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Gramakitten 01-07-2012 02:48 PM

you will be very happy with you finished quilt Belles/Valarie.

JudyG 01-07-2012 04:03 PM

Belles, your two quilts from the original row robin are beautiful. That was a really good way to do it (make it into two quilts). I may have to think about doing that to mine when I get back to Washington (where it is).

Ripped on Scotch 01-16-2012 12:37 PM

We have all been very quiet... how are we all doing?

I have all the stuff cut out and ready for Kathy's border...just need to sew it all together. My husband actually helped pick out the border this round so we shall see how it turns out.

Jersey Gal 01-16-2012 12:43 PM

Very nice.

Ripped on Scotch 01-17-2012 07:15 AM

I looked at your top again... I had to go back to the drawing board. I realized its a Robin Pandolf fabric line and you don't have any applique on there at all! I decided that had to be changed. I was at a guild meeting where she was the speaker a few years ago(she was returning home from that meeting when all her quilts were stolen) and since she loves applique i decided you need some on your top.

Belles.hold 01-17-2012 09:04 AM

[QUOTE=Ripped on Scotch;4880913]We have all been very quiet... how are we all doing?[QUOTE]

I've been brought low by a bout of the stomach flu, which is finally allowing me something besides Jell-O and vegetable broth. I did finish Michelle's 7" row and am starting on Judy's 5" row. Hopefully I'll be able to post a photo of both tomorrow and then get it into the mail. Like everyone else's quilt, I'm eager to see a photo of my quilt. Belles

JudyG 01-17-2012 03:54 PM

Sorry to hear you've been sick, Belles. Take care of yourself, and let the quilts wait til you feel better. No one is in a big hurry. Your health is most important.

materialgrl 01-18-2012 09:39 AM

Ditto, hope you feel better

virtualbernie 01-18-2012 10:04 AM

Originally Posted by Belles (Post 4851824)
Well, half of my photos appeared. Here, (I hope) is the quilt with rows #1 thru #6. Uncross and recross those fingers, toes and eyes please. Belles

PS I'm so excited after reading that Gramakitten thought all of you did a wonderful job on my Round the Rows. And you're right Kathi, we DO do good work. [ATTACH=CONFIG]301218[/ATTACH]

Belles, they are gorgeous!

virtualbernie 01-18-2012 10:08 AM

Congratulations ROS! I'm so excited for you! Just imagine, the groups' having their first baby! He'll have lots of Gramma's and Aunts! LOL!

Gramakitten 01-19-2012 07:22 AM

Originally Posted by Ripped on Scotch (Post 4883445)
I looked at your top again... I had to go back to the drawing board. I realized its a Robin Pandolf fabric line and you don't have any applique on there at all! I decided that had to be changed. I was at a guild meeting where she was the speaker a few years ago(she was returning home from that meeting when all her quilts were stolen) and since she loves applique i decided you need some on your top.

I agree Kelly

shaysmema 01-26-2012 12:04 PM

Hi all, keep losing this group, I think you are hiding from me. Just reread the thread from the start and these quilts are turning out beautiful. Cong ROS a new baby boy I know you will enjoy him. When are you due? I have 2 boys myself and they are the loves of my life. Also wanted the group to know that I will be having surgery on Friday the 3 The doctor says I have a 89 % blocksage in my coradid artery and he is going in the clean it out. I should only be in the hospital a day or so, then back on here if i can find you. Please keep me in your prayers. Now back to business, who has my rows? I haven't seen them in forever. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

JudyG 01-26-2012 04:29 PM

Glad to hear from you Barbara. I'm sorry to hear about the need for surgery. We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Hopefully, it will be a simple procedure and you'll be up and around in no time. Don't worry about the quilting - it will wait. Take care of yourself.

Ripped on Scotch 01-27-2012 07:26 AM

My offical Due date is May 16th. About 3 more months to go! it seems to be going by fast sometimes and other times it feels like it's so slow. Bust times ahead I guess.

Barbara I hope your surgery goes well and you have a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself!

materialgrl 01-27-2012 10:04 AM

Yes , Barbara please take care of your self, its amazing how fast they release you from the hospital now a days,please take care

virtualbernie 01-27-2012 10:05 AM

Barbara: Good thoughts and prayers to you for a speedy recovery!

ROS: My pregnancies seemed to speed by until my 9th month, then those last weeks seemed to crawl by and it didn't help having a co-worker calling me every morning saying, "Girl, you haven't had that baby yet?" lol

Gramakitten 01-27-2012 05:37 PM

ROS I have the blue/embroidery top of Valaries/Belles ready to send out the first of the week. Will let you know what day for sure. Keep well everyone. Kathi/Gramakitten

Handcraftsbyjen 01-28-2012 12:17 PM

I've never heard of a row robin but it sounds fun. Please post pics when you are done.

JudyG 01-28-2012 01:09 PM

Originally Posted by Handcraftsbyjen (Post 4919528)
I've never heard of a row robin but it sounds fun. Please post pics when you are done.

This is a modified row robin. We did four (or five) rows and then are doing 3 (or 4) rounds. We post pictures each month as we get our portion of each quilt done. It's been lots of fun and the quilts are turning our beautiful.

JudyG 02-13-2012 07:04 AM

It's been awhile since anyone has posted here. Just checking to see what everyone's up to. Got an email from Mish and she can't seem to get on the Board so will be check in with her by email. Hope everyone's well and busy sewing.

Ripped on Scotch 02-14-2012 10:05 AM

I think i have redone the applique on my round now about 4 times! i am so picky about it! but I finally have it all ready to go out I think. I'm going to try to get it to the post office tomorrow morning. Sorry it's so late Belles.

Belles.hold 02-14-2012 06:27 PM

ROS, I still have Michelle's and Judy's, so I can't fault you with being late. And applique on the last row will look smashing! Thanks to all for their beautiful work. I can't wait to see everyone's completed top. Belles

materialgrl 02-16-2012 10:07 AM

ROS ,could you tell me which row you did on your quilt , I have yours now and need to know which way is the top. Sandy/materialgrl

JudyG 02-16-2012 12:36 PM

Sandy, the original row on ROS's quilt is on page 2 of this thread down toward the bottom. Her row consists of two blocks with white snowflakes on them and two blocks that I think are the blocks she used the paint stiks on. Hope that helps.

materialgrl 02-16-2012 04:42 PM

Yes , thanks

Ripped on Scotch 02-17-2012 05:39 AM

Yes I'm the paintstix row.... I received Val's blue quilt last night. And sending out the rows I have today. I finally finished the applique and my husband approved of it too! I hope you guys like the look of it. I'll try to find the camera before I send it out.

CarrieC 02-17-2012 05:41 AM

Wow that is cute! I hope we get updates as the rows are completed.

Ripped on Scotch 02-17-2012 01:18 PM

sorry Kathy I didn't find the camera and I sent out your rows to Belles this morning. You should see it soon Belles. Now to figure out the blue round....

Belles.hold 02-23-2012 09:35 PM

Originally Posted by Ripped on Scotch (Post 4983926)
sorry Kathy I didn't find the camera and I sent out your rows to Belles this morning. You should see it soon Belles. Now to figure out the blue round....

I received Kathy's "Shabby Chic" (I think that's what she called it) today, February 23. And I finally, finally finished Judy G's and Michelle's Round the Rows and I hope both quilters are pleased with them. I will take photos tomorrow and send it on to you all. Belles

materialgrl 03-04-2012 12:44 PM

Grammakitten, are you still at the Fl. address , I have mine ready to mail ? I have a small problem, I had 7 inch border in my mind and thats what I made, It should have been 7 1/2 inch border, can we live with that or should I take it apart. It did come out cute as it is though. Maybe the next round could make it a 9 border and then it should be right on size schedule.

JudyG 03-07-2012 09:18 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I am finally up and around after being flat in bed for over a week with an really nasty upper respiratory infection, and decided it was time to get Sandy's quilt done. I really, really struggled with what to do with this one and decided to try to take it back to where it started, so since I had some bird fabric, that's the direction it went. I hope it's okay with you Sandy. It just seemed to me that the it was taking on a life of its own and getting away from its beginnings. Sorry the pictures aren't better, but I really don't have a place to take good pictures when the quilts start getting bigger.

In addition to posting the pictures here, I am going to send them out by email because some people are not getting notices on this group. And, I don't want to mail it off to Barbara until I hear from her that it's okay to mail. I haven't heard from her and don't know if anyone else has since she had her surgery a while back.

materialgrl 03-07-2012 09:29 AM

I love it any direction it has taken, very pretty

Ripped on Scotch 03-07-2012 10:10 AM

very pretty ladies, I can't wait to get mine home! I havent see it since I posted the first row!

materialgrl 03-07-2012 10:48 AM

I took a picture, but am having camera issues so I will post as soon as I can

JudyG 04-04-2012 10:43 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Sandy, here is your completed top. I did the final round for Barbara and it will be on its way home this afternoon.

I will also send picture by email as I know some of our members are not getting notifications.

How are the other tops coming along?

virtualbernie 04-04-2012 12:41 PM

Originally Posted by JudyG (Post 5116150)
Sandy, here is your completed top. I did the final round for Barbara and it will be on its way home this afternoon.

I will also send picture by email as I know some of our members are not getting notifications.

How are the other tops coming along?

Gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

Ripped on Scotch 04-05-2012 04:17 AM

Can you believe that the 2nd set is already starting to make their way home? Its crazy how fast it sems to have been.

materialgrl 04-06-2012 05:25 AM

So Pretty. I don't have one to work on. is there 1 out there some where. Grammakitten. did you receive the 1 I sent you?

JudyG 04-06-2012 07:32 AM

Sandy, I think you are probably done. I just sent yours home, and the next one I get should be Barbara's, which will then go home to her. Unless we are really off somewhere, you've probably worked on all of them. I can't believe we are finishing up.

materialgrl 04-07-2012 06:29 AM

That makes me sad. This has been such fun,received mine yesterday. So pretty,now just to finish it. Thanks everyone

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