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-   -   SUNDAY DECEMBER 2 - CHAT and "CLASS" - MACHINE STITCHED HEXAGONS (https://www.quiltingboard.com/main-f1/sunday-december-2-chat-%22class%22-machine-stitched-hexagons-t3318.html)

patricej 11-25-2007 06:17 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Guess I extended the invitation for this past Sunday on too short a notice. We'll try again on the 1st.

As always, we can - and i'm sure we will - talk about all sorts of things this afternoon. as the chat goes along, though, i'll be posting photographs of the steps i take to machine stitch hexagons for the Grandmother's Garden. (nooooo ... you won't have to guess what they're about. i'll explain them, too. LOL)

The attached file does not include those photographs. it does include a supplies list and some templates. if you have all your patches ready by the time chat starts, you might have a finished block before it's over. assuming, of course, that you don't have toooooo far to run back and forth between your computer and your sewing machine.

my method is not unique and probably not the fastest because i rely on printed (or drawn) seam allowances. that means extra prep time beyond just cutting the hexagons. in the end, though, it's the fastest method for me. not having to worry so much about whether or not i'm sewing in the right place saves me ooooooodles of time. every other method i've tried so far takes me longer than it does to just stitch the stinkin' things by hand.

if you use them all, you'll end up with a 12-" square block, give or take a bit. that will depend on:

:?: the accuracy of the templates - which i haven't tested so i won't guarantee they're 100% exactly the right size
:?: whether or not you remember to turn off the page scaling when you print what you need
:?: how accurately you cut your patches and - if you're making them by hand instead of printing them - how accurately the seam allowances are drawn onto the backs of the patches
:?: will we hit that ever-elusive perfect 1/4" seam?

There are some rules. You are required to follow these rules to the letter if you want to participate in this part of the chat. They are:

1. RELAX!!!!!
3. RELAX!!!!!
4. HAVE FUN!!!!!

If you break any one of the above rules, the hem of your skirt will get stuck in your pantyhose or undies the next time you're someplace reeeelllly important and public. if you break more than one, you will either belch or something worse at the next most-worst-possible moment. if you break all four rules, you will not be able to find the most important fabric for your next project.
:shock: :mrgreen: 8) :wink:

Chat starts at 2, USA Eastern Time. Remember ... you don't have to play with us in Grandmother's Garden if you don't want to. It will be a regular chat, too, with some "class" thrown in as an extra. (For once i can say i'll have some class. WOOHOO!!! LOL)

We always find lots of different things to talk about. Just bring along your favorite beverage, maybe a snack, and DEFINITELY your sense of humor. :P

Knot Sew 11-25-2007 07:25 AM

A beautiful pattern, but not sure if I am up to it. I printed itout but have a question :?: Didn't you add seam allowances...the dotted lines are sew :?: lines or we add them outside of them..........this will be fun.......could we do the same pattern making BIG hexagons :?: thanks :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

patricej 11-25-2007 09:50 AM

you should see two sets of lines on the templates. the outside is to cut along. the inside lines are to sew on.

if you don't see two sets of lines, you may have forgotten to click the "advanced" button before you printed in adobe acrobat reader. you need to put a checkmark next to "print as image" and select the highest resolution your printer offers.

you can make your hexagons any size you want. print the templates on paper. use your rotary ruler to add as much as you want outside each cutting line. (just don't forget to move the sewing line, too. :lol: :lol: )

i forgot to add two things to the supplies list:
- put in a new needle. a sharp needle makes a LOT of difference when machine stitiching hexagons - or anything else the involves Y-seams.
- straight pints.
- seam ripper

for those who CAN count, i forgot three. :oops: :lol: :shock:

you won't hurt my feelings, ruth, if you don't try digging this garden. feel free to just watch and laugh along with us as we plant our flowers. but i believe you ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY CAN do it if you just take your time and have a little faith in yourself. we aren't going to be taking fancy-shmancy uberquilter steps, here. very simple, basic. and i'll be giving detailed tips each step of the way.

ShellyQ 11-25-2007 10:53 AM

Sounds like fun :D , but where is everybody, have I missed y'all :(

amma 11-25-2007 11:51 AM

Thanks Patrice for the class, I was sooo happy to hear that it is rescheduled and that I can participate. Looking forward to learning how to kick the Y seams butt instead of it kicking mine :lol:

ShellyQ 11-25-2007 11:54 AM

I'll be there, sounds like fun. I need alot of practice with Y-seams lol

Cathy M 11-26-2007 07:18 AM

You are the fabric Goddess!!! I've always wanted to learn this, so hopefully my granddaughter babysitting duties will not coincide with this class.

patricej 11-26-2007 06:40 PM

That's very kind of you to say :P

ceannastahr 11-27-2007 09:27 AM

ok glad I get to do this one afterall I was sick all weekend.

I have everything you mention on the list except 1 I can't deside what I want for the straight pints. Don't know if I want some wiskey or maybe some rum.

Cathy M 11-27-2007 09:32 AM

Can we drink wine instead? Its a bit early in the day to start drinking, but if Patrice has ordered us to do this, I guess we shall!!!! :):) Do we have to keep our seams straight while drinking?

bj 11-27-2007 10:04 AM

Dedember 1 is actually on Saturday. I can't wait to do the Chat class. "See" you at 2 on Sunday. Thanks for doing this. I've never done Y seams and am anxious to try.

nanabirdmo 11-27-2007 10:15 AM

:-) WOW :shock: are we ambitious or what??? i copied but don't know if i will be able to be there. is it saturday the first of dec. or sunday the second? also, will the class be repeated like our last one?
sorry to be such a nag, can you tell i am intimidated by this class??
thanks for offering, i'll bet it will be fun. hard work for you. thanks again.

patricej 11-27-2007 10:44 AM

apparently, the hard part wil be figuring out what day it is ... and which planet i'm from. :lol:

SUNDAY, December Whatevertheheck-iguessitsthesecond.

straight pints or straight pins ... up to you. but if you go for the pints, either bring yer own durned bandaids or keep your paws outta my pins.

the class is an experiment to see whether or not i can do ya'll any good in an online thing. if i do it a second time, it wouldn't be for a while. but since the pictures, tips and transcript will be posted, i'll be able to keep answering questions long after.

there is no reason to be intimidated. it won't be a race or a contest. there will be pictures. just look in the mirror ... tell yourself you CAN do it ... you WILL do it ... and guess what happens. YOU DO IT. :mrgreen:

ripstitch 11-27-2007 02:28 PM

Sunday at 2:00!

I'm going to try to be there. I've tried a couple of times to sew hexes by machine and it was a disaster, hence I'm still EPP'ing my Grandmothers Flower Garden, but I also enjoy handwork, so its not really an issue. I'm just curious to see if there is a workable way to piece these little buggers on a machine.

Thank you for offering to do this! Cheers, Helen

DonnaRae 11-27-2007 05:52 PM

Wow, this is awesome, I have been wondering how to do the hexagons by machine. I always see just hand sewing and was beginning to wonder if anyone did do it by machine. Thanks lots for the class. I will be there! :D

MAXIES2 11-27-2007 10:59 PM

I hope to be there on Sunday, however its xmas party time at the marina where my boat is berthed on the Saturday night and the agm on Sunday afternoon, but I will do my best as I enjoy learning new techniques

kathy 11-28-2007 04:27 AM

Connie, all I have is safety pints, can I borrow a straight one, tequilla please! And we'll wonder Y are we here!

ceannastahr 11-28-2007 05:38 AM

Kathy np one pint of tequilla coming right up

patricej 11-28-2007 03:39 PM

somebody had better show up with a pint of kaluha and cream for me! i'll teach you how to dance on tabletops, too. 8)

Connie Hadba 12-01-2007 12:26 AM

Thanks for offering the class Patrice. I've been away finishing up another quilting challenge and teaching new quilters, so have just found the invitation for another online class.

This one sounds like it will be just as much fun as the other one. I'll be sure to tell my husband not to turn off everything until I say he can during this lesson.

If I can get the pieces cut out in time, I'll be there. 2pm EST is about 9pm here in Lebanon. Another late night, but that is Okay. I love to join in these chats.


mimisharon 12-01-2007 07:06 AM

Wish I could DO this class tomorrow, but have the Festival of Trees here in Jax and they have the quilt quilds quilts lining the walls this year. Will be there snapping away. I'm sure it will be wonderful Friend, you always have the answers and helps. I'll look for the "how to" next week.


ArtquilterNEWWAYtoQUILT 12-01-2007 10:44 AM

:wink: Soooo glad we're having another class, learned a lot on my first and our first so will be coming that way!!!

loves_2_quilt 12-02-2007 05:59 AM

I have my "make shift" sewing area set up near the computer and have my hexagons cut and am marking them before I get ready for church. I will be here as soon as I get home.


patricej 12-02-2007 08:58 AM

i have to move my computer to the machine because a friend is coming over to sew along, too. NOT looking forward to disconnecting and moving the baby, but it will give me a chance to straighten out some of the electric spaghetti behind my desk. it's waaaay past time for that, anyway.

gotta sign off in a bit while i rearrange. see you guys at 2!!!

Moonpi 12-02-2007 09:57 AM

I'll be a watcher too. Since Vista hates my old printer, I didn't print the pattern. Made a reservation at the library yesterday to use printer there, and just popped into Hancock's "for a minute" and library was closed.

Gotta think of it as karma, so it must mean other projects come first.

ShellyQ 12-02-2007 10:15 AM

I'm here :P Good to go :thumbup: Hope Patrice managed to untangle her wires :lol:

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