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Bottle Blonde 07-30-2010 05:57 AM

I worked a stressful full-time job outside the home for years --- am married and had 4 children at home.

Every Saturday all 6 of us did household chores for 2 hours....whatever got done, got done - whatever didn't...well, it didn't! With 6 people working for 2 hours was equal to 12 hours of housework - pretty much everything got done including yard work. I made a list for everyone and made sure no time was wasted.

I always took hand work to my job and worked on it at break and lunchtime --- that managed to get me thru the day! I would then take it with me to all the sport activities my kids were involved in.... believe me - I went to a lot of stuff all year round. I have the worst case of bleacher butt!

I am a night owl and run on very little sleep and I like my alone time. I always stayed up late to read or work on projects, that was ME time.

I have always lived far away from my extended family so I didn't have to deal with doing last minute favors for other people. But I always had a 24 hour household rule...if I didn't know about it at least 24 hrs in advance --- it didn't happen. No last minute sleep overs, no last minute baking for school, no last minute ANYTHING! This worked out great for me once the kids got used to it.

You may check with your local resources....some LQS offer sit n sew time or have monthly groups that pay a flat fee to use the store classrooms. You might be able to get into a scheduled routine away from the house and get a lot done that way.

I feel your pain --- I really do! Good luck --- where there is a will, there is a way!

quiltilicious 07-30-2010 06:06 AM

I support the family at the moment, as DH's business has been VERY slow this past year or so. However, I have a sewing room now, so I can go in there when I have a few minutes that I have to myself and do something.

Before I had the sewing room, I would need to have a good few hours "free" so I could set up/break down and get something accomplished - so I would sew only on weekends or when I had a deadline for a gift that was more important than "other work".

sometimes I'm in the sewing room every night, and most of the weekend days. Sometimes I don't go in there for days/weeks at a time. It all depends on what else is going on in the house, and how much of the household chores and running kids around DH is willing to do at the moment.

raptureready 07-30-2010 06:35 AM

Way back when I used to work full time I made "me" time. By 8pm stepkids were fed, bathed and in bed. I then got two hours of me time. First thing I did after getting up was to put a load of laundry in the washer, after getting breakfast ready and the kids up I put it in the dryer. Then the kids and I got dressed, they went to the sitter, I went to work. When we got home I did another load of laundry, fixed supper, picked up the house a little, helped with homework and soon it was my favorite time of the day---bedtime. After that I would paint, sew, or work on whatever I wanted to do. The kids helped sort laundry, do dishes, clean house so it wasn't all that bad. My DH was an OTR truck driver and only home for a day or so on the weekends so it was all on me and I still managed. You can do it, just organize it so that nothing piles up on you. And if you have children have them help. By age 8 the kids could sort laundry, do dishes, help cook supper, set the table, fold clothes, put their own laundry away, dust, etc. We really do our children a disservice by not having them help with daily household chores. My step kids have thanked me many times for teaching them how to do the things that we did. They said at the time they thought I was mean because none of their friends had to do things like that. However they appreciate it now. They even had to help with grocery shopping and putting the groceries away.

LovingIzabella 07-30-2010 06:41 AM

I work a 40 hour a week career that is an hour commute each way so 10 hours a day 5 days a week I am out of the house for work. Add to that a 4 year old, 3 dogs, a hubby and a home (as well as an illness that flares up when it wants too) it is very hard BUT I set aside one evening a week to go to my mom's house and sew with her. Some nights we get a lot done and some nights we don't. I have found though that taking that time for me, and doing something for me that I love, helps make ME more productive elsewhere. If life consumes you to the point where you do not get to do the things you love than you are living to work versus working to live :-)

stitchhappy 07-30-2010 06:48 AM

Originally Posted by quiltinghere

Originally Posted by stitchhappy
I work outside the home, 40 hrs per week. I sometimes have withdraw symptoms. Before I went to work full time I sewed/quilted everyday; sometimes ALL day while the kids were at school. I no longer get to do that. There are nights when I just go into the sewing room and sit. I'm tired and really don't feel like sewing, but I feel better just spending time in there. I usually see something that needs to be done or organized while I'm sitting. Don't finish projects very fast, but I try to do a little at a time. They get done eventually and it satisfies my NEED at the time.

Good idea. I'll have to try that for a quick fix.

you snuck in after I posted above.

I found making crazy/crumb blocks helpful when I don't/can't think straight but need a fix. I have 54 'uncut' blocks done... without thinking!

Going now before I'm late!

Good Idea. I'll have to try that for a quick fix.

:thumbup: :thumbup:

grann of 6 07-30-2010 07:06 AM

Raptureready, you are so right. I didn't work when my kids were little, but having 4 within 7 1/2 years makes you be organized. My husband also travelled. He got a job transfer when my oldest was 10 and youngest 3. I had to prepare the house for sale and get ready to move. I was in Mich. & he was in PA and only came home 1 weekend a month for 5 months. I used to buy the boys socks so that each had his own color stripe; and then when the laundry was done they were to take their own socks out and put them away. They all had duties from the time they were 3 or 4. Makes them very independant when they grow up. When they got to high school they often did their own laundry. And all were able to prepare their own meals.

Lady Shivesa 07-30-2010 07:25 AM

Right now I'm unemployed - not really a choice, it's just that we recently moved and I haven't been able to find a job here. I have my DH, but no kids yet, so I find I have a lot of empty time on my hands (unlike most of you). This can be a good and a bad thing. Sometimes I get very lonely being home alone all day almost every day. The benefit is I can sew as much as I want.

I'm hoping to get a part time job (I applied at JoAnn's but haven't heard back) just to get out of the house and interact with people. But after we have kids I'll be a stay-at-home Mum, Lord Willing.

With just DH and me, the house is cleaned in about 45 minutes, and laundry doesn't take long at all.

Up North 07-30-2010 07:27 AM

I have to admit that when I worked I got a lot more done!! Now that I am laid off there just doesn't seen to be time. Also when my 5 boys were little I did tons of crafts taught 4H sewed all their cloths and mine. How I did it is a mystery to me!!

ckcowl 07-30-2010 10:09 AM

i always have hand projects to work on during breaks, or any time i have to wait...dr apps, car trips...i hand appliqued a beautiful queen size black wool quilt during 10-15 minute breaks at work when i worked in a factory. i don't smoke so when everyone else was heading for the smoking area i would sit in the lunch room and sew. you will be amazed how much you can accomplish in a few minutes. out of 365 days in a year i bet i sew 355 of them (there may be 10 days a year i don't sew...but that could be my imagination...i think i've skipped a day or two though :) when i am home and have access to my machine i sew//quilt but i do spend more time at work than at home, so hand projects satisfy my (addiction) and need to do something with my hands. i never just sit and watch tv, if i'm watching a movie i am also sewing on something, or cutting, or preping...always something.

quiltinghere 07-30-2010 10:12 AM

Thanks for all your stories. They're a real eye opener.

I will not complain or whine anymore! I will do what 'has to be done' quickly and quietly and then have more ME time.

Making a schedule and (kinda) sticking to it. Will control what I can. You know life gets in our way sometimes.

Thanks again

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