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Ms. Shawn 07-26-2010 05:30 AM

How are you feeling? I have been thinking about you ever since I saw your post! Did you get help with your quilt? I hope things are better for you now, Have a wonderful day! :lol: :lol: :thumbup: ;-)

OmaForFour 07-26-2010 06:33 AM

This sent chills right through me! I feel so sorry this happened to you now when you need quilting time the most! I do hope your guild will be kind and do some of the quilting for you til you mend.
Meanwhile, I have a suggestion, actually two:
1. Throw the d----d can opener in the garbage.
2. Buy a No-Hands One Touch Can Opener. They are little and go right in your kitchen drawer so they save you counter room too. You just set it on top of any size can, push the button and it goes by itself without you having your hands on it at all! It also produces a safe edge on the can so that you can't cut yourself there either. I have had mine for many years. Just have to replace the batteries once in a long while. They are not expensive. I think mine was around $17 at the time. I never use any other can opener.

Originally Posted by mpeters1200
By now most everyone has seen my new big quilt. I make a bunch of small er projects throughout the year, and one big quilt. The big one this year is a surprise, and I've made it all right in front of him and he has no idea, for my DH to celebrate our tenth anniversary at the end of this year. I hand quilt and I knew I would need several months to finish it.

For anyone who hasn't read the story on it, you can find it here: http://www.quiltingboard.com/t-36285-1.htm

So I got in a fight with my archaic can opener last night and lost. I have an archaic can opener that doesnt like to open fat cans. I opened a can of fruit most of the way last night. I am always careful when opening cans cause my mom told me when I was little that cans can cut your fingers off. I have this large plastic spoon and a large wooden spoon that I always finish opening the cans with so my hands are out of the way.

I still don't know what happened last night. The spoon slipped and the lid to the can went into my finger. I have stitches on the inside and outside of my finger. They said I was lucky because my muscles weren't touched, but they don't know the extent of the nerve damage yet because my whole hand is numb.

This is what my hand looks like now. I cant take the dressing off until tomorrow night.


I have an appointment with my quilt club tomorrow night to baste my BIG surprise quilt and I cut my quilting finger!!! I have no idea what I'm going to do now. It will take 10 days before the stitches come out. Because I type for a living, they want the splint to stay on until the stitches come out.

Quilter's are wonders of inspiration and new ideas. Any suggestions out there?

janb 07-26-2010 07:06 AM

Oh, so sorry! Not only for your injury, but for the slow down of your project and the stress it creates...maybe some kind of paper plan of your quilt to give him with a loving poem explaining the situation....he loves you for the effort !

Nona 07-26-2010 07:15 AM

your problem is an easy fix....call the friends in your quilt club tell them you are handicapped and need some help. I know they will respond..that's what quilters do. Even if the quilt is not quite finished at the right time, give dh the unfinished quilt with an IOU...DH will still be trilled

abacus 07-26-2010 07:30 AM

Alex Anderson suggested using your index finger to quilt. It will be awkward at first, but just take it slow and I bet in no time you will start to feel confortable with it. You never know, you may even like it better!

Deborah12687 07-26-2010 07:51 AM

Ouchy....sorry that you cut your finger! I have cut my fingers on cans many times but the worst thing I did was slammed my middle finger in the dish washer door almost cut the tip of my finger off at the joint. The bone cracked and had stitches. That finger was in a cast for 6 weeks. What I did so I could do my sewing was I taped my last 3 fingers together then tucked them in the palm of my hand and used my thumb and index finger and was able to still sew.

catrancher 07-26-2010 07:57 AM

Oh my gosh. So sorry about your finger. I like to cook and so I cook a lot. I also like sharp knives, and so I cut myself a lot. There is such an awful moment between the "slip" and when you realize that you've really cut yourself badly. It's hard to look.

Hopefully, it will heal without problems.

eimay 07-26-2010 08:05 AM

I think most quilters are compassionate, and would step in and do some for you. You can tell your DH when he receives it that it is a quilt of love, because so many people wanted him to have it.

tryitall 07-26-2010 11:34 AM

Bless Your Heart! No ideas tho. Sorry. Wish I could help.

harris4435 07-26-2010 11:38 AM

There is a thumb thimble out there, because I bought one years ago. I just don't know how to use it, but you might find some info on the internet. I know that Alex Anderson also had a non-traditional way of using her thumb to quilt away from her. Don't know if there is anything in print on that, but you might research it. Good luck!

eimay 07-26-2010 12:12 PM

Can you pinch your needle with your thumb and index finger of your right hand, keeping the other three fingers extended and pull the needle through with your left hand?

grandme26 07-26-2010 02:51 PM

So sorry to hear about your finger. Follow the doctors orders and don't stress out.

Tweety2911 07-26-2010 03:02 PM

So sorry to hear about your accident. Wishing you a very speedy and full recovery. Go sit with the ladies and enjoy the evening.

quiltin mimi 07-26-2010 03:48 PM

What a shame. You must be so disappointed. If there is a lesson here, I'll bet it's that you will really appreciate the blessings of quilting ability, quilting time and quilting friends.

Patched 07-26-2010 05:14 PM

I hope you get better soon.

sosewcrazy 07-26-2010 05:26 PM

Oh no! So sorry. I gave up on electric openers and bought a nice big hand crank one. I love it. Take care of that hand!

Juanita 07-26-2010 06:39 PM

Ouch, not a good place to cut yourself, your quilting finger. I too got a bad cut on same finger, other hand so not as bad if you're right handed. Patience is your best friend right now as you want it to heal properly and no pain after the healing is done. Please take care of your injury so you have lots of quilting ahead of you.

Annz 07-26-2010 06:40 PM

Sit back and watch everyone else quilt and enjoy the conversations. If you are concerned this cut finger will take away from finishing your quilt on time then ask your quilt friends to help with the hand quilting if they can.

sewnsewer2 07-26-2010 06:44 PM

Oooo, that makes me cringe. I am so sorry that happened but certainly glad you didn't cut your finger off!

Teach DH to hand quilt and he can take over until you can. :lol:

earthwalker 07-26-2010 06:51 PM

Ditch the can opener....and take it easy with that finger. If your friends can't help, try using another finger as some others suggested, but don't put any stress on the injured one. Get better soon.

Pam 304 07-26-2010 06:52 PM

My sister cut her toe open on the morning of her mil's funeral and had to go get stiches in her big toe before going to the funeral home. She was doing a dumb and mashing the can with her foot to make it flat and guess what she cut it on the can lid. Guess my Mom didn't tell her to watch out for her toes. LOL LOL
So sorry to hear about your accident! Hope you heal soon!

penski 07-26-2010 06:55 PM

sorry to hear about your mishap that happened to me a year agoo i cut 3 fingers on a crisco can that said it didnt have sharp edges!!! i wrote to them and told them about it and they paid my medical bill (my copay) my fingers were wrapped for at least a week i hope you dont have any nerve damage

Mousie 07-26-2010 06:58 PM

oy! mp! so sorry!
You got a lot of good suggestions about the quilting...as for the can opener...how about: ditch it and put the family on a diet, lol!
I know that would never go over at my house.
Your quilt is just wonderful. I love to make things that have meaning to them.
I'm wondering how I can make blocks for my hubby under his nose.
I will probably do one and then something else and then another...etc., etc., etc. and he won't know it's his.
No hand quilting for me though. (fibro.)
It would take me a month of Sundays and more. :-D

bcquilt 07-26-2010 07:54 PM

Try the finger on the right hand using the finger between the cut one and your pinkie. I think you may need to wait a few days because I know that your other one is very sore. Sorry for your accident. Also use a smaller thimble.

amalia64 07-26-2010 07:55 PM

awwe, sorry this happened to you, I pray you have a quick recovery

anniec55 07-26-2010 07:57 PM

Oh my looks like sething I would do! I am so sorry, hopefully you will mend quickly! But caution you to let it heal completely before you pick that quilting back up to avoid any possible permanent damage. Also, suggest a Pampered Chef can openned! Once you figure them out they are wonderful (manual, easy, and no rough or sharp edges!). And no I don't sell Pampered Chef just like their can openner. Good luck! I'm site your quilting buddies will be more than glad to help you out if they can.

Angeline 07-26-2010 08:40 PM

My DH retired 19 years ago from the P.O. I said I would make his favorite cakes for his retirement party. Figured about Four, 1/2 sheets cakes would be just about right but
old frosty brain, me did not unplug her immersable blender and while washing it to get ready for cake two, the blade jumped started it and cut my index finger up. It took 8 hours in surgery and 7 days to clear up the gangerine I got
No One Told me how dangerous those thing are but to make a
long story shorter, my finger is great but a little smaller
and I can use it like before. Angeline

Quilter2B 07-26-2010 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by Threadedneedle
This is one of those things that proves Mom knew what she was talking about. And look into a Swing-a-Way can opener. Best at opening any type of can, IMHO. And green energy wise.

I agree - I haven't owned an electric can opening. When we inherited Grandma's stuff, that was one of the first things to go. Besides, how would my kitties know when I'm opening tuna if it wasn't for the can opener? LOL. So sorry you hurt your finger; maybe your guild can get started for you until you are totally mended!?! Don't you think it a bit funny you are "in stitches" but can't whip a stitch? :oops: Sorry, couldn't help but try to spread a little humor there. Best wishes for a speedy and total recovery.

JudithAnn 07-26-2010 11:24 PM

First, buy a can opener from Pampered Chef! Actually you should have done this long ago. No sharp edges with this opener.
Sorry about the big ouch! Can you cover your finger with something hard (thinking molded plastic here) like a whole finger thimble?

yellowsnow55 07-27-2010 12:45 AM

Originally Posted by GrannyW5
So sorry that happened. Wish I was closer, I would help.

Me too!

Karyn 07-27-2010 03:11 AM

OUCHIE!!!! That hurts just thinking about it. Hope you heal soon. We never realize what we have till we don't have it. We take so many things for granted. You can count your blessings that muscles were not cut, we can always find the silver lining in every cloud.

heather1949 07-27-2010 03:16 AM

So sorry to hear of that, you will be in my prayers.

Grandmama Pat 07-27-2010 04:50 AM

I can't add any suggestions that haven't already been given. Just try to behave and get that finger well. It will be a bit stiff after the stitches come out, just bear with it and you'll be stitching in no time.

Carol J. 07-27-2010 06:14 AM

I use both hands for basting or hand quilting and suggest you use a strip of fabric and stabilize the injured finger to the last two of your hand to keep them together. Then use your thumb and first finger to hold a needle and use this hand under the quilt to push up the needle for basting or stitching. The left hand is not as agile but you can see where to put it, catch it with your right thumb and finger and push it back up. Might be slow at first but you will find it works.
Carol J.

mpeters1200 07-27-2010 03:35 PM

Originally Posted by eimay
Can you pinch your needle with your thumb and index finger of your right hand, keeping the other three fingers extended and pull the needle through with your left hand?

This something I was considering. My SIL quilts with her ring finger. I'm open to both ideas. I'll have my hand kit ready to go this week, within the next couple days. I'm going to try them and if the two other fingers don't work for me, I'll wait until the stitches come out. I know my finger will be stiff afterwards, but as long as I can quilt again someday (SOON I HOPE!!!) I'll be alright.

Hubby went and picked me out a new opener yesterday. I'm still learning how to use it, but it likes all can sizes equally.

QuiltingrandmafromMi 07-27-2010 05:44 PM

So sorry about the finger, hope your DH appreciates the trouble you went through to do this for him! Can you use your thumb and middle finger? Hope it heals quickly!

yellowsnow55 07-27-2010 09:09 PM

Good luck with the healing!

patsyo56721 07-28-2010 06:49 AM

So sorry to hear about your accident. Will certainly pray for you. God bless.

zz-pd 07-29-2010 07:20 PM

I am so sorry for your accident. Congrats on your up coming anniversey. Mine is next month and it is #28 this year. You could try quilting with the next finger. God bless. Penny

lazyquilter 07-29-2010 07:49 PM

Personally, I think you should be extremely grateful that the damage wasn't worse. That said, if you pretty good friends with your guild, maybe you could just belly up to the bar and hold your hand and say "I know everyone is busy, but could any of you help to get this quilt basted for me." I am sure that the guild probably knows what this quilt is for and I'll bet there is enough kindness in the group to help you. Go for it, let your hand heal and we will just keep a private little prayer that there really isn't any permenant damage to the tendons, or nerves or what it is in those filangees that were cut..

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