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rkmquilts 02-26-2011 04:46 AM


"Always listen to the experts. They'll tell you what can't be done. Then go out and do it." -Robert Heinlein

I came across this quote this morning and thought now there's a quote for my life! I hate being told that I HAVE to do things this way or that way. Even when I was a kid, when my mom wanted me to do something, she asked me simply to "clean the kitchen". Who cares if I loaded the dishes first or last on the list? I still got the job done, most times more efficiently than she had hoped!

This is the same when it comes to pursuing your "passion". It doesn't matter what "other people" do or what "they" say. (Who are "they" anyway?) You are your own person. You will achieve or not achieve on your own merits. This isn't a race, but what lies along the path as you run from the starting line to the finish line is what counts.

For example, it used to drive me nuts when I first started quilting on a professional level when I would read about some quilter who just won some phenomenal award for their artistry who admitted that the piece that won was only their fourth quilt they had ever made! Augh! That drove me nuts! There I was, slugging away day after day on endless designs for years to construct one quilt that I thought would be worthy of judging and I read about someone who just "popped" in, tossed a quilt in front of the judges on a table and walked off with the big check! How is that even fair? The sad thing this, "fair" has nothing to do with it.

It's kind of also makes me think of a beautiful woman ( who knows she is beautiful) gets complimented on her gorgeous dress she is wearing. Instead of thanking the person for the compliment, she says "Oh, this old thing? I've had it for years!" flips her hair and then walks off. How does anyone compete with that? You can't. It's as simple as that.

The same thing goes with your crafting. Stop trying to match up and compete with everyone else. Someone will always be better than you, prettier than you or in your mind possess more talent than you. Accept it, and keep moving forward.

So, here's the thing. It might take you a long time to reach your goals. I honestly can say that I probably won't ever compete at the BIG QUILT SHOWS in Paducah or Houston with my work. I just don't have that level of talent. I currently have a wall full of ribbons I have won for my quilting, but not even one prize-winning piece would be able to stand at Paducah! I say this not because I have given up hope, but because I have found contentment in my own work and talent level. The recognition is great, and it's wonderful winning ribbons-but I know that the stress of competing at the "big quilter" level of judging would put me in the loony bin! I couldn't take it-nor could my husband who had to live with me!

What are your goals? What is your plan to achieve them? What makes you unique? Make a list today and see where you are on your own "path". Are you closer to the starting line or the finish line? It really doesn't matter where you are, just keep moving forward-and you'll get there-your own way, in your own time!

Live Your Passion!


janmwalker 02-26-2011 04:54 AM

Thank you for this wonderful quote. I feel the same about quilt shows but I have won a couple of blue ribbons in small quilt shows and remember how happy I was when I heard the news. Love the quote and will keep it in my minds library for future reference. Thanks for sharing.

raedar63 02-26-2011 05:00 AM

Whoooo Hoooooo you rock!

CarrieAnne 02-26-2011 05:04 AM

Aw, Thank you, you really are inspiring!!!!!!!!!!!
I have had some patterns for embrodery I designed last Summer, I would LOVE to publish or send to a magazine and try, but I NEED courage, no confidence, lol!

abdconsultant 02-26-2011 05:08 AM

I found out real quick " one man's ceiling is another man's floor". I piece & quilt because I enjoy it, my mind can escape the CRAZY in this world. Even if its just a few hours a day. I'm so thankful to be able to do what I love!

Holice 02-26-2011 05:29 AM

I always tell my students that if they are in a class and the teachers says "you must do it this or that way", ask why. There may be a good reason. Try it. you may or may not find it useful but you have made the decision and not someone else for you.

emerald46 02-26-2011 05:38 AM

Applause....very well said!!

sandyo 02-26-2011 05:46 AM

I have decided patterns and recipes are merely suggestions and information. The outcome is totally up to you. Each persons creation is up to them and does not have to please everyone.

grann of 6 02-26-2011 07:45 AM

My husband was a famous one for wanting things done a certain way. One year he decided to save money by putting on the new roof himself. Now keep in mind he didn't like heights and we had a 2-story house. Anyway, a storm was reported to be coming our way in just a couple days. So he told me he needed me to help get the tarpaper on. Well, he didn't like the way I held the hammer and told me so. I started to climb down off the roof, saying that he could do it himself if he didn't like the way I did it. That made him mad, so I said, "Do you want it done right, or do you want it done?" From that point he let me hold the hammer how ever I wanted and we actually got the roof finished before the storm. I don't think he ever forgot my comment because from that point on he was more gracious about my help. Anyway, as far as I'm concerned it is the final outcome that is important, not how you got there.

CarolLady 02-26-2011 07:56 AM

I enjoyed reading this!! Thanks for sharing!

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