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-   -   Right now, this very moment, this is what my sewing room/space looks like (https://www.quiltingboard.com/main-f1/right-now-very-moment-what-my-sewing-room-space-looks-like-t104454.html)

Ms Elaine Va 03-04-2011 09:17 AM

Can I take you up on that offer to help me with my room? I have re-arranged all my stuff for the last 2 weekends. It still looks the same. If you a limited space and too much stuff it will always look the same. My goal is to use up all the stuff I have bought. My LQS is giving a " stash buster class" but all the patterns seem to require matching fabrics and use only 2 -3 fabrics. I think every one of the patterns so far have required that I needed to buy more fabrics to go with something I really wondered why I had bought it in the first place. I made a quilt for the class had to buy $40 worth of background fabric to go with the ugly fabric in my stash - end result- the ugliest quilt I have ever seen!! I 'm embrassed to even donate to charity!! I'm thinking of just giving some things away. Told my hubby if I die no one gets into my sewing room -how sad is that?

vschieve 03-04-2011 09:21 AM

Originally Posted by Ms Elaine Va
Can I take you up on that offer to help me with my room? I have re-arranged all my stuff for the last 2 weekends. It still looks the same. If you a limited space and too much stuff it will always look the same. My goal is to use up all the stuff I have bought. My LQS is giving a " stash buster class" but all the patterns seem to require matching fabrics and use only 2 -3 fabrics. I think every one of the patterns so far have required that I needed to buy more fabrics to go with something I really wondered why I had bought it in the first place. I made a quilt for the class had to buy $40 worth of background fabric to go with the ugly fabric in my stash - end result- the ugliest quilt I have ever seen!! I 'm embrassed to even donate to charity!! I'm thinking of just giving some things away. Told my hubby if I die no one gets into my sewing room -how sad is that?

ROFL - too funny!

aorlflood 03-04-2011 09:41 AM

Originally Posted by aorlflood

Originally Posted by sweetp2dt

Originally Posted by aorlflood
A couple weeks ago I cleaned my sewing room and posted pictures on my blog. I had cleaned up the sewing room because I had company coming.

Well...the company has come and gone and I have not yet started any new projects, yet, so the room still looks the same right now:


Saw your blog and it looks very nice! I love your sense of humor in your quotes. Chuckle Chuckle!

Thank you so much! Glad I was able to add some humor to your day! :)

(edited to make change...lol)

Rock Lady 03-04-2011 11:08 AM

Well, Praise The Lord! Here I was wishing I could have a wonderfully neat quilting space like everyone else on here has. Now I know I'm in good company, but I'm probaby messier than anyone else. I hate my messes, but I just stand there and don't even know where to start getting it all straightened up. I'll even bet there are more of us "messy" ones than there there are super neat ones. My 48 yr. old son says that the first thing he is going to do after I die is have a dumpster pulled up to the door and start cleaning house. Now, that's real love isn't it?

jigsymom 03-04-2011 11:28 AM

I have a quilting corner in my guest bedroom. Whats bad is I have to move things into the closet when we have guests. That you can't get a toe into . I had such plans for that small walkin closet. Bought the plastic drawers for fabric. But by the time I got other things in there I can hardly open the drawers. I keep wishing that the quilting fairy would come by during the night and tap her magic wand in the closet and set it all straight . So far she hasn't done it. lol And after looking at some of the photos I can see she is slacking in her job lol.

Quilter7x 03-04-2011 11:33 AM

Originally Posted by grann of 6
Just to make you guys feel better, here is a picture of my cutting table, piled up with, yes a mink coat, a lynx jacket, and several packages of newly purchased batting. We won't even talk about what is underneath that stuff. A friend wants me to see if I can repair a coat & a jacket she bought at an auction. No, they are not mine.

OMG, I about fell off my chair laughing at the caption of "unmentionables drying in the background". That is soooooooo funny! :lol: :lol: :lol:

vwquilting 03-04-2011 02:31 PM

I guess I am unique. My sewing machine is in front of my window in the living room. My stach is in a closet( floor to ceiling). My batting is under the bed in our guest bedroom. I cut the stuff out on my table, so only one stepis done at a time and the project at hand is on the sewing machine. It works for my hubby and me Yes he alsomakes quilts. He has 4 ready to sew I have 2

cbuchanan 03-04-2011 03:03 PM

There's no way around it. Quilting makes a mess (just ask my hubby who spent a good hour trying to get all the threads out of the central vac brush) But, I make a mess as I'm sewing but can only stand the mess for a short time. Sometimes I just have to stop and put away a few things so I can clear my mind. I am not a neatnick but I have to have some type of order. Some days I walk in my sewing room and wonder why I didn't hear the bomb. I absolutely have to have my stash orderly...that's a must. To each their own: we just want to sew.

Farm Quilter 03-04-2011 04:07 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I am at my daughter's home, so my cutting table is in my bedroom and I've taken over the dining room for sewing and ironing. Of course, I have only been here a week, so it's still pretty clean!

Sewing & ironing


vschieve 03-04-2011 05:11 PM

I'm going to use that excuse until 2013.[/quote]

ROFLMBO hee hee

Lucky Lindy 03-04-2011 05:59 PM

Where is the mess? All I see is creativity!

lots2do 03-05-2011 11:05 AM

I'd like to think that if I weren't working, my space would be a lot neater since I'd have more time to spend in it and on it. Of course, I won't be able to test this theory until I retire.

I am working on a few projects right now at the same time and it's been such a pleasure to be able to grab all the fabrics I need and just get to it. I don't have as much as any shop I've ever been to and don't plan on accumulating that much but I do have a healthy stash. Since I work hard at that job, and since I am not extravagant in any area of my life, buying fabric from time to time makes me happy.

I am trying to organize my space so that my good friend can come over and knit while I sew or knit. I have a comfy chair ready for her but need to get a bit more done. She is very laid back and supportive so thankfully it won't have to be neat as a pin for her to feel comfortable.

I went to a workshop once where the presenter said that some people just feel more comfortable with a nest of their stuff around them and that they also like to see their stuff. I think I'm one of those and while I admire those who can be neat as can be, I don't think we are all wired that way.

RugosaB 03-05-2011 01:42 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I suppose it may look a little neater than some, but I've waited years for this room, and since I have room for stuff, it's neater

kateyb 03-06-2011 07:05 AM

I am not a neatnick but can't deal with a lot of chaos either. I travel 250 miles every few weeks to take care of my mom. Mostly, she likes the company. Before I leave I straighten my sewing room so it is ready to go when I get back and so my husband can use his corner of the room in comfort. I share with him. He has 3' of a 12' table to do his photo stuff on the computer. He doesn't really mind when I am in creative mode and have pulled things out. We recently purchased a freezer and had to put it in the sewing room. It has become my design wall. I did have to move the ironing board to the guest room across the hall. I have a fold out cutting table so I keep a large area of the floor clear so I can use it when needed. I only completely unfold it when I am pinning a quilt, half up is plenty of space to cut. I have utility shelves (inexpensive)covered with a curtain for my fabric. It is accessible but neat. I have seen some good storage ideas here for tools so will probably do some of those to get better use of my space.

bevster 03-06-2011 05:17 PM


incoming2me 03-06-2011 07:19 PM

Well.. so much for my finishing my quilting room make-over anytime soon.

Friday morning I did a number on my left hand.
Long story short - a glass shattered in my hand while taking it from the table to the sink.
One trip to the ER, a sliced artery, and 20 stitches later...

I'll see a hand surgeon this week and my stitches come out either Friday or the following Monday.

Oh.. did I mention... I'm LEFT handed?

Just keeps getting better, doesn't it? :thumbup:

Sadiemae 03-06-2011 07:47 PM

Originally Posted by incoming2me
Well.. so much for my finishing my quilting room make-over anytime soon.

Friday morning I did a number on my left hand.
Long story short - a glass shattered in my hand while taking it from the table to the sink.
One trip to the ER, a sliced artery, and 20 stitches later...

I'll see a hand surgeon this week and my stitches come out either Friday or the following Monday.

Oh.. did I mention... I'm LEFT handed?

Just keeps getting better, doesn't it? :thumbup:

So sorry... Hope you have a speedy recovery.

SandyinZ4 03-06-2011 09:00 PM

Originally Posted by incoming2me
Well.. so much for my finishing my quilting room make-over anytime soon.

Friday morning I did a number on my left hand.
Long story short - a glass shattered in my hand while taking it from the table to the sink.
One trip to the ER, a sliced artery, and 20 stitches later...

I'll see a hand surgeon this week and my stitches come out either Friday or the following Monday.

Oh.. did I mention... I'm LEFT handed?

I second the speedy recovery and full use of your hand. Plus, get rid of those remaining glasses and buy some shatterproof ones. Pretty please!

Just keeps getting better, doesn't it? :thumbup:

incoming2me 03-06-2011 10:22 PM

Originally Posted by SandyinZ4
I second the speedy recovery and full use of your hand. Plus, get rid of those remaining glasses and buy some shatterproof ones. Pretty please!

Funny you mention that... when I got home from the ER..
I removed ALL glassware from the cabinet.
That evening I replaced them with the clear acrylic type glasses!

No need to learn that lesson twice. ;-)

Thank you all for your thoughts and encouragement.

The bandages came off this evening and although rather gory, I am able to touch my thumb to all fingers! YEA!!!
Strength will probably be the biggest concern. :thumbup:

frarose 03-06-2011 11:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I guess with all of our stuff it is hard to be neat. Here is my sewing room or at least part of it.

salami1952 03-07-2011 09:09 AM

Thats aweful, hope you heal quickly, and may God Bless you and keep you safe.

vlok 03-12-2011 06:53 PM

All I can say is WOW

Airwick156 03-12-2011 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by hperttula123
:) as long as you can find what you need, that's all that matters :)
I am a messy sewer. I have to take out everything and I don't like putting it back.

Haha I am just like you. Im a messy sewer sorta....I have everything I will need, may need, or think I will need on the table with me...As I cut, I have a little plastic tote on the floor for my scraps. When that gets over filled...I still add to it. But now that I am doing that 1.5 inch swap, I may not have many scraps to put in that tote.

countrycottage 03-12-2011 08:10 PM

Compared to our sewing room, this is extremely neat!

gramma8 03-12-2011 08:40 PM

I didn't know there was a 'neat' quilter, unless you mean a person who's 'really neat'. My room set aside for quilting is pretty messy. And I don't mean pretty as a form of flattery. It stays that way until I stop for one whole day and do nothing but straighten it. Very boring work, but I have been known to find some fabric I had forgotten about and start working on the project set aside for some reason.

Sandy65 03-20-2011 05:59 AM

I feel I fit right in with you ladies. I seem to know where everything is in my mess.

BobbiSue 04-17-2011 06:46 PM

cfly, I couldn't agree with you more concerning your slogan! Remember the old saying..... "Be careful of stones that you throw....."?

BobbiSue 04-17-2011 06:49 PM

Quilters, I need help finding a good online site where I can buy the Guardian Angel fabric in QUEEN SIZE... prefer Cotton but will use soft poly if necessary. I have orders for Q size quilt and can't find the fabric.... My email is [email protected] ..... Thanks bunches

BobbiSue 04-17-2011 06:50 PM

I thought the same thing UNTIL I tried to find my seam ripper today! Never did find it!

Originally Posted by Sandy65
I feel I fit right in with you ladies. I seem to know where everything is in my mess.

BobbiSue 04-17-2011 06:54 PM

I discovered if I wet my straw broom, I can sweep up most of my strings that way. Beats fighting with the vac! Course my aide doesn't agree~~~~)

Originally Posted by cbuchanan
There's no way around it. Quilting makes a mess (just ask my hubby who spent a good hour trying to get all the threads out of the central vac brush) But, I make a mess as I'm sewing but can only stand the mess for a short time. Sometimes I just have to stop and put away a few things so I can clear my mind. I am not a neatnick but I have to have some type of order. Some days I walk in my sewing room and wonder why I didn't hear the bomb. I absolutely have to have my stash orderly...that's a must. To each their own: we just want to sew.

clynns 04-17-2011 06:55 PM

You ladies and gentlemen are very couragous to post pics of your quilting room. I'm too embarassed. I have 20 empty totes to fill and maybe then I will show the pics. You give me enouragement. I just want to know what you are doing in my quilt room taking pictures??? LOL

BobbiSue 04-17-2011 06:56 PM

Love your chair nine patch pix

Originally Posted by knittersue
hi just got mine in working order again if I just stop moving things around

lots2do 05-16-2011 01:47 PM

Originally Posted by BobbiSue
Love your chair nine patch pix

Originally Posted by knittersue
hi just got mine in working order again if I just stop moving things around

Yes, I love that chair, too. Was it hard to cover?

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