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jitkaau 05-15-2011 02:37 AM

All of the above.

Krystyna 05-15-2011 02:39 AM

Fun, gifts and charity mostly. Religious art quilts for sale.

sewobsessed1 05-15-2011 02:41 AM

If I didn't quilt, I couldn't breathe! lol.
I do them for all of those reasons you mentioned, plus it's a terrific creative outlet for me.

redeagle 05-15-2011 02:46 AM

Originally Posted by zennia
For fun and to keep me from constantly eating.

Me too but I wish it would do a better job when it comes to the eating part! LOL

alapetitechaise 05-15-2011 03:18 AM

For my own sanity and for utilitarian reasons. I work long hours in a very chaotic environment. When I get home I take great pleasure in the cutting and sewing. I would like to get paid but doubt that will ever happen.

Bonbonary 05-15-2011 03:26 AM

Just for fun. Most are given to family and friends.

east side quilter 05-15-2011 03:38 AM

for fun and sanity.

thenonnielady 05-15-2011 03:51 AM

I sew for family and friends. I donate to our Church guild who gives to Children's Hospital and Ronald MacDonald House. I like useful quilts.

Mommomjoann 05-15-2011 03:54 AM

Quilting has helped me in so many ways, it keeps my mind busy.After loosing or son 5 years ago, quilting has giving me peace of mind and strength to carry on. I'm so thankful for that,and having such wonderful friends.

sewcrafty 05-15-2011 04:05 AM

Fun! Always trying to figure out what to make and for who. :-) Someday I'll do for myself.

Lavada 05-15-2011 04:14 AM

Fun and gifts for friends made many quilts i have two i kept even sent my husbands favorite quilt with him to heaven

wishfulthinking 05-15-2011 04:14 AM

I quilt for fun, for gifts, for personal use/utility and most of all for the joy of creating a hopefully beautiful and useful object!

JanetWall 05-15-2011 04:16 AM


grannie cheechee 05-15-2011 04:18 AM

For fun. I have made quilts for pay (the cost of the materials mostly), but I've not put a quilt in a show.

charlotte625 05-15-2011 04:18 AM

fun, and gifts ...maybe if I ever get good enough I would sell one............but that will be a while and I don't see it ......Charlotte

Stitchnripper 05-15-2011 04:24 AM

For my own personal pleasure. If it turns out that someone gets one and likes it, all the better, but I enjoy the entire process.

gunny148 05-15-2011 04:25 AM

Fun and friends, Family..
i hate to say it but i'm working on them now sell, i'v been out off work 7 months now

jad1044 05-15-2011 04:25 AM

I quilt for fun of course, but usually with a person in mind whom I'm making the quilt for - I have not kept one qult I've made yet, but hope to someday get quilts for my entire family done and then I'll make one for myself; but in the middle of all the quilts for everyone else, I want to make an indian design quilt for my better half; he loves indian designs and animals relating to the indian world - and slowly I've grown a stash for that purpose; I even have the indian chief for part of it... thus, I consider the quilt partially for me too. But, I love flowers, and will probably make a flower garden quilt - in shadow boxes. Black/gray will outline each "window" of flowers. I did one quilt with only black sashing around the flowers and I used 25 different kinds of flowers in that quilt - so one or the other; I have the fabric, just need the time. It's tough living on the farm and still being active in outside life occasionally and keep up with my hobby too. There is always tons of other work that needs tending to in between the work and the "fun".

sinceresissy 05-15-2011 04:34 AM

I quilt for fun. I had to find something to do when I go so I couldn't walk and exercise like I use to. I had to find something that was relaxing and quilting was it. I don't sew on the machine much just do hand quilting.

Tinabodina 05-15-2011 04:37 AM

Self satisfaction and gifts

Homespun 05-15-2011 04:40 AM

I quilt for the love of quilting. My quilts are to be used.
I have given most of them away; either to family and friends, for weddings and for babies. I usually make a couple a year for our church to raffle for benevolence needs. I also Quilt for Kids.

ga447 05-15-2011 04:41 AM

I quilt for charity, our goal is 35 this year I have one other person who just does the sewing. Second I quilt for a family member and then just to learn.

Kuusistoquilter 05-15-2011 04:42 AM

I sew for fun and gifts. My DH wants me to start selling things. I just enjoy giving hand made gifts.

Jeanne Egeland 05-15-2011 05:03 AM

Just for fun. I like to sew.

ShySally 05-15-2011 05:08 AM

im 80 i quilt just to keep going .i love quilting

Linda1 05-15-2011 05:17 AM

I do it now for fun. I have always loved sewing. I used to do the longarm quilting for profit and began to hate it after 15 years. I am now trying to sell my old long arm machine and binder.

dinlauren 05-15-2011 05:26 AM

All of the above.,,,,,fun, self, gifts, friends, charity and sometimes for pay. Never for shows......I like the fun aspect of it.

Lucy90 05-15-2011 05:27 AM

Quilt mostly for fun and the love of quilting. Make for family and close friends. I also keep most of my quilts unless I'm making them for a special person.

Blackberry 05-15-2011 05:28 AM

Originally Posted by Wonnie
Just curious....how many of you quilt for fun, how many of you quilt for shows, how many of you quilt for pay, how many of you quilt for gifts and how many of you quilt for strictly utilitarian purposes (your new baby, your bed, your sofa, etc.)?

I quilt for fun and also it is a great way to keep my hands which are racked with RA in somewhat usable shape. I donate all of my quilts and well as doll clothes I make to local nursing homes or Ronald McDonald House.

GreatStarter 05-15-2011 05:29 AM

Fun and gifts.

collady 05-15-2011 05:42 AM

For the pleasure of it. The first quilt I make for money, will be the last quilt I make. I would hate to turn something that I love so much into work!

quiltmagnet 05-15-2011 05:55 AM

for fun...and for sons and daughters and grand children. I made one it was a sew along butterfly quilt. Boy did I learn from it. Some day I hope I can do another quilt as you go and maybe get it right. It gets harder for me because I am getting more and more arthritis in my hands but I love quilting even if it is simple.

GammaLou 05-15-2011 05:57 AM

Originally Posted by jillnjo
Fun and relaxation and the sheer joy of it all!

Same here :thumbup:

meanmom 05-15-2011 06:05 AM

I quilt for fun and relaxation/ I give them away or make them for family. Some to special people some to charity. Whatever suits me at the time. I have made a couple for sale but I only make what I am in the mood for. I tell my husband it is cheaper than therapy. Not sure that is true but I love it.

gramarraine 05-15-2011 06:05 AM

I quilt for the personal satisfaction it gives when the points, corners and seams match and the colors like great together. I quilt with a couple of groups, this fills my social needs. I quilt with the goal of giving each of my 14 grand children a beautiful quilt when they get married. This doesn't count the ones they get while they are still young. I quilt because I love to sew and it fills that need.

rexie 05-15-2011 06:12 AM

I quilt for charity and gifts and fun. Not good enough to enter into shows and contests.

sabaker39 05-15-2011 06:12 AM

I started quilting 7 years ago and it is good pain management. When I quilt, I am thinking about what I am making and who I am making it for. I have 17 spinal fusions and had a severely broken upper right arm (pin in for 15 months) and a frozen shoulder (surgery removed as much of the adhesions as possible). Left with limited movement of my right arm. So a friend introduced me to quilting and as I said - it is good pain management and my friends and family benefit from table runners, quilts, etc.

sall 05-15-2011 06:16 AM

I quilt because for the joy of it. I have made a lot that I have given as gifts, and a lot that I have kept myself. Would not be happy making then to sell, I would worry that everything has to be perfect.It keeps me occupied each evening, when I am sitting alone since my husband passed away. The other reason I keep quilting is because of the wonderful friends I have made in my quilting group.

quilter42 05-15-2011 06:20 AM

Because it makes me happy

Robinmg 05-15-2011 06:26 AM

For fun, family and friends. Once I hsave given to everyone I know I am planning on giving to charity. I would like to make simple quilts for the nursing home in town.

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