the first of the year. In the mean time start looking at magazines and books you have or borrow some from a friend, and see if something jumps out at you. :idea: You will get going again.

garysgal 12-09-2010 04:47 PM

I am going thru that right now, and I believe "there is a time for every season under the heavens" and this is my "season" now to take a break and do something else. I will go back to quilting but for now, I am finishing up stuff and will take a vacation. When I come back to my sewing room, I will be better and more inspired.

madamekelly 12-09-2010 05:25 PM

Just make 1 small project. A coaster, trivet, or even a round tuit. That will help re-ignite the fire. Satisfaction is a great motivator.

kwiltkrazy 12-09-2010 05:34 PM

Yes. but, I find that if I go in with the attitude that I only have to work on it for, say, 15 minutes, I do fine, and that usually kick starts me and then I keep going.

cathyvv 12-09-2010 05:41 PM

What's the rush? Take some time off. When quilting feels like work, like something you "have" to do, it's not fun. One day a project will call to you and you'll want to answer...,

FabricHappy 12-09-2010 05:44 PM

Originally Posted by gaigai
I went through this not too long ago. Just let it go for now. Keep looking at magazines and patterns & books, and before long one will grab your attention and you'll "have" to make it. For now, with the holidays getting into full swing, just relax and don't stress about what you're not doing.

:lol: I agree with you, Gaigai! When I relax & start perusing through my books, patterns, magazines,etc, it acts as a catalyst to get my creative juices going again,haha. (not always in the same day). Also, just sorting through my large stash of fabrics has a calming effect, allowing my creativity to kick into gear. It's okay to allow yourself downtime before launching a new project; cut yourself some slack & enjoy the holidays! :thumbup: ;-)

tlpa 12-09-2010 06:21 PM

I agree with Gina D

Dolphyngyrl 12-09-2010 06:54 PM

All the time, sometimes i spend hours every day for a month or two and then i don't touch my machine for 2 months.

IBQUILTIN 12-09-2010 07:12 PM

Been there, done that, went to my stash and touched the fabric, always seems to get me going

newbee 12-09-2010 07:48 PM

I am going through the same thins right now. I just finished the hardest quilt I've ever done, and now I need to rest. I don't feel like sewing, so I put everything away until the beginning of the year. A local pet shelter needs hand-made cat beds that use fleece and foam, but are not sewn, so I am working on those. I'm not pressuring myself over the holidays to get back to quilting.

wraez 12-09-2010 08:43 PM

This happens to me more than I like it to happen. Kinda was in the same 'funk' for several months, not getting anything done but dreaming of all the quilts I wanted to make. Finally got into the mood to sew sew quilt quilt, and duh, now I'm back to that funk. Hate it.

hopefully you and I will get the 'snowball' moving and rolling along making quilts again, not wanting to stop to take a break.

warm quilt hugs, sue in CA

quilt queen 12-09-2010 08:44 PM

I have never heard of "bed socks" could you let me know something about them and do you have a pattern, I too need a small project just to keep me in the sewing room without any stress. Thank you

Jim 12-09-2010 08:50 PM

I get inspiration from others work....this list does it for me. Also a quilting quild that my wife and I belong too. Tonight was quild and I came home and immediately put another pattern on my list and then signed on here.

mem123 12-09-2010 09:22 PM

When it happened to me I finally decided to make potholders. I did 8 and each was a different pattern. Then I decided to do 8 more, then I decided to make another quilt with sampler blocks. :mrgreen:

juanita's kid 12-09-2010 09:53 PM

Pleeese do not make it work. Some times you just need to take a break to refuel and reignite your imagination. Give your self permission to be still so you can recover from the many demand and tasks to be juggled. be gentle with yoursel ;-)

glenda5253 12-09-2010 10:35 PM

I say at this time you just need to sit back and pat yourself on the back for what you have accomplished this year as a whole. That was alot of projects AND a big trip. Enjoy the holiday season and I have a feeling after the new year your interest in creating will be renewed. Have a joyful and restful Holiday! :thumbup:

missionslady 12-09-2010 10:58 PM

Wow! That's a lot of quilting you did in preparation for this trip! You know, in music it isn't all action; there are rests interspersed with the notes to make a song complete. I think it is like that in our lives. We weren't designed to go full throttle 24/7. Give yourself a little rest to allow your creativity to rise to the surface again. I'm sure it will, and you will be posting pictures of the beautiful things you made:-)

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