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lindaschipper 04-21-2021 11:22 PM

Pictures of quilt i don't like
2 Attachment(s)
So this is the quilt I'm not liking. Tulip tones are pink, aqua, black, gray and peach and came from a jelly roll by Riley Blake I think. Don't think I can find any of this old material again, so will have to add borders, backing, binding of something else. Wondering if it's worth it?

Gay 04-21-2021 11:32 PM

Of course. The blue border will brighten it, and you will love it. If not donate it and someone else will.

copycat 04-22-2021 01:41 AM

Of course it is worth it to add the lovely blue fabric either as a border or binding. The quilting designs will also add so much personality.....texture to the quilt...you are going to love it...you just don't know it yet.https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/tongue.png

tallchick 04-22-2021 02:48 AM

Thats sew cute and that pattern is on my bucket list! I love the idea of the blue border, it would be perfect. Once you get the border on, get all quilted and bound perhaps you will like it better.

sandy l 04-22-2021 02:58 AM

If you don't like it now, hanging on to it trying to decide what to do with it, you probably won't like it any better in a few days or weeks. Just me, but I'd find somewhere or someone to donate it to.

toverly 04-22-2021 02:58 AM

It's definitely worth it! I'm guessing it's just not your colors. Finish it as quickly as possible and gift it. That's what I do when I just don't like a quilt. Someone else will love it.

pocoellie 04-22-2021 03:12 AM

I think it's a cute pattern/quilt and that you should finish it as you suggested, keep it around for a little bit then if you still don't like it, donate it to a charity you support.

recycler 04-22-2021 03:35 AM

I agree with the others, this is cute, even if it isn’t your taste anymore! Someone will love getting it!

Onebyone 04-22-2021 03:52 AM

That is one of my favorite patterns but I have never seen the tulips be so pastel/pale. I think it's the colors that makes it blah. It is a nice quilt though. I would certainly finish it and give it to the first little girl I saw.

Iceblossom 04-22-2021 03:57 AM

It's lovely and I think most of the rest of us are having a hard time finding reasons not to finish it. But it is a lot of time, work, material and cost between a top and a finished project. I go through a point in each quilt where I just don't like them any more. It's usually brief but sometimes it is forever... for one reason or another.

I no longer considered "unquilted tops" as UFOs. They are completed tops, just not quite quilts yet and can be stored nicely for extended periods.

It might be a bad precedent but you can just set the top aside as it is, with or without the border. I usually write a note to myself with some sort of status like "Current size/needs border??". And then, if you decide you are never coming back to this project, donate it in some way. I'd be all thrilled if I got it and would post pictures of the super cool UFO I just picked up!!

I've learned that most of my projects are no where near perfection and some are closer to my internal vision than others. While it's always more fun to work on something I'm really excited about, ultimately (for me anyway) most of what I do is for other people anyway.

LAF2019 04-22-2021 04:29 AM

you can quickly add some borders and be done with it. if you still don't love it, you'll be happy to know you don't have to look at it again. the blue border is very springy and will go well. the black is nice too, it adds a bit of sophisticated charm.

Stitchnripper 04-22-2021 04:34 AM

I’m one of the odd balls who finishes every project. I would finish it and feel satisfied.

Tartan 04-22-2021 04:45 AM

I love that turquoise for a border! You will love it again after the quilting texture.

pbraun 04-22-2021 04:48 AM

Since I am a newish quilter, I finish everything. I never know what the end result will look like. On one like this that I am not crazy about, I would find or piece a back, piece together large pieces of backing and quilt on my domestic machine to save $$ from taking to longarmer. We always need blankets when family and friends visit. And if someone REALLY likes it, I would give it to them.

illinois 04-22-2021 04:57 AM

Quilting a project such as this is the very thing that brings it to life. I've had some tops that just kinda sat there but the quilting did the trick. Love your springtime colors and this pattern.

sewingitalltogether 04-22-2021 05:03 AM

I like it!! Love the pastel colors. It’s nicer than you think. Those colors are very “in” right now.

sewbizgirl 04-22-2021 05:19 AM

I would add that pretty blue border and finish it. All the hard work is already done. If you still don’t like it once it’s done, donate it somewhere that a little girl can enjoy it.

luvstoquilt 04-22-2021 06:05 AM

I really think it is pretty but if it doesn't please you, I vote to give it to a group that will finish it and donate it to a worthy cause. I donate many tops I make for the sole purpose of support to a battered women's shelter to a church group that finishes them.

Quiltwoman44 04-22-2021 06:06 AM

Oh I love that blue you have for borders and binding isn't that important. i have two quilts with white binding and am so glad I used that white. i like it!!

Karamarie 04-22-2021 06:09 AM

Sure looks good to me, that border would just nail it in my opionion.

juliasb 04-22-2021 06:52 AM

I love your quilt. Don't be discouraged by the need to substitute a fabric at this point in the game. You should be able to find a fabric that will border your quilt on all 4 sides that is very close to the turquois that is there right now. Take a deep breath and go for it. I can't wait to see the beautiful finished quilt.

Homespun 04-22-2021 06:58 AM

I think it looks great. The aqua border will really set it off.

thepolyparrot 04-22-2021 08:15 AM

This is *really* pretty and you did such a good job piecing it. https://cdn.quiltingboard.com/images/smilies/heart.gif I do understand your dilemma, though - it's hard to keep working on something that you really don't like.

Jingle 04-22-2021 11:06 AM

It is beautiful. Sorry I do not see anything to dislike about it.

Rff1010 04-22-2021 12:46 PM

I'm going to agree with the many here- I think it's cute as hell. And the blue-turquoise border is perfect.

However....if you don't like it....give it to someone who will finish and find a home for it. You sat on it once, still don't like it..."Let it go...let it go!!"

No guilt.

RuthiesRetreat3 04-22-2021 01:02 PM

I like it. I think the blue is best.

kristijoy 04-22-2021 01:29 PM

One-time (several years ago) I participated in an event that was hosted on Cythia's blog here: Quilting is more fun than Housework... It was a 'UFO' giveaway event, no strings attached. I gifted a One-Block-Wonder partial top with pattern and book to someone who used it for her quilt ministry. I felt good in that I cleaned out a project and she felt great that a lovely quilt made it to her ministry.

This post on her blog was from a month ago, so I'm not sure if the event is still going on or not: Orphan Adoption

toogie 04-23-2021 05:51 AM

Hi! I love your work and the top too! I also like the blue border best. I think it will look more pleasing to you once it’s finished. However, if you don’t want to put anymore $$$ into it and just want to be over it, I can’t blame you. Another quilter would be happy to take it on and purchase the needed fabrics to finish it. Send me a pm if you’re sure you’re unhappy with it. My group and I sew for 3 charities and we are always needing bigger quilts for teens. It really is pretty.

Jordan 04-24-2021 07:05 AM

Very pretty quilt and the blue border will be very nice. What don't you like about the quilt?

sewingsuz 04-24-2021 11:18 AM

Of course what you have is nice and the blue border will brighten it.

Railroadersbrat 04-24-2021 02:46 PM

First off, I think it's very pretty. I've always loved the tulip quilts.

I'm going to agree with everyone that I think a border would be great to finish it, but I'm not going to agree with the blue. I didn't actually count the tulips, but you do have a lot of blue already in the quilt. Blue is an incredibly tricky color, it can illicit feelings of happiness, but it can also bring a person down and 'give them the blues', I think that might be the problem for you, the blues you have in this quilt are muted.

Quilting is already a challenge, sometimes we find ourselves not liking a quilt because of the colors we chose and usually not the reason we believe it is, i.e. for the overall look of the quilt. Color plays a huge role in our moods and emotions; too much red makes us excited, the wrong shade of gray makes us sad, etc. etc. Red and green together actually pulls my holiday blues out in the middle of July and I'm panicking and full of anxiety until I go find other colors to look at (usually an ocean blue, that calms me down). My family actually does not like shopping for fabric with me, because of my visceral reaction to red and green. By themselves, I don't have a problem, but put them together and I'm a mess. Like hyperventilating, uncontrollable shaking kind of mess.

Might I suggest something different. Maybe yellow or even a yellow-orange, bring it up to someplace 'sunny', if you're following my direction (I hope so, lol). Find something away from the palette you've already created and bring something in that is happy or joyful. I think once you do that, you're going to find your mood shift will actually help you come around and you'll love the quilt again.

bkay 04-25-2021 05:22 AM

I like the quilt. However, if I really didn't like it, I'd donate it. You could donate it to a charity like Project Linus which makes quilts for children in foster care. There are charities that make quilts for cancer patients, dialysis patients, African Children, homeless women, soldiers and many more that I am not knowledgeable of. They would be happy to take the quilt and finish it.

Then, there are the general charities which operate thrift stores. Here, there are thrift stores that take items and resell them and either give the proceeds to charity or use them to fund their own programs like the Salvation Army. Catholic charities is another organization that operates thrift stores here. Someone will find the quilt and enjoy completing it in that type of store.


Sharongn 04-25-2021 06:30 AM

It's a pretty quilt!
Looks like I'm the oddball. Lol. ​​​​​​Personally, i would use a darker aqua than in the quilt. Even a darker peach would look good. And i like the black too! I just think a darker border would make the colors pop more since it's more of a contrast. 😁

charlottequilts 04-26-2021 04:43 PM

I agree with Sharon that the border should be darker, not the bright aqua in the picture - that may draw too much attention and flatten out the colors of the tulips more.

What I would consider doing is to perk up the tulip colors via visible quilting, investing in some 40 or 30 weight thread in a stronger/darker shade than each of the main tulip colors - and either outline just inside the shape and/or do curves to create petals. That would brighten all of it, I think, and make the tulips stand out more against the white.

Once that was done, I'd be giving the white sashing the evil eye, in view of using pastel quilting threads to interrupt them up a bit and make them less flat. I'd go pale with that. It will add color and texture without shouting.


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