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quiltstringz 04-01-2013 08:22 AM

Just go for it - you won't be sorry. I have never had a quilt in a show, and am hoping to do that this year (just local QS). I am really thinking that there wouldn't be any harsh jusdgments, just suggestions on how you can maybe improve.

Letty 04-01-2013 09:41 AM

If your friend thought it was good enough to enter your work, go ahead, she had faith so what have you got to lose, let us know how you got on, here's wishing you all the best. x

MartiMorga 04-01-2013 09:49 AM

I love looking at the quilts, I admire them all. Some I like better than others, but heck that is my taste. I am always amazed at the ones the judges give the blue ribbons too, they are usually not my favorites. I guess they are looking at something I am not. So, that said, even though I won't be at that show, enter it - for people like me who want to admire it and maybe be inspired by it. I appreciate all they have done with my "expert" eye, lol.

tessagin 04-01-2013 11:51 AM

One thing to be judged quite another to be loved!

kiffie2413 04-01-2013 12:07 PM

Originally Posted by crafterrn1 (Post 5968236)
If you love your quilt no negative comment should influence you! That being said I have a quilt traveling in the Quilt Inc shows In Full Bloom Exhibit! It is a Juried Exhibit!It was really hard to send that quilt off for a year. I love it and could not imagine it being lost or damaged. But I did it. I was so proud to stand by my quilt in Houston. Be proud to stand next to your quilt. Answer questions and be a Queen for a day. If someone does not like it, Let them eat cake! Enjoy the process. I have 3 more quilts going into my guild show and yes they will be judged. Luann

:thumbup: Great advice! Plus, no matter what, judging is still a subjective thing, not objective...it is someone's opinion...

lovngrandma 04-01-2013 12:35 PM

Originally Posted by Hcim55 (Post 5968161)
Awwwww......my vote ......if there is a chance you will feel bad pull the quilt from the show. Some people love to show quilts...I am not one of them, because of same reasons you are apprehensive. If you do enter let it roll off your back you did not make the quilt to compete. I can tell one thing....many people will enjoy looking at it!

i have to agree, with her, and add a little more, the main person u need to care about is you and if you get negative comments about it, just let it roll off like she said are tell yourlef they do not know a beautiful quilt when they see one, the work and time you put in it , is priceless and u made it for a reason and that was not to compete, i am a hand appliquer my slef but am new at machine appliquing, and doing much better at it, but still do most quiltign by hand, so stick to your guns and keep your head held up high and know I DID a WONDERFUL JOB no matter what anyone says , and who knows u just might win the blue , are purple ribbon, u just never know, blesings Hope

laurlync 04-01-2013 12:35 PM

If a judge gives a "negative" comment, it isn't because he/she does not like your quilt. Judges just have specific things they have to look for. If a quilt doesn't meet that specific criteria, that does not decrease the beauty or value of the quilt. And remember, there will be tons of people at the show who will ooooh and aaaah over your quilt. I have been to many shows in which my favorites didn't win any ribbons, but I loved looking at them anyway.

I entered three quilts in our local guild show last year. None of them had been made with the intent to show them, but I actually WANTED the judges comments so I could see where I could improve. I am entering one quilt this year that I made with the intent to enter it. It may still not win, but that's okay because I will get more judges comments. Also, it really is exciting to see YOUR very own quilt hanging in the show. Oh, and of the three I entered last year...I received a community appreciation award on one, so I know someone liked it even if it wasn't perfect!

lovngrandma 04-01-2013 12:46 PM

Originally Posted by kiffie2413 (Post 5970532)
:thumbup: Great advice! Plus, no matter what, judging is still a subjective thing, not objective...it is someone's opinion...

agreed, in all, great kiffle hope u win soem ribbons but even if u do not , im sure they are beautiful,

quiltingnonie 04-01-2013 02:58 PM

I have only entered quilts in non judged shows. I think it is fun to lurk around my entry and listen to comments! If I hear any criticism, I think about it, and try to see if it would benefit me/my quilt. If not, I shrug it off.

MadQuilter 04-01-2013 03:08 PM

It sounds like you are proud of your quilt. Why not share it? Will any comments about your quilt make you like it any less and will you lose any sense of accomplishment if someone critiques your work? Chin up, my dear and stand by your quilt!

JoanneS 04-01-2013 04:52 PM

I entered a quilt a long time ago, and the judges were very gentle. The all found something good to say before any negative comment. The only negative was that there was something wrong with my tension - so I was very happy! I hadn't noticed that, and I was glad to know it.

Rose_P 04-01-2013 07:30 PM

I don't enter shows because I'm a perpetual dabbler, but after reading through these comments, I have to agree with Tashana and quilter2090 that constructive criticism could and should be valuable. I don't think you need to take everything to heart, especially if there's a highly perfectionist quilt police type of critique, but try to let yourself judge the source of whatever words are laid on your work and see what you can learn from it. Tell yourself "NO FEAR - This is a quilt show, not a matter of life or death!" It may be that you will get a different point of view from hearing the critique that will be very encouraging. Also, keep in mind that since you already have a "rooter" telling you it's good enough to enter, maybe the real surprise for you will be rave reviews and a ribbon! It wouldn't surprise me to read that here. Hope you give us a follow up. Good luck and enjoy the show!

brenwalt 04-02-2013 03:41 AM

I love to enter my quilts wherever there's a show. Amazing to get the different critiques from the judges. I've had two different quilts "not do anything" in one show and then they both got "Best of Show" at yet another (local) show. I have fun making the quilts. I have yet to make a quilt that I sleep under though - I give them all away. The people that receive them like to know where it was shown and if a ribbon is awarded, that stays with the quilt!! I never make a quilt for the purpose of "showing" it. I do the best work I can on everything I make and if its good, its good and if "not so good" - Oh well...............

orangeroom 04-02-2013 04:07 AM

I've just looked this show up and it's at the university that our oldest dd just graduated from, RIT! We are local and hopefully it's not my weekend to work!

mimiof4 04-02-2013 04:13 AM

At our local show, you can either have it judged or just "show" it. I am sure it is gorgeous but I wouldn't want it to spoil quilting for you.

silvam 04-02-2013 04:19 AM

Go ahead and enter your quilt and think of comments as constructive criticism not negative feedback - some of the comments might help you with future ventures. Who knows you might be very surprised at what is being said – go enjoy the moment

maryfrang 04-02-2013 04:19 AM

Thank goodness our guilds quilt show is only viewers choice. The quilt maker does not have any comments pass on their work at all. But our community has a chance to vote for their favorite. No one knows how many votes they receive, so there is no negative comments.

Edie 04-02-2013 04:30 AM

I have entered a lot of stuff in our Minnesota State Fair. Some I didn't get a ribbon on, some I did. I have never entered a quilt yet, but over the years I have entered Crewel work, jams, jellies, pickles, chutneys, ceramic and porcelain work. I have won blue, red, white, pink ribbons. It has never deterred me and it has always encouraged me. Either you have the guts to enter or you don't. But you will never know unless you do! Just because you don't get a ribbon doesn't mean that you can't quilt. It just means that someone can quilt a little better and there is still some more learning to do. That's how I look at it. Most everyone forgets the exhibits at a fair or show, so who would ever even care except for you. There is the vanity, too. I love to look through the glass display cases and see my work, even if I didn't get a ribbon. That rush is unbelievable. So go ahead - enter it - have it judged. The judges do not know whose quilt it is. So you don't have to worry about that. Just do it and enjoy the moment. I think it is a real hoot to enter something, whatever, for judging. It is also a real education. You will find that some judges like one design over the other. Just because you prefer one over the other does not mean that it is not good. It means that they just have their own opinions and that is what judging is all about, isn't it? One person's opinion? GO FOR IT. Edie

sulliquilts 04-02-2013 06:57 AM

I was walking through my guild's quilt show, when I heard a visitor say to her friend "This is the one I was talking about, it's my favorite." I turned around, and it was my quilt. Take that, judges! I say, go for it! Let your light shine.

Sierra 04-02-2013 07:47 AM

The first time I entered a quilt I didn't get to go to the show (we lived in the mountains and the show was at the fair grounds quite a ways away). But our little community had our local quilts in a church right after the big show and I got to see it then. I couldn't find it!!! I asked and was told it was on the side of the platform where the piano was; it was also behind a big sign board! It was a "yin yang w/energy" baby quilt made with 1" pieces (finished) and the pieces that spun out from the yin yang had kiddie prints. I didn't know what to think and then it occurred to me that perhaps they thought it was something anti Christian. I'll never know, but it saddened me.

The next year I entered two quilts into the county show and got to go. They had "viewers" prizes and I won 3 ribbons for two quilts. One was Monet's garden and the other a Pacific NW colorful totem bear. There is no way any quilt of mine could ever win a judged prize! Most aren't really "art" quilts, just big pictures like my 6 foot bear, or tiny 1" squares like the garden. They please those who got them. I liked doing them. You'll never know if you don't join in on the show. I almost cried when I saw the garden quilt on a wall in a walk-way (it didn't show it's glory unless you were a few feet from it at least). That was the one that got 2 prizes!!! Go figure! Dare to show! You may learn something unexpected!

IBQUILTIN 04-02-2013 07:51 AM

I entered a quilt in our guild show that I thought could have been better, but we needed quilts hanging. Lo and Behold when I went in the next morning there was a 2nd place ribbon hanging on my quilt. I was surprised and thrilled and it certainly made me be a little less critical of my work. Your quilt will do just fine and you can just ignore the critique if you would like. Enjoy showing it off, it was a lot of work

charlotte37830 04-02-2013 08:00 AM

Just remember that the judges are giving their opinions. There are no hard and set rules for quilting. If you are happy with it, then that is all that matters.

Loretta 04-02-2013 10:44 AM

Negative replies from the judges are only meant to help you.

purplefiend 04-02-2013 05:25 PM

You just jump in with both feet and do it! :D Not everyone likes the same thing, you maybe pleasantly surprised about the comments you hear. You have to grow a thick skin about entering quilt shows.

penski 04-02-2013 07:58 PM

i agree with the majority , dont let the judges comments bring you down what one judge thinks another one might think differant, i have been entering quilts since my first year of quilting and the first year irecieved 3 rd place and was mad about the judges comments , but i listened to what the judge said and corrected it on the next quilt , and for the last 3 years i have placed in first , so now i consider the comments and have learned from them which has improved my quilts , and i still love those first quilts as much as i love the first place ones !

cathyvv 04-02-2013 08:19 PM

I entered a quilt I made for my now 10 year old nephew in a local quilt show. I have no illusions about my quilts - they're good, not great, but I have fun making them. I did hesitate just a little bit before I entered it.

I got the BEST judging I could possibly get for of my nephews quilt - he was SOOOOOO PROUD to see his quilt on display! He even asked me if he could have the "certificate of appreciation" that was awarded to every entrant in the show so he could show his friends and his teacher. He wanted me to introduce him to my quilting friends, and go to a meeting with me.

It doesn't get much better than that!

MarLeClair 04-04-2013 04:49 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thank you all for your wonderful comments. I am going to go ahead and enter the quilt so that people can see it but I am not having it judged. Genesee Valley has a wonderful quilt show and if my one quilt can hang with all those wonderful other quilts, I guess I should be happy. On the entry for it says that the committee has the right to refuse a quilt so, I'll give it a shot. Attached is the quilt I am going to show.

Skittl1321 04-05-2013 10:20 AM

That is a beautiful quilt! It would be a lovely addition to any show.

Cosy 04-05-2013 11:03 AM

That is one beautiful quilt. I'm glad you decided to display it!

pattypurple 04-05-2013 05:06 PM

Beautiful. I'll be sure to look for it

GrannieAnnie 04-06-2013 10:45 PM

Originally Posted by MarLeClair (Post 5978425)
Thank you all for your wonderful comments. I am going to go ahead and enter the quilt so that people can see it but I am not having it judged. Genesee Valley has a wonderful quilt show and if my one quilt can hang with all those wonderful other quilts, I guess I should be happy. On the entry for it says that the committee has the right to refuse a quilt so, I'll give it a shot. Attached is the quilt I am going to show.

As beautiful as your work is, the paisley border won my heart~

helou 04-07-2013 03:00 AM

great! I am glad you decided to go ahead and enter the quilt. So many people will be able to appreciate your work and this beauty!

DOTTYMO 04-07-2013 03:05 AM

I put a quilt in a show. The written comments were no problem but one morning walking past the quilt I heard a comment " should have done the music stave straight not won,y lines. ." I was very upset as the lines were supposed to be wavy as part of the design but also so as not to infringe copy right with the notes. I have not done it since and don't want to. I think there should be a section for looking and no judging.

lmwinfree 04-08-2013 06:54 AM

I know most judges just want to be helpful. Pointing out areas for improvement. I think most of us piece and quilt because we enjoy the process and end product. I do not sell, just give away to family and friends. They just like the thought of someone spending time to make something for them and not just running to the store to pick something up.

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