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quiltwoman 05-28-2008 12:58 PM

for a friend who wants a memorial quilt. I hate the colors, hate the fabrics and have tried my best to persuade them in a direction I feel comfortable going.
Anyone else had to make a "stinker" for someone?? I know her heart is in the right place, and mine too, but it just kills me when I try to finish this beast. (I'll post a pix later on...........if I can bring myself to............)

Chele 05-28-2008 01:06 PM

Just hurry up with it! There are better projects ahead! And I bet they'll love it, so your work will not go unappreciated.

Butterflyspain 05-28-2008 01:07 PM

oh yes, can understand this one totally. When someone wants something and you just KNOW its wrong and you hate it, its just 3 times more difficult.
Mine wasn´t a quilt but two sets of curtains. DOUBLE YUK.


Moonpi 05-28-2008 01:31 PM

Oh yes! I ended up tying it beause I did not want to look at it anymore.Some people just have zero sense when it comes to colors or patterns. I think it ended up in a cedar chest, never even used.

Another reason I don't do commissioned quilts any more - people who change their minds once work is underway. They seem to be unaware of the planning and cost involved.

zyxquilts 05-28-2008 01:37 PM

Oh yes! My stepmom asked me to make MATCHING twin quilts with a drop to the floor - so really queen-sized quilts. They were in fall colors, which I am not a big fan of working with. (Love looking at others done in fall colors, just not my thing) I finally finished them and gave them to her...then found out she tried to either sell or give them away to my aunt, then one of my sisters! She never paid me for the fabric (as she said she was going to), so I got them back from my Dad & gave to my guild's philanthropy chair! An all-around nasty situation! I had such a hard time working on those colors - I wish Chele had been around to tell me to hurry up & finish them! lol

Knot Sew 05-28-2008 02:57 PM

Well what the heck , some peoples taste is all in their mouth and they eat nothing but crap. Just nod your head and do it your way :wink: :wink:

Chele 05-28-2008 03:13 PM

LOL Ruth, so true! Make what inspires you. Save the rest of the "stuff" to pay for fabric if you need to. I hate seeing "my" quilters' creativity squashed. LOL! You are "my" quilters you know! I've been so inspired by everyone. I have yet to copy every pattern, but I will! Make more, everyone!

SaraSewing 05-28-2008 03:20 PM

It makes me feel happy to say NO sometimes. Try it!

beachlady 05-28-2008 03:45 PM

Julie, I am assuming you are biting the bullet and going ahead with the project. Sooner you get it done, you can move on. Post a picture.

amma 05-28-2008 04:17 PM

Originally Posted by Ruth Camp
Well what the heck , some peoples taste is all in their mouth and they eat nothing but crap. Just nod your head and do it your way :wink: :wink:

ROTFLMBO You crack me up Ruth! :D :D

mgshaw 05-28-2008 04:18 PM

I made one of those for DH. He wanted a "Deer" throw. He picked out the material and decided what he wanted on it and I wasnt liking much of it at all. ( but I did sneak a few applique things in that he didnt particularly like) I still hate the quilt! Thank goodnes it is finally starting to show some wear so hopefully before long I can finally throw it out!!

amma 05-28-2008 04:20 PM

I think the lap quilt made for my daughter is pretty bland and not real pretty but she made the color choices :roll: but I did sneak one extra color in it anyway :lol: :wink: :lol: :wink: :lol:

DA Mayer 05-28-2008 04:43 PM

I threw in some colors I liked and thought they could leave it if they didn't like it. I did some floral arrangements that i hated the colors but matched someones room. I told them not to tell anyone I made them because I didn't want more work. :roll: :roll:

Harmony 05-28-2008 04:53 PM

Remember, we are artists! I suppose other artists do commissioned works that they don't care for, too, but quilts are so darned much work that it just bites that you sometimes have to do quilts you don't like. I'm working on one now that I'm making for myself, and I don't like it--NOW who do I blame??? But I've put so much time into it, I feel like I have to finish it! Maybe I'll like it better when I get it all put together.

littlehud 05-28-2008 06:16 PM

My daughter wanted a memory quilt made out of her Alpha Phi T-shirts from collage. First, I have to say didn't like the colors of material she picked out. Hated the material she wanted for the backing too. It was a pain to sew. Kept gumming up my needles. I was so happy when it was done. I hated that quilt til I gave it to her and saw the look on her face. She loves it and shows it off to everyone who comes over. I have had requests to do quilts for some of her friends. The answer is always no. I'll never do another one like that. Just glad she loves it.

Flying_V_Goddess 05-28-2008 07:51 PM

I have never done a commision quilt for anyone. I have tried doing commisions for artwork, though...pain in the *** I tell you. People were either too vague or have a billion very specific details when it comes to what they want...and usually it never looks all that great...and sometimes halfway through they'd change their mind and want it changed. I decided a while ago I wasn't going to go quilt comissions.

A while ago I told a friend of mine about the series of stained glass Zelda wall hangings I want to do and without missing a beat he asked if I would do one. Not the one of the ones I plan on doing, but a totally different one---I'm doing the windows depicting the sages shown in the Master Sword room, he wanted something that was done for the official artwork (they did a series of stained glass windows of Link). No way I was going to do one of the official artwork stained glass pictures---those are WAY more detailed than the ones I'm doing (and those have a lot of details with at least 10 colors) and would cost a lot of $$$. If I had agreed to do it I'd probably be sitting here telling the horror stories of how well that went.

redrummy 05-28-2008 08:13 PM

Moonpi said:"Another reason I don't do commissioned quilts any more - people who change their minds once work is underway. They seem to be unaware of the planning and cost involved.[/quote]

That is why I tell them to meet me at the store, and they pay for the material they pick out. They then know how expensive some material is, and I am not out of pocket if they don't want it. I make a rough draft in photo editing by scanning in material and working a draft up. After that, they have it, or I keep it. either way, material was paid for!!!

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