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Mary M 08-29-2010 08:16 PM

You know, you are right. I have bought quilter magazines through Sew It's for Sale and other things too. Many times I would send cash and always trusted the gals because a person can get a good feeling from trust. Too bad there are some bad apples in the basket.

Originally Posted by Bobby's Girl
My guess is that woman is NOT a quilter. Quilters are good people who wouldn't take advantage of another person. She probably bought the frame at a yard sale or a flea market at a low price because of the missing pieces. You might try an ad in the paper to ask if anyone has rails for that model. There's an off-chance that whoever she bought it from (if she did that) has the other pieces. In the meantime, contact the sheriff's office and file a report. Such a dishonest person may be well-known there.

texas granny 08-29-2010 08:17 PM

Originally Posted by Mary M
I hope you guys will let me vent for I need something to get me picked up. I seen a Grace Machine Quilter [I think this is one of the first ones they made for a home sewing machine] advertised and went to see it during the week. I had been wanting to get something to make sandwiching and quilting easier for my bad back. The woman bragged it up and said it would be wonderful for a person with limitations like myself. It was taken apart so lots of parts to look at. The woman did tell me all the parts were there and told me to look it up on the internet to see what it looked like. I did, and then I decided I would buy it with assurance from the woman that she would come Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning to help me put it together. Saturday came and went and I thought I would start putting it together since I did have the instructions. I got as far as installing the tracks and discovered there were only two pieces of track but the assembly parts listed six.
I emailed her letting her know that these parts were missing and would she bring them with her when she came Sunday mrning. Did not receive any response from that. Sunday morning came and still hadn't heard from her so around 10:00a.m. I called her to find out when she was coming, for sure. Tried both her cell no. and house no. but no one answered. I then waited until noon and tried again to contact her, but no answer so I left a message saying I would like to have my money refunded because not all the parts were there and with no one to help me put it together I wouldn't know if I had it right.
Well about 2:00 she finally calls and acts all indignent about the matter and told me she was calling the cops because I had threatened her.! Ouch! I was so upset I could hardly speak. [she finally said she would come out. At first she said all the parts were there and then she says she used it with just the two tracks[one is a 60" and one is a 52".] She said I just had to move the tracks WHILE DOING THE QUILTING!! I reminded her that the parts list specifies 6 rails of varying sizes and it cannot be used without the tracks. She stomped and continued to say things that were not true. I wasn't going to argue with a crazy lady and it was clear to me she didn't give a hoot about screwing someone. I live alone and did not even feel safe with her. Now I know, I did some no no's such as paid her in cash, belived her when she said all the parts were there and belived she did intend to help me put it together...it wasn't in writing for I had mistakenly trusted her. I guess I am stupid to be that way, in this day and age of greed, but darn it why do some people have to be that way? I don't know what I will do next. I am supposed to be avoiding stress with recovering from cancer treatments. Will take a deep breath and hope this woman comes to her senses. Thanks for letting me vent. BTW does anyone have some extra tracks? :cry:

Mary can you have a friend come over when the sale lady is there Just in case the lady get mean. this way you have a witness and if the lady doesn't give you your money back. Take her to small claims court

wvdek 08-29-2010 08:26 PM


wvdek 08-29-2010 08:26 PM

I agree with Amazon and if that doesn't work, you can go the bluff route. You only think you can't. Put your big girl panties on, take a deep breath, and give her the what for. You can do it. She has been bullying people her whole life, she thinks of herself as a victim and wants to take anyone down with her she can. Don't let her get away with it. You worked hard for the money, she false advertised, tried to weasel her way out of it, then lied and lied again. Tell her you have been in contact with the police dept. Tell her you are going to send a complaint to Craigslist and that you have the document written up to let other Craiglist users know how poorly she does business. Tell her you want a l refund, cash, and she gets the machine back. End of story. Tell her anything that won't get you in trouble, but confront her. You have rights and you are the victim. You need to stand up for you cuz no one else can.
Believe me, you will feel better after all is said and done. Ask me how I know.

jljack 08-29-2010 08:26 PM

Mary, these things happen. I'm sorry that you had such a hard time with this woman. She obviously isn't very honest and not kind or caring. Best thing is to take it as a lesson, and buy the missing parts and get on with it. Going out to get revenge or try to force her to do anything different will only add to your upset and frustration. Set your face to go forward, ignore that woman's mean spirited actions, and go forward with your new toy. Don't let this bad experience hinder you any more. Best of luck...and you know you will find support and encouragement here!!

ssnare 08-29-2010 09:09 PM

I would contact the better business bureu in your area, if she sells other items. I would let her know that I was going to do this also. What goes around, comes around. Above all, your health is the most important thing.

amandasgramma 08-29-2010 09:21 PM

Call your local quilt shop and ask if they know anyone that can help you put it together....there's bound to be a hubby out there that can help! Too bad we're so far away cuz my hubby would help you! I have a frame by Grace. The plastic tracks you're talking about aren't expensive. I called about them and they're something like $5.00 each. If you have a Pfaff dealer near you they probably have them on hand. If you ask them, they'll come put it up for you (generally) for a price. DON'T GIVE UP!!! There's a way! It's not a hard frame to put up. We've put up 2 of them so far...

skydiver70 08-29-2010 10:08 PM

Does your local TV station have a consumer line where they investigate issues like you have? We have one in our area where they investigate the matter for you and they get great results most of the time. They even get consumers their money back.

Hope you can find some help.

earthwalker 08-29-2010 10:14 PM

Lots of very good advice and help so I won't add more...just want to say..Hang in there and don't be worried or scared. Most bullies are all mouth and no action...sending love, light and peace from the land of Aus.

Lori L 08-29-2010 10:49 PM

As my dear grandmother use to say....."don't get in the mud and fight with the pigs, they like it and you'll only get dirty." I agree with others here on the board....report this issue to someone of authority (who won't buy into her crap) and post a negative post to craigs list warning others to beware of the crazy lady. I'm sorry you've had to go through a situation like this. I too am a very trusting person and always expect others to be honest and trustworthy as well. The few bad apples out there leave a bitter taste in our mouths! Big hugs to you!

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